DISCLAIMER : I don't own Harry Potter.

I gave my best to end the story. I wrote a small note at the end of the story. Thank you for reading this story.There are nearly 3k words.

Chapter 15 – The New Age.

Magic Great Britain had nearly been destroyed. It was thanks to the combined effort of British people and some foreign people that had graciously accepted to help them.

Voldemort had attracted the attention of Queen Elizabeth II, who was known to know the existence of Magic Great Britain, whom had decided to get ride of Voldemort. She had sent her army to kill Voldemort and his personal army. Some soldiers were squibs and some others wizards, they had sneaked around Voldemort to be able to fully kill him. Once Voldemort's death had spread around Magic Great Britain, people had began to panic once they knew who had killed him. For centuries, since the Witch's hunts, Magic Great Britain had been hidden. Wizards and Witches from Great Britain feared what Queen Elizabeth II could do. Every single Death Eater had been hunted down and killed. It was a radical way to purge the Dark Lord and his subalterns, but according to Queen Elizabeth II it was necessary to assure the safety of the non magical beings. Non magical beings were allowed too be safe from any threads that occurred in their lives.

But the intervention of Queen Elizabeth II had consequences. Some of wizards and witches were glad to start a new life, to build another future for their community. But other people like the magical government were not happy with the current events. Soon the population was divided in two camps : the first wanted to build another future and make progress, the second wanted to eradicate the thread that was Queen Elizabeth II and her Kingdom. It led to another war between wizards and witches – this time – against Great Britain. Magic Great Britain had always been late in the case of evolution, the other community always had adapted themselves to the current evolution of the non magical. Wizards and witches weren't prepared to face any non magical. When one of the children of Queen Elizabeth II had been injured by a wizard, the war took another turn of events.

Magic Great Britain hadn't the best level of population, with the two wars with Voldemort it had never evolved. With the new war with Great Britain, the population had began to decrease. Of course, only people who were involved in the war were injured or killed by Great Britain's army. But they had never went back on their decision, the wizards had began to invade non magical homes and had killed them. Outside of the war, the magical King of France had set a meeting with Queen Elizabeth II in hope to understand what happened between the two people. Several magic and non magic kingdoms had began to call Queen Elizabeth II on meeting to know her reasons of war. At the end of those meetings, they had all understood her actions. However this war must stop. So they had reunited several volunteer to send in Magic Great Britain to the wizards whom didn't want war.

Days after days, weeks after weeks then something had happened. A new Treaty was signed between Magic Great Britain and Great Britain with non magical and magic kingdoms as witnesses. Magic Great Britain could breath again. The war had lasted five years, Magic Great Britain took more damage than Great Britain. Everything was still fragile. Every wizard or witch – of eleven years old – from non magical family wasn't ready to go to Hogwarts in a devastated society, they didn't trust the British magical world enough to engage in a new journey. Dumbledore had decided to set a syllabus for all those young new wizards and witches, whom would be homeschooled until things would be better for both worlds.

It had took time.

It had took time for Harry to accept his Soulmate, Prince Elendil. They had both took their time to fully understand each other, know each other, accept each other. Harry had taught Prince Elendil to always be careful and not pressed things. Prince Elendil had taught Harry to feel loved and important. They had stayed together far away from everyone until they had began to be in couple, Prince Elendil had asked if he wanted to go back in his palace. Harry had agreed. He had began to get to know his Soulmate's family, his role in the future, other magic, and to accept apologizes from his friends and family. Harry had spent most of his time with the Prince, he had attended to events even if he didn't like it at all, he had been accustomed to Elves' culture.

"Do you not want to eat, Harry ?" Elendil asked softly worried about his soulmate.

He had been strangely more quiet than usual this last days. Elendil had waited for days for Harry to speak, but his patience never paid off. Harry always kept his issues for himself. He never asked for help. Harry wasn't someone who ate much due to his childhood, Elendil and his family were trying to help the young werewolf with this issue. It was hard. And it would take time for him to adjust.

"I'm.. not hungry." The werewolf whispered.

Werewolves ate more than any human on Earth. They needed more energy than mankind. It was weird to see a Werewolf with eating disorder. Harry had been diagnosed earlier that year with eating disorder. He had many other issues to deal with. Elendil, his friends, his family, Harry's family, were all trying to help him. But Harry didn't really trust them with his life. He was careful, distrustful, always watching behind him – which was good though – but Elendil thought he needed to be able to trust his loved ones.

"I… I'm afraid, okay ? I know that issues take time to deal with. But I don't honestly think that someday they will disappear. They will always be a remainder of my past. I'll always be dealing with them. I know you're all trying to help me, I know you're thinking that I need to trust more people.. But you need to know that all the people I trusted years ago betrayed me. I can't take this risk anymore. I can't.. The Potter and Zabini are both trying to have some authorities on me, I don't want any parents or relatives controlling my life, my thinking, etc. I just want support. One week ago, my dear Uncle tried to sign up me for dance. I don't want to do that ! I'm perfectly fine with what I have, I don't want to be a mindless puppet for – "

Even if things were better nowadays, Harry had still trouble with people in general, with his own family. One step was taken, two steps were taken back. It was hard to help Harry through this. He had good days like bad days.

Lilith was currently the Ninth Demon King – Queen in her case – with Hermione to her side.

Hermione was struggling to accept her new role among demons, in this new world, she knew that people weren't all happy to see her, a werewolf. Lilith supported her the best she could, however she must be seen as fearless in front of her Realm. Her father and brothers encouraged Hermione to prove herself to make sure that people believed her to be worthy of her rank.

"I don't understand…" Hermione sighed closing the hook she was reading about the history of the demonic world.

Lilith raised an eyebrow. "About what ?" She asked putting away some papers she had signed, she would give them to her father a little bit later.

"It said that young demons must go in school for twenty years…" Hermione began recalling what she had read.

"Twenty human years." Lilith corrected.

Hermione nodded. "I know. But is it not too much for them ?"

Lilith blinked. Her soulmate was a smart werewolf, she was thirsty of knowledge. But she lacked of something that was very important in her world.

"No. Young demons aren't growing like humans or every other species, well.. fallen angels are similar. Twenty years is actually two hundreds years. During those years, young demons learn how to read, how to write, how to behave in society, how to speak – very important because there are several languages – how to fight in case of war, how to control their powers, how to act in the human world, how to… There are several things that a demon must learn, know, to live correctly in our society. It doesn't matter if you're a male or female, or even a third gender born male or female, everybody is equal. Mankind cannot fully understand us. They often describe us as villains, the bad guys in every single fuckin' story, it's the same for the fallen angels. You were human before you got bitten, I know it's still hard for you to adapt – don't give me that look I know you're still adapting to your new life – but there are some things that you learned as a human that you must let go. For example, kill someone for their crimes is forbidden in the United Kingdom, right ? Here, for some cases, the culprit is killed. Stop. You can't change that. It's only for murderers – there are exception if there is a war – and rapists. War is different. There are also crimes of war, a bit like in the human world during WWII. It's a bit similar, it happened years ago, but now it's rare."

Hermione opened her mouth then she closed it. She didn't know what to say. The Werewolf loved asking questions to her lover because she always answered to the best of her abilities. Currently, Hermione was trying to have a degree in demonic history and mankind history to teach someday to young demon. She didn't see herself to do nothing while being to her lover's side.

Ron was nervous, a bit too much nervous to his own opinion. He was currently standing in a public place with his mate, the other smiled brightly to him giving courage to face his siblings. He had agreed to a meeting. He hadn't see them in years. He had – of course – heard about what happened in the United Kingdom. It was sad, but at the same time the English had asked for it.

"Relax." Celeborn said touching his shoulders. He kissed Ron's cheek and smirked.

"You're clearly not the one whose meeting his siblings !" The werewolf protested blushing and looking away.

"Ma.. Poor little wolf." The prince mocked with a smile on his face.

Ron tried to ignore his teasing as he looked around hoping to find his siblings. He had agreed to meet only his siblings, he didn't care about his parents anymore, he had found his in-laws when he had discovered his Soulmate. Humans were walking around, some were eating and drinking, others were laughing and talking. The day was bright, Apollo was shining, the vast sky which reigned over them was blue as the ocean.

"Are.. they your siblings ?" Celeborn asked interrupting his thoughts.

Ron looked up in the direction he pointed. He watched as his six siblings walked together in the streets looking very modern – it seemed they had chose to adapt to the modern world – all looked anxious. Fred and George had recently opened a joke shop in Salem, they had told him during their exchange in letters what had happened to them from school to now. Charlie was working with Dragons in Romania while Bill was working with Goblins. Percy had surprisingly decided to work as a teacher in a school for hybrids. And his little sister was doing some jobs to pay her studies to get a degree.

"Yes. They are." He answered.

When they arrived, Celeborn immediately offered to lead them in a private place to talk in peace. They all agreed. It was a wonderful idea. Celeborn decided to leave them alone after that, his mate needed to go through this alone. As Celeborn left the room, Bill stepped towards his little brother and hugged him. It was the signal for the others to hug Ron. They spent a long time hugging each other. It sounded like they did in their childhood.

"I missed you." Ron admitted to his siblings, a tear rolling down on his cheek.

Bill hugged him tightly. "We missed you too."

"We are happy to finally see you, Ron. We were all excited and nervous at the same time for the past days." Ginny said with a small smile.

"Me too. I'm so glad you don't actually hate me." He whispered looking a bit sad when he thought at what his mother and father told him back to those days.

"We never hate you. You're family, okay ?" Bill told him frowning.

"Our parents are just being stupid. How can they accept Remus Lupin as friend in their years at Hogwarts, and not accept you ?" They huffed. They were still angry to their parents for hiding the truth and abandoning their brother.

"They are not my parents anymore." Ron said not looking to his siblings fearing their reactions.

"it's your right to reject and resent them for what they did, Ron." Fred replied pulling his younger brother in his arms.

Ron smiled brightly. They smiled back. Then, Ron decided to introduce them to his mate – Celeborn, whom had been waiting outside of the room.

"It has been a while since we haven't been together by ourselves." Hermione said with nostalgia to her best friends.

The werewolf trio was lying on the fresh grass, Apollo was shining over their heads, the vast blue sky and the green forests with the beautiful lake made the day perfect for them. Lilith was busy running her realm, Celeborn and Elendil were both busy with Royal events. So it was a perfect day for them to gather in one place.

"Yes. Do you hear about Hogwarts ?" Harry asked looking to the blue sky.

"Yes. They are welcoming wizards and witches from everywhere, hybrids, and magical species. It's a great step for Hogwarts, and especially Magic Great Britain." Ron answered recalling what his siblings said.

Ron's siblings were keeping taps on Magic Great Britain.

"The population is still low in Magic Great Britain though." Hermione mused rubbing her hands absently.

Harry nodded. "Yes, it will take years for them to rebuilt their population. It'll be probably better, well I hope so. It's time for them to adapt to the modern world."

"They must look up to the other magical communities, they are good example of how they run their society." Ron added with a small smile on his face.

"I don't think I'll be back to Magic Great Britain." Hermione admitted to her friends. "I mostly stay in Lilith's realm and by extension in her family's realm and here. I'll travel too. But I don't think I'll return to Magic Great Britain." She explained.

"Me too. Too much bad memories even though I loved my time at Hogwarts." Harry quickly agreed.

"My siblings are out of the place. I see no reason to go to Magic Great Britain." Ron said rolling to his right.

The three friends proceeded to talk about their life with their mate, chatting and laughing, they decided the next hour to have lunch by the lake. It was a nice place to have lunch. The weather was perfect.

A new Age rose over the magical communities, it seemed to be good for everybody, especially Magic Great Britain which had been stuck in the past for years with no improvement or adaptation to the modern world. Magic Great Britain would take a few decades to become great like any other magical communities.

Author's note.

This is the end of the story. The plot was : Harry, Hermione, and Ron were bitten by a rogue Werewolf. Then, you know they got banned from the magical United Kingdom. And somehow they succeeded in getting a new life : pack, family, love, friendship. During the writings of the story, I often felt like the story wasn't good. The first chapters were good – for me – but slowly it got acceptable and then.. terrible. I thought about rewriting the story, but I finally decided to not because there are plenty of stories which need to be finish. And I've so many new ideas. I'm not really satisfied with the story, I think it's kind of.. bad. I'm pretty sure I made mistakes in some sentences or even in the structure, I'm still learning after all. I'm sure that the story is lacking of description, I'm trying to improve that point to make my other English stories better, it's kind of hard when you always have to search your vocabulary and to avoid literal expression (for one word I can search for ten minutes to find the best word to write). I read a lot of English and French stories, so I'm doing my best to improve in both languages. I hope you guys enjoyed the story even though it was kind of bad.