Chapter #5:

Forgive & Forget

XXX BBQ Restaurant XXX

Everyone sits around eating and cheering however Naruto can't get what Ino and Sakura told him during the test it's his fault that Sakura's parents had abandoned her he's to blame for a lot of things that went wrong in Sakura's life and she's been so kind even invited him to stay with her, he knew some way somehow he had to do something to help her but what? There wasn't much time to think on this however because everyone was cheering at Naruto's victory.

Choji chugs down a whole bunch of meet as if it were beer and with a full mouth shouts "Here's to Naruto back in action once again!"

Ino whacks him over the head "Swallow before you speak!"

Choji smiles "Sorry!"

Shikamaru sighs "Seriously though Naruto those were some killer tactics even I had no idea you could use Shadow Clones the way you did out there."

Naruto shrugs "Well you know the Master Jiraiya trained me well"

Jiraiya standing over Naruto sighs "So it's only around me you call me the Pervy sage now huh? Well don't sell yourself short my young apprentice you worked hard and although some things were a bit too tough you managed leaps and bounds of things I never thought you would achieve!"

Naruto smiles "Thanks, I guess."

Jiraiya sighs "Sheesh it's a mission in itself giving you a compliment anyway I'm glad you and your friends are gathered together having fun but I just dropped in to tell ya I'm on my way out of the village again soon."

Naruto looks concerned "Why?"

Jiraiya nods "You know why and no you cannot come I'll let you know my progress through Tsunade but don't worry your strong enough to protect yourself and those you hold dear I have faith in you. Anyway see ya!"

Naruto stands up "Pervy Sage! Wait…"

Sakura pulls Naruto back "Naruto trust him he knows what he's doing he's one of the Sanin just like Lady Hokage and…"

Both go silent and say together "Orochimaru…"

Rock Lee cuts through the silence and shouts "This is supposed to be a party so let's celebrate!"

Everyone even Neji raises a glass of beer in Naruto's honor with a smile

The Night goes on and on with dancing cheering and a lot of drinking after all it was a special occasion they were all together again eventually they all went their separate ways but Naruto had some thinking to go so he told Sakura he'd make his way home later that's when he came across them Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno at a 24/7 Bar drinking and eating.

Naruto walks up none shalantly and orders a beer sitting right next to them they go to stand but Naruto's not having any of it "Sit down!"

Without any rebuttle they sit down "S… so y… y… yo… you're back then?" Kizashi asked. Kizashi wore a green and blue Kimono and has lavender purple hair the bizarre shape it had, had when Naruto was a kid/teen had been shaved he still wore his clogs though.

Naruto nods then takes a sip from his glass "Yeah just got back a few days ago, met Hanami too. Only regret I have is not being able to watch her grow up." He turns with a angry fire in his eyes "I'm sure you'd know all about that seeing as you abandoned both your daughter and granddaughter, why just cause she's my daughter!?"

Mebuki who had been silent until this point shouts "Exactly! Sakura is not my daughter not since she bred that… that… thing!"

Naruto slams his fist on the bar leaving a dent "That thing… as you so eloquently put it, is my daughter and you haven't even met her so don't you dare compare her to what I am!" they both looked shocked at his anger or rather what he was angry about. Naruto sighs then nods "Yeah, I know I'm the prison for the Nine-Tails and he could go on a rampage at any moment, I don't expect you to ever accept me. I know plenty of Villagers have accepted me after what happened with the sand and then Sasuke but more than 50% still see me as the Nine-Tails I will have to work hard at being accepted by them"

Kizashi looks almost sympathetic towards Naruto "W… wh… why… why are you telling us this?"

Mebuki nods "That's what I'd like to know!"

Naruto sighs "Sakura… she is the most kind and caring person I've met sure she can be passionate and back in the day she certainly gave me a peace of her mind especially when I deserved it, but she was caring when me and Sasuke fell unconscious during the Chunin exams for more than half of it do you know who kept us safe from three Jonin Level Shinobi"

Mebuki shakes her head "Your lying!"

Naruto laughs "You would think that, I mean she didn't do it alone when she was nearly killed her friends helped out my point is when you told her to get rid of her child not only were you to her asking her to murder an innocent child but…" he stops mid sentence then looks to Mebuki "How would you have felt if your parents told you to get rid of Sakura?"

Mebuki frowns "They wouldn't they didn't they…"

Kizashi touches Mebuki's hand and whispers "But what if they had…"

Mebuki frowns "I guess, I forced my anger onto Sakura I mean I lost lots of family in the Nine-Tails attack."

Naruto sighs "I never met my parents because of it. I mean I don't know who they were, but Lord Hokage told me little bits like I say ya know whenever I get excited like mum and I sometimes trust people almost too much like Dad. You can hate me all you want but stop punishing Sakura and Hanami, I mean…" tears start streaming down Naruto's face "You should see her little smile when she sees me, when she doesn't get her way she stamps her feet almost like there's a fire underneath her."

Kazashi laughs "Just like Sakura!"

Naruto smiles "She loves piggyback rides, and whenever cream is involved most of it misses her mouth."

Mebuki smiles tears streaming down her face "Just like Sakura."

Naruto nods "Now I am going to be a part of my daughters life, Sakura even offered me to live with them to make up for lost time but… that doesn't mean you can't make up for lost time. She's your granddaughter come and meet her tomorrow morning, I'll put breakfast on and you can join us."

Both cautiously look him over "Why…? Why are you doing this for us, we've never been kind in fact we were the worst of everyone who shunned you."

Naruto smiles "That's easy I'm not doing it for you… I'm doing it for…"

The next morning Naruto is making eggs and bacon for five people "Sakura, hey can you please get the door I'm just about to serve breakfast up."

Sakura sighs "Sure, but I think you got too many plates there's just three of us."

Naruto snickers "Not for much longer."

As Naruto sets the table for everyone Sakura walks over to the door and before she even opens it asks "Is that you Shizune, look if it's not important can it wait I'd really like to enjoy breakfast for…" she opens the door and sees her parents standing there she's barely audible "once…" she stutters trying to find the right words "M…. m…. m…. mu…. mu…. mum… Mummy? D… d… d… da… da… da… dad… Daddy? Is that you?"

Both nod "Yes, Sakura it's us."

Without even thinking Sakura slaps her mum and dad in one solid strike and gasps at what she did "Oh my god! I'm so… so… sorry, I… I didn't mean to it's just…"

Kazashi embraces his daughter with tears streaming down his face "It's alright little cherry blossom you did nothing wring it is we who should apologize to you, all these years we were so stubborn and angry it did more harm than good, if you'll forgive us, we want to try and be a family again."

Mebuki nods "Yes, I'm truly sorry, I let my stubbornness and pride keep us away from you and your daughter and…" tears start flowing "I'm just so sorry my cherry blossom.

Everyone is crying when Hanami enters the room looking at everyone crying and gets very grumpy "Who are they why… why they make mummy cry."

Naruto bends down and picks Hanami up "Those are your grandparent they're mummy's mummy and daddy."

Hanami looks excited "R… really?"

Mebuki and Kazashi look to Hanami and reach out "Hello, it's nice to meet you." Mebuki says with a genuine smile.

Kazashi nods "Yes, I am your grandpa and this is your grandma, we'd like to get to know you if that's okay."

Hanami looks to Naruto, Naruto places Hanami on the ground and nods "Give them a chance, you'll see they're okay. But first breakfast, it's all been served."

Sakura gasps then slaps Naruto repeatedly "You knew… you knew… why didn't you tell me mum and dad were coming!?"

Naruto chuckles "To see what your reaction would be plus, I didn't want to give you false hope in case they changed their mind."

Sakura sighs "Come on mum dad, Naruto makes wonderful food."

Both smile and walk towards the dining room and they all eat, laugh, and cry as they all catch up Kazashi and Mebuki even talk to Naruto without forced smiles, they had finally stopped hating him for no reason and Naruto had forgiven them they were now a whole family once again.

Hi everyone sorry this has taken so long, and sorry if I repeat some stuff, it's 3:40 am and yeah, this will be the last chapter I get done in a while I just know you've all been patiently awaiting this chapter but yeah as I said it'll be the last one for a while cause I'm really busy at the moment I'm in #2 Short-Films for Tafe #1 Play organizing my youtube channel to upload on a more regular basis been sucked into all the social media platforms; Twitter, Instagram that whole thing not to mention I'm in a leading role in a play and I have to focus on my own studies at Tafe so yeah...

Busy, busy, busy...

Anyway hope you all liked this chapter I will write it when I can please Review when you can as it will help inspire me, only reason I'm not putting a review milestone is cause I know it'll be a while before I get to it, unless I get a sudden burst of inspiration, which does happen from time to time. see you guys next time.