I don't own any original characters, but only own the 'new' ones bla bla, the usual ranting about permission etc you guys get the idea. Sorry for my absence but I've had a difficult time lately and have only just been able to start writing my own stories again (I have been actively doing a Collab with Kodiwolf321 named Too good at goodbyes, check it out it's an awesome story). Anyway, here's the next part of the series. Enjoy :)
Kodi's Family: Wake Up
Chapter One: Scar
Kodi wakes up in the vets' office, looking puzzled. His head pounding with pain as he tries to get up. 'Ouch', he groans as he falls back down onto the table. The door opens and the vet walks in. 'You're awake. Good. We thought we'd lost you buddy.' Kodi looks down and sees a scar spanning his entire chest. 'That explains the pain', he thinks. From the corner of the room Shadow walks up to him. 'How're you feeling', he asks. 'Painful. And very weak, but that's okay. All I need is to see Dusty.' Shadow nods and walks out, returning with Dusty 2 minutes later. 'Hey there', Kodi says as Dusty walks in. 'You're awake', she says practically throwing herself upon him. 'Easy with the hugs Dusty my chest hurts.' Dusty looks down and sees the scar also, jumping back and looking at him scared. 'What did that to you?' 'I don't know, but…' Kodi looks at his mate, anger starting to build up in him again. 'Why did you leave me Dusty? You could have saved me.' Dusty looks at her mate, who is now growling at her. 'It's time to go Dusty', Shadow says, pulling her back. They both walk through the door, throwing it shut behind them. Suddenly, a crash against the door, and Kodi growling at scratching at the door trying to open it. Dusty looks at Shadow with fear, and sees fear in his eyes too. He turns around and runs of into the cold breeze.
That's it for Chapter one. I'll be back soon again. Ghost Out