OK! This is a rewrite! The first attempt turned out badly, so here's a fresh new start! Thank you to ThinMintE for being a beta to this story! Well, hope this is more enjoyable (and more understandable) than the first attempt!


Everything is alive. From the living beings that inhabit our planet to even the rocks, the mountains, the wind, the sky, the waters and the ice, everything has a breath of life.

The living beings all flourish with life, growing and growing. Their Life Energy flows within, through the red blood that flows within their veins, the heart that beats and feels, the mind full of thoughts, and in their very nature to live.

The earth, the sky, and all the other elements are just as alive. Their energy may be of a different nature, of the planet, of the Gaia, but they are just as alive as the living beings. The movement of the earth below, the whisper of the wind, the flow of the water as it moves from high to low, from spring to sea, the fire that burns and flickers, and even the ice that is so cold.

And together, they make up the planet. One giant living organism full of energy, of Life and Gaia Energies.

Yet, there is another Energy the two shared… It is a catalyst, the spark of change that creates what would be seen as miracles to mere mortals, or catastrophic disasters. As such, Chaos is quite a fitting name for such kind of Energy…

And it is through Chaos…

The wind is unusually strong today.

It is an observation made by every inhabitant in Mystic Forest. Most of the birds are quick to huddle in their nests, waiting out the gale, while some daring avians take to the sky, riding the strong currents with extreme shows of aerobatics. Their feathers scatter in the wind, swirl around and around before something happens.

The wind carries Gaia Energy. It is through that energy that the wind moves, able to conjure up forces as strong as a hurricane or as faint as the mere breath of air being breathed out. Alone, it is nothing but wind.

But when a little Chaos is added…

…Beings called Spirits are born.

Impossibly green eyes blink open. They stare up at the endless blue sky, a color reflected in the deep blue fur. The shed feathers of the avians brush against the soft pelt, forming a cloak of sorts. They rustle, catching the wind as it breezes by.

And the Spirit smiles, the first breath of life flickering in those green, green eyes. Knowledge is gifted as instincts, and with that first breath, the Spirit laughs, rising to join the avians in the never-ending chase of the wind.

That was my beginning you just saw. Blessed by Chaos, I was born, with the wind as my eternal companion, its whispers in my ears and its restlessness in my bones. The wind is I and I am the wind, one and the same both of us are. It is the start of my life.

But it is not the start of the story I will tell you.