Chapter Three: Sweet Home Ala-Storybrooke!
"I'm sorry Ma'am, we don't have any more vehicles available right now. In fact, all of the other agencies in the next 100 miles are fully booked up for this weekend." The sales representative at the car rental place tried to explain. Emma could feel her eyebrow twitching as she tried not to explode with her child still dozing away in her arms. Leia had slept the way to the airport, the flight and now as they were seemingly out of a vehicle that was supposed to take them the rest of their journey.
"So what you're telling me is I PRE-BOOKED a car, you people TOOK MY MONEY, and now you have NOTHING left?! NOONE has ANYTHING?" Emma seethed, emphasizing her point every few words.
"Yes, I'm sorry. There seems to have been a glitch in the system. I wish I could explain it further but I am going to be completely honest and tell you that I have never seen anything like this before. We are currently working with upper management to figure this issue out, and I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you." The man replied sympathetically, while casting a look down to the babe in her arms.
"What am I supposed to do? Run to the dealership and buy a car?" Emma was close to tears of frustration. She already did not want to make this trip back to Storybrooke, but she was. For Henry.
"Well that is always an option, and you could return it back before the 30 day warranty is up and receive all of your money back as well. It just seems to be a hassle….. What I can do for you is call you a cab or a carpooling service to take you to your destination. Free of charge of course, while we work on refunding you the purchase price of the rental. If you save your receipts, we will also be able to reimburse you for the cost of the Lyft or Uber until you can get into a vehicle." The man offered, while typing away at his computer to refund her back her purchase.
"I don't even know how long I'm supposed to be staying…" Emma shook her head as she ran options through her brain. She was in need of a newer vehicle back in Tempe, but she was unsure of how Leia would take the drive back instead of the plane. Then again, she could use this as a road trip opportunity with the child and show her a few things along the way.
"I-Uh… is there a Subaru dealership nearby?" Emma exhaled deeply, now she would have to go through the process of selling her old Outback once she returned because there was no way she was going to be paying insurance on two SUV's.
"The closest one is about 9 miles away; would you like for me to request you a ride?" He asked pulling out his company phone.
"Yes please." Emma rolled her eyes looking down at all of the heavy items she was now going to have to lug around.
"Okay Ms. Swan, we have our experts installing your car seat right now, it should only be a moment. Here are your keys, again just a reminder because you had our previous model. The Ascent you have chosen is going to be slightly different. It is slightly larger but you also get all of the same safety features. It's a push to start, so when you're getting the baby in and out, you don't have to worry about having the keys on hand, as long as they are near the car, the car will run. Did you have any other questions for me?" Rico, the car salesman who saw how flustered she was walking in had been a great help.
"They're installing the car seat rearfacing , correct?" Emma asked, watching her daughter crawl around on the carpet inside of the small office.
"That's correct; we also gave the car a show floor ready finish, even though it's brand new. It has been covered in Zebart as well; these Boston winters tend to be a bit harsh. I took the liberty of having them put your suitcases as well as the strollers into the vehicle as well for you. They should be pulling it up momentarily." He confirmed. The paperwork had all been signed, all that was left for her to do was buckle Leia in and making the stomach churning drive back to a place she swore she would never go back to.
"I can't thank you enough, this has been extremely stressful. I'm just happy to have transportation to get her around." Emma thanked him, while standing up to collect her child. The bright white and black Subaru Ascent was shining as it slowly pulled up. Emma was giddy to slide into the buttery leather seats. This was the first new car she had ever purchased. Before she did not see the point, especially when she first bought her old Outback to have something safer to drive around with a newborn. Leia's medical bills during the first 5 months were damn near crippling. Then every surgery on top of that. Her medical bills before insurance kicked in was well over 2 million dollars before she even hit a year old. Between her NICU stay, the premature birth, medical procedure after medical procedure, the cost of medications and therapy, added to the fact that Emma had zero experience dealing with anything like this, it was extremely overwhelming. Even after insurance she still end up paying the cost of a house out of pocket to make sure her daughter had access to every available treatment possible.
"It's no problem! The next time you are ready to upgrade, make sure you stop by." He shook her hand firmly before walking her down to the car. Emma double-checked to make sure the car seat was secure before she buckled her daughter in.
"Okay Baby Girl, Storybrooke here we come." Emma whispered, pecking her daughter on the head and receiving a dimpled cheeked grin in return,
AN: All mistakes are mine, will edit later. The next chapter should be up soon, and Emma will come face to face with the town and Regina.
Hello Peeps, I appreciate the questions that all of you have and encourage you to ask more. First disclaimer, this story is slow burnish at times. Many of the details that you guys have questions to, have been implied or will be revealed in future chapters. Remember we are only in chapter 3 of 35, so everything that needs to come out will come out. I did previously mention that more of the dynamic of Flynn and Emma's relationship will come out in later chapters, while also mentioning that they are not romantically involved. Leia's parentage is also heavily hinted, but will also be clearly stated how/why/and what occurred. Flynn is also a Disney character, who I decided to use from the movie tangled. He has been used in some of my previous works as well. So you can expect to see him frequently . So if you don't know him yet, don't worry I have no problem fleshing his character out for you guys J. If you guys are confused about anything else, I encourage to ask me. I'm very open to communication