A/N: This is a story about Red having an adventure through many regions, so you should be expecting mostly filler, but I'll try to make them entertaining. Also, the Red in this story is a mixture between the Red from Pokemon Origins and the games.






It was cold, and the winds were incredibly powerful. Blizzards were occurring continuously without stop and the ground was covered in snow. This was Mt. Silver. One of the tallest, if not the tallest, mountains to ever exist in any region, also being one of the most dangerous with powerful pokemon and horrible conditions.

But, these factors didn't seem to bother a certain young man that was seen looking down from the tip of the summit as he had his left hand in his pocket and his right hand gripping the front of his cap and holding it down as his shirt swayed from the winds.

The young boy had fair skin, and his body was lean but had some visible muscle. His hair seemed to be straight and black in colour with his eyes glowing red, on his head was also a red cap with the front being white.

He donned a black t-shirt witha red jacket over the top that had a white collar and sleeves, he also wore a pair of blue tight jeans and white and red running shoes. Finally, he had on black fingerless gloves and six pokeballs that were attached to his waist and were hidden by his jacket.

From closer inspection, you could see the figure of a small pokemon standing atop his right shoulder. It was small in stature and was yellow, the pokemon resembled that of a mouse and had a tail that was shaped like a lightning bolt. This was none other than Red and his partner Pikachu.

For those who don't know, Red is the one true champion of the Kanto region. A long forgotten champion. Why? It's because he had left for Mt. Silver and had stayed for over four years, that's why everyone had forgotten him, his name only being remembered by a select few of individuals.

Red lifted up his cap, revealing the glowing red eyes that now stared towards the vast mountain range. His eyes showing power and superiority, he recalled everything that had happened to him since arriving atop the summit of this cold desolate mountain.

He fought his way to the top, battling against powerful pokemon that rested within. Mt. Silver is known as an incredibly dangerous place for a damn good reason, some even refer to it as the Champion's Peak. The four years that he spent here, he felt like they went by so slowly, but those slow years had made him into someone of great strength.

He recalled when he told his friend and rival, Blue. That he was going to be staying at Mt. Silver, he could remember clearly the shock that his rival displayed, it was understandable. Red had requested for him to keep it a secret, even from his own mother. If he remembered correctly as to what Blue told him, Lance was filling in as Champion for both Kanto and Johto after his disappearance, while Blue became the Viridian City Gym leader.


"..." Red turned his head slightly after hearing the small cry of his Pikachu, he stared for a second before smiling and looking back towards the horizon. "Perhaps... it is time for us to go beyond what we have currently."

Two Days Later

Red was now seen walking through the airport with Pikachu still standing on his right shoulder, his cap was still covering his eyes as he walked through the place. The only thing different was that he now had a black and red backpack swung over his right shoulder, where Pikachu was standing.

Pikachu and him had just landed in an entirely different region and were interested in what they were going to find, they left Kanto around a day ago and the flight had taken quite the extensive amount of time. As Red walked out the front doors of the airport, he gave a small smile as he looked up towards the sky where the sun was shining.

"Excuse me." Red's slightly emotionless voice sounded. His voice was directed towards a man that was walking past him, the person stopped and nodded at Red. "Can you tell me what city this is? I've just arrived from Kanto."

"Oh, of course. We're in Lumiose City, and welcome to the Kalos region!" The man smiled. Red nodded his head as he then walked off. Red felt a bit uncomfortable talking to the person, considering the fact that he hadn't spoken to another person for an entire four years.

'Alright, time to find this place called... Alpha Strike?' Red thought. Red had previously returned Pikachu to his pokeball before going out, this being because his Pikachu was kind of adventurous... 'Why did he call me to such a place?' Red frowned.

Pushing away any thoughts that may slow him down right now, Red quickly went to a map that was displayed and scanned over the contents. The city seemed to be separated into different plazas, he searched for the name of the restaurant and managed to locate it.


"Is this it?"

Red frowned slightly as he had found himself standing in front of a small looking cafe, it didn't look anything out of the ordinary, so maybe it was just a normal meeting. But, there was an aching feeling that he was going to be proven wrong really soon.

Ren then proceeded to walk towards the cafe, when he was quickly approaching the front entrance, a man turned towards him who wore a butler outfit, he looked quite old as his beard and hair were pale grey in colour. "Hello, how may I assist you?"

"..." Red didn't answer for a second as he turned his crimson eyes towards the man who shuffled nervously under the gaze, he actually seemed slightly afraid of him, the man has seemingly frozen under Red's gaze. Red lowered his cap as his eyes were covered again.

"C-Can I help you?"

'What did he tell me to say before?' Red thought. Red then thought back to the conversation he had not too long ago, it was with the person who asked him to come here, and they told him to say something when he arrived. Red remembered as he stated. "May the song of revolution sound within its crimson boundaries. "

"!" The man seemed to widen his eyes after Red said this, Red didn't know why, but he seemed to have had understood. Red watched as the man looked around before turning backwards. "Please, follow me. Champion Red"

Red widened his eyes slightly at this, it seemed that this man remembered who and knows who he really was. Red didn't say anything as he just proceeded to follow the man into the cafe. When they entered, it looked like a normal cafe, but that was when the old man went up to the counter and pulled on a hidden lever.

Red stepped back as a staircase opened up underneath the front counter, the man gestured towards Red to proceed, Red nodded before heading down. He saw the place close up as he walked down the stairs of the now revealed hallway as lights began to turn on as he went down.

When Red reached the bottom, he was greeted by a room that was now completely lit up, it looked like a luxorious cafe that was equipped with the latest technologies. Red looked around further and saw that there was a massive battlefield at the end of the cafe with strong looking glass surrounding it.




"Welcome, Red." Red widened his eyes at a very familiar voice, the voice definitely sounded like it belonged to a young man. When Red turned his head slightly to the left, he saw someone that he could never ever forget the appearance of.

It revealed to be a young man around Red's age, the person had fair skin and had spiky orangey-brown hair along with eyes of the same colour. The male wore a black sleeve-less shirt and a short-sleeved green jacket over the top, he also donned pale purplish tight jeans and black leather shoes.


Red said in a surprised tone, though it was low. The person in question grinned towards the crimson-eyed boy as his eyes seemingly shining, this person was none other than Red's rival ever since he had become a trainer five years ago, Blue.

"It's been how long, four years? Four years since you went to Mt. Silver?" Blue asked. Red could already tell that it was a rhetorical question, Blue then walked up towards Red and held his hand towards him. "It's great to see you again, Red. You idiot."

"..." Red stared at Blue's hand for a second before giving a small smile as he accepted the gesture. "It sure has, Blue."

"Welcome to my cafe, Red. Well, we have a lot to discuss. And also to talk to you about the reason why I called you, which is more than one thing." Blue stated seriously. Blue then gestured his thumb towards the couches on one side of the place.

As they both sat down upon the black leathered bouncy couches, Blue sat on one of them as Red sat on one of the adjacent seats to him. Blue had closed eyes for a second before looking up towards Red with a serious expression on his face.

"After all these years, you finally return. Tell me, why did you do it? Why did you leave for Mt. Silver to train for so long?" Blue asked bluntly. Red stayed silent as Blue looked at him, the silence seemed to annoy Blue as he gritted his teeth with shadowed eyes. "Tell me, Red! Do you not understand how we felt?!"


"Red...!" Blue had sat up from the couch as he shouted his words, he then slumped back down as small tears formed on his face. "Red, we waited so long for you to return. Especially, your mother! After you told me to keep it a secret from everyone, my grandfather immediately knew something was up, and I had to confess it to him..."

"..." Red seemed to look a Blue at this, while he didn't want anyone besides Blue knowing where he was, Red knew all too well that Professor Oak would find out some day. Blue then gripped both hands on his face as the small tears made it through.

"I felt so guilty... do you know why, Red? Do you know why?!" Blue demanded. Red seemed to lower his head as he looked to the right to avoid looking at Blue. Blue then stood up again as tears flowed. "It's because I had to lie to your mother! Time and time again! Telling her that you would be back and that you weren't dead! Do you understand the guilt?!"



"... I had to." Red answered. Blue looked at Red with slightly widened eyes before glaring. "It was to protect you all, I just feel like I needed to become stronger, like it was a necessity for me to protect the ones that I love." Red then lifted his hat and looked at Blue with his crimson eyes, them not seeming to affect Blue at all, understandably since Blue and him were very similar. "I truly do apologise for my absence, that is all I can say."

"I... I-I-I just can't..." Blue sighed as he wiped the tears away and fell back down onto the couch. "I may not know the full reason for why you left us... but, I know that you did it for a reason. You always did things like that..." Blue had managed to say with a smile but with tears still dripping down.


"I-It's just... It's just..." Red looked at Blue as Blue then looked at Red with his tears mostly gone, but there were still signs of them. "It's just good to have you back."




"It's good to be back," Red responded. Blue smiled at this and gave a sharp nod, as much as Blue wasn't exactly fond with Red, he still actually considered the quiet guy to be a friend and big rival of his. It was silent for a bit as they rested on the couches before Blue said something.

"You know, you're going to have to face your mother again one of these days," Blue stated. Red looked towards the brown haired male before looking down and crossing his arms. "She's really missing you, it'll bring her great joy to see you again."

"... I know, I'll go back when I'm ready." Red said bluntly. Blue sighed as he heard his rival's tone, Blue knew that when Red spoke like that, that he was being serious and there was no changing his answer.

"Very well..." Blue sighed once again. Blue then looked at Red before looking at his waist before grinning, Blue then stood up and grinned. "I have an idea. How about a battle, for old times sake?"

"A battle?" Red asked in surprise.

"Yeah! I want to see just how much stronger you've gotten ever since staying on Mt. Silver! I'll tell you the other reason I asked you to come here after the battle!" Blue grinned. Red stared for a second before giving a small smirk as he stood up. Blue, seeing this, smiled in response. "I knew you'd accept, you always were a battle nut!"

With that, both of them made their way towards the field where they entered through the glass doors and stood on each side of the field, Blue being on the left, and Red on the right. Red adjusted his hat before lifting it up and looking at Blue in the eyes.

Blue grinned at this, he knew that whenever Red stares his opponent directly in the eyes when battling that he was going to be serious. Red would only do something like this when he knows he's facing an opponent that isn't to be messed with. Blue, being his rival, was definitely someone Red saw as powerful.

"I'm warning you, Red. I haven't been slacking off these past four years, I've trained hard, so you better be ready!" Blue shouted. Red smiled before grabbing one of his pokeballs. "This will be a two on two battle, the first person to have both unable to battle loses, agreed?!"


"..." Red answered with a nod of his head. Blue nodded back before grabbing one of his own pokeballs and holding it in his own stance with one of his arms on his waist.

Red Vs Blue

2 Vs 2

"Go, Jolteon!" Blue called out. Red just threw his Pokeball towards the field along with Blue as both pokeballs opened with a flash of red, that was when two pokemon emerged on the field. Both trainers caught the now empty pokeballs before attaching them back on their waists.

On Blue's side of the field stood a pokemon on all fours, its fur was yellow and spiky with its eyes being black and having sharp teeth. The pokemon's fur closely resembling that of electricity and had electricity sparking off of it.

On Red's side of the field was none other than Pikachu. Pikachu was standing diagonally to the right with its back slightly slouched and both arms hung down in front of it as it stared at the Jolteon on the other side of the field. Pikachu's eyes widened when he saw Blue and Jolten as he looked at Red.

Red noticed the gaze that Pikachu gave him, Red responded by giving a smile and a small nod of his head. Pikachu grinned before turning back and smiling and shaking in excitement, the same could be said for Jolteon. Blue grinned at their pokemon's behaviour. "That's right, Jolteon! It's time for a battle with Red, let's do this! Use Quick Attack!"

"..." Red didn't say anything as he looked at Pikachu who looked back at him and saw the look in Red's eyes, Pikachu then vanished from sight along with Jolteon as they could both be seen rushing around the field and clashing against one another in a battle of immense speed. "...!"

"Use Swift!" Red was surprised when Jolteon vanished from Pikachu's location, the electric mouse also stopped running as it looked around in confusion. That was when Jolteon appeared behind it and had stars surrounding its body. "Now!"

"!" Red widened his eyes when Pikachu was barraged with the Swift, he watched as Pikachu was sent flying but managed to recover as it skidded across the ground. Pikachu, depsite being hit, grinned at Jolteon who did the same. Red smiled at this.

"I know you feel it too, Red! The excitement of this battle!" Blue shouted. Red held his arm forwards as Pikachu nodded as it jumped up. Blue looked at this and grinned before sending his next command. "Use Swift, once again!"

Jolteon was then surrounded by golden stars once again before they were sent like meteors towards Pikachu, Red didn't say anything as Pikachu's tail solidified into iron and shined brightly before it began to pummel all of the stars into stardust.

Red nodded his head before snapping his fingers, Pikachu then looked towards Jolteon and began charged before shooting an insanely powerufl Thunderbolt towards the eeveelution. Blue looked confused at this. "Red knows Jolteon's ability... so why?"

When the attack struck, it didn't seem to be affecting Jolteon at all but healing its fatigue and any possible injuries it might have taken. When the flashing stopped from the electricity, Blue and Jolteon widened their eyes when Pikachu appeared behind Jolten and sent a powerful Iron Tail that sent the eeveelution flying.

"Haha~! I should have expected that from you, Red!" Blue grinned. Red smiled as Jolteon stood up with a grin on its face, Pikachu returned the grin. "Let's finish this! Jolteon, Thunder Fang, full power!"

"...!" Red quickly acted as Pikachu got on all fours and rushed towards the Jolteon who mouth had grown large fangs composed entirely of blue electricity, Pikachu then used Iron Tail, this time looking far more deadly somehow than before.

"Now!" Blue, and surprisingly Red, both shouted as both of their pokemon gave loud cries before both pokemon clashed. When they made contact, a huge explosion occurred that made them both cover their eyes and a huge dust cloud to pop up.

They waited as the dust cloud slowly dispersed, Red smiled when he saw Pikachu still standing, but it looked exhausted. Blue sighed but smiled as he saw Jolteon on the ground with swirls replacing its eyes. Blue then returned Jolteon. "You did great, Jolteon. Pikachu isn't a joke."


"Just as I expected, Red! You have truly grown powerful over the four years you were gone, but, let's see how you deal with this! Go, Blastoise!" Blue shouted. When he sent out his next pokemon, it revealed to be a large blue turtle with a brown shell and two cannons extending from the shell. "Blastoise, Ice Beam!"

"Dodge it!" Red yelled. Red seemed completely into the battle now as he was now actually calling out his commands, both trainers were seen smiling as their pokemon battled. The Ice Beam from Blastoise's mouth missed as Pikachu was running around the arena. "Thunderbolt!"

"Quick, Blastoise!" Blue shouted. Blastoise understood before hiding in its shell and spinning at incredibly fast speeds, when the electric-type attack made contact, it completely dispersed upon contact. Red looked impressed by this. "Hydro Pump!"

"... crap." Red muttered. Pikachu widened its eyes when Pikachu was directly hit by the attack and sent crashing into the wall with its body completely soaked. They then saw Pikachu on the ground unconscious and with swirls replacing its eyes. Red returned Pikachu and smiled. "You did great, Pikachu."

"Well, Red?! Who's going to be next? Who'll you choose?" Blue shouted as he grinned. Blastoise was now out of its shell as it looked at Red with an excited look, Blastoise knew it was in for a good battle since he had battled many times before with Red's pokemon.

"Don't worry, Blue. This battle is just getting started!" Red exclaimed. Red sent out his next pokemon as it revealed itself to be something incredibly large, the pokemon revealed to be a dragon-like pokemon with an orange body. The pokemon was the same size as Blastoise, who looked ecstatic to see it.

"So, Charizard! This'll be good!" Blue shouted. The two titan-like pokemon, this being because they were both significantly larger than their species' regular size, both grinned at one another in anticipation. They both had a strong rivalry much like their trainers and Pikachu and Jolteon. "Use Hydro Pump!"

"Dodge and use Air Slash!" Red commanded. Charizard quickly flew up to avoid a fast blast of water as he then flapped his large wings, this resulted in blades of wind to shoot towards Blastoise. Blue saw this before sending his next command. "Charge in while spinning!"

Red watched as Blastoise started spining rapdily after retreating into its shell, he then saw Blastoise rapidly heading towards Charizard as Blastoise spun underneath. Blue then grinned before saying. "Use Ice Beam while spinning!"

Red watched as the Ice Beam attack surrounded Charizard as the fire-type looked around trying to find an exit, Red quickly thought of something as he called out his command. "Charizard, surround yourself in with your Flamethrower!"

Charizard quickly obeyed as it sent a huge torrent of fire from its mouth that curved around its body, this continued for a second before it all burst outwards. The result was spectacular as it completely destroyed the Ice Beam as ice and fire particles scattered in the air. Blue looked shocked about this before chuckling.

"You always did somehow make your battles really flashy, even if you don't mean to." Blue laughed. Blue then smirked again, confusing Red. "But, I expected this from you! Blastoise, this is your chance!"

Red widened his eyes, as well as Charizard, when Blastoise was seen spinning inside its shell and heading straight up. Red couldn't do anything in time as Charizard took the full hit and was sent flying upwards while wincing in pain after being hit by the spinning shell.

"Charizard!" Red called out in concern as his pokemon crashed into the ground. When the dust dispersed, it revealed Charizard getting back up with some visible damage. "Charizard, use Flamethrower now as Blastoise gets out of his shell!"

Charizard gave a loud roar before charging up powerful flames in its mouth before releasing a gigantic blast of fire from its mouth that Blastoise widened its eyes at after popping back out of its shell. Blue and Red both held their arms in front of them to shield themselves from the blast of wind the explosion caused.

When it all died down, they looked to see that Blastoise was struggling to keep standing but grinning all the while, while fire-type moves aren't too effective against water-types, Blue knew considering it was Red's Charizard that it was going to do serious damage.

"Alright, Red! How about we finish this now!" Blue challenged. Red responded to this by grinning as he shouted in response. "Alright then, Blue! It's time for you to show me how much stronger you have gotten since I was gone! You ready, Charizard?!"

"You too, Blastoise?!" Both of their pokemon responded by giving a loud cry into the air that shook the area, both of the pokemon having excited grins as they stared one another down. Both Red and Blue then gave their final command.

"Hydro Pump/Blast Burn! Full Power!"

Blastoise aimed its cannons towards Charizard before releasing a titanical sized blast of water towards the fire-type. Charizard had been engulfed in bright red raging flames before punching the ground causing it to shatter as a wave of fire was sent flying down.

They all gave a shout, including Blue and Red, as Charizard had been hit with the water attack and was sent crashing into the wall, Blastoise had also been hit when an explosion of red flames engulfed it from underneath. "Blastoise/Charizard!"

Both trainers looked to see something that made them both grin as they both closed their eyes, Charizard was laying in a large hole in the wall while sitting upwards but having a defeated grin on its face. The same could be said for Blastoise as its defeated form was on the ground in a crater as it still held a grin.

"I guess this ends in a draw, Red," Blue stated. Red smiled as he nodded his head in acceptance, Red was definitely satisfied as Blue was probably the only one that can challenge his true power. "But, next time, let's not hold back."


Red Vs Blue


"Fairy-Type pokemon?" Red asked curiously. Blue and Red were currently sitting back down on the couches after their battle. Blue was currently telling Red about the other reason that he had asked the trainer to meet him here.

"Yeah. Gramps asked me to catch him a fairy-type pokemon here in Kalos, he wants to study it and learn as much as he can on the type." Blue explained. Red nodded his head in understanding, Professor Oak always was someone who loved to learn new things, he was a well-known professor.

"But, why do you want me to come?"

"Oh, that. Because it'll be boring on my own." Blue replied simply. Red stared at him for a second before sweatdropping and faceplanting, Blue didn't seem fazed by this as he continued as like nothing happened. "We'll be heading off through Route 14 before arriving at Laverre City."

"Is there a particular reason we're going Laverre City for this?" Blue nodded his head in response to Red's question, he responded with. "Yeah. Laverre City is pretty much based around fairy-type pokemon, their gym is also based around fairy-types as well if I remember correctly."

"I see, so we'll have a much easier chance at finding a fairy-type pokemon there... Very well, when are we going?" Red asked. Blue grinned before grabbing Red by the wrist, Red blinked under his cap before he was getting pulled by Blue back up the stairs he went down.

"Right now!"