Hey babes! Back again with a new Bellarke story for you all. Man, I am on a roll with these. And the ideas just keep on coming. Even have an idea for a follow-up to this little number. ;)
When the subject first came up, there was absolutely no doubt in his mind. He and Clarke would be the ones to go. They couldn't ask anyone else to go, they couldn't ask anyone else to make a sacrifice like that. The two of them have always made the hard decisions and tough calls in the past. Why shouldn't they do it now too?
There'd been a lot of debate about it. Not at the idea of the two of them going, but at the idea of actually going through with it. They'd be essentially erasing the last couple hundred years and resetting things. Resetting the timeline. Resetting the world and saving it from multiple nuclear disasters.
But everyone would forget about the things they've done and the people they've met and loved. Everything would be different. No one was sure if they wanted that risk to be taken.
But in the end, it'd been decided that they were going to do it, for the good of humanity. They had no idea about any of the other Eligius ships that had been sent out. For all they knew...the remainder of the human race was living on a moon 125 years away from where their ancestors lived. Where they should have been living.
Raven had given them a basic rundown of what it was they were going to need to do once. She'd been one of the few of their group who was all for changing their present. She had a lot that she wanted to forget about.
It's hard for them to say goodbye to everyone. He'd finally reconciled with Octavia and now he was going to leave her. She said she understood, encouraged him even, but it didn't make him feel any better about it.
Clarke's nearly in tears when she says goodbye to her mom, and then the tears spill over when she pulls Madi into the tightest hug that he's ever seen. It breaks his heart, almost has him backing out of the plan. But he stops. This is what they need to do. It's going to fix everything. Everyone that's died because of what happened so long ago is going to be able to live again. Innocent lives won't be taken. If everything works out how it should, then they'll all get to live long happy lives back on Earth. An earth with no apocalypse.
"Clarke…" He gently taps her shoulder while she's still hugging Madi. "Hey, we should get going."
"I know," she whispers, hugging Madi a little tighter before letting go. She turns to face him, wiping the tears away from her face. She takes a deep breath and nods. "Okay. Let's do this."
They listen to Raven give them the rundown again, in case they forgot anything. She tells them she doesn't know exactly what it'll look like over there, but that it shouldn't be too hard once they find what they need. If they make it to the right place. Time travel is unpredictable.
They bid one more farewell to the group as a whole, and then they're making their way to the past, hands clasped tightly together between them as they go. They have very little with them in the way of supplies. They'd also taken the liberty of wearing other, more modern (as modern as they could find), clothes that hopefully won't attract too much attention.
They're both unsure exactly where they come out when they land, just they're definitely on earth before Praimfaya. There's no doubt about that, seeing all the people still wandering around and the buildings all still standing.
He manages to find a newspaper nearby, one that tells them the date. April 8, 2052. Roughly a month before Praifmaya hit. Which means they have roughly a month to find where they need to go in order to stop A.L.I.E. from completely destroying the planet.
They don't waste any time in trying to assimilate to the current time, they have a mission. They just need to figure out a solid plan.
It doesn't take long for them to find where they're going. It also doesn't take long for the people in charge to find them.
"Who are you?" one of the men says, holding a gun on them. They don't cower in front of the gun, they've been through far too much heartache and tough times to fall at the sight of a gun.
"We're here to help," he tells them, his hands up, palms out. "The AI program Becca created, A.L.I.E., it needs to be destroyed."
"What are you talking about?"
"The program isn't going to save the planet," Clarke tells them, stepping forward. "She's going to think that she's saving it by destroying it. Earth is going to be destroyed. You can't let that happen."
"Who are you people?"
"I'm Wanheda," Clarke tells them without missing a beat and it takes him a bit by surprise. He'd thought she never wanted to go by that name again, that she'd left it behind. But he figures it's better than telling them their real names. Just in case. They don't know what's going to happen.
"And you are?" the man asks, looking to him.
"I'm her Knight." He smirks down at Clarke, winking at her before looking back up at the men. "That's all you need to know about us. But if you want the Earth to be saved, then you need to listen to us. Please."
Thankfully, the people in charge listen to them. It takes a while for them to understand and come to terms with it, though. No one wants to believe that the program that was created to help them would wind up being their ultimate destruction. Becca, on the other hand, has no problem believing them. They'd contacted her over a video call, since she was already up in space on Polaris, working on perfecting A.L.I.E. 2.0. It doesn't take much for them to convince her that destroying A.L.I.E. for good is the best thing.
She gives them directions to where A.L.I.E. is, telling them to be careful and to contact her immediately if something goes wrong.
They say goodbye to everyone they've spoken with, and then they're off, both of them eager to get to their destination to put an end to it all. There's nothing they can do for the Eligius ships that have already launched, but they can do something to save the rest of the population from complete annihilation.
Upon reaching their destination, it doesn't take them long to get inside and find the room Becca told them about. But they both pause when they see the layout. It's there sitting among the panels and toggles and switches and buttons.
It's a lever. Of course, it's a lever. He casts a sideways glance at Clarke, watching the way she hardens her face, putting on a brave front. He knows she's thinking of Mount Weather, of all the innocent lives they took to save their own people. Hopefully, by doing this, they'll never have to make those tough, impossible calls again.
He follows Raven's instructions, setting up what they need to in order to kill A.L.I.E. once and for all to save the human race from everything they'd have to go through otherwise.
Once done, he lets out a shaky breath, staring at the screens in front of him, one of which is connected back to the people they'd spoken to before, just in case something goes wrong. It's muted for the time being, but it's an easy flip of a switch to get the sound connected if they need it.
She immediately spins to him, shaking her head. "I don't know if I can do this, Bellamy. I don't know if I can pull that lever."
He turns to face her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders. "You don't have to do it alone, Clarke. We'll do it together."
She shakes her head, swallowing thickly, her voice cracking, "I don't want to lose you."
"Hey, you're not going to lose me." He moves his hands from her shoulders to cradle her face in his hands, rubbing one thumb against her cheek to wipe away a few stray tears that have fallen.
"But I will," she insists. "Doing this, Bellamy, doing this is going to erase everything from the last two hundred years. The bombs will never go off, meaning the human race won't be divided between space and the ground, the people already up there can come back down, meaning we won't ever meet. And we won't ever get Madi."
He leans down and presses his lips gently against hers, relishing in the feeling of being able to kiss her whenever he wants to. He's still not entirely used to it. Resting his forehead against hers, he takes a moment to find the words he needs. "Clarke Griffin, if after all the things we've been through together, you still don't think we're meant to be together, then you're not as smart as I thought you were."
"No matter what happens after we pull that lever, Princess, I'm going to find you again. Someday. And I'm going to know that we're meant to be because we were always meant to be."
"I love you," she whispers, tears continuing to fall down her cheeks.
"I love you too." Tears are falling down his own cheeks as he connects their lips again, pouring every ounce of love he has for her into that single kiss. It could be their last for the next century.
Letting go of one of her cheeks, he reaches down to grab one of her hands, linking their fingers together just enough so they don't lose contact. He rests their hands on the lever, gripping it tightly. They never look at the screen. They never look at the lever. They simply pull.
There's a slight hum after they pull, a bright green light shining through his eyelids. He doesn't look. He can't look. He's just there with Clarke, the love of his life. It's just the two of them.
And then there's nothing.
As an almost high school graduate, Clarke is one of the few who has no idea what she really wants to do with her life. Her mother desperately wants her to go into the medical field. But she doesn't entirely know that that's something she wants to do with the rest of her life. Sure, she loves helping people, but art is where her passion truly lies. She just knows it'll take some convincing to get her mom to see that. It doesn't mean she hasn't already applied to every art program and college that she can find, still trying to figure out a way to break the news to her mom. She has a feeling her dad will be more understanding of the idea.
She's walking down the sidewalk in front of various shops, scrolling through the multiple messages on her phone from her mom, Wells, and a few other friends, when a large, solid force slams into her. All of her things are nearly knocked to the ground, but she manages to catch them before they fall to the concrete.
"Oh, I am so sorry," the deep voice accompanying the large mass speaks up. "I didn't see you there."
"It's fine," she says, letting out a huff as she fixes the hold she has on her stuff. "I probably could have been paying more attention too." She looks up and her heart jumps in her chest when she catches sight of the well-toned body, mop of curly hair, and deep eyes in front of her. He can't be much older than she is, no sign of facial hair anywhere on his face, but he has that look like he had to grow up fast. She swallows thickly, forcing down the butterflies starting to flutter in her stomach as her mind races trying to place his face. But she comes up empty. "Well, uh, I should probably go." She goes to move past him when he gently grabs hold of her arm, spinning her around so she's facing him again.
"Sorry to just grab you like that," he says, immediately letting go of her. "I just...do I know you from somewhere?"
She shakes her head. "I don't think so." She shifts on her feet, really getting a look at him as the butterflies continue to rear their heads. "But I think...I think I might know you from somewhere. I'm just not sure where."
"That's exactly how I feel too," he tells her with a small laugh. "It's like...like I know from somewhere I haven't been yet."
"Yeah…" She trails off as she continues to study his face. Every curve and sharp angle. She feels a connection to it, to him, one that she can't figure out.
"Bell! There you are. I was looking everywhere for you." A beautiful young brunette appears next to them, a very similar facial structure and complexion to the guy in front of her.
"Sorry, O. I just got a little distracted."
"I can see that," the girl says with a teasing smile and glance in her direction. "I'm Octavia. This is my brother Bellamy."
Bellamy's eyes go wide. "Wait. Clarke Griffin? As in Abigail Griffin?"
"That would be my mom."
"Well, then I do believe that I am in the presence of royalty. Forgive me for not bowing down to you earlier, your highness."
Her brows furrow together. "What?"
"Your mom's a politician, right?" he asks her, standing back up to his full height.
"Uh...kind of."
"Either she is or she isn't. Simple question with a simple answer."
She nods. "They are. My mom used to be a surgeon, but then she decided to run for office when I was a kid after seeing all the injuries that came through the ER. Said she wanted to clean up the streets, make things better."
"Pretty bang-up job she's doing for the little guy, then, Princess."
Her eyes narrow at him, but something tugs in her gut. "What did you just call me?"
"Well, you are technically royalty in the grand scheme of the city's politics, aren't you? Get to go to all the fancy parties and eat the best food, people do anything for you and you rarely get in trouble because mommy will just pull some strings to bail you out. Well, not everyone's so lucky."
"I know that," she says through gritted teeth. "I have plenty of friends who come from working-class families."
"Maybe you should listen to their stories then, Princess. Take some notes and pass them on to Senator Griffin. See if she can actually make a difference."
"No, he's fine," she says to Octavia. "He's allowed to voice his opinion. It's okay that he doesn't know my mom and I have a strained relationship so there's no guarantee that she'll listen to me about what goes on around here."
She can see his jaw clench as Octavia hits him on the shoulder.
"I'm just gonna go somewhere else while you two...yeah," Octavia says, gesturing between them before moving away.
"Don't just go assuming the worst of people before you get to know them," she says harshly, fighting against the strong tugging in her gut.
He nods once. "You're right. I'm sorry. I've been stressed out lately because of Octavia, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you."
"How has she been stressing you out? She seems like a nice girl."
"O is very, very boy crazy. It's like every day there's a new guy she's interested in. Also, money's tight right now and O's now making it easy on me. I just so happen to live in the district that your mom is Senator of and things haven't seemed to be getting any better. I took it out on you because I can't take it out on her."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
He shakes his head. "It's not your fault. I just worry for my sanity where Octavia is concerned."
"I'm sure you'll be fine."
"I really hope so."
She gives him a small smile before breathing in deeply and straightening her back. "Well, I should probably get going now, but it was nice meeting you, Bellamy." She turns to walk away from him when his voice calls out her name, stopping her in her tracks. She turns slowly to face him again, finding him with one hand rubbing the back of his neck.
"Hey, uh, I know we just met and everything, but are you busy tonight? There's a party going on not too from here for the anniversary of Salvation Day."
"Salvation Day," she repeats, her head tilting as she lets his offer roll around in her mind.
"Yeah. You know...the day when those two mysterious strangers showed up claiming they were there to stop a nuclear apocalypse."
"I took history in school," she tells him with a slightly amused smile. "I know what Salvation Day is. It's been ninety-seven years now since that happened."
He nods slowly, shifting on his feet. "Right. Well, uh, do you want to go with me? It's usually really fun."
She shakes her head, fighting against the pull in her gut again. "I don't know. I have a bunch of exams coming up so I need to go home and study."
"You can study anytime," he tells her with a small wave of his hand. "How often can you go to a massive party to celebrate the successful prevention of the end of the world?"
"Uh, once every year, I'm presuming."
He sighs, hanging his head for a moment before looking up at her with a smile. "You're not making this easy, Princess. Just say you'll come to the party with me. Octavia will be there, despite my every attempt to make her stay home. Maybe you can hang out with her if you find my company less than welcoming."
She pulls her lips in as she thinks over the idea. She gives a one-shouldered shrug. "I guess it couldn't hurt to have fun for one night."
He smiles and lets out a breath. "Great. Meet me at the statue of Wanheda and her Knight at about seven and we can go over together."
"Okay. I'll see you then."
"Looking forward to it, Princess."
As she watches him walk away, she can't help the butterflies in her stomach, the pleasantness that runs through her body. She can't help the thought that agreeing to go to the party with Bellamy is going to change her life completely. In the best way possible.
So? What did you think? Let me know in a review down below. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Until next time,
Jellybean96 out!