Whelp, you've asked for it and now I've delivered. Finally here is Volume 2 of Build A Legend.

We got new Bottles, we got new SMASH, we got new Evo Grimm and most of all we got new characters and forms.

As always I'll say to go check out my other stories, especially Build A Legend Vol 1 and Movie War Dimension: Build up Fruit considering those come before this.

And now, with nothing else, let's do this.

READY?! GO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!



"An amnesiac from another world given a great power from a mysterious force."


"But with this power came a great cost, and great enemies."



"But along the way, he made friends that followed him through this adventure."


"And was even able to acquire the powers of legends."




"But in the end, to protect the ones he wants to hold dear, he had to cross over to a dark path."


"Now he must realise his mistakes, his consequences for falling down a path of no return."

-DARCI's Log.

A ship hovered over Vale as civilians made their way through the street. Two of those people were making their way to a book shop.

The first was a girl with dark skin and green hair with red eyes. She wore an exotic outfit that was mostly white with a green undershirt and on her back was a black symbol of a cut gem. She had white shorts with brown trousers strapped over the rest of her legs. And on the back of her waist were two holstered guns.

The other was a boy with silver hair and grey eyes. He wore a black and blue shirt with black trousers with a grey line through them and armour around the lower legs. He also had armour around his arms and black fingerless gloves.

"Uh, this place is so dull." The boy groaned.

"I kinda like it." The girl disagreed. "Tall buildings, diverse culture."

"And nice, dopey people who are easy to pick pocket."

"That's every city!" The girl put her hands on her hips.

"Oh Emerald, master thief! Please don't take my money, I barley have enough to get by!" He mocked, which made Emerald growl.

"Shut up Mercury!" She huffed and walked off.

"You're no fun." He sighed and followed. Eventually the two made it to a building labelled Tuskon's Book Trade, the blinds shut and the small sign saying CLOSED. The two smirked at each other and walked inside.


Only to be sent flying back outside by something. The pushed themselves back up and looked at whoever just attacked them.

"Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black." The voice of whoever attacked them said as he walked into the light. "A pair of whiny teenagers who just wanted attention."

"Who the hell's this?" Mercury said as he got into a martial arts stance.

"I am known by many names: the bringer of pain, master of the unknown, and the one who should be feared. But many call me a simple name…."

Emerald stood up and pointed her guns at the attack. She then remembered what her superiors had told her, the strange mix of red and blue, the overall asshole shtick and the annoying personality that all the bad guys hate. "Hi I'm Baron, here to kick your ass."

"Merc, I think this is the guy Cinder got so mad about."

"Yeah so?" Mercury merely shrugged then looked back to Baron. "Where's Tukson? We're here to buy a few books."

"Oh does that include 'How to get away with murder 101'? Tukson left a good few days ago after a little someone gave a tip about two uninvited guests." Baron took out his Drill Crusher, giving it a few swings. "See Torchwick may have tight lips, but everyone talks eventually."

"So Roman gave up dirt about us huh?" Mercury said displeased. "Doesn't matter, it's 2v1 we got you outnumbered. What do you say to that?"

"Meh," He smirked under his helmet. Emerald growled and started to blast Baron with her pistols, with the Rider then springing himself into the air. He created his own glyph behind him that he then launched off towards the two teens.

The two dodged as Baron shoved his Drill into the concrete floor. Emerald switched her guns into a mode that looked like Kamas. She went to slash at the Rider who retaliated with blocks and dodges. At one slash he ducked under and bashed the Crusher's handle into her knee before he kicked her in the chest with the Tread Foot.

Mercury then came running in and kicked the side of Baron's helmet. He continued to kick more and more until with one kick Baron grabbed his leg, stuck the Drill Crusher into it and began drilling into his leg. He pulled out of Mercury's leg, making sparks pour out as he fell to the ground.

"Cybernetic legs huh? Your greatest strength and weakness." Baron leaned his weapon on his shoulder. "Now why don't ya just come along nicely? You'd be roomies with Roman in his cell." He taunted with a chuckle.

Emerald ran over to her fallen friend and growled at Baron. "So we didn't get to kill the traitor, that doesn't mean you can stop us!" Suddenly the two shimmered and vanished.

"Oh right, she can make hallucinations. Well they're probably long gone by now." He grabbed the two Bottles in his Driver and took them out, deactivating the RabbitTank armour. "Feels good to be back." He sighed.

When it was fully deactivated, it showed Baron still had the same brown hair and blue eyes with the blue and red half/half shirt underneath the green and purple trench coat.

"Look out world, Build's ready for action."

Well hello, hello, hello. It certainly has been a while.

After the whole Multiverse panic that happened a few weeks back, both our teams decided to take a little rest and relaxation. So for the past few days Ruby has been planning the 'Best Day Ever', so I'm looking forward that.

Anyway you're probably wondering what that last bit was? Well after we caught Torchwick we made a little deal, he told us the things he knew in exchange for giving him a nice comfy cell. So we gave a heads up to Tukson, and helped him leave the kingdom early.

But right now, Blake, Weiss, Yang and I were having a good lunch. Although Blake was doodling some stuff in a notebook.

"Watcha doing?" Yang and I asked at the same time as we both nudged Blake.

"Nothing," She slammed the book shut. "Just going over notes from last semester."

"Lame!" Yang laughed before she caught a grape in her mouth.

"Yeah, why are you studying? If anything we should celebrate us saving two different Multiverses." I said before gulping down some Pepsi.

"Agh, please don't remind me. My head still hurts from trying to understand that whole mess." Weiss whined.

The out of nowhere Ruby slammed a giant binder onto the table we were on. The binder read in big red pen 'Best Day Ever Activities!'

"*Ahem!* Sisters! Friends! Future brother in law!"

"Seriously?!" Yang and I shouted. I swear Ruby's probably planning a wedding as we speak.



"Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream." Ruby said with an inspiration voice.

"This oughta be good." Yang chuckled before she caught another grape in her mouth.

"Fun fact, those are kinda similar to famous quotes from my world." I said to her. Suddenly a grape hit me in the head and I looked to see Naga and Nora snickering to each other.

"A dream that one day, the five of us would come together as a team and have the most fun anyone has had ever!" She squealed.

"Did you steal my binder?!" Weiss realised as she looked at the binder. Meanwhile I grabbed a sausage off my plate and threw it at the Dragon Faunus.

"I am not a crook." Ruby quickly denied.

"What are you talking about?" Blake asked.

"I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" Ruby cheered.

"I always kick my semester off with a-!" I quickly covered her mouth with my hand, in which she gave me narrowed eyes.

"I'm gonna save everyone by saying don't make a pun that bad." I sighed. She rolled her eyes and shrugged. "But anyway, I think we should kick off the semester with a YANG." The two of us shared a laugh before I was pelted with a wet slice of ham.

"BOO!" Naga and Nora booed at me.

"Look guys it's been a good two weeks since the docks thing and the weird multiverse thing." Ruby spoke up. "And between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is gonna be great! But classes start back up tomorrow, which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today."

"I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store." Weiss said with the slightest of horror as Yang got up and threw an apple.

"I don't know. I think I might sit this one out." Blake said.

"Aw come on, no one wants to see a sad kitty." I said before throwing bacon disks. "Besides, this is our last day, so we should spend it together as a team."

"I for one think-!" Weiss was interrupted when a pie was lobed into my face. The metal dish fell off with cream dripping off. I looked at Team JNNPR, Naga and Nora were pointing at each other, Ren had to face palm, and Jaune and Pyrrha were holding back shocked looks.

"Oh, now this means war." My eyes glowed red through the cream.


Every other student ran out the cafeteria in a frenzy as the kitchen war began. Team JNNPR had constructed a fortress of tables with Nora stood atop as the queen.

"I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" She sang.

On the other side was our team, five fearless warriors that stood together to at the table. Ruby had just slammed her foot on the table with a carton of milk in her hand. "Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be…..DELICIOUS!"

"YEAH!" We all cheered.

"Off with their heads!" Nora ordered as she jumped down and flipped a table full of watermelons. Ren flipped kicked three of them, Jaune did a roll and threw one, Pyrrha threw two of them, and Naga empowered his hands to throw another three.

"Yang, turkey! Baron, squid!" Yang rolled over and stuffed her hands inside a pair of turkeys while I grabbed a full on squid by its tentacles. Yang smashed her turkey gauntlets and began to punch the watermelons as I swung the squid like a whip and cut through them.

Blake jumped over us and grabbed a pair of baguettes. She used them as swords as the three of us disposed the rest of the watermelons. Yang then launched the two turkeys that knocked Jaune back.

Blake and Pyrrha clashed at each other with baguettes while I wrapped the squid around Naga thanks to me speed. "Come on Naga, you gotta INK better than that."

The Dragon Faunus growled and ignited his Dragons Force the rip through the tentacles. He grabbed a shish-kebab filled with different meats and vegetables that he then lit with blue fire.

"Seriously?" I looked over the floors and nearby tables to look for any kinda mike shift weapon. "Pepperoni! Come at me bro!" He held his like the Beat Crosser while I held mine like my Drill Crusher. The two of us took swipes at each other, the fire on his kebab singeing my uniform slightly. I ducked under one and smashed the pepperoni into his shin before whacking him upside the chin and then across the side of his face.

He stumbled back before he took of the bits of meat and vegetable, lit them with his Dragons Force and threw then at me. I yelped before I ducked and dodged from the flaming food, occasionally deflecting a few away with my meat before I threw it into his throat which I followed with a running side kick.

"Now that was meaty." I can't help it, I gotta make bad jokes. (Especially with me here)

"Now what's next?" I asked, just as a loud rumble and turned around to see Blake running away from a swarm of soda cans. "Oh sh****************t!" I joined Blake in running away from the swarm. As they crashed, the cans exploded like grenades.

As it came closer, I turned around and mimicked Pyrrha's magnetism to push back the onslaught of cans. "This goes against any laws of physics! Aluminium cans are not magnetic!" Was the last thing I said before too many of those cans piled up and caused an explosion that sent Blake and I into a wall. "Ruby, can you take care of them…?" I flopped off the wall and face planted on the floor. I turned to lay on my back to watch the spectacle that was to unfold.

Ruby narrowed her eyes at the still standing JNNPR. She knelt down as her cape began to flutter. And soon she took off, dragging along anything that laid on the ground. After dragging more crap on the ground, Ruby turned into a red missile that zoomed past JNNPR and also dragged them. When she reached the wall, Ruby grinded to a halt as JNNPR was plunged into the wall, which also cracked.

Ruby then jumped out the way as the tidal wave of food and drink she gathered smothered against JNNPR. Ruby landed in a super hero pose as the members of the apposing team fell off the wall.

"Woohoo, we did it…" I weakly cheered with a slightly raised hand which then fell down.

"I love these guys." Oh is that Sun? Weiss, Blake and I sat up and saw the Monkey Faunus standing next to a boy in a red jacket over a white shirt with a black tie. He had blue hair with a pair of yellow goggles, fingerless gloves, as well as black trousers with boots. He was also drenched in purple soda. Ah it's the true ladies' man, Neptune Vasilias.

Suddenly Glynda burst through the cafeteria doors with a look in her eyes that could rival Medusa. She whipped her crop and used her semblance to take every table and put them back in their respected places, she even moved us all back to middle of the room. "Children please, don't play with your food."

"Hey, where's Yang?" I asked, before I heard a scream from above which turned out to be Yang that crashed on top of me. "Ow my spine…" Of course everyone present laughed at my expense.

"Well that was fun…" Z said as he crawled out of wherever he was hiding. "Can we do something else other than fight with food?"

"Yeah alright. Hey DARCI, can you think of anything we can do for a last day?" There was no response, just what I was expecting.

"She's still not talking to you?" Yang asked as she got up and pulled me up. "It's been nearly a month, are you sure she's even online still?"

"She has to be, otherwise my systems wouldn't work." I took the goggles off and just ran my thumb over the lens with a sad face.

"HA! Found it!" Ruby pulled out 'her' binder that was seemingly undamaged. "Now we can get along with the plan. First off, Laser Tag!"

"Hey if it's any consolation," Yang put a hand on my cheek. "I can have a talk with her, girl on robo girl."

"Yeah, thanks." She patted my face and the two of us followed after our friends.

The light of day had faded, with the dark of night covering Vale. Within a warehouse, White Fang members and Droids were unloading and staking crates of Dust. And orchestrating it all was the cranky bat herself.

"NO! NO! NO! Fire Dust goes over, Water Dust goes over there! Idiots!" Shroud shouted at the WF and Droids. "What are you two doing?!" She turned to the Atlesian Bros, who were just playing cards.

"We don't answer to you," Vex said as he looked over his hand. "We only answer to Stalk." This only made Shroud growl.

"Besides, it seems you have more pressing matters Ms Kage." Sector pointed behind her before he drew a card. Shroud looked behind her to the door to see Emerald helping in a limping Mercury.

"Oh look at that, Cinder's high and mighty brats now nothing more than injured puppies." She taunted.

"Save it!" Emerald huffed as she set Mercury on a chair. "We tried doing that assassination, but that red and blue guy got in our way."

"Build? But how did he know?" Shroud pulled her cape up to her mouth and bit into it.

"Apparently Roman gave up a little, but seems not enough otherwise this place would be swarmed with cops." Mercury groaned as he moved his damaged leg onto a table. "Maybe if you'd lend us some of those Droids we'd have had a better advantage."

"Grr! Listen here you little sh*t, if it were up to me I would take you and that street rat friend of yours and feed to the Grimm."

"Is that so Shroud?" The three humans and two Bros looked up a cat walk to see Cinder walk onto a pad that lowered itself down.

"Yes, that is so." Shroud crossed her arms, while Emerald seemed delighted to see the red dressed woman.

"Cinder!" Emerald walked up, expecting some sort of acknowledgement, but was only ignored by Cinder walking past her.

"Wasn't it your responsibility to take care of the would-be runaway?" Cinder put her hands on her hips as she addressed the steam villain.

"Well I had more important things to do, like taking over all of Torchwick's jobs to keep up the Dust income. So I thought I'd give it to your little urchins." Shroud waved off.

"Didn't I instruct you two to keep your hands clean? Now that you've been revealed that you work with me, a wanted criminal, we have no way on getting into Beacon!" Cinder lectured the two as Shroud was taunting them more by pretending to cry.

"We're…we're sorry." Emerald and Mercury looked down. The two heard robotic laughter and saw the Bros were laughing at them as Vex dealt new cards. Cinder noticed this, and somehow lit the entire deck on fire which startled the two Atlesian Knights.

"Aw come on! Don't ya know how hard it is for a robot to buy cards?!" Vex angrily said. Cinder then turned back to Shroud.

"Now, where is Blood Stalk? I'd like to have a word with him."

"Where else would he be, he's in his lab." Shroud pointed to a door at the other end of the warehouse. On the front was a plastered sign that read 'Blood Stalk's Lab. Go AWAY. No Cinders Allowed.' Cinder frowned as she walked over to the door and knocked it.

"Stalk, open up. We need to talk."

"Can't you read? It says No Cinders Allowed. I'm working here!" Stalk's voice said from the other side.

"Open up now or I burn the door down!"

"I'd like to see you try!" Cinder growled and lit her hand on fire, trying to melt the door away. "HA! Fire proof door b***h!" There were sound of locks unlocking before it opened to show the blue snake shaped visor. "Now what do you want?"

"Just here to fill you in on the plan, we're moving to stage two. Have the White Fang and Droids clear out the building. I'll send you and Shroud details tonight."

"Yeah-Yeah okay bye!" He slammed the door shut and re-locked it. Cinder looked back to the others with a look of absolute offence.

"What's wrong with him?" The others just shrugged, though the Bros seemed to know something, since they looked at each with a nod before leaving.

Inside his lab, Stalk walked past a table that held five test tubes filled with different kinds of coloured liquid. Inside each was a strange type of Bottle, seeming thicker than the regular Full Bottle.

"Soon. Soon enough I can begin my own part of the plan." He pressed a few buttons on a console, making each glow. He pulled out his Scroll and typed in a number before he brought it to the side of his helmet. "Hello? Imper, it's time to begin. Get ready for infiltration."

A/N: There we go, Volume 2 has finally begun. Now I couldn't do much considering this is the only the first episode and the only fight I could think of to include was with Emerald and Mercury.

But now let's answer reviews.

Guest DCDGojira: Yes there will be back story on Onyx. Yes Dark Decade will be the bad guy. Shrouds father is dead. No I'm not having Daiki Kaito appear. Rogue will be a boy.

Raidentensho: The thing is, I don't really wanna do crossovers with the Future Riders. I wanna make my own seasons for them, make my own forms and bad guys.

Veto64: Well the Judgment Time was Taiman215's idea for Xross, so since it's his Rider you'd have to ask him. (B) "What is that? I dunno what that is." Pointless that's what.

Besides that, it's time to move on. And remember next month I'll write DXD Reaper and the month after will be Twin W Familiar. Till next time.