Eyyyy I'm back what's new

idk why I didn't think about it sooner and just use my mom's computer bc she's literally never on it and my stepmom just left for school so I can walk in and out of their room lmaoooo

Please enjoy!

They were best friends, and half the town wished they were more. How the two ended up dating other people, gave an entirely too aggravating answer that no one wanted to hear.

"Why would I date him? He's my best friend," She'd scoff to the group of girls who swore they were being lied to.

"You're inseparable, you don't even hang out with Sting as much as you hang out with Natsu."

"That's because Sting lives halfway across town, we only get to see each other on Saturday's!"

"Hence, a perfect 'not boyfriend' boyfriend. You're using him to hide your true feelings."

"What? That's just cruel! He's a good guy, and we video chat every night, we have fun together!"


And it was the same with the guys who were undoubtedly sure the two had something going on the side.

"Seriously, why're you stringing along Lisanna when you have it good with Lucy?"

"I am not! Quit sayin' stuff like that, it makes her uncomfortable!"

"Well duh, I wouldn't like knowing I was second important either,"

"That's not how it is! Luce and I have always been close, but I'm dating Lisanna, could you please quit saying that kind of stuff?"

"Oh, we'll stop,"

"When you decide to be honest with yourself,"

They were, of course, lying to themselves…in a way. But they didn't know it, those perfectly dense idiots. It wasn't like it was obvious; there was never any sexual tension between them, no long gazing looks that they caught themselves in, no rapidly beating heart when the other did something small and romantic like grabbing their hand. Their connection was so natural, it was impossible to find anything weird about their relationship as it was.

Until, like all perfectly dense idiots, there came about the night of realization when the two saw that there was a possibility for something more.

Lucy hadn't seen Sting in a couple of weeks now, nor heard from him much over the phone. There was a girl, Yukino, that he started talking about a lot, and she rightfully figured that he'd emotionally moved on at this point.

She'd break it off in person the next weekend, which she wasn't too upset about since they'd been drifting apart for a while. There was a small place in her heart for hope, wondering if they could still be friends because Sting was actually a cool guy. He even got along with Natsu well enough for the two of them to end up exchanging phone numbers.

Getting ready for bed, she set down her phone and climbed in, and as if on cue, when she just began to get comfortable in bed, Natsu would knock on her window and let himself in.

"Need my homework? It's in my bag, go ahead and copy it, I'm gonna…wait…what's wrong?" He had yet to greet her, only climbed his way in from his balcony next to her own. He sat in a bit of a ball on the end of the bed, pouting with a sad look as he stared at her.

"Hey, Luce?" He mumbled, unraveling himself to crawl over her. "If I asked you to do something for me, would you? Even if it was something...we've never done before?"

"Anything, what happened?" She asked again, sitting up to caress his forlorn features.

"Lisanna…she broke up with me," He sighed, cringing with a scowl as he thought back to the moment. "I thought I was doin' everything right, but she didn't believe me when I said I loved her, not one bit! But I did…I do…I—and now…I just feel real fuckin' shitty. I gotta…just gotta feel somethin'. Will you…will you love me?"

He asked her this in a dark and low whisper, eyes piercingly serious as they stared into hers. She could see the tracks of his tears and slightly puffed under eye now that the moon glanced over him. Natsu rarely ever cried, and when he did, she knew how serious he was.

"Okay," She answered in her own whisper, accepting his sudden kiss that tasted of salted tears. Their pecks were small, growing with each second until Lucy was pushed back down onto her pillow by the momentum of the increased speed.

Natsu was desperate to feel anything at that moment, burying himself against Lucy's lips until they were both swollen and puckering for more.

His tongue snaked it's way into her mouth, glad as she received the gesture and felt it with her own.

This wasn't their first time kissing and surely wouldn't be their last. They were each other's first kiss, first make out buddy…if you didn't count Lucy practicing with Cana before she showed Natsu how to do it.

As Natsu watched Lucy take off her shirt, he knew exactly what would make her feel the best. Where her sensitive spots were, that got her back to arch and toes to curl, to fold her fingers in his hair and cry out his name.

"Hey," He warned as her throat whined, a trail of saliva between his bottom lip and her perky and swollen nipple. "Be quiet, unless you want your mom comin' in here,"

"I know, sorry," She panted as he snickered and rolled his eyes, taking off his scarf to hand over.

"Bite on that when you need to," He said before diving back in between her pillowy mounds, massaging them as he bit into the sensitive skin and gave tentative licks to her stiffened buttons.

The first time they did that…well, Cana might've also had a hand in letting Lucy discover how sensitive she might've been. But there were many occasions where Natsu has massaged her purely because she'd been so sore, be it on her period, or just outgrowing another bra.

"Is it okay?" Natsu asked, just to be sure before he went on to remove her shorts and panties.


Although, they'd gone this far before as well. It was maybe some time during their freshman year; they'd been curious and it sort of just happened.

Lucy had a mole on her inner thigh he made sure to kiss as he parted her legs and settled himself between them.

She still had the same flavor, he thought as he splayed his tongue against her dripping folds, lapping up the sweet syrup and watching as she writhed and bit on the scarf to muffle her noises.

He knew when she came, the memorable sight of her back arching till she stilled on the bed and made such a high-pitched moan.

"Think you'll need your scarf?" She smirked as he took the fabric sheet, attention on him and her eyes on the tent in his sweatpants.


This wasn't her first time with him either. It had been the same year Natsu found himself under her skirt after school that Lucy found herself servicing Natsu.

Loke had been passing around a DVD depicting such an act on the cover, which the pink-haired pyro was kind of curious to find out more about. So he watched it in his room, and Lucy came through the window as the scene made its way to the middle.

Instead of shying away from catching her best friend in the middle of jerking it, she wanted to try it and sated another curiosity.

He leaned onto his elbows as she pulled down his sweats, revealing the pulsing shaft with its head already sticky with precum. Tossing his shirt as the humidity overcame him, Lucy swallowed thickly as she gripped his base.

"You've gotten bigger," She hummed, cracking a slight smirk as Natsu clicked his tongue and ran a hand through his hair.

"'Course I have, it's been a long time since we last—" His voice cut off with a hiss as she tightened her hold around his base, letting her tongue slide against the swollen head.

"Tastes sweeter," Her observations continued as she kissed down his length. "Thicker…"

"Oi, oi, quit it with the embarrassment, I get it," Lucy giggled but complied, focusing on the task at hand as she let him stretch her lips and fill her mouth.

"C-Crap, I'm al…already!" Natsu's hips twitched and his mouth dried as the cotton fabric stole his voice and moisture, deep groans silenced into the plush.

Hazy and teary eyes gazed down to his best friend, watching as she sloppily released him, white substance painting her tongue and dribbling down her chin. His stomach knotted at the sight of her swallowing his flavor, her finger even wiping and licking at what escaped the borders of her lips.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to do it so fast," He gulped. "It's been a while since anyone…"

"That's alright," She smiled and fell into his chest, pecking kisses against the column of his neck. "But you know we've done that before, what is it you—"

"I have a condom," Natsu coughed as Lucy continued to tease him, teeth scraping deliriously against one of his most sensitive places. "I-If you're okay with it…! I heard it hurts less if a girl gets on top."

"Yeah, okay," She let a breath out smiled as he pulled it free from his lowered pocket, the two rearranging themselves so that Natsu now laid on his back.

"Tell me if it hurts, and I'll stop right away Luce," He said as she nodded, his hand lining himself up with her entrance as she crouched above him.

"I-It…! She quickly stuffed her mouth shut with the scarf and dug her nails into Natsu's biceps, his tip pushing in and slowly beginning to slip further inside. "Oh…oh wow…"

"A-Are you okay?" He swallowed thickly, head spinning at the feeling of her warm walls surrounding him.

"Yeah…yeah, I'm…okay…" She breathed out in surprise, laughing as Natsu laughed and rubbed her lower back.

"You sure?"

"Just need a minute…I've never had anything in there before," She panted, slowly letting her body relax against the new sensation, Natsu waiting patiently for her to calm down.

"Yeah, I can tell, you could cut off someone's circulation with the pressure you've got going on in here." He snickered, and Lucy snapped his chest playfully. "Are you really okay with givin' me…I mean I know you and Sting—"

"Are breaking up," Her smile was a bit stale, but the turn of conversation allowed her to forget their current situation for a moment. "We've been growing apart for a while now, it was bound to happen."

"Oh yikes…sorry about that," His lips faltered, and she shrugged, the two sighing as their melancholy feelings returned. "Good day for us both, huh?"

"It got a little better," She laughed and let her tight hold on his arms pull away. "I hope you're feeling a bit less crappy now,"

"Sex doesn't repair wounds like Loke said it would," He grumbled, eyes lingering on the girl above him as the moonlight broke through the curtains and bathed her in its natural light. "But I'm havin' fun, we always have fun together. And you've really gotten more beautiful, Luce."

"Not so bad yourself," She mumbled out with heated cheeks, bending over to share a chaste and slow kiss with him. Her body lost its previous tension as his arms softly worked against her backside, Lucy moaning into his mouth as he squeezed her ass and gave an experimental role of their hips together.

They both hissed at the wildly new feeling, encouraging the other to continue, his hands slowly sliding her along his length before dropping her hips back against his.

"Holy…fuck, do that again," Lucy moaned into his ear, whimpering as he complied.

"You like that?" He breathed and felt a sense of pride swell in his chest as she nodded weakly into the crook of his shoulder.

"More, Natsu, go ahead," Her breathy voice begged, the room soon filled with the quick and quiet sounds of skin meeting skin, both panting hotly and whispering each other's names.

"God, you're so tight, Luce," Natsu bit out, his fogged up mind unable to hold back the words that needed to escape. "You feel so good on me like this, I love you so much,"

"I love you too, oh…Natsu…" She spoke into his mouth as she returned to steal more sloppy kisses.

"Fuck…" His eyes went wide for a moment at the sight of Lucy lifting herself up, hands pressed against his lower stomach.

"Don't stop your hands," She instructed, lifting herself along his length and squealing when his hands on her ass would bring her roughly back down. He was rightfully mesmerized by the bounce of her breasts, mouth-watering and wanting to attach his lips to the swaying beauty.

"Luce…shit—! Luce, I'm gonna…!" One hand grabbed at her voluptuousness, the other thumbing quickly against her clit as Natsu neared his climax and wanted to bring her along for the ride.

"Natsu, right…right there! Ngh…! I'm—! I'm about to—!"

Their shallow moans escaped as both writhed and twitched together, throats wanting to scream out for one another, but they respectfully held back.

"That was…" Natsu ran a weak hand through Lucy's hair as she laid against him, tiredly mumbling in agreement. "Thank you, Luce,"

"I'm always here for you," She sighed with a smile, pressing a soft kiss upon his cheek before snuggling into his side, falling asleep with his warm arms wrapped around her.

What perfectly dense idiots.

Lowkey just noticed that I try to make my summaries sound really cool but they're actually kind of dumb lmao like yall would not get any of the plot from that

tbh I'm thinking about discontinuing Tainted and Memory Days, bc it's High School Reunion all over again where I just started those stories so long ago that I'm like -3- oh the inconsistencies and mild molestation that I thought was the cutest but oop we about consent now

It's a whole spilled box of oof loops but I'm only thinking about it atm, I'm editing them but idk what'll come out of it.