She opened her eyes and stared into Dean's blue eyes. She could hear Roman move around in his bed. The door opened and footsteps sounded. Seth came in with a bag in his hand and a smile on his face.

"Good, you're awake. I went downstairs. The hotel has a small store. I bought you a dress to wear to the courthouse today," he said.

He pulled out a knee long, black dress with long sleeves. It was very toned down.

"It's beautiful. Thank you," she said.
"Keira," Roman sounded wary. "Can I ask about your brother?"

She sighed and sat up. Dean kept lying down, watching her while caressing her thigh.

"He always wanted to be a gangster. Since we were children, he was obsessed with the idea. In his mind it was romantic and dangerous at the same time. I remember him sobbing the night he took a life the first time. He denied it, of course. Told me I had been dreaming him breaking down, and that he had loved it. And he did end up loving it over time," she said.
"But you?" Roman asked.
"I met Marco through Wharton. I didn't wanna enter that world but Marco was so fucking smooth. He bought me expensive jewelry, had me travel to exotic places with him, took me out to restaurants with months of waiting lists. I was dazzled by him. I'm not proud of it but soon I was in too deep to get out. I told myself at first it wasn't that bad. I didn't do anything wrong. But I couldn't continue turning the blind eye," she said.

She got out of bed, walked over to Seth and took the dress.

"It really is beautiful. Marco would never have let me wear something this simple. He wanted me covered in gold from head to toe to show the world how much money he had, and that I belonged to him," she said. "I really like this dress, Seth. Thank you."

He blushed and handed her the bag the dress had been in.

"There's underwear too," he said.
"Thank you," she said. "If I die, I'll be a beautiful corpse."
"Okay, enough with the dying," Dean said.

He got out of bed too.

"Same trick as yesterday. You're gonna walk into the courthouse on your own and we're gonna hide the burka in the same stall," he said.
"Fool me once, shame on you," she said. "Do you think he'll be fooled twice?"
"Yes, because he hasn't got a fucking clue how you did it," Dean said.
"And this time it's different. You don't have to wait around after your testimony. Once you're done, you can leave. I bet they're not counting on that. They're counting on you to stick around all day until the judge sends the jury out," Roman said.
"I didn't think about that," she said.
"That's why you got us," Dean kissed her temple. "Take a shower and get dressed. We need to get there in good time."

She was nervous when she entered the courthouse. She had run over the parking lot as fast as she could and into the shots of all the news outlets waiting. As long as she was in the spotlight, no one from the Bianchi family would dare go for her.

She got a cold stare from Marco when she entered the courtroom. She looked at Wharton but was met with the same cold stare. She was no longer his sister. She was the enemy. As she took to the stand, she looked down at the three hooded men. All of them nodded at her, telling her everything was alright.

She sat there for hours, answering question upon question. The Bianchi's lawyer drilled into her, trash talking her at any chance he got. She didn't waver once. She kept her cool and told the truth. She was done with this family and ready to put them away from good.

"An hour lunch and then we'll be back to hear the closing statements," the judge said.

Keira turned her attention to the prosecutor. She knew Marco was listening from the other side.

"Would you run out for a couple of sandwiches and then we can eat in your office?" She asked.
"Of course. What do you want?" He asked.
"Chicken and bacon," she answered.

She could see Marco smiling from the corner of her eye. He had bought it. In the end he had probably never given it any thought that she would be leaving before the closing statements. She got up and walked out of the courtroom.

She kept calm until she reached the bathroom. She climbed the stall and found the hidden burka. She put it on fast, left the bathroom and kept her eyes down. Once again Marco was out on the steps. She passed him one final time. It was up to a jury to convict him now. If they didn't, she would be running for her life forever. A hand grabbed her like the day before but this time she was prepared for it. It was Dean, once again moving her in the right direction of the car. She laid down on the back seat, not wanting to look at Marco, Wharton or anyone else from that family again.

"We're clear," Seth said.

She sat back up and pulled the burka off.

"Do you need a phone to call your lawyer and tell him you're gone?" Roman asked.
"No, he knows. I handed him a note before leaving. He knows I'm safe," she answered.
"They're gonna put them away. It's gonna be alright," Dean said.
"I don't wanna think about that now," she said.
"What do you wanna think about then?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Sleep," she said. "Sorry, but right now all I dream about is a kingsize bed."
"Good thing I got one of those," Roman said.

She laid back down and placed her head on Roman's thigh. She was asleep within minutes. When she finally woke up again, she found herself in a soft, king size bed. She looked around but she had no idea where she was.

"Seth, don't," Roman said.

His voice came from outside the door.

"I'm just gonna take a quick look," Seth stuck his head inside. "You're awake! Guys, she's awake!"

He ran to her, jumped up on the bed and pulled her into his arms. Dean and Roman followed a second later, both of them dumping down on the bed as well.

"Where am I?" She asked.
"My house," Roman answered.
"And where is that?" She asked.
"Florida," he answered.
"Florida? How long was I asleep?" She asked.
"You've been out for nearly a day. You slept through yesterday and last night. It's 11 AM," Dean answered.
"You clearly needed it," Seth said.
"No wonder I gotta pee like crazy," she said.
"Good news first," Dean said.

She looked at him while he smiled secretly. She looked at Seth and then Roman.

"You did it," Roman said.
"Did what?" She asked.
"The jury came in a couple of hours ago with a verdict. They all went away for life," Seth said.
"Oh my god!" She yelled.

Arms went around her from all directions and she was being squeezed in a giant group hug.

"I'm safe," she said.
"And you're staying," Roman said.
"I am?" She asked.
"Like I said at the hotel, you're special," Seth said. "So what if this doesn't work out in the end? At least let us try. You've been running for a long time. You need to relax and heal your inner scars. We'll be there for you all along the way if you'll let us."
"That sounds really good. I'd like that. I don't wanna go out in the public though. Not for a long time. I just wanna lay low and find myself with you," she said.
"Deal," Dean smirked.
"I can finally be me again. I can get my ID back. And a phone again. I need to get in touch with my bank. All my money is still in my account. I couldn't touch it or they would track me," she said. "I'm free. I can't believe I'm actually free."

Seth pulled her close and kissed her.

"And something else I also said. I'll take my fair share today," he said.
"Can it wait five minutes?" She asked.
"Why?" He asked.
"I still gotta pee like crazy," she answered.