"You've definitely proved you've earned your spot in the semifinal round. To think I'm using my second Pokemon...Right here in this PokeBall. Let's go!"

Rays of white basked underneath the sun's glory, a silhouette materializing from within. Eon cries enraptured all attending conference members, The male counterpart rapidly settling across it's combatant.

"And Tobias' second Pokemon is Latios!"

"Pika pika…."

"It's a Latios"

"Latios, The Eon Pokemon. Latios is highly intelligent and can fly faster than a jet, by tucking in it's wing" voiced out yet another pokedex

"I'm not gonna lose no matter what kind of Pokemon he uses. Now use Leaf Blade!" Chanted Ash, newfound confidence coursing through him.

Upon hearing his trainer's remark, a soft green light emanated within Sceptile's elongated leaves, not losing more so of a second charging towards Latios. "Scep...Scep...Tile!"

"Latios, use Giga Impact." Tobias called. Latios roared, it's body engulfed in an opaque radiating light, powering through with much ease.

Unfortunate for Trainer and Pokemon, only one came out victorious, and neither were they. Latios' Giga Impact was too powerful of a match for Sceptile's Leaf Blade, successfully managing to push The Forest Pokemon into a K.Oed state.

"Sceptile No!" Cried out the raven-haired boy, all hope once left, now diminished

"Sceptile is unable to battle. Latios Wins!"

"Damn it!" Cursed out Ash, twisting and turning in what surely was his bed.

Upon hearing his trainers "cries", Pikachu gave as much as a glance before looking towards the alarm clock.

"4:00 A.M"

The electric mouse sighed, already coping with the situation. It's been but two days since Ash competed in the Lily of the Valley conference. Two days since he'd lost honorably yet miserably. Two days since he'd part ways with his traveling companions.

He, along with his partner, were now in Pallet Town, resting easy after a much needed break. Or so they thought at the very least. Ever since Ash got back to Kanto, memories of the very battle he lost, lurked within his dreams, converting them into what he considered nightmares.

"Pika pi, pika pika" chanted his partner, producing sparks of electricity with every nuzzle shared. Ash again, twisted and turned, feeling the electricity, yet not enough to wake him up. Pikachu sighed yet again, knowing all to well what was to come next.

"Pikaaaaachuuuuuuu" Suddenly, the little rodent was engulfed in lighting, as it directed it towards its trainer and used a low voltaged Thunderbolt. Upon contact, the raven-haired boy abruptly woke up from his nightmare and broke down into heavy pants.

One would think he'd be used to it from previous occasions.

"Thanks buddy" Ash voiced in a groggy tone, reaching out towards Pikachu and petting it, to which it replied with a sweet "Pikaaaaa." The boy smiled at the scene, slowly getting up from his bed. He headed towards his desk, where five pokeball capsules were neatly aligned, and stuffed them into his Pajama pockets.

He then headed outside, walking towards the outskirts of Route 1. There, he plopped onto the grass and took out his pokeballs. The boy gazed at them ever so tenderly and released them for some fresh air.

It was his Sinnoh Team from when he fought against Paul. The group all looked around, taking in the unfamiliar landscape. They then looked up at the silhouette towering over them, who was looking at them with equal amount of love, and charged at him all at once, joyous enough seeing a familiar face in an unfamiliar place.

For the little while they stayed, stars enveloped the Kanto morning, all while a pair of onyx eyes admired. The corners of his mouth curved into a sweet smile, memories of him and his time in the sinnoh region occupying his restless mind. He looked at his Pokémon, either of them basking underneath what was considered "starlight", or played at a close perimeter within the outskirts. Well all but one. Ash sighed and quietly walked over towards Buizel, who was mounted on a rock, taking in the beauty of what was Route 1.

The Sea Weasel was dejected. He, much like it's trainer, took the loss gravely to put it lightly. The Pokémon sighed, turning to face his trainer. Ash gave him one of his signature chuckles and took a seat besides him.

"Hey buddy" Whispered out the raven-haired boy, placing a hand on top the Orange weasel. Buizel looked at Ash, an unreadable expression grazing his features.

They remained in silence, no words needed to share what they felt. The sky began changing hues, indicating the start of a fresh beautiful day in the Kanto region. It reminded them both on how rarely they used to watch the sun rise in Sinnoh. The once dejected facade homed, was now diminished. In place, an expression content with overwhelming relief grazed their features.

Ash smiled at the sudden gesture, his mind focused on a certain blue-haired coordinator. He'd usually enjoy nature's most beautiful moments with her. The boy then fixed his onyx eyes towards Buizel. Looking at him was much like looking at her. He chuckled at the thought and got up.

"Let's go guys! My mom's going to whip us up a nice breakfast soon, and I don't know about you, but man am I starving!" Ash cried out, rounding up his Pokémon one by one.

They all cheered in unison, returning to their respective capsules. The Kanto native chuckled, his partner soon mounting his shoulder.

Hey guys! This is my first FanFiction and I hoped you all liked it! I really love pearlshipping, hence why I'm writing about it. I'd also appreciate reviews of how this story is coming along and maybe what I should add onto it! I'll be updating in a few days! Thank you!