And thus, the end is upon us! The final chapter of Doom Days. I'd like to thank everyone who has read this far and reviewed. You guys are all awesome! And as always, TheDistantDusk, Arnel, and gryffindormischief have all been nice enough to comb through this chapter, and I would like to thank them!


Ginny couldn't sleep. Her mind was reeling like an endless fishing line. Her father - the man she hadn't seen in nearly ten years, who she'd thought to be dead - was here. He was here, leading a group of survivors. Here… and not with her. Over the years, she'd thought about her father, imagining him staying with her mother until her final breath. Then, because he stayed with her, Ginny assumed he'd fallen to the same illness. It had always been nagging in the back of her mind that he'd more than likely died alone.

But he hadn't. Arthur Weasley was alive and helping others, which was just like him. And yet, Ginny couldn't help but feel...abandoned.

Why hadn't he come to Bill's and stayed with his family? It had been nearly ten years without a word. He could have at least sent word that he was okay, but no. Instead, she'd thought both her parents were gone.

Ginny rolled onto her left side. No matter how many positions she'd tried, sleep evaded her. Harry's slow breathing warmed her cheek as she moved in closer to his warmth, hoping that his presence would soothe her unease. It had been like a ball in the pit of her stomach the moment she'd seen her father, but it had been snowballing steadily until she reached the point where she literally felt ill.

"Fuck." Ginny whispered the word into the silent room. She wouldn't be able to sleep, not if her mind just wouldn't stop spinning. Rolling over again, Ginny flipped the blankets off her body before setting her feet onto the cold wooden floor. Ignoring the chill that ran up from her toes to her spine, Ginny started to waddle away from the overly large cot she and Harry had been given.

As it was early afternoon, most people were out of the make-shift dormitory, tending to the gardens or on patrol. Arthur had sent Harry and Ginny to the bathhouse before sending them to get some well-deserved rest. He'd then taken the wide awake Victoire to walk around the village grounds. At first Ginny had hesitated to let Vic out of her sight… but it was her father, and even though she hadn't seen him in years, she knew Arthur would protect his granddaughter with his life. She just had to think about the pure affection and joy in Arthur's face when he'd been introduced to Vic for the first time. Ginny swore she'd seen a tear run down her father's cheek as Vic hugged him.

Waddling as effectively as she could, Ginny reached the back window that provided a perfect view down the little hill that showed off the village. Arthur and a few others had made the church, small shops, and few houses into a community. It wasn't much, nothing like what Seamus had been part of, but even though she'd been there for under twenty-four hours, Ginny could feel the village's homely charm.

In the trip from the church to the bathhouse (which had once been the local school before they'd added bathtubs to the toilets), Ginny had been introduced to a handful of people, all of whom had greeted her with warm exclamations over meeting the famous daughter of Arthur. And the number of congratulations she'd received over her pregnancy felt like they numbered in the thousands. Instead of feeling off-put and suspicious like she'd been when Phil had talked to her, Ginny had felt comfortable and welcome.

"Ginny?" She turned to see her smiling father. He strode from the side door he'd come from, his eyes flickering over to Harry's sleeping form. It didn't take long for him to be beside her. "What are you doing up?"

"I -" She looked up into the warm blue eyes that were the same as they were when she was a child, only with a more wrinkles formed at the corners. "I couldn't sleep." Ginny glanced behind him. "Where is Vic?"

Arthur's smile widened. "She made friends with a little boy named Teddy. Both his parents are dead, but his grandmother is alive and caring for him." His hand came to rest between her shoulder blades like he used to do when she was a child. "How are you, Ginny?"

She sighed, the tension in her shoulders ebbed away as her father started rubbing soothing circles into her back. "I - I don't really know."

Arthur nodded. "That's understandable. This is a lot to take in."

"You can say that again." Ginny let her eyes slowly shut.

"This is a lot to take in."

Ginny opened her eyes to see her smirking father. She shook her head, unable to stop her lips from curling up. "Dad," Ginny met his gaze. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, darling." He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you. I -" Arthur choked up. "I - I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. You and B -Bill."

Ginny turned away from the window, pressing her body as close to her father as her stomach would allow. "Oh, Dad." Everything she'd been feeling, sadness over losing Bill, the astonishment of seeing her father, not to mention the dreaded pregnancy hormones she'd been facing, all welled to the surface, spilling over in the form of tears. There was no way for her to stop the waterworks.

"Ginny." The gentleness of Arthur's tone just made her cry harder. He rocked the two of them slowly, back and forth

She stayed in his arms, her face soaking his dark button-up shirt for what felt like hours. Eventually, Ginny pulled away from her father's chest. She wiped under her eyes. "I'm -" She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry."

Arthur smiled at her fondly. "You have nothing to be sorry for." His grin faltered. "I, on the other hand," he took a deep breath, "I need you to know, I was on my way to find you. To Bill's house. But around Witney, I met this man and his son… They needed help. His wife had just died and his son was so young. I figured that once I helped them settle somewhere, I would make my way back towards you and Bill, but… I found another lost soul and another until I was heading a little group of ten people."

Ginny knew her father was a helpful man, he was always the kind stranger who would stop to help you change a flat tire, but to build a colony…

"Eventually, I decided I needed to get the people further from London, so we packed up and headed north. We traveled for weeks until..." He glanced back out at the village. "We found our home."

Arthur turned back to her, his eyes beseeching. "I thought about you all the time, but I couldn't leave all these people. And I knew Harry would take care of you." A smile reappeared on his lips. "I'd say you two took care of each other. And if I may," he placed a hand on her stomach. "You two are happy?"

The fluttering movement of her child moving made Ginny place her hand next to her father's. "So happy, Dad."

"That's all I can ask for." Arthur kissed her forehead.

"Dad," Ginny swallowed the lump in her throat. "You know you have nothing to be sorry for, right?"

Arthur's blue eyes met hers, shame still overwhelming in their depths. "I should have come and told you I was all right. I imagine you've thought me dead all these years."

Ginny shook her head. "No, you did the right thing. You helped people who needed you. But I do have to ask something."


"How -" Ginny licked her lips, trying to think of the best way to ask her question. She didn't have a clue how her father was gonna react. "What happened to Mum?"

It was like all the energy drained from Arthur instantly. His shoulders sagged as his eyes welled with tears. "Your mother," he cleared his throat blinking rapidly. "Your mother didn't want me to die with her. She knew I would never leave her so - she took mat - matters into her own hands."

Ginny let his words wash over her. "She took -" Her jaw dropped. "Are you saying she killed herself?"

The pain in Arthur's eyes said everything is mouth was unable to. Even though, logically, Ginny had known her mother was gone years ago. Grief sucker-punched her.

"She locked the door a few hours after you left and -" Arthur shut his mouth, shaking his head. "She didn't want me to die too."

Ginny gripped the back of her father's shirt, holding him close again. "Mum always was willing to do anything to keep us all safe."

Arthur nodded. "Yes, she was such an amazing woman and mother." They stayed in silence for a while, taking comfort in the other's arms until Arthur broke the quiet. "I miss her."

"Me too," Ginny admitted. "I always thought she would be with me when I gave birth."

"She would have been." Arthur smiled fondly. "Molly would have been by your side the whole time."

Ginny knew he was right. "But at least I get to have you there."

Arthur's eyes widened before crinkling. "It will be an honor to be there with you."


Harry took a swig from the canteen. His hair was plastered to his forehead from the sweat. Arthur had asked for his help fortifying the walls surrounding the little village. It reminded Harry of London, with metal scraps converted into barriers and wooden structures crafted at strategic points for guards.

But there was something completely different than London: the atmosphere. The overcrowded streets of London always felt as if hands were closing around your throat, no sympathy or care. If you died, you died. Just one less mouth to feed. But this little community… Arthur had formed a home for everyone.

A hand slapped him hard on the back, nearly making Harry spit out his drink. He sputtered as he turned to glare at Oliver Wood.

Wood was a few older than Harry, with the build of a professional football keeper - and seeing as he'd been one for years before Morsmordre swept the nation, it made sense.

"Sorry, mate." Wood pulled his hand back with a guilty smile. "You all right?"

"Ye -." Harry cleared his throat. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"Good. Good." Wood's smile shifted back from concern to excitement. "Did you hear what we're working on once we complete the walls?"

Harry hadn't. He'd only been in the community for a few weeks and was still just settling in. He hadn't preoccupied himself with gossip or renovation, focusing his energy on his family instead.

Vic had finally broken down over her father, crying in his arms as he helped her dress after a bath. It had started off as a sniffle or two, then a few tears, before erupting into body shaking sobs. Harry had pulled the weeping girl into his arms, running his hands over her damp head. Later that night before bed, Vic had asked why her daddy had died. Ginny had thankfully been with Harry during that breakdown, and between the two of them, they soothed the little girl.

Ginny… Harry had to admire her. Though she was grieving her brother too, she had taken on Victorie's pain and comforted the child. Tears had fallen from all their eyes that night.

Within the week of being in the village, they had gone to the healer of the community, a nice but stern woman named Poppy. She had checked over Ginny and the baby, using her fingers to feel around Ginny's stomach. She wasn't entirely sure how far along Ginny was, but she warned them that the baby could come any day.

Panic had started to course throughout Harry's body at the words. Any day. He wasn't nearly prepared. They had started a little nest at Bill's. A cot, some decent clothing, nappies - as many cloth nappies as they could find, and some minor things. But they hadn't been able to take most of it with them. Ginny had managed to gather a few things from their collection, but most of it had to stay behind. Ginny, however, stayed cool and calm. That night, she snuggled up to him, whispering sweet words of comfort and love into his ear, which was exactly what he needed.

"Harry?" Oliver placed his hand back onto Harry's shoulder, bring him out of his recollection.

"Sorry." Harry's hand came up to rub the back of his neck. "No, I have no idea what we're working on next."

Oliver's eyes became alight with excitement. "A football field!" Oliver was so enthusiastic Harry was afraid he might wet himself.

Harry smiled. "Vic will love that."

"I'm planning on starting a team." Wood had a glint in his eye that made Harry afraid for the other team. Oliver was a competitive man, to say the least. "You in?"

"Er -" Before Harry could give a solid answer, Lisa (Poppy's trainee) came running from behind the converted bathhouse.

"Harry!" The woman sucked in a large gulp of air as she skidded to a stop in front of him. "It's Ginny." Another gulp. "She's in labor and she asked me to come get you."


Ginny couldn't take her eyes off Harry. Harry and the baby. Their baby girl. It had been a long twenty hours, but the end result… Ginny was in awe of it all. Poppy had made sure everything had gone smoothly as possible. And now, two hours later, Ginny was tired but unable to sleep.

The baby let out a whimper, her lip trembling. Harry started making cooing noises, bringing the baby up to his chest and bouncing slowly. She sighed and settled into his shirt.

All those visions of Harry caring for their baby didn't even come close to the reality. If anyone asked, Ginny would blame the tears welling in her eyes on the hormones, but she knew it was more than that. Keeping her voice low, hoping to encourage the peace, she whispered, "Well done."

Harry slowly lifted his gaze up from the bundle tucked in his arms. His eyes were overly bright as he met hers. The contented smile on his lips spoke more than words. He made his way over to the bed Ginny rested in, being careful not to jostle the baby too much.

As he sat down on the edge of the mattress a quiet knock came from the bedroom door. It opened slowly, Arthur's red and grey head peering around the frame. "You two up for a couple visitors?"

Ginny looked at Harry who nodded. "Sure, Dad. Come on in."

The door swung wide revealing Vic peeking around her grandfather's legs. Arthur had a hand in the girls shoulder. Ginny smiled at them. "Hey Vic, wanna come meet your new cousin?"

Harry gave Vic an encouraging nod, boosting the newborn up higher up his shoulder. Vic stepped hesitantly into the room, moving as if there could be a bomb under each floor tile. Finally, she reached the bed.

"Come on up." Ginny patted the spot beside her, ignoring the pain in her body as she scooted towards the other edge. Vic climbed up the mattress and shared Ginny's pillow.

Arthur came over to the mattress, holding a spare pillow. He placed it on Vic's lap. "Now, whenever Harry can tear himself away from my new, beautiful granddaughter, you can hold her." Vic's eyes grew the size of saucers.

Harry smiled at Arthur. "Not an easy feat!"

Arthur nodded understandingly. "Never is."

Ginny looked at Vic. "Do you want to hold the baby?"

Vic bit her bottom lip, clearly debating with herself. Finally, she nodded.

Harry gently turned the baby so she was laying in his arms rather than against his chest. "Hold out your arms like this." Vic followed his example, her arms held out stiffly.

Ginny smiled as she helped the girl correct her hold. "There you go, luv."

Harry slowly placed the infant into her cousin's arms. Vic's focus never strayed from the bundle. "She has a lot of hair."

Ginny laughed, running her hands over the baby's bright red hair. "And it's messy, just like her father's."

Harry smiled down at them, his eyes meeting Ginny's in a loving look. "Poor kid."

She shook her head. "I love your hair!"

As Harry opened his mouth, most likely to make another cheeky comment, the baby let out a loud whimper. Her eyes had opened, showing off the classic baby blue that Ginny was certain would turn emerald green like Harry's. The baby's bottom lip trembled before she started to cry loudly.

Victoire looked around at the adults, her concern obvious. Ginny smiled at her. "It's nothing you did, Vic. She just hungry from the sounds of it." She gently took the baby from the girl's arms. It took a moment for Ginny to adjust herself to attach the baby to her breast, but it became marginally easier when Harry came over and helped. Once the infant was happily sucking away, Ginny turned her attention back to the room.

Vic watched the baby with a curious expression. That contented smile had spread back across Harry's lips as he looked at her. But it was Arthur's look of pride that made tears spring to Ginny's eyes.

"So what's her name?" Arthur asked, his voice rougher than normal.

Ginny turned towards Harry. They hadn't really discussed a name yet, still being in a state of nirvana just getting to hold their daughter. "Her -" Harry blinked rapidly. "Oh, right." His hand jumped to the back of his neck. "Well, I was thinking," he paused, taking a deep breath, "What about Molly?"

"I -" The tears that she'd been able to hold back before now fell onto her cheeks. "I love it." Ginny looked down at the little girl in her arms. "Little Molly Potter. She looks like a Molly."

A choking noise made Ginny look up. Arthur was crying now, tears sliding off his cheeks. "Your mother would be so honored." He moved over to Harry and hugged him before leaning down and kissing the top of Ginny's head. "I have to go and see to the wall. I'll be back later. Do you want to come with me Vic and give these two a bit of alone time?" The young girl started to shake her head, but then Arthur said the magic words. "We can go see Teddy."

Victoire beamed at her grandfather. "Okay." She kissed Ginny's cheek before hopping off the mattress. She went around the frame to hug Harry before leaving the bedroom with Arthur, who closed the door gently behind them.

Harry sighed, moving around the bed to take the spot Vic had vacated. "Your father knew just what we needed."

"Well, he has been through this a few times," Ginny chuckled lightly. She looked down at Molly, whose eyelids had started to flutter shut. After a few seconds of quiet, Molly's mouth fell open as she fell asleep.

"Gin." Harry sounded as if he'd swallowed a jar of sand. She looked up at him to see more emotion in his eyes than ever before. "Thank you."

She shook her head. "There's nothing to thank me for. I love you and this is everything I could want."

He leaned over and kissed her lightly, lovingly. When he pulled back, his nose nuzzled hers. "I love you too."

Ginny knew she must have the sappiest smile on her lips, but in that moment, she didn't care. After all the shit they'd gone through, all the heartache and trauma, they were getting a little slice of happiness and peace they craved. Ginny could only hope that this would last forever, the feeling that the doomed days were over. When she looked down at Molly, hope was easy. When Harry wrapped his arms around her shoulder, hope seemed effortless. Ginny had everything she needed to truly live, and what more could she ask for?