As I squinted down the darkened path I took notice of the empty silence that filled the path. I stared at it as if I were in a trance before feeling a hand touched my shoulder. I jolted and turned around to see Natsu grinning at me.

"Whatcha doing Luce?" I sighed at his carefree attitude. I shook my head and turned to look at the street once more to see that something had changed. There wasn't a looming shadow, instead, there were multiple light posts with bright lights. That's weird, wasn't there only one light post with a flickering light? I shook my head slightly and glanced down at the paper that I had grabbed. 500,000 jewels for capturing a simple crook. I tilted my head to the side as I continued gazing at the job request.

"Is that what we're really doing?" I heard Natsu's voice behind my back. I turned my head slightly and nodded.

"Seems boring, why did you choose that!" he whined. I turned around and glared at Natsu before continuing walking down the path. The boys continued to squabble as I reached my destination, a lonesome town that was near Magnolia.

"I bet me and Inferno can kick your butts!" Natsu sneered at Gray. Yuki scoffed while Gray simply grinned.

"Or maybe it'll the two of us that kicks your ass," Gray smirked towards Yuki who acknowledged his statement.

"Dream on ice princess!" Inferno yelled back. I slowly felt my anger bubbling but I instantly dropped my anger when I stepped foot in the entrance of the town. Something was off. I turned around to see the group slowly approaching the entrance. I quickly held my hand out and sent a blast of air magic towards the group knocking them away from the entrance. In an instant, a dark surge of energy engulfed the entire town. I was trapped. Just great.

Authors Notes

Hey guys, sorry if I've been absent in making this story, with school and such it's been hard to find the motivation to continue this story. I'll try and update this story, emphasis on try XD

oh sorry if this story was short T- T