I hear my mum shouting for me from downstairs.



I smirks at my mum's remarks from the shouting, little did she know, I was already awaken the pass one hour.

The reason I woke up an hour earlier was always and only for one same reason.

Taeyeon walks to the only window in her room, which faces the road.

She looks at her watch on her wrist impatiently.

Where is she…..she's quite late today! Come on come on~

Taeyeon bite her bottom lip as she is near to the edge of breaking her limits on patience.

Its been 2 years since the last time, Taeyeon starts doing this.

She slums her chin lazily on her palm while waiting at her window.

A small frown was played on the corner of her lips.

Taeyeon's head heads up a little when she heard a couple of giggles from around the corner.

Now a small excited smile slowly plays across her face, replacing the previous frown.

Hehehehehe! There she comes again.

It was all like in a movie, you know, how good things becomes all slow mo to let you enjoy things even longer, this happenings were actually playing in Taeyeon's eyes now.

Two girls in their uniforms appear to be walking together side by side, talking to one another.

Giggling at their little talks that they both shares.

Taeyeon watches them from her window with interest plays in her eyes.

One girl has a very healthy looking long black hair, while the other one was a blonde with smooth curls at the end of her hair.

Their arms were linked together as they walk pass Taeyeon's house now.

If you guys are wondering why am I like a stalker, peering them through my windows, please, I am not…I don't stalk..i just…well… I don't know if there is such word to define of what I am doing, but for sure I am not stalking them..well, not them specifically.


Just one of them, oh well, I guess my mum's limit is already over, that's one harsh shout. I better get going!

Taeyeon pick her bag up from the floor in front of her bed, slinging it over one of her arms as she dashes out from her room, fleeing down the stairs.

She landed with a big jump at the end of the stairs.

"AIGOOO! This kid!" mrs. Kim taps her chest a few times, shaking her head.

"mianhae omma~" Taeyeon smiles dorkily and gives her mum a hug.

"what are you doing, you'll need to rush to school again!"

"dae" Taeyeon breaks the hug, smiling at her mum with an apologetic look on her face, "woke up late again"

Look, lying is no good, I know, I don't imply that on me, but, how will my mum ever react if she knew I actually woke up an hour earlier just to look at HER =.= that's definitely not a good excuse, never will I even say it!

"I have to go mum! Bye!" Taeyeon kisses her mum by the cheek as she rushes out of the house.

Running to her front porch, Taeyeon grab the bicycle lying sideways on its own at the gate.

She jumps on it and starts cycling it as fast as she can go.

Indeed Taeyeon is a good in cycling, she was smooth around the corner.

She's quick enough as she sees the two familiar figures in front.

Taeyeon has a grin plays on her face again.

Taeyeon paddle fast enough on the bike pedal, but she slows down as she is near to the two girls. She rings the bell on her bicycle. Making the two girls jump up in surprise.

They look at her.

"Morning!" Taeyeon smiles, she then uses only one hand to wave goodbye as she cycles away from them.

The blonde one looks at Taeyeon unkindly for scaring her with the sudden bell ringing from behind her, "she's weird Tiff, always greeting us that way"

Tiffany shakes her head, laughing quietly, "gwenchana…"

"Do you think she's trying to make friends with us?" the blonde ask her friend.

Tiffany shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know Jessi, but I would prefer if she really wants to make friends, do it in a proper way"

"ANDWAE" Jessica shakes her head.

"wae" Tiffany look at Jessica's overreacted reaction.

"Tiffany, she's a school next to ours" Jessica pouted.


"uhhh~ you know what I mean, don't need me to spill things out words by words isnt it" Jessica scoffs as she crosses her arms.

Tiffany's lips curve into a side frown.

Yes, Tiffany and Jessica happens to study in a high maintenance school where else, Taeyeon's school are more like those normal one, but two different standards of school are only separate with a wall and fence.

Schools like Tiffany and Jessica's are not easy to get into.

"im tired~~~~~" Jessica complains, as both her arms hangs lazily.

Tiffany shakes her head, giggling at her friend's complain.

"why didn't I take the limo.. why did I even listen and agree to your so-call brilliant idea of walking to school is the best way to lose some weight" Jessica continues to complain.

"yahhhh~ stop complaining, we made this promise, stick up to it" Tiffany stuck her tongue out at Jessica.

"but I didn't promise that I wont complain during our way" Jessica stuck her tongue out back at Tiffany.

Taeyeon get her legs off the pedal and uses her leg to break by stopping her bike with both her feet. Taeyeon gets off the bike, dragging the bike by her side, to where her school has already prepare a small parking lot for bicycle.

Taeyeon pull out a lock out from her bag when she found an empty space for her bike to be tie at, she then use the lock the bike at the pole.

A tall tanned girl leans her butt against the pole, her arms crossed.

She stares at Taeyeon unkindly.

"dae dae dae, I know, Im a little late today" Taeyeon says without looking at the girl.

"yah kim taeyeon! A little? It's 10 minutes"

"fine. Lunch on me later" Taeyeon offers.

Taeyeon is done locking her bike safely at the pole, she threw the keys up, but only frowns when Sooyoung catches it easily, since she is a lot more taller than Taeyeon.

"you offer that to a wrong person" Sooyoung smirks, twirling the key by its hook around her index finger.

"ahhh~ I have savings, still can afford it" Taeyeon jumps up and grabs the key back quickly, smiling happily when she sees how shock Sooyoung is.

Taeyeon plops the keys into her pocket.

Sooyoung and Taeyeon gathers in the assembly along with the other students.

They heard ringing bells from the school besides theirs, only the fences were the only thing standing in the way, but through the fences, Taeyeon can see the other side of the school is doing the same thing, getting ready for the assembly.

Hmmmm, think I can see her from here? Spot her out from the crowds?

Sooyoung look at her friend whose head is going side to side, looking at the opposite side of their school.

"oi, who are you looking for?" Sooyoungs smacks Taeyeon's shoulder.

Taeyeon slums in disappointment as she cant find who she wanted to look for, she shakes her head.

"you know anyone from there?" Sooyoung ask.

"not really" taeyeon answers shortly.

"oh ya, I've sign you up for basketball club"

"you what!?"

"sign you up for the basketball club" Sooyoung repeats.

"what ! why would you do something like that! I was never interested in sports! And especially basketball!"

"stop overreacting, just do it for good health….and points for the end of our exam, the big exam this year!" Sooyoung crosses her arms.

"and you think basketball is the good idea?" Taeyeon copies Sooyoung.

Sooyoung nods her head.

"and why would you think it is?"

"cos first, is fun, secondly, im in it"

"so? Its easy for you to say so because you have the height! When I don't" Taeyeon flings both her arms up in the air in frustration.

"just try, no harm trying it"

Taeyeon grumbles under her own breath.

"yahhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~" Sooyoung wraps her arms around Taeyeon's neck from the back tightly, "mianhaeeeeee taeyeon aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~"

"go away" Taeyeon crosses her arms.

"taeyeonnieeeeeeee!" Sooyoung speaks in her annoying aegyo loudly.

Most students look in their direction, don't know why but Taeyeon look at the opposite direction and out of the crowd, the blondie and brunette girls that Taeyeon is searching for just now is looking at them too, like the other students does.

Taeyeon quickly pulls Sooyoung's arms away, trying her best, since Sooyoung is a little longer.

"the heck- let go, sooyoung!"

"tell me that you'll be going to the practice today"

"what!? Today!?"

"tell me tell me t-t-tell me~~~~~" Sooyoung did her aegyo again.

"araso araso! I'll go! Now let go!"

Sooyoung did a fake kiss for Taeyeon at the cheeks and let go, "good girl" she pats Taeyeon's head roughly.

She saw that? She witness that? Will she misunderstand it?

But by the time, Taeyeon looks back at the other school, the students has resume to its normal position, no longer looking at her or Sooyoung.

It made Taeyeon sighs loudly.

Why am I even afraid that she'll misunderstand it, when she's not even….mine?

"don't worry, there's a few famous short basketball players too" Sooyoung pats Taeyeon's head.

Taeyeon yank Sooyoung's hand away, fixing her hair tidy back.

"that's not what I really worries about" Taeyeon mumbles as she looks at the other school one last time again before concentrating on what her headmaster is about to say in the speech.

Taeyeon ah Taeyeon ah Taeyeon ah~~~~ what is this feeling you have now, are you starting to fall for the same sex of yours? Of course in many eyes, most might be disgusted by the fact that I may be interested in my same sex instead of liking guys… what to do! There's no one to be blame, but I really cant help but to like her… was it love or not I do not know… but I definitely enjoy the past 2 years of looking at her through window, or peeking her through the fences and although I have never hears her voice, I've already imagine how she'll sound like, hard to do so since I have never hears it before, but only my imagination can takes me further…

I really really really want to know this girl, just a simple hello from her will do, maybe like the traditional old way, a handshake perhaps? Ugh! Here I am, mentally smacking myself at my own thoughts! What will mum says if she knows im feeling this way now? Brother JiWoong will probably tease me till the day I die =.= and Sooyoung! (taeyeon looks at Sooyoung the moment the girl was mention in her head) will she even still accepts me when she finds out that…. I might actually turns out to be way more different than her? I mean, she's always loving the attention she gets from males, she even does silly things to get attention from the males.

No no no, this must be a lust, nothing but a lust, yes, im growing up, hormones raging, she's pretty that's all… (taeyeon hung her head low) what are you thinking kim tae yeon… why are you trying to confuse yourself even worse than ever… oh God~ you tell me, what am I feeling now… I just like seeing her because I feel like she has an extraordinary beauty right? Yeah! Yeah! It must be it, I must be confusing myself between love and admire. Well hell yeah! I was never in relationship before! So this explains! I don't even know anything about love, how can I say that im in love? I was never in the situation before, I do not know what or how does it feels to love someone… yeah, that must be it…..yeah….cool. I should. Just stop. Thinking about her.

Taeyeon is too into her thoughts too much that she didn't realize the students are already going back to their classes, leaving her standing there, her head hung low.

Jessica who happens to over her shoulders, sees something and taps Tiffany's shoulder.

"wae?" Tiffany looks at her best friend.

Jessica nods towards where she is looking at, "isnt that the weird person who greets us?"

Tiffany tilt her head sideways a little to see clearly at who Jessica is stating at.

When she had a clear view, she nods her head.

"yeah, is her" answers Tiffany.

"look, everyone is gone and there she is standing there. Alone" Jessica holds her laughter.

"leave her alone, sica" Tiffany looks away.


Taeyeon jumps up at the sudden pat from someone from behind.

She turn around only to find Sooyoung looking at her, she looks around, her mouth open slightly.

"where's others?"

Sooyoung smacks her own head, "they left, what happened to you, tae?"

Shit! I must've gone into my thoughts too deeply.

Taeyeon shakes her head, "nothing. Lets go, shall we"


Taeyeon's nightmare starts when class is over and they are heading to the gym locker to change.

Sooyoung realizes that Taeyeon's steps becomes heavier everytime they are one steps closer to the gym locker.

"yahhhh~ you walk like the living dead"

"I feels like one"

Sooyoung rolls her eyes, ignoring on Taeyeon's remark.

They reach the place, as Sooyoung was about to walk into the gym locker, she feels Taeyeon has just stops right behind her tracks. She turn around to face that shorter latter.


"sooyoung ah. Mianhae" Taeyeon turns around the other direction from where they come from, ready to flee, but Sooyoung who has longer legs ran after her and catch up after a few steps,

Carrying Taeyeon up from the behind.

"yah! Lemme go lemme go!" Taeyeon's legs starts kicking around as she struggles to break free.

But Sooyoung who is carrying Taeyeon felt nothing as though she has just carry a little puppy up, walks into the locker room.

"put me down put me down!" Taeyeon screams like a kid who is being kidnap.

Sooyoung walks to an empty locker and put Taeyeon down, "I swear if you try to run away again, im going to just drag you back by your hair this time"

Taeyeon stares at Sooyoung for a moment before throwing her bag into the empty locker.

"you are seriously lucky with the heights you got!"

"I know" Sooyoung winks and change into her track suit.

After changing they both jog out to the field.

I seriously feel like killing my own best friend already

Taeyeon looks at Sooyoung who seems to be the only one who is over excited.

While on the other side of Taeyeon's school,

Tiffany and Jessica is taking their break, they decide to skip the meal. Since anyway, Jessica doesn't like the school food much anyway, they walk to the place where they always gather when they have extra time, a place where it's near the wall, a tree shading the place nicely.

They both sit under the tree.

"yahhh~" Jessica bumps slightly against Tiffany's shoulder, "that Jang WooYoung guy, I heard he's so into you, babe"

Tiffany moves her glasses a little before continuing reading the book on her lap, "I don't want to be in a relationship with anyone yet, studies are really important for me, I want to get into-"

"college, want to have a successful career and job in the future~ yes, I know Stephanie hwang" Jessica finishes Tiffany's line.

Tiffany smiles and nods her head, she almost laugh at how Jessica impersonates as her.

"but girl, don't tell me. You plan to stay single"

Tiffany takes her glasses off to rub her eyes, "sica- of course I don't plan to stay single for the rest of my life, but I need to have a stable life first before having a relationship" Tiffany wears her glasses on again, "if I cant handle my life properly, how can I handle a relationship, right?"

Seriously, I rather stay in the library, read some books or something. Get an empty space in the library and sleep perhaps. Not now, playing the stupid basketball game under an extremely hot sun, I'll kill Sooyoung if I get sunburn!

Taeyeon glares at Sooyoung unkindly, the other girl stuck her tongue out slowly in a sarcastically way, "yah! Grab this!"

Sooyoung all of a sudden throws the ball at Taeyeon's direction.

"WHAT-" the ball is coming its way towards Taeyeon's direction, with no time to grab the ball, Taeyeon hits the ball up with both her palm, it flew backwards. Over the wall.


They hear the ball landed on something with a loud thud.


"double shit-" Sooyoung gasp.

"it hit someone" Taeyeon face gets worry.

"hey you two!" their basketball coach jogs to them, "what do you think you are doing!"

"sorry coach, we just-" Sooyoung tries to explain.

But the coach cuts in, "just go get the ball"

"what? Now?" Taeyeon ask as they have never been into the other school before.

The coach crosses his arms, looking at them angrily, "you think about getting it next year?" he mocks them.

Both Taeyeon and Sooyoung jogs out from their school compound, heading to the other school.

"yah, you think the student will ask us to pay them for the medical fare?" Sooyoung ask worriedly. Taeyeon keeps quiet but she still looks at Sooyoung unkindly.

They reach the international school gate, the security stops them before letting them enter.

"we're here to get our ball back" Sooyoung says to the security guard.


"yeah, we're having a practice.." Taeyeon stares at Sooyoung unkindly first before looking back at the security guard, "and the ball flew over to this side of the school over the wall"

Taeyeon sees two figure far at the end from where she's standing, one of the student carries the ball in the hands, "there. That's our ball"

Sooyoung and Taeyeon walks in.

"whoa whoa, wait." The security blocks their way, "did I say, to let you in?"

"we just want to get our ball, what's is your problem, sir" Sooyoung looks at the security guard.

"but never have I say to let you in"

"yah, stop being so cruel to us, bully" Sooyoung answers him.

"bully? You watch your language and tone, girl. Where's the respect" he glares at her.

"respect? For a security guard like you?" Sooyoung snorts, had enough of the guard's attitude.

"why you-" the security guard is about to explode until 5 boys walk over to them.

"what's wrong security lee?" one of the boy ask.

"this two brat from the school next door wants to get the ball back, but haven't did I give the permission for them to enter the school compound and they are trying to barge in already" the security guard explain.

"yah! You were the one being a little overrated as we told you, our ball is there" Sooyoung points to the direction, where the two figures were already walking near towards them.

Oh fuck! How can it be them!? Shit! how can it be her out of all the students in this school! Why her! Shit~

Jessica has the basketball carrying in her arms.

"that's our ball alright" Sooyoung wanted to take the basketball but Jessica hides it behind her, "what the-"

"ah! The culprit" Jessica glares at Sooyoung.

"what culprit are you talking about, Jessi?" the tallest guy out of the 5 ask.

"this ball hits Tiffany on the head, Taecyeon oppa" Jessica answers.

A shorter one walks to Tiffany's side immediately, "yah, gwenchanayo?" he ask her in full concern.

Ah~ Tippany! That's her name? Suits her really well ^^ hahaha! Okay wait, no, this is nothing to be happy at all, of course I am happy that now I know her name, tippany…. t-i-p-p-a-n-y~~ but, this is not a happy situation at all..

Wooyoung walks closer to Tiffany, waiting for the response from Tiffany.

Gosh~ Im about to hear her voice! Yes her! Her voice… that I have always imagine how it might sound like, for a goddess like person like her…omg, this isnt for real isnt it? It's a dream that im going to wake up from and be happy about it and grumpy that I woke up from it isnt it, she's so near me!

For the first time, Taeyeon is standing so close to Tiffany, not close, but right in front of each other, Tiffany looks at Taeyeon. But Taeyeon lower her gaze as she didn't dare to look at Tiffany in the eyes.

Kill me! Why is she looking at me! Is there something on my face? Some dirt grass? Damn! Stop looking at me that way, you're making me blush! Blush!? I don't even blush! I never blush before! Why am I even feeling this way right now!? What is this.. there I was this morning mentioning that I should stop thinking about her and here I am now, standing right in front of her, with her looking at me.

"dae, im alright, wooyoung oppa" Tiffany stated.

That's….incredible! okay! I am seriously reacting like some crazy fans over their bias =.= but she has a great voice, it sounded so deep from the throat…hmmm! What's it call~ I know they have a name for that kind of voice..sexy? anniyah~ one more… what's it call~ what's it call~ ah! HUSKY! Wow~~~

Wooyoung then looks at Sooyoung angrily, "what are you doing? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

Sooyoung cock her head to the front a little, "dangerous? As in killing someone?"

Taecyeon smiles a little at Sooyoung's mocking words.

Still, Taeyeon don't even dare to look up.

"you must be the culprit"

Jessica slowly points her finger at Taeyeon's direction, making everyone looking at her.

Okay great! This means I cant even bring my head up, for sure Tiffany will be looking at me now! What's worst? She'll come to know that im the one who threw the basketball that hits her on the head. Great, she'll be hating me even before getting to me, what the hell, taeyeon. Did she even wants to know you? you're the only one who wants to know her. I bet she barely knows your existence, like she even cares if im alive or not. But of course I wouldn't want her to even hate me…

"why are you blaming my friend now! Just give me the ball and we'll get going" Sooyoung who is getting angrier.

"did you- do this on purpose? Trying to get the attention?" Jessica ask.

They all looks at Taeyeon whose head is hanging low, looking all so guilty. But the fact is that she cant look at Tiffany in the eyes directly.

"yah! The short one! Im talking to you" Jessica talks even louder this time.

Stop acting this way kim tae yeon, you look like a coward. Come on, face it.

Taeyeon brace herself to look up after looking at the ground the entire time, her eyes by pass across with Tiffany who is standing her opposite direction before it gets to Jessica.

"oh you. You're the one who scares us with the ringing bell this morning" Jessica says angrily, remembering how she was shock by the sudden bell ringing from behind her and Tiffany this morning.

"she scares you girls?" Wooyoung ask, "what are you up to huh? Picking a fight? Bully from the other side?"

"yah! This is too much! We're here to get our ball back, that's all" Sooyoung glares at all of them.

"not so easy, I believe you have some explanation to do" Jessica glares at Taeyeon, making Taeyeon hold on her breath on the cold stare.

"no, I didn't mean to scare any of you two this morning, I just want to-" Taeyeon's eyes lingers upon Tiffany's direction for awhile.

Just want to say hi to you for the first time after two years of looking at you through the window, tippany

She looks back at Jessica before continuing her explanation, "just want to greet you two"

"for what? We don't even know each other" Jessica snorts.

"I just thought we can be-" Taeyeon stuck at the last word, it stuck in between her throat.

No! kim tae yeon! Don't you even dare say the word friends! What she even think! Tippany will think of you as a weirdo!

"be what?" Jessica ask.

"friends?" Wooyoung ask in a sarcasm way.

Even Sooyoung is looking at Taeyeon who is shying away from all this.

Taeyeon's cheeks become burning red and no, it wasn't the sun that causes this.

"seriously? In what class of order do you think you can make friends with people like us?" Wooyong continues to insult.

"why you- shortie! That's enough!" Sooyoung steps forward as if she's ready for any fight if it is put up, indeed, she is a little taller than Wooyoung.

Wooyoung who is embarrassed in the situation, steps up too, but Taecyeon quickly steps in between them, "that's enough, wooyoung, is never right to lay a hand on girls" Taecyeon says.

Sooyoung steps back to Taeyeon's side.

"which part of her is a girl, taec! Hyung come on!" Wooyoung stated.

"for the fact you just called her a her, that shows that she is a girl" Taeyeon who is in quick wit answers.

Taeyeon caught a small laugh is going to escape from Tiffany's mouth, but she quickly regains quietly when she sees Taeyeon looking at her, when Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, taeyeon looks away.

Whoa! She laughs at my witty answer! Hahaha! Shit you, kim tae yeon! We're in the middle of an argument and here you are, all happy that Tippany almost laughs at your witty answer!

"alright, that's enough, Tiffany, you're okay right?" Taecyeon ask.

Tiffany nods her head.

"good, Jessica, give me the ball" he held his palm at in front of Jessica.

"mwo? You're giving it back to them?" Jessica ask in surprise.

"of course" Taecyeon nod his head, "is theirs anyway, is only right for us to return it to the rightful owner, Jessica"

"then its only right when someone did something wrong and apologize to Tiffany" Jessica answers.

Taecyeon sighs at Jessica's stubbornness, he then looks at Taeyeon.

"if you want your ball back" he answers shortly while looking at Taeyeon.

"gwencha-" Tiffany who cant finish her sentence.

"mianhae" Taeyeon bow her head a little, mostly because she was embarrassed.

Great, just when you thought you can know her, is when you actually embarrass yourself in front of her… whatever, just get me a rope and I'll be killing myself already.

Taeyeon gets back at her standing position.

"now can we have the ball back?" Sooyoung ask in anger.

"Jessica" Taecyeon held his palm in front her again, this time, she obediently obey his instruct and place the basketball on his palm, "thanks"

Taecyeon then hand the ball over to Sooyoung properly, she grab it quickly away from him.

"let's go, taeyeon" Sooyoung walks out from the gate.

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, for one moment, they look at each other but only then, Taeyeon realize Sooyoung is already leaving, she quickly follows behind.

If it wasn't for Sooyoung whom has forced me to join basketball! This wouldn't have happened! I've ruin the chances of getting to know her! Yeah, that blondie…whats her name again? Jesshicah! She's acting all like a spoil brat and that shortie who seems to be Tippany's boyfriend since he was so overly concern about her once he knew she was hit by a ball, he got angry! They all look down at people who aren't from their school!

Taeyeon and Sooyoung slowly walks back to their old spot where they always left their drinking bottles there.

"yah! You angry?"

"im really alright, wooyoung oppa" Tiffany assures the over concern guy who is sticking close beside her now, keep asking the same annoying question.

"okay, let's go back to class, WY" Taecyeon says to Wooyoung.

"I'll see you later, fany" Wooyoung left with Taecyeon and the rest.

"wow, he sure is sticky" Tiffany sighs.

"he's just being worried" Jessica answers, "come on, we gotta go too"

"wait, I think I left my book under tree, wait here"

Tiffany runs to the place where Jessica and her were there a moment ago,

"there you are" she saw her book laying on the grass, she picks it up, but only to turn and looks at the wall, when she hears two familiar voices, coming over from the other side of the wall.



"yah Taeyeon, hold on" Sooyoung calls out, following behind the shortie in front of her who walks in quick pace because of the anger in her is boiling quickly.

Great, the one chance I can hear her voice and is the time when I embarrass myself in front of her! The ball that I blocked with my hand actually concludes of hitting her head! Ugh! What have you done kim tae yeon! Is such a bad day for you!

"Taeyeon ah!"

"boya" Taeyeon leans her back lazily against the big oak tree behind her, she picks her water bottle up from the ground.

"is it true…? What he said."

"what? Which part?" Taeyeon twist the bottle cap open and threw the cap on the ground, gulping down the water down her throat.

"the part where he asked about you trying to make friends with that two girls"

Somehow, the water got stuck in between Taeyeon's throat, she cough the remaining water out.

Wiping her mouth with the back of her palm, she slowly looks at Sooyoung who is still awaiting for her answer, "the hell- no"

Im so sorry! I have to lie again =( I really didn't want to, but what would Sooyoung think of me if I tell her so? It'll be so weird!

"then why did you greet them in the morning?"

"i….i was just trying to be friendly…"

"to them? You should know how stuck up those people are!"

"dae dae dae" Taeyeon who didn't wants to argue just agrees to whatever that sooyoung said.

"Yah! Fany ah! Pali ah~~"

Jessica shouts from the other side, Tiffany pick her book up and decide its enough of eavesdropping at the conversation, she runs to Jessica.

"yah. Wae? What takes you so long?" Jessica ask as they both make their way back to the classroom.

Tiffany shakes her head, "anniya..Jessica..that girl.." she thinks back about the conversation she heard.

"oh? What Tiff?" Jessica who didn't really hears what Tiffany said.

Tiffany smiles to herself, most probably laughing at her own for thinking about it, since she doesn't even know that girl, she shakes her head, "nothing"

Jessica looks at Tiffany then nods her head, thinking that she misheard things.

Sooyoung and Taeyeon decide to go for the after school extra class.

Taeyeon lay her chin on the desk where else her science teacher is teaching in front of the blackboard, but nothing from what the teacher said, went into Taeyeon's mind.

As she is clearly bothered by what happened earlier just now.

She sighs quietly, looking at the blackboard, trying to make out what she was taught but her eyebrows arched in disappointment, she grumbles and hid her face under her folded arms.

Why why why why why why why why why! Just whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Now she'll think of me as some kind of creeper who is desperate to make friends with her! Well, just maybe, yes?...ugh! I sound like a desperate person who is hunger for some food after not eaten for a zillion years! TAEYEON WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU! why do I just want to know her so much?! Just why! *sigh* this is so..embarrassing…look at me…pathetic!

Taeyeon shakes her head at her thoughts.

But she kept looking at me, maybe..she wants to be a friend of mine too? HAH! Who do you think you are? =.= she's not a creeper like you taeyeon ah! She's probably just looking at me and thinks im another idiot who just threw a ball on her head. I should've apologize even more sincerely! What if she thinks im does rough bad ass type of a person!? Huh! I don't think she even remember you existed, Taeyeon. Just why are you thinking so much!

Suddenly , there's a knock that Taeyeon heard. She looks up and saw her science teacher already standing right in front of her, Taeyeon quickly sit up straight.

"having some problem miss kim?" the teacher asked.


"good" he then returns back to the black board, continuing his teaching.

Class was over, Taeyeon walks to where she left her bike in the morning, unlocking the pad lock.

Keeping the chain that was tying around the bicycle securely into her bag.

"you sure you'll be alright going home alone?" Sooyoung ask as she undo the chain of her own bike too. Taeyeon nods her head, "see you tomorrow"




Next morning, Taeyeon woke up a little later than the usual, because, normally, she would've woke up earlier so she can see Tiffany walk pass her house, through the window in her bedroom. But today, Taeyeon decided not to, since she has made up her mind to finally start forgetting Tiffany and stops thinking about her.

Dae! Kim Tae Yeon HWAITING! You know you can do it, what you felt, was lust. Nothing but a lust.

Taeyeon nods her head unconsciously towards her own thoughts, she then head out off her room. She jog down the stairs, her mum is indeed very surprise to see her daughter up so early.

"how come?"

Taeyeon smiles, "how come what ma…? Why did I wake up early today? Well, I just didn't want to be late, that's why"

Mrs. Kim nods her head, Jiwoong who came down stairs too, ruffles Taeyeon's hair from behind.

"yah! Paboyah oppa! Im going to school! Why are you messing up with my hair" she frowns.

Jiwoong smirks naughtily, sitting himself by the dining table, "I see no difference"

Taeyeon stuck her tongue out at her brother's sarcasm, she then return to her cute self when she looks at her mum, "omma, I'll be home later. Annyeong"

"dae, be careful"

Taeyeon walks out to the garden, smelling the fresh air, taking a deep breath before she leaps onto her bike. Just as she cycle down the block, a familiar presence is right in front of her, but this time, its different.

It looks like Tippany from the back view. What the hell! Im sure it was her! There is no way I could not recognize that beautiful hair from the back, gosh! Taeyeon! Forget it! You said to yourself last night, you swore you will not think about her anymore! So be it!

Taeyeon nods her head and starts cycling faster, so she can passes Tiffany.

Just as Taeyeon twist her bike handle to a corner around the curve.

Her eyes accidentally met with Tiffany's, to Taeyeon's surprise, the latter she always wanted to know, bows her head lightly in a mannerism way, "annyeonghaseyo" she greeted.

O.O the hell!?

Because she wasn't aware of the pole right in front of her, Taeyeon just cycle towards it,

Causing accident happens between her bike and the pole and she, herself.


Taeyeon heard the familiar voice once again, the voice that she was keen to hear again after yesterday's incident. Tiffany rush to her side, squatting right next to Taeyeon who is sitting on the ground, a little unconscious, since she just rammed into a pole. Tiffany tug her fringe behind her ear, "are you alright?" she asked as the concern look on her face makes Taeyeon melt.

"hey, are you alright? Do you want me to get an ambulance?" she asked again as she watches worriedly at how Taeyeon wasn't responding to her.

My goodness, tell me this is just part of a dream, where I will wake up and still smiling about it.

Hmmmm, I wonder where is the blonde, I bet Tippany wont be that nice if the blonde is around.

Taeyeon ah! You're so lucky, she is just right next to you! tell her! Tell her that she's beautiful.

Tiffany place one of her palm at the side of Taeyeon's cheek, "oh god! You're burning in heat!"

You cause it alright….why are you touching me!? Im a stranger Tippany~ you cant do that! You're making my heart beat faster than the moment I rammed my bike into the pole! Her touch, what the hell is wrong with my heart now!? How can it beat fast and slow at the same time! My god! Even my heart was reacting properly! Yahhh! Don't you dare betray me, you stupid heart.

Tiffany reaches into her skirt pocket and pulls out a mobile, Taeyeon quickly covers the screen with her own hand, "I think- im alright" Taeyeon suddenly said as she sit up more straighter in position, "thank you"

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, "are you sure? Your cheeks are literally burning"

You made it.

"yeah… the weather is hot…"

What a stupid lame excuse!

Tiffany arches her eyebrows up, "o-kay…" Tiffany gets up and offer a helping hand for Taeyeon.

Taeyeon only stare at it. Hesitating to grab the hand in front of her although her heart tells her to do so.

No no no no! don't even think about touching those hands! Control, taeyeon. Control.

Taeyeon shakes her head, and pretends to pick her bike up with both hands, totally ignoring the help that Tiffany offers.

Tiffany retreat her hand embarrassingly, "i guess you're alright now"

Taeyeon nods her head.

"okay, well- I'll get going then" Tiffany walk pass Taeyeon and continues her journey to her school.

Just when Tiffany has walk away from a distance, Taeyeon look at her, more like looking at her back.

Tippany~ Don't…. don't be so nice to me… you're making things hard for me.

Taeyeon frowns.

What is this, please, someone tell me, what am I feeling now….

Taeyeon shakes her head hard, trying to shake those thoughts out of her mind.

But nothing seems to work at all, nothing. Taeyeon gets back on her bike.

As she takes the first step to pedal, she heard the sound of thunder rolling in the skies.

Taeyeon look up, the sky seems to be darker than it's usual for a morning session.

She look in front of her, not far away from her, Tiffany is still on her way, walking.

Taeyeon look one more time at the sky before starting to cycle.

What! Raining? Early in the morning? Andwae!

Taeyeon cycle with all her might, getting ahead closer to Tiffany, that's when she stops exactly in front of Tiffany by twisting the head of the bicycle to the side, blocking Tiffany to continue her way. Tiffany jumps up in surprise of what happened, her eyes widen, looking at Taeyeon.

Omg,that is seriously adorable. Stop it already! Please! You're torturing me with your cuteness!

Taeyeon look at Tiffany for a second before she swings her bag to the front and unzip it.

She pulls out a raincoat out from her bag.

"boya?" Tiffany ask as looks at Taeyeon.

I just don't want you to be all wet and get sick later.

Taeyeon hands the raincoat at Tiffany.

"wae?" Tiffany wants to know why Taeyeon offers her the raincoat since they didn't know each other well and since Taeyeon didn't even want to talk to her at all not long ago, not even accepting the help that she offered.

Taeyeon only look up to the dark skies, which Tiffany follows along, looking at the skies that are about to cry anytime soon. She then looks back at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon hand the raincoat even closer towards Tiffany.

Please just take it already.

Tiffany grab the raincoat, she bows a little, as a thank you gesture for Taeyeon.

Taeyeon only manage to curve her lips a little around the corner, she swings her bag back onto her back and starts pedaling quickly away.

Just in time to cycle away, before Tiffany caught her with her face turning bright red.

Tippany, please… don't get sick.

Taeyeon locks her bicycle at the pole, as she walks into the library to search for some books.

She looks through shelves after shelves.

Am I stupid for not grabbing her hand when she offers to help me up?

Taeyeon let her fingers brush against the hard side of the book, going through with the name, trying to search for the book she needs.

She offers to help because I fall, I ignored, and will that make me a total weirdo?

Taeyeon's hand drop aside, but she quickly returns to search for her book again.

Taeyeon ah~ what is it that has got into you…

Just then, her index finger stops at one book, that titles "Am I In Love?"

Her eyes widen, she looks around to see if anyone is looking at her surprise expression.


Taeyeon shakes her head, she walks away, but stopped… not far away.

Isnt that's what you always wanted to know? Your feelings towards Tippany…

Taeyeon lick her dry chapped lips, she sighs heavily.

I don't even know about love… how can be assure that there was something wrong with me?

Taeyeon roll her eyes at her own thoughts.

I probably need some help…oh fuck! I do need help on this! just whom am I to kid!?

Taeyeon then slowly nods her head unconsciously.

But how can a book help me out and solve the matters in my life now..

Taeyeon look back, at where the book was at, where it was sitting on.

Enough! I believe its just a lust! Nothing more!

Taeyeon decides to leave.