A/N: Hello everyone :) If I can have your attention, I would like to present to you my take on what a non-divisive, in-character epilogue chapter for our beloved series Naruto could have looked like; without the requisite ham-fisted plug for a cash-grab spinoff sequel, and honest, believable humour and justice instead ダッテバヨ ~

Featuring elements of NaruHina, NaruSaku & NaruSasu (in that order) across a few chapters, in a story that should not extend more than 3000-3500 words!

Please enjoy

Chapter 700: Ascenscion of the Legendary Seventh Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto!

In actuality, the day of Naruto's ascension was not perfectly bright and cheerful with chirping birds like he'd imagined it would be as a child; though it wasn't pouring rain or anything morbid like that either.

It was just a slightly chilly and misty day that filtered the sunlight and difused it throughout the atmosphere, compelling people to look at the ground to make sure they were not stepping on any toes or scurrying animals.

Somehow, however, it was just the perfect day for ramen.

So early in the afternoon, Naruto sat in his usual spot in Ichiraku ramen, slurping down bowls of shio and tonkatsu soup; Ayame always making sure to layer in a few extra fishcakes and soft boiled egg slices, more then she would have for any other customer.

Teuchi, her father, was resting on a couch behind the stall, having cooked Naruto the day's first bowl of ramen with suppressed tears in his eyes, and pressing a roughened hand atop his messy blond head. He hadn't wanted to say anything to put more pressure on the young man before him, so he held himself together just long enough to cook that first round and retreat back so he could cry his proud tears in private.

A few moments after Naruto had started putting away his fourth bowl, the flap outside the door fluttered and Hyuuga Hinata peaked her head in. She bowed low before Ayame and cleared her throat to grab Naruto's attention.

"I just made sure that things are ready outside," she announced, looking down at a clipboard in her hands, "All the non-essential personnel from most of the clans are gathered around the Hokage monument, along with most of the civilian families as well... It might be time for you to head up?"

She looked up at Naruto and giggled a little as he nodded at her in acknowledgement with his cheeks still very full of soup, looking like a chipmunk. She wondered if it was normal to find it endearing when twenty-year old men acted as unguarded and genuinely unconcerned for appearances as Naruto did… but well, it didn't matter.

She found it cute anyways.

Naruto blushed a little at her amused laughter and swallowed before nodding in agreement. He tried to pay his tab, but Ayame pushed away his attempts with surprising force for a civilian. He sighed with a smile, and said thanks, not noticing how Ayame gave Hinata a wink. A little earlier in the week, the kunoichi had come down to Ichiraku Ramen and paid forward an entire year's worth of ramen in Naruto's name.

(As the new Hyuuga clan leader, Hinata was allowed to buy her friends fantastic gifts for realizing their life goals, afterall... Well; that and get rid of the Caged Bird Seal for good.)

Together, they walked down the road to the Hokage office and Hinata went over all of the people he would need to shake hands with, all of the names of officials, ninja clan heads, and answers to any questions that people might have for him at his first Hokage address after inaugurating.

Naruto fumbled a little, but Hinata reassured him that it was best for him to just be honest and ask questions if he needed to.

As Naruto stood before the giant government office, he took a shaky breath, startling a little when Hinata put her hand over his shoulder, squeezing once for comfort.

"You'll do fine," she reassured him, quiet but firm, "Everyone believes in you."

Naruto looked at her with vulnerable, glassy eyes, and Hinata felt her breath catch in her throat. A part of her felt like blushing and stuttering under the intensity of his eyes, but she realized that this moment wasn't about her and how she felt.

It was about Naruto; and her being a good friend to him, supporting him her very best.

"And even if they didn't," she continued evenly, "It wouldn't matter… because that's how good of a person and a ninja you are. I'd bet anything on you, anytime."

Naruto let out a shaky breath before putting his hand over her own hand on his shoulder, squeezing it before suddenly beginning to laugh; but also tearing up a little at the same time.

Hinata felt herself begin to flail despite herself. "I'm sorry! I probably… said that too casually! I can't imagine the stress you must be under! I was just trying to… make you feel better!" she explained nervously, her clipboard trembling in her shaking hands.

"Please don't-"

Naruto shook his head no and collected himself. "Nahh," he gasped out, "I was just thinking about how much we've grown! Here you are, giving me all this reassurance – which definitely worked, and for which I am super grateful – and here I am, feeling the weight of the consequences of what it means to be Hokage and being… almost overwhelmed by it even though I've wanted it my whole life! Is this what they call maturity? Haha!"

Hinata was momentarily speechless, but she soon felt herself laugh alongside her friend; even though she didn't really even know what she was laughing about.

Naruto just had that effect on people.

Eventually, however, Hinata remembered herself and shooed Naruto into the Hokage building with instructions to go meet Sakura-san on the third floor, and not to get too distracted on his way!

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I haven't wrote NaruHina in so long; it was fun to revisit. I'm so excited to be able to write so many Naruto ships here. Naruto is such a good person; that's why I think that it is realistic and plausible for anyone and everyone to love him.

Take care, and be sure to comment, favorite and follow for more :) Thanks so much for all of your support!