AN: For those of you that don't follow my Tumblr ITT Bendy is slightly meta and can visit other batim aus. This will be a collection of some of his multiverse adventures. They are apart of the au as a whole but aren't part of the main story.
Bendy doesn't remember exactly when he discovered the reading room. All he knows that it had been a really bad day for him, one where he had suffered several flashbacks and a relapse. He had been curled in his room, stuck in Ink Demon form because of his tense and turbulent emotions and just wishing to be anywhere but there. Desperately trying to think about anything other then what he went through in the studio and wanting to get away from it all, he rolled onto the open book he had been reading earlier still laying on his bed.
The next thing he knew he was tumbling through a tunnel of light.
The trip only lasted as second and he found himself sprawled across an incredibly soft carpet. Bendy growled softly at this sudden change in environment, getting ready to attack whoever dared take him from his home. But as Bendy scanned the bright room for any enemies, he couldn't help but calm down. Something about this place just radiated safety and comfort, so much so that Bendy felt confident enough to return to his toon form.
Looking around the room again, but this time to actually observe it, Bendy found he was in a fairly large room and the carpet he stood on was round with a black and white design with a silhouette of his head in the center. There were several comfy looking couches and chairs set up around the room with lamps in the corners providing light. Taking up one wall was a large bookcase though there was only a small number of books clustered to one side. The entire atmosphere of the places was warm and welcoming.
Curiosity finally getting the better of him, Bendy walked over to the books, scanning their titles. There was one called Toon Henry and another Hell's Studio, all of the books having similarly strange titles, but all having a weird sense of familiarity. He was about to pull one out to read when another book caught his eye. It was separate from the others and almost hidden in shadows. Bendy pulled it out and read the title In This Together. As soon as he read the title he knew deep down, though he wasn't really sure how that this was his own story. Filled with anticipation, he prepared to open it.
The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed, though everything still looked the same, radiating a feeling of warning and danger. Bendy hissed and nearly dropped the book as the feelings stuck him. He knew with a surety, the same way he knew that the book contained his story, that he must not ever read his own story. He had to keep this book safe and away from his own curiosity, making Bendy looking around the room desperately for a good place to hide it. As if responding to his thoughts, a painting appeared on the wall and swung open, revealing a hidden safe behind it. Bendy didn't question, only running towards it and placing the book within it.
As soon as the safe clicked shut and painting swung close, the atmosphere in the room once again returned to being a warm and welcoming feeling. Bendy breathed a sigh of relief and backed away from the painting. While he might not be able to read his own story, there were still several other options for him. Grabbing one of the other books and went to a couch, getting comfortable as he began to read.
Bendy lost track of time as he became fascinated by stories of other Bendy's each with their own Henrys and Joeys. They had so much in common and yet they all lived different lives. It wasn't until he finished reading the last book that Bendy realized his family was probably worried about where he'd disappeared to. Putting the last book away, Bendy looked around for an exit but was confused to realize there weren't any doors. How was he supposed to get home?
Once more responding to his thoughts, there was a flash of light and he found himself sprawled out on his bed. Bendy spent a moment wondering if that had all been real when he remembered he needs to see his family! He scrambled off the bed and ran to find Henry. When he found the others though, Bendy was surprised to learn that it had only been a few minutes since he had locked himself in his room. Now really questioning whether or not that had been real, Bendy went back to his room and picked up the book from his bed. Flipping through it, Bendy was confused to see that the book was exactly the same as it had been before. Was that room real? As soon as he thought about the room, the book began to glow and he found himself back in the room. Looking around, Bendy grinned.
From that moment forward, the reading room became his secret hideaway. His sanctuary whenever his troubles and past from his own world became too much and he needed to get away for a while. He would often find new books appearing, all with stories of other Bendy's and other studios, and rereading the older books as new adventures would still appear. They showed him that he wasn't alone in what he had gone through.
One time, while he was rereading one of his favorites, Bendy was just thinking how fun it would be to meet that Bendy when the book began to glow in his hands. A moment later he found himself stumbling right in front of that other Bendy. The other Bendy was startled and confused, but as Bendy explained he was from a different world, the other Bendy accepted him they. They had fun together and when Bendy went back to the reading room, he eagerly went to another book and entered that story.
Bendy had so much fun talking to those in the other stories, but then he later went back to a story he had visited before and the other Bendy didn't remember him at all. Even when Bendy described what they had been through together, the other Bendy only had the tiniest hints of recollection. A few trips to the other stories and it soon became clear to Bendy. While he can read their stories and even visit their worlds, he could not change them.
It was a long time before Bendy felt up to visiting another world again.
Still, Bendy loved his reading room and his growing library. It gave him comfort and helped him know he wasn't alone in his struggle. He'd meet the other Bendy's occasionally, for advice, for laughs, and for the occasional adventure. Making plenty of fond memories even if he couldn't make real friends. But then something changed. Bendy had just been getting ready to go play with neighborhood kids when he felt something deep down that caught his attention.
Someone else was in his reading room…