Author's note: Hope you like this chapter. I'm kinda struggling to make it as interesting as possible but I'm having a blast trying to put all the crazy ideas into paper. Still, all feedback and comments are welcome, I'll try to work on this story as often as I can, even if just to goof around. Without further ado, as a wise man said: Hold on to your butts!


Disclaimer: All rights to the characters and source material belong to Kennedy Miller Productions, George Miller and Games Workshop. This is a story made for fans by fans.

Mad Max: Road of the Sunz.

by Lewis II.

Chapter 2: Metal Dusk.

It was the noon of the third day. The Plains of Silence resonated with the roaring engines of the War Machines.

The martyr had found his prey, the Road Warrior had not found his oblivion, but they had both found the army of the Green skins.

The War bikes gained terrain and the green beings started firing on the Spirit of Vengeance.

The Martyr ordered Smokebullet to slither on the plain and avoid the shots. He then sacrificed part of their gasoline reserves by spilling some juggs, throwing the smaller ones and setting the trail ablaze. The flames spreaded, the small juggs exploded and fire took over the bikes and the monsters riding them, burning their flesh and transforming the vehicles to balls of flames and tumbling junk . Their fellow warriors accelerated their War Machines and pushed them aside, running over their burned corpses. They fired their guns and turrets with enormous projectiles. The explosions shook the Spirit of Vengeance and send it on an uncontrollable drift through the flats, spinning as a leaf taken away by the wind. The mighty v8 roared and augmented the distance before being hit by the scrapjet, an unnatural contraption of an ancient flying motor with wheels, which started pommeling the v8's side.

The Road Warrior decided to risk himself and decelerate. The lower speed bikes were distracted by this and abandoned the chase for the Spirit of Vengeance. Two Warkbikez showed up and bumped into the v8's sides, grappling themselves to the vehicle using hooks. The smallest of the green beings started to crawl from the bikes and board their enemy, while the Road Warrior fended them off with his pistol, being painfully bitten and scratch by the nasty creatures. Some of them crawled under the machine's belly and under the board into the engine itself. The warrior could only zig zag as to shake the vermin of his machine's heart while the unrelenting green drivers unleashed their fire on the mighty v8. The impact holes left were fit for a young man's arm according to the Martyr.

The Road Warrior left his driving seat and went out to confront the green monsters face to face. He barely avoided their fire and lept towards the closes of the Warbikez.

He fired his shotgun point blank at the driver's eyes, which simply growled in pain. The Road Warrior then kicked him out of his seat as the creature lost balance along with his vehicle. The warrior barely stood up and jumped back as the bike itself stumbled and became an anchor to be cut off its hook. The warrior fired his pistol while the other driver struggled to maintain balance as the v8 changed its course due to the anchor.

The warrior, now over his machine, fell to his knees due to the movement and saw a massive sand column rising. An explosion that represented a single thing: the War Rig was gaining terrain on him. Struggling to open a drag himself inside his vehicle, he shot the hook off and left the anchored bike to crash against another incoming vehicle. It was a Boosta Blasta.

The heavier vehicles had almost catched up to him and started firing. The massive rounds exploded all around and rose a sand and dust screen. From it, the v8 emerged free at last. the bike emerged as well, with its driver as a pile of gore deformed by the massive wounds.

Meanwhile, the Spirit of Vengeance kept using what few Thundersticks they still possessed to fend off the Warbuggiez. the flock of vehicles made hole after hole through the vehicle's windows and armored plate, while the Saint rolled for cover into a made up barrier. He threw molotovs and Thundercharges as the green riders came closer. They used hooks to pull the Spirit towards them,with a force just shy to rip the War Machine in half.

Smokebullet fired his gun against a buggy getting close to his side. He kept screaming the beings away at the top of his lungs:

"Die! Die! Stay back you monsters!"

The answer from the brutish beasts perplexed the Saint:

"Monstahs? We'z not monstahs. We'z just orky boyz hungry fo' waagh and we'z gunna krump ya gud! Eat dis ya grots!"

Smokebullet stared at the massive barrel of that green skinned being's gun until a crash impacted on the buggy's side and pushed it into the Spirit. The vehicles separated and the green warrior became distracted with its new attacker: it was the Road Warrior.

The warrior and his foe exchanged fire. The Road Warrior could not blind it as he was protected with goggles and its head appeared to simply absorb his shots. He then shot the monster's steering wheel with his shotgun and it simply bent, becoming useless. the green warrior tried to fix it but to no avail, the vehicle was sliding from side to Road warrior hit it's left rear and it started to drift away while spinning and crashed with a fellow rider nearby.

The hooks penetrated deeper on the Spirit of Vengeance as its chasers fired once more. The small vermin stumbled out of the buggies and started to cross over the cables. The Saint could barely cover from the massive bullets and decided to compromise their rear to escape. The Saint used his last Thundercharge to destroy the Spirit of VengeanceĀ“s rear plating by setting a long fuze and slipping towards the machine's front. It was a small explosion, but its power more than enough to transform the hooks into a ball of incoming twisted junk which impacted on the chasers and made them crash into each other, some of them even exploding in a glimpse.

Side by side, torn down from the battle, the Mighty v8 and the Spirit of Vengeance kept driving as to escape from the monstrous war party. There was no time for old grudges as the heavy fire rained once more and the plains provided no cover.

The Road Warrior spotted then not so far within the sands a massive dune.

Both drivers looked each other in the eye and knew it was their only opportunity. They drove over the dune and jumped over its steep point. They landed on the deep sand barely moving forward and yet they managed to move away from the incoming convoy. the green beings cascaded into a crash zone where fire and metal funneled into the sands, accompanied by a symphony of explosions and howls from the green army. The two drivers saw it from a distance but saw no heavy vehicle. They had to keep moving.

They ventured into the treacherous road of the sands. The Saint stared into the Road Warrior's eyes, bitter with rage.

It was the dusk and it seemed that for a brief moment, as they left the plains behind, they could breathe.