A/N: I have been reading fan fiction for a few years now and have finally decided to write a story myself. So, needless to say, this is my first ever fanfic. As we all know, the Harry Potter world does not belong to any of us but we are lucky enough to have a place like this to play with our favorite stories and characters. This is my version of my favorite ship ever, Dramione!

Warnings: This story will include violence and adult themes.

Nott Who She Thought She Was


It was close to midnight when her cries were heard whaling through the halls. The twiggy elf immediately apparated to the bed chambers of Mrs. Nott. it was her time, she new, to deliver her child into the world. Even though it was earlier than her expected due date, that was to be expected for a women of Mrs. Nott's age.

Mr. Nott was not at home at this time. Choosing, rather, to be in the small town of Tinworth in support of his lord, Voldemort.

Voldemort was adamant in his endeavor to increase his followers. A sure way to increase his numbers was to encourage his followers to produce heirs, that would, in-turn, produce more heirs. The children of his followers would serve as worriers or broodmares to his cause. The beliefs of the Nott household were no different. Those born of the Nott name would be devout followers of the pureblood elite. So, Grace Nott had no choice but to allow her husband to dictate her future and that of her unborn child.

"Lydia," Mrs. Nott Cried. "Lydia, I need you!" The small house elf had already appeared at the foot of the large sleigh bed.

"Please, Lydia, I think it's time." she looked at the elf in earnest. "Summon a healer." she desperately requested.

"There is no time, Milady, the babe is on its way." As if on cue, the child began to crown. Mrs. Nott pushed in agony for what felt like hours, but had only been a few short moments. With one last forceful push came the cries of her newborn son.

"Theodore," she proclaimed, "His name is Theodore. He is my gift from God in the night."

"Milady," Lydia said in equal parts concern and curiosity." I do not think this is over." she hesitated. "It appears you are having twins!" As a Carrow, this was not unexpected. It was widely noted that Carrows bore twins. The family had done so for centuries. Though, given the age of the Nott's, it was considered highly unlikely that they would have twins, let alone any children at all.

"Madam, you need to push again." Lydia encouraged. She did as she was told and a few long minutes later, Mrs. Nott gave birth to a daughter. Lydia quickly cleaned the infant, swaddled her, and passed her to her mistress.

"Does he know?" she asked as she looked down at the tiny bundle now suckling her breast alongside her brother. "Does he know i was carrying twins?"

"No, Milady, we only knew about Theodore." Lydia answered.

"Take her," she whispered "Take her to my cousin."

"Are you sure, Milady?" the elf inquired.

"Yes," Mrs. Nott responded, "If her knows about her, she will be doomed to my fate, to serve a lord she should not serve." Mrs. Nott cuddled the babe and gave her a lingering kiss to the top of her head before passing her to her most trusted servant.

"Wait," she called to the elf, a single tear escaping her eye. "One more thing before you take her." Mrs. Nott shakely reached for her wand. "We must keep her secret. We must keep her safe." she cast a fidelius charm.

"I trust you with her life, Lydia. Deliver her to my cousin. She will be safe and she will be loved. Someday I will see her again". Without question, the elf cradled the small child in her feeble arms and disapparated, landing on the doorstep of Mrs. Notts Squib cousin, Mrs Carolyn Jean Granger.

Grace Nott was cooing at her firstborn, stroking the wisps of sandy blond hair on his head when the green flames of the floo lit up the room. Her husband, Mr Aldus Nott, emerged from the flames followed shortly by the devil himself, Lord Voldemort.

"Yes," he hissed as he peered at the bundle in Mrs. Nott's arms. "I see great promise in your house Aldus. Pray tell, what is the child's name?" he addressed .

She hesitated before answering "Theodore Thomas Nott".

Mr Nott grinned widely as he admired the sleeping infant in his wife's arms. "You know my lord, it was no easy feat to bring you this heir. We suffered many miscarriages".

"That which is great does not always come easily." his lord countered. "I believe your offspring will serve me well in the coming war." After a moment of tense silence, Voldemort continued, "Please, Aldus, do not hesitate on my accord, mark your child. Claim your heir to the Nott house".

Mr Nott attempted to pull the child from his mother's arms. Mrs. Nott faltered. Not willing to let go of the one child she was able to keep. With a stern glare from her husband, she relented.

With a quick flash from the tip of his wand, the senior Nott branded his son with the Nott family crest to the inside of his tiny wrist. Little Theodore's cries rang throughout the room and his father passed him back to his mother for comfort.

Marked by the Nott crest, Theodore would find it uncomfortable to dishonor his family. Until he came of age at seventeen, he would be bound to the will of his father. As long as his father supported the Dark Lord, the young, innocent Nott heir would be bound to the will of Voldemort.

As she rubbed a soothing salve onto Theodore's branded skin, shushing his cries, she couldn't help but to be grateful knowing her daughter was safe. She had a chance to live a free life and to grow and thrive in the light.

A/N: Thank you for giving my story a shot! I will be grateful for any reviews.