And now, the last story before we head back to Disney Castle for the Dream Festival! This is a crossover with Mulan II. Enjoy!

Six beams of light came down from the sky in a courtyard. Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy looked around their surroundings.

"The Land of the Dragons." said Donald with a smile. "Sure has been a while since we last visited."

"Yeah." nodded Sora. "I wonder how Mulan, Shang, Mushu, and the others are doing."

"Why don't we ask them?" suggested Goofy.

Everyone turned towards Goofy with confused expressions. "Whaddya mean Goofy?" asked Mickey.

Goofy pointed forwards. The others looked in his direction to see five people standing in the courtyard near a carriage.

One was a female with short black hair in a green combat dress with a red sash tied around her waist with a familiar sword strapped to it. She also had on a white and black necklace around her neck that appeared to resemble half of a yin-yang symbol. It was Fa Mulan, the woman/soldier Sora, Donald, and Goofy befriended during their first visit.

The next person was a muscular man with jet-black hair tied back into a topknot with red cloth. He wore armor colored yellow and black with a long red cape. He also wore a necklace similar to Mulan's, only the colors were switched. It was Li Shang, captain of the Emperor's Chinese army.

Finally, the last three were soldiers that were in their own group. One was a short, broad-shouldered, muscular man with a prominently bruised left eye. He had thick, rectangular, black eyebrows and thick, black sideburns as they hooked around his cheeks and formed a thin mustache on his upper lip. He was dressed in Chinese armor colored mostly in shades of grey and red. This was Yao, the shortest of the group.

Another was of average height and quite thin. He had a somewhat pointed face, a large nose, black eyes, and rather thick, black eyebrows. He was dressed in armor colored predominantly in shades of grey and yellow. This was Ling, the skinniest member of the three.

Finally, the last one was a large man in both height and weight that dressed in Chinese armor, mostly colored in shades of blue and grey. Despite his large, round face, hiss eyes, nose, mouth, and eyebrows were all quite small. His eyes sometimes squinted and he had rosy cheeks. It was Chien Po, the largest of the three.

All three wore grey helmets with a red tassel on the tops and carried a jian with a gold guard and pommel and a black hand grip.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy immediately recognized all five of them.

"Mulan! Shang! Yao! Ling! Chien Po!" Sora exclaimed.

The five soldiers turned over to the group, and smiles appeared on all their faces.

"Sora! Donald! Goofy!" exclaimed Mulan.

"Welcome back soldiers." greeted Shang.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy joined Mulan in a group hug before shaking hands with Shang, Yao, Chien Po, and Ling.

Just then, a small dragon appeared out of nowhere and landed on top of Mulan's shoulder. It was a small, red, serpentine Chinese dragon. He had spindly limbs, two-toed feet, and four-fingered hands. His claws were dark red, as was a small tuft on the tip of his tail. His belly and two whiskers were yellow-orange. His eyes were large, close set, and appeared to be a very dark shade of brown or red. His teeth were sharp and white, and his floppy ears had dark red tips. The bottoms of his feet and the insides of his ears were pink. His nose is dark red-violet, and he sports two small, sky blue horns with a dark blue tip on the top of his head.

Like the five soldiers, Sora, Donald, and Goofy knew who this dragon was.

"Hey, it's Mushu!" exclaimed Donald.

"Well well well, if it ain't my old pals Sora, Donald, and Goofy!" Mushu exclaimed happily. "Still protecting the other worlds I assume?" he asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

The three nodded. "We sure are." replied Donald.

"But we're not alone this time." added Goofy as he gestured to Riku, Kairi, and Mickey.

"Who are your friends, spiky?" asked Yao.

"This is Riku, Kairi, and King Mickey." said Sora, gesturing to each friend as he said their names.

"Pleases to meet you guys." greeted Kairi.

"Likewise." said Chien Po.

"HOLD IT!" shouted Mushu, suddenly.

"What's wrong Mushu?" asked Mulan, confused.

Mushu leaped down to the ground from Mulan's soldier and addressed the five soldiers. "Nothing's wrong, but Sora here just said that the mouse is a KING!" he explained, waving his hands dramatically.

Mulan, Shang, Yao, Chien Po, and Ling's eyes widened as they and Mushu quickly bowed before Mickey.

"Your majesty, it is an honor to have you here with us tonight." said Shang.

Mickey chuckled. "No need for formalities Shang. I'm the one visiting. Just call me Mickey." he told him.

Surprised but at the same time content with that reply, the six stood up.

"Of course Mickey." said Mulan.

"So, you're Riku?" asked Shang.

Riku nodded. "Yep. I know I look very different from the last time I was here, but that's a long story." he replied.

"I see, well thank you again for warning us about that dragon Heartless." thanked Shang.

Riku smiled. "No problem. It was these three who finished it off." he said, gesturing to Sora, Donald, and Goofy, who blushed at the praise.

"So, you guys managed to defeat that Organization last year?" asked Mulan.

"We sure did!" Sora said proudly before his face fell. "Except they've been reassembled by a man who's the reason for all the worlds being in trouble in the first place."

"Which is why we're traveling the worlds again." added Riku.

"I see." nodded Mulan.

"So, just out of curiosity, what's with the matching necklaces?" asked Kairi.

Mulan and Shang smiled as they looked at each other before addressing the world-travelers. "The reason is because we're getting married." replied Mulan, happily.

Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy gasped in shock. Their expressions then changed to smiles.

"Congratulations you two!" congratulated Sora.

"Thanks." giggled Mulan.

"When did ya propose?" asked Goofy.

"This morning." answered Shang. "Mulan's parents gave us their necklaces as their wedding gifts to us."

"Well that was nice of them." said Mickey.

"It sure was." nodded Mulan.

"With that said, we'd better get ready for the princesses." said Shang as he looked over to the entrance that led from the courtyard to the large red castle. He then walked over to the carriage.

"Princesses?" asked Riku, curious.

"We're escorting the Emperor's three daughters to the neighboring kingdom." explained Ling.

"They're to marry three princes in order to make peace with said kingdom so they don't invade." added Chien Po.

Mulan walked up to the six friends. "Do you wish to join us? We could use all the help we can get if our world is being threatened by the darkness."

Sora looked towards his friends. They thought about it before nodding. Sora beamed as he turned back to the Chinese woman.

"We'd be happy to help." he replied.

Mulan smiled. "Great. Shang will be pleased."

With that said, Mulan and Mushu went to join Shang.

Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Yao, Ling, and Chien Po followed them. They stood to the side as a figure appeared.

It was an old, thin man with a long white beard and mustache. His eyes were black and his eyebrows were white and bushy. His hair was also white, though most of it was tucked into the hat or crown that he wore. His hat was rectangular with a red base with a sky blue oval in its center, a yellow upper half, and a thin, rectangular, black strip of stiff cloth on the top. His earlobes were slightly elongated. He dressed in elegant robes with black cuffs and Furisode-esque sleeves and a wide, black obi-like sash. His upper robes were mostly yellow on both the inside and the outside, though the outside of his high collar was black. There was also a black and red criss-crossing pattern going over each of his shoulders. His lower robes were mostly brown, though they are tan at the base. A magenta "outline" of rectangular cloth was present over the front of the lower robes.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy immediately recognized him as the Emperor of China. They immediately bowed in respect. Riku, Kairi, Mickey, and the other five soldiers followed suit. Mushu popped his head from the horse's saddle bag, and hopped to the ground with a small blue cricket by his side, and joined in the bowing.

"Your majesty, it's an honor to see you again." greeted Sora.

The Emperor chuckled as he waved at them to stand up.

"The feeling is mutual Sora, Donald, Goofy." he replied. He then turned to King Mickey and Riku. "Ah, King Mickey, it's an honor to finally meet you. Your three friends told me a lot about you during both their visits here." he greeted.

"Aw gosh, thanks Your Majesty." replied Mickey, smiling bashfully.

"And Riku, it is nice to see you again as well. I see you've changed your appearance." the Emperor said to the Keyblade Master.

"A lot has happened Emperor." shrugged Riku. "But yes, it's nice to see you as well." He then gestured over to Kairi. "And this is our friend Kairi, a childhood friend of me and Sora." he told China's leader.

"Pleased to meet you." Kairi said politely.

"And you as well." replied the Emperor with a smile. He then addressed the six. "I assume you're helping General Shang and the four soldiers escort my daughters to Qui Gong?" he asked.

"Yes Your Majesty." replied Mickey.

"With the darkness roaming around our world, it'll be nice to have extra back up." added Mulan.

The Emperor nodded. "Very wise indeed."

At that moment, three maidens appeared. They appeared to be around Mulan's age. The three hid their faces behind Chinese fans. They each had black hair with different hair styles. They each wore different dresses, colored purple, orange, and pink.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce my three daughters." said the Emperor.

He gestured to the purple-dressed one. "Princesses Ting-Ting,"

To the orange-dressed one: "Su,"

To the pink-dressed one: "and Mei."

The Emperor then faced his daughters. "These eleven will escort you safely to the kingdom." he told them.

"Hello." greeted Kairi with a smile and a wave. Her fellow travelers, as well as Yao, Chien Po, and Ling followed this kind greeting.

The princesses waved in return. They then turned back to their father.

"Goodbye father." said Ting-Ting.

"We hope to see you again soon." said Su.

"And we hope this will unite the kingdoms well." said Mei.

The Emperor nodded. "I hope so as well. But what I hope for most of all is your safe journey. I couldn't have asked for better daughters."

The four then embraced in a hug before the princesses went down the stairs and into the carriage. The emperor then went back inside.

Ting-Ting got in first, folloed by Su, and then Mei. But as Mei stepped in, her dance shoe then came off. Yao noticed this and quickly rushed over and delicately picked it up. Mei noticed this, and stopped as she looked back at Yao, who politely held out the shoe to her, and helped put it back on. She smiled at him before heading back into the carriage.

Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Kairi, and Mickey smiled warmly at the scene, thinking that very nice and gentleman like of Yao. Ling couldn't help but snicker softly, only for Riku to glare at him and punch him in the arm, making Ling whimper softly.

Soon, Mulan boarded her black and white horse, Khan, and Shang boarded his golden horse, both whom were attached to the carriage.

Ling and Yao stood on the driver seats on the carriage, while Chien Po rode his own horse. Sora, Riku, and Kairi rode with Mulan, while Mickey, Donald, and Goofy rode with Shang.

Soon, everyone began their journey to Qui Gong. But as they left, none saw a certain armoured being with a Keyblade watch them go as it hid behind the wall of the courtyard. It was Terra's Lingering Will. It then seemed to sense something as it looked up, and saw Xigbar on top of the castle, watching them go. He had heard everything.

"Princess transportation huh?" he said, amused. "Well, this should be interesting."

Xigbar then vanished from the castle rooftop. Lingering Will then summoned his glider, and followed the group, while hiding out of sight.

To be continued...

Let me know what you think! Also once again, Happy Birthday Tress MacNeille! You are an amazing Daisy Duck!