Author's Notes: Sorry this is such a long time in coming. I had been hoping for someone to read and review this one before posting it, but it didn't come to pass. I also tend to write depending on when I feel the mood to write rather than on a set schedule, and the Ranma Restart: Bid for Freedom fic has been my main inspiration for a while. This one isn't dead or a one-shot, just secondary at the moment.
Gundam SEED: Led Astray
Chapter 02: Houseguests of Heliopolis
January 18, C.E. 71, 7:49 PM
Enroute to Heliopolis
"Hey, Sayla! Did you see the dress in this magazine! I think you might pull it off! I really think that red and gold are your colors. That green dress from before works too, but mainly because it invokes the very specific image of a sunflower with your hair and eyes. You could probably pull off anything warm though. I'm more fitting for shades of pink, red, and purple. Maybe a blue in certain situations. What do you think?"
January 19, C.E. 71, 2:15 AM
Enroute to Heliopolis
"Oh, sorry. I couldn't sleep. Jet lag. Since you're awake though, what do you think of this bikini? I mean, dieting for it would be a nightmare, but imagine the heads I'd turn! Sai would be so jealous of all the stares...Hmm? Of course I shop for swimsuits in January! A girl must set goals for herself and commit! That includes buying the outfit and staring at it for maximum dieting motivation!"
January 19, C.E. 71, 8:27 PM
Enroute to Heliopolis
"I still don't get why Coordinators are allowed in Orb. I mean, yeah, I get that they've been there since before the war. But the only reason Orb wasn't part of the April Fool's Crisis was because it relies on geothermal energy rather than nuclear fission. Dumb luck, really. You'd think they'd have gone off to the PLANTs by now just to avoid ZAFT killing their own anyway."
January 20, C.E. 71, 9:26 AM
Enroute to Heliopolis
"Japan, China, England, France, Spain, Germany, Orb, Australia, Russia, Brazil, India, I've been all kinds of places for Daddy's work! Have you gotten to travel much? I'm guessing you were more cooped up than me if you have to sneak away to travel like this, right?"
Two days. Two solid days listening to this girl chatter. And of course Flay's sleep schedule would still be set to Atlantic Federation time. The first day and night, Cagalli thought that she was doing it on purpose and wanted to strangle her. It took Prayer's mediation to maintain a measure of civility. After that, Cagalli realized something. Flay simply said whatever entered her brain with no real filter. Her casual racism had been the ultimate proof of that for the surprised blonde. It lacked the bite and malice of true hatred, but rather seemed like something she was parroting back from her upbringing.
"You got it in one, Flay," came Cagalli's tired reply. It wasn't true, she was allowed to travel to closely allied nations like the Kingdom of Scandinavia, but explaining that required words that she was too tired to convey. Her exasperated expression seemed to go right over Flay's head, and Prayer's smile was ever so slightly strained. Flay just seemed to interpret it all as two lovers not being able to be alone and being frustrated as a result. Reverend Malchio had been the wisest of the group and simply accepted the role of 'sleepy old blind man with headphones' to escape. Cagalli was envious of the Reverend's successful ploy. She'd gone through all the magazines she had and couldn't plan her efforts like she had hoped to be able to do on the ride over with Flay around. All she could do was watch the dot that was Heliopolis grow gradually larger. She'd been doing this for a solid twenty minutes.
"We're still half an hour out. How about another game of poker while we wait? I want to win back what I lost before." Flay requested, the pair perking up slightly. Cagalli found Flay's knowledge of the game to be one of her good points. Being raised around the mens' club that was politics seemed to have given the two girls at least that in common. Of course, that didn't mean that Flay was good at the game. She was probably used to old politicians letting her win. Cagalli was competitive enough not to tolerate such a thing and had actually spent the effort practicing to beat said politicians without such charity.
"For real money again? Sure. Who deals this time?" Cagalli asked, looking forward to the next half-hour for a change.
January 20, C.E. 71, 9:57 AM
Heliopolis Spaceport - Terminal 2
"I'm sorry, Reverend..." Prayer sheepishly said after they left the plane and entered Heliopolis proper. Reverend Malchio simply patted the boy's shoulder, but still wore a slightly stern and disappointed expression. He'd removed his headphones after his music player played a timed alarm, only to hear Flay complaining about her losses in the game. After that, he had little choice but to remind the group that they indeed had a chaperone present.
"I am glad you refrained from actually making wagers and I concede that the game is sometimes a necessity of politics, but I would hope that you refrain from dealing in a game for worldly gains in the future, Prayer." Thankfully, his smile soon returned. "But perhaps it is in part my fault, for neglecting my duties as chaperone while you were trapped with two spirited and attractive young ladies."
Apparently Prayer's resultant stammer and blush was enough of a punishment for the priest to be satisfied, though Flay gave a sly smile and elected to keep going. "Oh, so the boy of faith is unfaithful to his girl? Interesting! I wouldn't want to steal him from his date though." Cagalli was briefly taken aback by the statements and almost stammered just as heavily as Prayer, but then remembered that the man was quite blind and wasn't able to truly gauge her appearance. Irritation, which had been her constant companion for two days, was her initial impulse.
'Just take the compliment.' She finally decided within the confines of her own mind as she pushed her feelings on the matter aside. Of course, Flay then got in front of her and started to chatter again.
"Hey, if you came here in a hurry, I'm guessing you'll be staying in some hotel. Will you be at the Hotel Heliopolis?" Flay asked, presuming that they'd be at the best hotel in the colony. Cagalli blinked, wondering just how opulent this girl expected her to be.
"No, we're going to a pension. The Reverend and I have little need of a high-end place unless rejecting an offer of lodging would cause offense." Prayer answered, trying to keep the attention off of Cagalli. Of course, Cagalli would rather not have told this girl anything. She was supposed to be undercover, not accessible!
"Pension?" Flay asked, thinking for a moment as she parsed the rather non-Atlantic Federation concept and searched her memories of traveling abroad. "Oh, like a bed and breakfast, but with all the day's meals? I've stayed in a few of those across the world. I can do better."
"Hn? What do you mean?" Cagalli tried to parse what Flay just said.
Flay just laughed a little. "Come on, remember who my father is! My house probably has more room for you than some tiny pension. You hostessed me at your place, and it's my turn to return the favor! You can even spend the money on a nice dress and bikini for your boyfriend there instead of lodgings!" Prayer and Cagalli both recoiled a bit at the insinuation. Cagalli was also worried other reasons than Prayer, though. How was she supposed to be clandestine if she had to dodge a nosy Flay all the time?
"W-well, that won't work! I plan to be staying into February! I'm joining them for a memorial service mid-month!" That comment from Cagalli made Flay pause, her expression getting a bit more contemplative and firm. She took a thinking pose, and Cagalli wondered if she'd diffused the situation by mentioning just how long it'd be.
"For Junius Seven, I'm guessing. Well, I suppose that's not something you can really help but be part of. State responsibility and all that." Cagalli realized that the expression was regarding their participation in the memorial rather than concern over the scheduling. It was hard to tell if Flay's hesitation was political or racial. Her resistance to the idea was weak, though, as the expression soon faded into a smile. "Well then, it's settled! You'll all stay at my place until then!"
The Reverend knew of George Allster's sensitivity to perceived offense. He had little choice but to abide by his daughter's insistence, but perhaps he could make it more bearable to the pair. "In that case, I thank you for your hospitality, Ms. Allster. I won't be able to stay for more than a couple days before I must leave to assist in preparations. Of course, these two will need a measure of privacy through their stay due to the nature of their presence here. I would also request that you not let Prayer participate in more games of wealth, for religious reasons."
Flay beamed at the man, finding this quite acceptable. "Of course! I've lost enough to Sayla for a while anyway. Now let's get our bags and we'll head to the house!" Cagalli was a bit irritated at the change of plans as she picked up her singular bag and stepped aside for the others to do the same. Flay looked to her with confusion. "Over a month and that's all you brought? I guess you couldn't bring your full wardrobe, but that's just... We really do need to go shopping later, don't we?" Flay, by contrast, had a rather large set of pink luggage with wheels. Telescoping the handle on the largest piece, she toted it along behind her.
The runaway Princess glared solidly at the good Reverend. Though his eyes couldn't see the glare of a woman slighted, he was still able to perceive her displeasure.
"Think of it as training your political skills, 'Sayla'. You'll need it if you walk this path." Reverend Malchio gently responded while Prayer collected his and the Reverend's luggage. The girl sighed, wondering if sneaking aboard the Sahaku family's craft would have been the better option, even if it meant waiting at Ame-no-Minashira for a bit.
After their identification was verified for no less than the third time, they left the terminal and approached an automated car which had parked itself at the curb. The yellow vehicle opened all four of its doors while Prayer put all of their bags in the trunk.
"It's not exactly a limousine like Daddy and I are usually picked up in, but we don't need to hire a, win some, lose some. Sorry I can't do better on such short notice." Flay apologized, wishing she could have given a better welcome than an automated taxi cab. Once the quartet had entered the cab and buckled up, Flay started negotiating the console in the driver's traditional position in to put in her destination. This was as simple as sliding in her identification card and selecting the address listed on her identification as her residence for the destination.
The spaceport taxi drove off with a light electrical whine, being one of the older models from the CE 40s, and the unlikely group was on its way. The reverend spoke in response to Flay's concerns as they rode. "Don't worry, Miss Allster. We prefer a less conspicuous form of transport anyway. Opulence isn't a prerequisite of this visit as much as discretion."
"Speaking of discretion..." Flay looked back to the pair of blondes in the back seat with a teasing smirk. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do! It could cause a scandal between Orb, the Atlantic Federation, and the Reverend's humanitarian efforts. And if you have to do that sort of thing anyway, name the kid after me!" Cagalli blushed crimson and attempted to loudly stammer out a vehement denial, while Prayer was clearly uncomfortable but knew that saying anything was a bad idea at the moment. Flay had a good laugh at their expense as they went down the road, the cadence of her voice distracting passerby.
January 20, C.E. 71, 10:25 AM
Allster Estate, Heliopolis
Prayer's eyes widened as they approached the estate. The house was essentially a three-story mansion of white, with six plaster-covered pillars along the front. The drive in front of it was a horse shoe connecting to the road at both ends with a garden of pink, red, and purple flowers on both sides and a few trees to either side of the mansion. The colony's weather allowed for the blooming of flowers year-round, so the flourishing flora didn't particularly mind that it was mid-January. The garage for any personally owned vehicles was underground along with the maintenance equipment, and could be accessed from the horseshoe drive. She could even see that it hard a large backyard.
This was a residence intended for the Governor of Heliopolis when built and been intended to stay with the office, but corruption had secured it for George Allster's hands and moved the Governor down to a more humble home. While Cagalli couldn't fault George Allster for wanting to secure a home for his daughter away from the fighting, she was less than pleased with how it was done. She suspected the Sahaku or Seiran families to have played a role.
"It's a very nice home." Cagalli said, not betraying her thoughts in voice nor expression. Prayer was a bit more impressed, thinking of such places more as party halls than actual residences in the past.
"I worry that I'll be spoiled by the time we leave! Perhaps I could trade rooms with some of the staff or something-" He began to say, before being cut off.
"No." Flay said decisively to Prayer's recommendation with a smile. "You're my guests and you will receive that kind of treatment. My father wouldn't accept any less." As they pulled into the horseshoe drive, several members of the staff stood waiting and began to unload the vehicle's trunk once parked. The doors opened and Flay got out, smiling to a mustached man in a suit with graying hair. He appeared to be in his fifties. "Hi, Johnathan!"
The butler smiled to his mistress. "Welcome home, Mistress Flay. I trust your trip was enjoyable?"
"Oh, it was! Orb is a very nice destination no matter the time of year." Flay said with a smile before electing to introduce her entourage. "Johnathan, these are Reverend Malchio, Mister Prayer Reverie, and Miss Sayla Mass. They'll be staying with us for the time being as my guests. Treat them as you would treat guests of my father." The man gave a nod, recognizing Reverend Malchio.
"Most certainly. Have you any preferences for rooms?" Johnathan asked as the group left the car. Once it detected that it was empty of people and parcels, and also lacked anything in its card slot, the vehicle would close its doors after two minutes and drive away if the path was clear.
"Yes. Reverend Malchio should stay in the first floor guest room. I think that's best given his condition. The other two should have rooms next to each other. Ideally ones with a fine view." Flay gave her opinion on the matter without consulting her guests, Cagalli noted, but thankfully noted that it was fine. It seemed she was trying to get them away from their chaperone. "Of course, the good Reverend will be checked in on and entertained regularly, to give Prayer a break from that."
Reverend Malchio smiled. "I agree, he needs to rest up. Though I'd still like him to visit a few times a day at least."
"Of course, Reverend!" Prayer said, having not expected to be absolved of his duties this soon. In fact, he wasn't comfortable unless he checked in regularly anyhow. "I'm not going to just abandon you because of this."
The Reverend smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. But you will be staying behind with Sayla when I leave in a few days. I've made arrangements in that regard. We'll join back up at the ceremony. You're here for her, not me."
Flay smiled widely. "Right! Let's get inside! I'm hungry for a home-cooked meal, aren't you?" She asked Cagalli, wanting support from the other girl. The blonde opened her mouth to respond, but her stomach growled, making its own vote known. Flay took this embarrassing confirmation and, instead of ignoring it, ran with it. "Wow...we need brunch, quick! Come on, we can freshen up and then have a nice, big meal. I'm hungry for French Toast."
Speeding up, Flay gave a final instruction to Johnathan. "Go ahead and make whatever the rest of them want too. There might be some religious taboo against eggs and milk or something. You'll have to check with the Reverend and Prayer about that one." Flay wasn't exactly handling this hostess thing with much tact, but she was trying to meet their individual needs at least. Cagalli couldn't help but empathize with the burden on Flay's shoulders, having had to fulfill that role all too recently herself.
Upon entry, they were greeted by a large foyer which had marble floors and white walls. Light gray chairs with black padding and small matching tables with lamps were also present, as was as an intercom system which could double as a landline phone. The lampshades and throw rugs were also black to match the chair padding. Stairs were accessible on either side which went up to the second floor and on further to the third, appearing to frame a large chandelier of crystal. Assorted hallways led out into areas of the first floor, and the living room was further into the building. A large grandfather clock was present and showing the time, 10:34. Servants were taking their belongings to their assigned rooms before leading the assorted people to their rooms to freshen up.
"Well, here we are. Home, sweet home! It might not be what all of you are used to, but don't hesitate to relax and unwind here. I can't exactly give you alcohol or advocate wild parties, but you know how it is. Daddy's rules. I'd give you a tour, but after that flight I think we need to unwind a little first and get a bite to eat." Flay then glanced to another member of the staff, one who seemed to be of Japanese descent and was likely one of Orb's citizens. "Yumiko, please take their orders for food and then let me know how long it'll be."
After a moment, Flay's eyebrow twitched slightly. Every single person had written 'French Toast', even though she'd made clear that they could each have what they wanted. Cagalli found this amusing, and a boon for the staff, though she wondered just why the blind man's handwriting was the most neat of the lot of them. Even she'd been taught calligraphy... "We can have the main dish, the side dishes of fruit and bacon, and the drinks all ready within the next half hour, Mistress." Yumiko informed Flay. Apparently even French Toast was something that took a while with all the extras that their mistress preferred. One more reason Flay was moved to Orb was probably to get around the Atlantic Federation's food rationing, Cagalli mused.
"...What can I say? You said French Toast, and I got hungry for it. It's a good idea." Prayer said, to placate the irritated Flay.
This seemed to work, as the girl gave a light sign and looked back to the group with a smile. "Well, I guess they do say 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it', but remember that you can ask for what you want instead of just going along with my ideas, alright? Now, I think you should all see...err...visit your rooms." Flay said, stumbling and correcting herself in an effort not to be insensitive to her blind guest. "Feel free to shower and get a change of clothes in if you feel the need. We have the time!"
After the Reverend confirmed that he could manage for himself once shown around his room, Cagalli and Prayer were taken to the third floor and found themselves guided to rooms that were side-by-side. Upon the door being opened for her, Cagalli found herself being guided into a room with an autumn theme. It had a wooden floor with reddish-orange paint on the walls, and a red and white bedspread. The walls also had some gold pinstriping at about chest height, and the lamps had gold plate with red lampshades. The curtains were a gold color as well, as if to frame the sunlight with a like color when opened. All the handles to the dresser and desk were a polished brass to maintain this decor. It got a lot of natural sunlight from the large window, which opened out into a balcony.
"Mistress Flay was hoping we could get your measurements, for your shopping trip later. Is that acceptable, Mistress Sayla?" One of the female members of staff inquired from behind Cagalli. Her blue hair and green eyes regarded Cagalli kindly, her age being in the mid-twenties and her attire being a standard western maid outfit mirroring the other female members of the staff.
"Can it wait until after I've had a chance to clean up? I just spent two days on a transport..." Shower space was at a premium there, after all. The young woman was a bit hesitant, having not had a chance to clean herself up yet.
"Very well, Mistress Sayla. I await your preparedness outside your door. I'm Julia, by the way, and will be your personal assistant during your time here. It's nice to meet you, and I welcome you to the Allster Estate." Julia gave a curtsy rather than a bow, the dissonance striking Cagalli as a bit unusual. Most people in Orb bowed.
"A-ah, thank you. It's nice to meet you as well, and you have a lovely place here. Please thank your mistress for the hospitality for me again." Cagalli couldn't help but give a bow in response.
"Gladly, Mistress Sayla. I'll give you some privacy now. The showers are through that door there, and the room is fully stocked. Please enjoy your stay." With that, Julia shut the door almost noiselessly. After a few moments of familiarizing herself with the room, Cagalli unpacked a set of clothes in preparation of cleaning herself up.
January 20, C.E. 71, 10:42 AM
Chief Representative's Mansion, Olofat, Orb Union
Uzumi Nara Athha was not pleased. No, that would be an understatement. His rebellious daughter was nowhere to be found. She was supposed to have arrived in the Kingdom of Scandinavia by now, but all that had arrived was a body double. It was enough to fool most, but not enough to fool the girl's own father and uncle. Said uncle, Homura, was also in the room. No one else was present, because announcing the fact that the Princess was missing would cause an uproar and possibly endanger her further. For now, the two men would speak to the one who had arranged the trip and the body double...a young man who had a lot to answer for.
"Announcing Representative Yuna Roma Seiran." Myrna said, the woman of the house giving Yuna a bit of a glare before departing. The woman who raised Cagalli may not have known what was going on, but the quiet summon for Yuna was surely related.
"Thank you, Myrna...out of respect for your position, you may stay if you wish." Uzumi said to his daughter's caretaker. The woman was a bit surprised, but visibly grateful. Glancing outside and noting no eavesdroppers, she closed the door behind herself and Yuna. Uzumi stared at Yuna, who was starting to show signs of stress. The boy never did have a good poker face beyond a certain point.
"Do you know why you're here, Yuna?" Uzumi inquired with a leading question. Yuna gave a gentle nod.
"Before we discuss this...can...can you sweep for fresh bugs in the room or listening devices?" Yuna asked, surprising Uzumi. Homura's eyes narrowed in irritation.
"We sweep this room every six hours, Yuna. Now where is my niece?" The younger man inquired, his glare promising punishment for Yuna if he didn't speak up now.
"...She arrived in Heliopolis within the past hour, sir. For the purpose of investigating evidence of the subversion of Orb's very neutrality and sovereignty." Yuna spoke clearly and stood rigidly, knowing this was coming. He knew that as soon as the double stepped off the plane, he'd be called in...but he still couldn't say no to Cagalli. He stepped forward and deposited the same image on the desk which he'd given Cagalli. Uzumi took the photograph and looked at it carefully.
"Explain. Everything." Uzumi said, now sharing Homura's glare. Yuna struggled with himself, but eventually yielded.
"The Sahaku and Seiran Families are plotting against you, sirs, by making back-room deals with and using Morgenroete to create technology for the Earth Alliance. Specifically the Atlantic Federation. Current intelligence is that a ship based on the Izumo-class and multiple Mobile Suits are nearing completion at the Morgenroete facility at Heliopolis under the active oversight and collaboration of Atlantic Federation officers. That photograph is of the first of the machines constructed there." The two men kept staring, taking the information in. Their minds mulled over the data...but Yuna continued. "T-this has been in the works since last year, since before I became a Representative. When I found out, I...well...s-slipped a bug on my father's suit and had myself and Cagalli eavesdrop on the meeting, like old times. W-when no one fessed up, I showed Cagalli that picture..."
"I see...since you couldn't get an audience alone with us without your father present, you showed Cagalli, thinking she'd confront us with the information." Uzumi finished for Yuna.
Yuna didn't want to admit that he'd initially thought it was a great idea because his father had parsed it as such, and that he'd wanted to impress her, so he rubbed the back of his head so he let the two think what they wanted. "But she didn't do that. She immediately recited the Orb Union's raison d'etre and demanded everything I knew, and my compliance. She didn't consider a picture enough evidence to bring to you, since she was absolutely convinced of your non-involvement, so she went to get the proof herself. I wanted to go with or even instead of her, but she demanded I stay put as her mole in the Seiran family, and give her the identity and credentials of an Investigator in Intelligence."
"So you sent her up to space alone?" Homura asked, blood boiling.
"N-no! Not alone! She managed to enlist Reverend Malchio and his acolyte! The Reverend was going up to space to prepare for the Junius Seven Memorial celebration, and his acolyte Prayer is staying with Cagalli at Heliopolis to help her should the investigation take an extended time! They both knew that if this information is true, the war would escalate needlessly. Cagalli felt that because of their priorities, they were more trustworthy than anyone else...aside from the people in this room." The room was silent aside from the ticking of a clock. One could cut the tension with a knife as Yuna's own future seemed to hang by a thread. After a time, Uzumi began to speak on the matter.
"Yuna. The fact that your loyalty to Orb and my daughter supersedes that to your own family and their ambitions is by no means lost on me. I also realize that it is hard to say no when my daughter chooses on a course of action. But I have to say that this was an absolutely foolish thing to do." Uzumi's words made Yuna tremble ever so slightly. The Lion of Orb was composed and fair...but Yuna knew that a 'fair' outcome for him could be quite crippling.
"But I suppose this is partially my fault for allowing my nation's infrastructure to escape from my sight. If this information is true...then Orb's holdings in space are lost to its legitimate government. The Sahakus control the military outright and even if we used this to seize the holdings here, they command our space assets almost exclusively. Cagalli is at their mercy if they find her first..." Uzumi gave Yuna a stern look, but there was a bit of understanding there.
"Is this all you know?" Uzumi asked Yuna.
"Just that the Sahaku family is leading this effort. The twins themselves, sir. They should be on Ame-no-Minashira at the moment, and have yet to return to Heliopolis just yet. Oh, I gave Cagalli the identity 'Sayla Mass', and she's sharing the accommodations of the Reverend for this journey. Aside from that and what I've already told you, I've got nothing else to say except that I'm s-sorry it wound up like this. I wish she trusted your power enough to tell you herself."
"It's partly my fault." Myrna spoke up with concern, the trio of men looking to her. "Before the party started, I reminded a less-than-enthused Cagalli that she should accept her responsibilities with grace rather than resent the imposition. It...was mere minutes before she and Yuna spoke privately. I...believe I inadvertently shaped her mindset in this regard."
Uzumi heard everything that was said stood and turned his back to Yuna, looking out the window. Pondering the matter for a very tense twenty seconds, he gave a deep sigh. "It seems that she was right not to trust in my power to hold this country together though, even if her own action was reckless. Our own investigation into the rumors of this hasn't borne as much fruit as Yuna's own data, though we would have acted shortly...I'm giving you a new assignment."
Yuna worried, not sure where this was going...
"You and a bodyguard are going to the preparations for the Junius Seven Memorial. It's a punishment for arranging a vacation for Cagalli when she should have filled that role instead. You'll be heading to Heliopolis first, of course. If the Sahakus approach you to...assist them in anything due to your shared family alliances, you'll keep your eyes and ears open. If you can meet Cagalli, without compromising her, tell her I believe in your information and send her to the Junius Seven Memorial with the bodyguard for diplomatic talks with the PLANTs regarding this matter. You've proven your loyalty to Orb's founding principles, but try to be more sound in your decisions going forward. Understood?" Uzumi looked back to the man, whose expression brightened up considerably.
"U-understood crystal clear, Lord Athha, sir!" There was actually a smile on Yuna's face. Partly because he considered this better than prison, but also because it was a chance to help Cagalli. The coward in him made his knees shake in spite of the bow he took and he felt the urge to plead for leniency, but something in the man managed to quash that for the moment.
"Very well. That will be all. I want you ready to leave as soon as possible." Uzumi gave a nod of acknowledgment and the coward-turned-agent departed through the door with Myrna. He noted that Myrna's expression toward him was less stern this time. Once he was out of the room and down the hall, the two brothers began to speak once more.
"Do you think this information is accurate? Can Cagalli and Yuna handle something like this?" Homura inquired in concern. Uzumi regarded his younger brother, trying to come up with an answer.
"Cagalli has the heart and some skill, but she's stubborn and likely to take on more than she can handle. Yuna thinks he is more clever than he is, but has some skills at least and the potential to break free of his father's stranglehold. Neither is ready...but they'll each have to grow into the role. Besides...if things go badly, I don't want the boy to see what will happen to his family as a result of their treason." Uzumi looked to Homura, the latter's eyes widening in recognition.
"You had no investigation or knowledge of merely threw that tidbit in so Yuna wouldn't feel like he was responsible for his family's fall from grace. You seek to hint that it would have happened anyway." Homura looked to his brother, whose head dipped slightly and eyes shut.
"I have no love of bloodshed, Homura...but I fear now that we will see it before this war is through." Uzumi said, concern over his nation and his daughter written on his face.