Caster had been finally summoned by an unknowledgeable master and the fourth grail war had begun. Kirei looked down on the mansion standing proudly behind the wall of trees with his own servant Assassin looking doubtful beside him. However, before Kirei could give the order he was summoned into a plain, bare room with the only piece of furniture being the cheap chandelier that hung from the ceiling; swinging back and forth even though there was no wind to push it. Surrounding Kirei was the masters participating in the fourth grail war and he guessed the servants were with them in spirit form as his was.

Ten years had passed since the fourth grail war meaning the fifth had almost begun. Lancer chased a defenceless Shirou into the shed where his step-mother (is Iri Shirou's mother still even though she was long dead when Kiritsugu adopted him?) had once drawn a magic circle to heal herself during the prior grail war. Shirou has nowhere left to run and the wounds he had received in his battle proved he had no chance of fighting a servant. He was going to die for the second time that night after that girl wasted that necklace to save him. Then there was a sudden flash as a woman dressed in medieval armour rose from the summoning circle and parried the lancer's blow causing him to retreat back into the yard. The newly summoned Saber turned towards her master only to see he had disappeared from the face of the earth and as she turned towards her enemy she realised that he too had vanished mysteriously.

Shirou scurried backwards until he banged his back against the cool stone wall. The dimly lit room revealed some recognisable faces such as Rin Tohsaka, the school idol and the girl from before still dressed in full armour but this time stood protectively in front of a black-haired woman, a frail-seeming albino and… Kiritsugu. He's dead, isn't he? The thought also crossed the mind of Rin who now stared at the surprisingly alive face of her father along with a younger looking Kirei.

Kiritsugu glanced around the room to see who else was teleported and what threat they gave and when he locked eyes with Kirei he audibly groaned knowing that his chances of survival are slim even with Saber standing before him. While it is true that he was surprised to see Kirei, his eyes widened and his mouth hung agape when he caught sight of his daughter who he was forced to abandon back at the Einzbern castle looking 10 years older. Illya was understandably confused by the sudden transportation to this previously abandoned room and was also confused when she was face to face with the man that had left her at that castle all those years ago and never came back, breaking the promise he made to his own daughter. "Illya" the voice could barely be heard over the deafening silence. "Illya" the woman cried again as she ran towards the master of berserker and imprisoned her within her arms. In reality, everyone was confused since this was no ordinary occurrence even for a Magus. At this point, the masters and their aids began separating from the large group gathered in the middle until each team was a safe distance from the others in case of an attack.

"*cough* Excuse me" a sudden omnipresent voice caused everyone to begin cautiously searching around the room for the origin "There is no reason to worry, for in this room you can not be harmed nor be bound against your will by anyone other than I" An arrogant chuckle echoed as a golden hero faded into the room, a cocky grin etched into his face.

"So you believe you can contain me?" the king of heroes asked before his smile morphed into a scowl "Mongrel!"

"Yes, Gilgamesh, your power is quite impressive and when compared to the others within this room you are without question the strongest however you are merely ⅔ god, therefore, pose no threat to me" Gilgamesh outstretched his hand as multiple golden portals appeared behind him. Legendary weapons that once called his treasury home before it was pillaged bare began slowly edging out of each portal before suddenly shooting towards the wall at Mach speeds. Gilgamesh once again chuckled to himself as the explosions left the small room clouded in smoke. "As I said, dear king of heroes, no one can be harmed therefore no one can cause harm" Gilgamesh's scowl returned as the smoke dispersed revealing a quite undamaged wall. He snorted before quickly retreating to his spiritual form to stop further embarrassment. "Well then, now that you know there is little point in defying me please listen closely. Master and servant alike have been summoned here to partake in a viewing of the upcoming future. I promise that your questions shall be answered once everyone has found their seat. Please direct yourself into the second room through the now opening wooden door" as the voice finished a large oak door standing firmly behind a certain white-haired man, began to open. The red-carpeted room that lay beyond the door looked similar to a modern day cinema with black leather seats split into sections to help prevent disturbances and a large screen towering over everything. Each seat had a name sewn in white into the front.

Going from the very bottom left:

First row on the left - Risei Kotomine, Tokiomi, Aoi, Rin, Archer

Second row on the left - Maiya, Kiritsugu, Illya, Iri, Saber

Third row on the left - Iskander, Waver, Shirou

Fourth row on the left - Hassan-i Sabbah

First row on the right - Assassin, Caster, Sōichirō Kuzuki

Second row on the right - Kayneth, Sola-ui, Diarmuid, lancer

Third row on the right - Ryūnosuke, Gilles de Rais, Shinji, Rider

Fourth row on the right - Kirei, Gilgamesh, Zōken, Kariya

Once the final person hesitantly reached their seat the booming voice began once again with most participants listening closely; eager to learn why they were brought here and more importantly by whom. "You have probably already noticed that there are some of you that have been transported from a different time than the rest" Rin had yet to avert her eyes in pure shock from her mother's face who had died due to injuries inflicted during the holy grail war. No shit. "Some of you have been taken from the beginning of the fourth grail war and the rest of you have been taken from the beginning of the fifth explaining why relatives that have passed on or have changed their appearance over time are here when they were younger or older. I have brought you here for the reason I previously stated. You are going to view the future but more precisely the future of a certain man named Kiritsugu Emiya and once his story is complete we will then view the boy named Shirou Emiya's future" Rin broke her gaze from her mother to look at the boy she had recently brought back from the brink of death in astonishment that he could possibly be more important that her during the upcoming grail war.

A man dressed in red quickly stood up "Who exactly are you and what do you have to gain from all of this?" Tokiomi demanded bringing a smirk to Gilgamesh's face.

"Of course you would ask such question Tokiomi, master of Gilgamesh. Very well, to answer your question I shall give my name. I am the Earth, the most powerful entity in the universe. Through showing you the future of your mage wars I only gain the enjoyment of watching your reactions"

"The earth?" Tokiomi exclaimed

"Any further questions?"

"Yes, I have one" Gilgamesh rose from his chair "Wouldn't showing these mongrels the future allow them to change it some way?" he asked gesturing towards the others in the room gifting him the glare from the legendary king of knights.

"There is no possible way I would allow such a thing to happen which is why I have decided to wipe your memories after you leave. But I plan to return them when your role in the story has been fulfilled and there is no risk of you interfering any further"

"What?! If we can't gain any benefit from this," Tokiomi bellowed, "Then why should we follow your orders?"

"Are you not interested in seeing the outcome of this war? It could provide some closure to our current problems, and issues you'll face in the future," the voice said, "And Tokiomi. I'm only asking as a formality. I have no problem with using my power to force you into cooperating"

Kariya chuckled to himself, relishing in the fact Tokiomi was being humiliated even if he was not the one to do it. That slither of joy disappeared when he saw that Zoken had shown an eerily amount of interest in him. Shirou turned to his left to see a quivering boy with long black hair for a boy. A chiselled man sat to the boys left nodding along to everything the 'Earth' was saying. "What's a holy grail war?" he whispered, hoping the boy would understand what was going on much more than he did however instead of an answer he only made the boy jump and slide closer towards his servant. Illya scanned the room for her servant but to no avail, which is quite surprising since he should be much harder to lose going of his bulky build and threatening presence. At this rate, she would be at a disadvantage if a fight breaks out, especially with that gold armour wearing servant that had been previously judged the strongest by the being that called itself the 'Earth'. Noticing her distress, the voice decided to continue despite Tokiomi's clear anger.

"For reasons I hope I don't need to explain, I have not invited berserkers to join with the viewing. Similarly, I have not transported different versions of other characters as that may either be confusing or spoil the future which would be quite the hindrance. I do hope this will not be too big of an inconvenience for you Kariya and Illya" Aoi and Kiristugu looked over towards their daughter in shock that such an innocent looking girl could possibly be a master of a berserker class servant causing a giggle to escape from the girl's lips.

"Now then any further questions before we begin," the voice asked and to its surprise, the room remained quite including Tokiomi who Rin was studying which was bringing back faded memories she spent with him. "No?" the voice warned but the silence was not broken "Then we shall begin" The large screen at the front began to slowly turn from black to the familiar layout of a castle belonging to the Einzbern mage family.