Stories I'm already working on:

Alien Virus

Argument, then Kara gets hurt

Kara almost dies (3x09)

Kalex from different points of view

Alex's new suit

Kara saves Alex (5x16)


Kara didn't know what was wrong with her. Everything had been working out so far, so why was this happening to her now? And why did this have to happen during training?


"There will always be opponents bigger than you," Alex began, turning on the kryptonite emitters just enough so that Kara wouldn't be able to overpower by pure brute force. "When that happens, you have to keep your guard up, and believe it or not, it's actually better to hit first in that situation."

"Al, come on, I really don't want to fight you right now. Besides, you aren't a bigger target, we're almost the same size!" Kara argued, frustrated with always having to train instead of getting out there and doing good.

Alex raised her arms up in a defensive stance. "A slightly smaller target who is still a better fighter than you. I'm not comfortable letting anyone else training with you yet, so you'll just have to learn this with me." Alex dropped her arms for a moment and looked her in the eyes. "I just want you to be safe out there, Kara. I can't always protect you."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Kara matched her stance. "Anything else I should know?"

Alex smirked and lowered her shoulders. "I believe in learning on the job. Now come at me!" As then began sparring, using basic maneuvers at first, Alex starting to teach her a bit more. "When facing a big target, there are some go-to places to hit if you get stuck in hand to hand combat. Some of those places are the nose, throat, groin, and the kneecaps. But obviously-" Alex blocked a punch from Kara with her forearm. "- We're not trying to down an enemy today." They broke away from each other. "Just use what you've learned. But I'm not going to go easy on you."

Kara nodded once. She was already sweating. After a few moments of just breathing, she brought her hands back up and the fight was back on. She performed better than she had been, and Alex was proud. But then things went south. Kara accidentally left a hole and Alex was able to pin her easily. Kara struggled but Alex's thighs kept her locked in place. Then, it happened.


Kara pushed at her sister but wasn't able to land anything.

Explosion. Can't breathe.

Kara squirmed and Alex finally realized something was wrong. "Kara?"

Too tight. Empty. Nothing.

Kara groaned and continued to try and wiggle out of her grasp.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Alex asked, jumping off of her and kneeling beside her.

Kara's eyes squeezed shut and she raised her arms to protect her face from... something.

Let me out.

"Is this is tactic to beat me? This would only work on me, but you win, you win! Snap out of it!" Alex tucked her hand behind Kara's neck and attempted to hold her steady. "Hey, come back to me, it's okay."

Tears dripped down Kara's cheeks and she choked on sobs.

Help me!

Alex let her go, jumped up, and ran to turn off the kryptonite emitters. "Kara! I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?"

Kara gasped and sat up, shuddering like she had just woken up from a nightmare.

Alex rushed over and crouched down. "Hey, hey, I'm here."

Kara gulped before she looked her in the eyes. "What was that?"


"Her mind's a bit muddled," J'onn began as he tapped into Kara's head. "It's just her in there, nobody's messing with her mind. But there is an awful lot of fear and confusion," he told Alex, who was holding Kara's hand.

Kara's head was bowed and she was not speaking to give any sort of indication of what she had seen if anything.

"So no one's doing anything to her? Was it a panic attack?" Alex questioned, worried that this was her fault.

"Can't say for sure." J'onn broke off the telepathic connection. "But she's a little shaken up right now. You should take her home. Maybe She'll be able to tell you later when her mind is more clear."

Alex nodded, so J'onn got ready to leave the room.

"Take care of her. She's precious cargo, that one." J'onn smiled a little, then walked out.

Alex watched him leave, grateful that he at least told her there was no outside threat, then stepped into Kara's side and kissed the side of her head. "Do you wanna go home?"

Kara nodded a little, unable to hold back that stubborn tear that decided to make its way down her cheek.

"Okay," Alex whispered, wiping away the tear and kissing the same spot again. "I've got you, Kar."

Kara took Alex's hand and squeezed it, making sure to keep her powers in check. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt the person who was trying to keep her safe. "Please take me home..."

"I've got you," Alex repeated, returning the squeeze. "Let's go."


Kara was quiet the whole way home.

Alex glanced over. Kara's eyes looked glazed over as she stared straight ahead at nothing in particular. There were no emotions detectable. And Alex should know that because she had been trained to spot emotions in even the most strong-headed of people. But this? It was weird seeing her like this.

Alex shook her head. Now wasn't the time, she had to keep telling herself; now wasn't the time to make small talk and try to get Kara to tell her what she had seen. She did, however, reason that she probably didn't need to ask. Krypton. It had to be, right? Maybe not but she didn't know what else would've been bothering her. Alex sighed out loud. 'Just get her home, Alex. She needs you.'


Alex unlocked Kara's front door and led her inside. "Do you need anything?" she asked, expecting to not get a response.

"I saw the phantom zone."

Alex's eyes snapped over. "What?"

"The phantom zone." Kara made eye contact. "Something happened, I-I felt so... I felt like I couldn't escape... like the walls were closing in..."

Alex swallowed and covered her mouth for a moment. Why did she push her so hard today? "But... That's never happened to you before. right?"

"No." Kara bowed her head and took in a deep breath. "I guess, maybe... maybe you..." She shook her head. "No, this isn't your fault... You probably think that this is your fault, but it's not, you didn't..." Kara bit her lip. "You didn't know..."

Alex stared at her at first, then stepped forward and opened her arms, waiting to see if she'd be okay with a hug. It looked like she needed one.

Kara hesitated. She said it wasn't Alex's fault, and she didn't blame her, but she was the reason she felt trapped. She looked into her sister's eyes.

Alex's expression softened. "I'm here, okay? You will never have to go back there again."

Kara stepped into her embrace and buried her face into Alex's collarbone. "There... There was just an endless abyss. I couldn't..."

"Shh, it's okay," Alex whispered, kissing her temple. "Calm down, you're okay."

"I couldn't remember much before but when... I felt so trapped..."

"Hey, it's..." Alex sighed and held her a little more securely. She just needed to be comforted so that's what she was going to do for her. Alex couldn't imagine what it must've been like to be stuck somewhere for 24 years, especially somewhere where time didn't exist. And having to be in a small pod? Yeah. it was no wonder this was happening. But why now?

Kara adjusted so that she could tuck her face into her sister's neck. "I'm sorry..."

"What?" Alex scoffed quietly and ran her fingers through Kara's hair. "Don't be sorry, weirdo. You didn't ask for this. Claustrophobia. I'm assuming you've heard that word, right?"

Kara rolled her eyes but still couldn't help but smile. "Yes, Alex, I know what claustrophobia is. I just didn't know I had it."

"Well, now we do." Alex pulled away and cupped her cheek. "I'll be sure to be more careful, okay? I definitely didn't mean to trigger that."

Kara leaned into her hand and gave her a fond look. "I know you didn't. It's okay. But next time-" Kara grinned a sideways grin. "I'll kick your butt."

Alex laughed and shook her head. "Look. Just let me know if you ever feel that way again, okay? I'll be sure to give you some space."

Kara nodded solemnly. "I will. But I'm serious about beating you next time."

Alex smirked. "Oh, you're on."


So, I don't actually think J'onn would be able to read Kara's mind, but for the sake of this story, I let him. I hope you enjoyed this!