A/N: Sorry for the delay, but we're back now with the last chapter...

Over the next several weeks, Kevin and Edd, along with Nat, hung out a few more times, including a few more visits to the same coffeeshop and the bookstore.

On the last Saturday in September, Nat drove them all to the grocery store. Usually, Nat likes to dip out now and again to leave Kevin alone with Edd for a bit, but today he was hogging up all of Edd's time. It was understandable though. When Nat realized Edd knew a lot about athletic nutrition from his years of being on the swim team, Nat made his newly dubbed "nutrition guru" help him perfect his grocery list.

Kevin ended up forgetting a few things while he was too busy watching Edd and Nat interact.

. . . . . . . . . .

That night, back in their dorm room, Nat was watching movies on his laptop. Kevin took a peek at his screen and said, "Still on a chick flicks kick? Ugh. Say that three times fast."

"Chick Flicks Kick. Chickaflick skick. Nope. Not happening. And Yeah. I am. Been in a… mood…"

Kevin laughed. "Just started the film?"

"Yeah, like five minutes ago, why?"

"Stream it on the TV. I'll watch it with ya."

Nat tapped the space bar loudly, pausing the film, before sitting upright in his bed. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, man. I've been in a mood, too."

Nat doesn't comment on that until several minutes after he has restarted the movie on the TV. "Is this mood of yours Edd related?"

"Of course."

"I noticed you were staring at him in the store, grinning like a damn fool."

"I am a damn fool. A damn fool too far gone over someone who doesn't even see me like that."

"Eh… He might be oblivious to your crush but…"

"But what?"

Nat just shook his head. Kevin paused the film. I'm glad for the distraction cause this scene is way too fucking sad, but, "Dammit, Nat! Don't choose now of all times to be quiet. Spill!"

"I'm not saying he's gay or into you or anything like that, okay? But! I do have reason to believe that there is a possibility that he might be at least a little interested in you."

"Oh? Continue…"

"You know that hypothetical game I-"


Nat threw up his hands in defense. "Hear me out! It was perfectly fine and innocent!"

Kevin gestured for him to continue but scowled at the same time.

"Okay, so yeah, when you had that long phone call with you mom at the coffeeshop, I asked Edd a lot of those 'hypothetically, would you…' questions. It wasn't perverted shit, I swear. But I did eventually ask him some romance related ones. Apparently, he's a hopeless romantic, likes all that cliché shit and likes affection. I eventually asked, 'Hypothetically, what would you do if I asked you out?' And-"



Kevin relented, and Nat started to talk again, but then he couldn't stop giggling. After he caught his breath, he finally said, "Okay, so, he was like smiling from the last question about affection and shit and when I asked about me asking him out he gave me this stone-cold look and flatly said," Nat cleared his throat in preparation of his Edd-impression, "'Don't even bother, Nathan.'"

Shit. That is hilarious.

Kevin couldn't contain his laughter, but soon calmed down when he remembered the point of the conversation. "So how is this supposed to be reason for you to believe that he might-"

"Oh! Right!" Nat giggled out, still not over Edd's reaction to that particular question. "So, after that flat-out rejection, I was like, 'Okay. Fair. But what if Kevin asked you out?' And he was all like 'K-Kevin!? Ask ME out!?' so, naturally, I was initially offended at the clear 180 in reaction, but I persevered-"

"Proud of you," Kevin deadpanned.

"Thank you. But yeah, I was then like, 'Hypothetically, if he were to ask you out, right now, what would you do?'" Nat stopped talking and reached for the remote to unpause the movie, but Kevin slapped his hand away.

"The fuck!? What did he say?"

"I don't know."


"He kinda pulled his hat down over his face and was mumbling through the fabric. I couldn't understand him. And then you came back from your phone call."

"Oh! When I accused you for harassing him… which… you were, apparently."

"Yeah, but you kinda made it worse."


"You kept demanding to know what I said to him, all 'What were you talking about!?' and 'What did you say to make Edd hide in his hat like that!?' and shit…"

"Oh… shit… I was basically asking him to admit that you guys were talking about me asking him out…"

"Yup. I got blankly rejected, you got a blushing, flumbing Edd, and neither time did he say he wasn't interested in men… so yeah… that's why I think he might, maybe, possibly, probably has some kind of interest in you."

Kevin doesn't say anything and continues the movie. They watch in silence, aside from the crunching of all the new healthy snacks Edd helped them pick out.

After a while Nat suddenly says, "By the way, when you were checking out at the register today, Edd might have been checking you out."


"I asked what he thought of your new shirt and he said, and I quote, 'Kevin does like quite handsome in it. Green suits him.' Take that as you will."

"You're bullshitting me."

"Nope. Honest. He did. I was gonna save that tidbit for later use but since I already told you about him blushing that much at just the hypothetically thought of you asking him out, this little factoid kinda lost its oomph."

Kevin shrugged and nodded. "Fair."

They continue to watch the film in silence until the scene where the main protagonist goes out with her co-worker. Seeing their date unfold on screen, Kevin says, "I wanna ask Edd out."


"Yup. Not to hang out, but on am actual date."

"Ah, but can it wait til after the movie?"

Kevin kicks him.

During a flashback scene where the protagonist is in a field of flowers, Nat asks, "What about getting him flowers?"


"When you ask him out, gonna give him a bouquet and-"

"All of it."

"All of it?"

"The whole nine yards. He's not the only one who's a romantic."

"Oh?" Nat sits up. "Gonna do the whole dinner reservation, get all gussied up, go to the park and-"

"Nah. Not the park. He likes the ocean, so maybe we could walk the pier, like at sunset, before we go to the movies. Only at the nice theater, with the nice recliner seats you have to reserve."

Nat pauses the movie. "Shit. You got this all planned out."

"Yup. For a while now. But I thought I'd just get rejected."

"Not anymore?"

"Nah. From what you just told me, I'd probably just have to wait for him to respond after he hyperventilates in his hat."

Nat and Kevin laughed.

"Wanna make a bet?"

Kevin narrowed his eyes at him before eating another carrot stick.

"I bet you fifty bucks you won't actually ask him out."

"Dude… fifty is a lot-"

"Bruh. I come from money and this is about you finally getting off your ass and making some moves on Double Delightful. $50 is totally worth it for me…"

"Okay, so I ask him out and get 50, but I'd lose 50 if I don't ask him out?"

"Exactly. That should be a good amount to help cover this date of yours. So, it's like a double-win for you."

"Okay… and when do I need to do this by, cause a week is-"

"Oh no, a week is pushing it if you're gonna go full Casanova on him. Nah." Nat pulls out his phone and opens the calendar app. He selects a date and shows Kevin. "How about three weeks, almost exactly. You got until midnight that Saturday to ask him out. Think you can do it?"


Fifty. Fucking. Dollars.

That can totally cover dinner or the movies in the nice theatre or something. It won't take me that long to come up with the rest. And I'd get to go on a date with Edd. Fuck I really want that more than the money, but if I chicken out or if I don't do it in time… Fifty. Fucking. Dollars…

"So… yeah… the bet?"

"Fifty bucks to ask him out within three weeks? And before midnight?"

"Yup. We goin' by Fairy Godmother rules."

Kevin rolled his eyes but then grabbed Nat's hand and shook it. "Get ready to be out of fifty bucks."

The End.