so this wasn't part of the original chapters that I deleted, but I try to watch fate / stay but honestly please someone tell me what order it's in.this one I had written out honestly already I just didn't post it. I went to rewrite it and reviewed it. I did change some stuff to fit in with new storyline. I do have some ideas for the next few chapters but that's only because you guys support this and give me ideas to stuff. so I thank you guys for being patient with me and helping me find some good stuff, I do plan on doing a live-action one but I'm leaning towards Godzilla but I don't know what movie I should pull out so those who like Godzilla please comment your favorite Godzilla scene. I don't care if it's the Showa, Heisei, legendary or anime one just comment your favorite scene.Well to the chapter.
"It's fine," Kiryu accepted,"Only shows shows much you love your students, I'll get the next universe started in the mean time, relax and enjoy your selfs. I'll be back." as the god once again vanished leaving the group to their lonesome.
The group sat in silence, the students never seen Aizawa snap like that nor did they expect Bakugou of all people to speak out against their teacher without cussing or yelling.
"That...was something...right?" Mineta muttered trying to break the uneasy silence.
"You mean seeing a grown male being tortured after being beaten and then eaten? That something?" Denki wondered as he looked up,"Ya know I thought seeing the universe would be fun and exciting, but it kinda reminds you how dark the world can be."
"True, but even our universe is...dark." Mina nervously added,"So not everything is rainbows and sunshine I guess."
The group nodded at Mina's statement figuring that there was no 'All good' universe or even multiverse for that matter.
"So how is this helping us learn anything?" Mirio wondered aloud.
"Whaddya mean young listener?" Mic questioned.
"Saitama strength is something that we wouldn't be able to reach nor how to achive. Genos' firepower is something that Bakugo and Endeavor could do. Asta's powers are similar to Eraserheads quirk and I don't know about Kaneki."
The group went silent at the cartoonish boys claim, it was true the universes they saw so far only applied to a handful of them.
"Well... its not like it matters at this point." Kyoka announced getting multiple looks,"Kiryu said we might learn something but that's all we have been focused on, he said this is also for enjoyment."
"So you're saying we shouldn't think about learning something from the other universes?" Mina tilted her head as Kyoka sighed.
"What I'm saying is that we should enjoy watching the other universes, have fun and shit, And learn from them."
Iida robotically moved his hands, "Excellent Idea! Even as heroes we need to relax from time to time!"
Everyone's sweat dropped at Iida's uptightness and seriousness.
'Youngsters these days...' Gran Torino thought as he walked over to the food stand.
As the group conversed All Might walked up to his former mentor, "This is quite the thing we got into huh?" he scratched the back of his head.
The elder hero nodded as he took a bite of his favorite pastry, "Yeah, But it spices my life up a bit."
All Might lightly laughed,"I kinda wonder what Kiryu will show us next though. The last one I guess he showed us for us to realize that the universe isn't a perfect place."
"Nothing is perfect Toshinori, be it our world or the Universe, there will always be something, Ying and Yang you know." The elder said as he finished his pastery.
All Might looked at his teacher and nodded again before he looked towards his students,"I wonder how wide Kiryu knowledge is..." he whispered as he sat back down.
Izuku was currently filling out another notebook with it being labeled 'Universe Analysis #2' as he was finishing his notes and closed his book he sighed alerting Uraraka and the class.
"Something wrong Deku?" The brown haired girl questioned as she stroked Eri's sleeping head.
Izuku shook his head,"Not much, but I was just thinking about how many universes are there." he sighed as he placed his notebook on his lap,"and the part about the multiverse bothers me a bit."
Uraraka tilted her head,"Whaddya mean?" she asked confusingly.
"The multiverse is a parallel universe similar to our own, but different. That makes it more confusing because every possibility is exploited in the multiverse." he quickly explained.
"And?" Sero questioned.
As Izuku was about to speak up, Katsuki answered for him,"Everything is exploited Soy sauce, The fundamental laws are exploited, Time and space, people themselves. The us right now could be very different or closely similar to our counter parts." Katsuki leaned back,"That in itself makes the concept of the universe more confusing."
Momo being the smartest quickly caught on,"You mean there could be multiverses with concepts like from the other universes we seen so far?!"
The group looked at Katsuki in shock as both him and Izuku nodded, "So that's why I slightly bothered by the Universe-Multiverse concept."
As the group felt slightly dizzy from the new information they were given, Kiryu appeared in front of the group with his metallic arms crossed over his chest plate. "So before we begin the next universe, I feel like I should answer a few questions before we begin, once again this one is unpleasant so be warned."
Denki was the first to raise his hand,"What the point in showing us this again?"
"For enjoyment or for you to learn new things as I stated before." Kiryu simply answered before he looked towards Endeavor,"Your question?"
Endeavor nodded as he leaned forward a bit,"My question concerns the multiverse you talked about earlier," Kiryu simply stared at the flame hero with his orbital sockets, "How many multiverse of our universe are there?"
"I can't answer that question," He bluntly replied shocking the group. The god that brought them here didn't know that answer, "Don't get me wrong, I can answer that but the number increases every hour, But they are in the millions from what I know of maybe even more."
The group stayed shocked once more,'In the millions' they thought simultaneously. After a few minutes of staying in shock, they snapped out of it.
"One more question before we begin the next Universe." Kiryu stated as he was waiting to start the next universe.
"Are there multiverse with universe concepts, like saiyans or ghouls?" Izuku finally blurted out.
"Yes, There are two universes I know of where, you, Izuku are a half-saiyan and one universe where you, Katsuki and Shoto are ghouls." Kiryu instantly replied,"Now I know what you are thinking, yes the saiyan ones are like you, sadly the ghoul versions of you three are villains due to the fact of the harsh treatment you guys received as children cause of your ghoul nature showing up." Kiryu said nonchalantly.
The audience looked at the three with wide eyes, Katsuki gritted his teeth as he felt disgust from his ghoul counter part.
Shoto eyes narrowed at the thought of him being a villain, all he wanted to be was a hero like All Might.
However, Izuku looked like he was going to pass out, him a villain. His lifelong dream was to become a hero and to hear that one of his counter parts was a villain sickened him. Little did he know that there was more villain deku's in the multiverse.
"Well if that's all then, please be ready for the next universe that I am about to show you." Kiryu said as the screen loaded up.
Searching Universe...
Sunlight Scripture selected...
Starting Universe...
The screen showed a peaceful grassland, the gentle breeze of the wind causing the grass to move along with the wind. Unbeknownst to the peaceful grass land, a one sided massacre was about to begin.
The group looked slightly confused as to why they were being shown such a peaceful sight.
"I feel like something bad is going to happen." Shoji commented feeling something wrong with this peaceful scene.
Koda nodded feeling something was off, there was no animals roaming around meaning something terrible was about to happen.
On one side were the enemies that had Angel like beings floating above them with daggers of light and bodies of pure white and had markings on them.
The leader of them was; Nigun, who had blonde hair and black eyes. He also wore a unique black and white robe. He also adorned a scar on the left side of his face.
"Bad guy?" Denki asked no one in particular, he was given several dumbfounded looks. "Yea, bad guy."
"I wonder what obvious clues could have told you he was the bad guy." Jiro commented as she rolled her eyes at the sparky blond.
"He literally screams bad guy." Mina added.
Izuku opened up a blank page of his Universe Analysis 2, "Lets see what this Universe is about."
"Who are you?" Nigun asked as he stared down his opponent who allowed his target to get away.
"Nice to meet you, people of the Slane Theocracy." Another voice spoke, the source of the voice was a man who wore a red mask with blue eye lens, green markings and sharp white teeth. He was wearing an elaborate, jet-black academic gown adorned with golden and violet edges and two long bone-like appendages on his shoulders along with two red orbs on his shoulder. around his neck was a golden collar. "My name is Ains Ooal Gown. Please call me Ains." The masked man introduced.
"A religious country? Ains Ooal Gown?" Mineta said confused,"They both sound bad but somehow Ains Ooal Gown sounds worse."
"Just because his name sounds bad doesn't mean he is." Ojiro told the small purplette
Behind him was a female warrior clanned in black armor and holding a black battle axe.
"I have a bit of a relationship with that village." Ains stated towards Nigun.
"Have you come to beg for the lives of the villagers?" Nigun questioned as he smirked.
"No, no. Actually..." Ains started as the winds gotten a tad bit stronger, "I overheard your conversation with the head warrior. You really have a lot of balls." Ains said as he voice sounded a bit more angrier.
"So Ains Oowl Gown saved a village and Nigun was going to attack the villagers but this chief warrior stopped them?" Power Loader guessed.
Kiryu slightly nodded,"You are slightly correct, the village was attacked but Ains Ooal Gown stepped in, The chief warrior Gazif then met Ains Ooal Gown at the village but soon departed to attack the main force. They fought the angels and suffered casualties, but non fatal, because Ains teleported them to him and then he took Gazifs place in the battlefield." The mechanical god explained.
"So that would make Ains Ooal Gown the Hero? wouldn't it?" All Might asked with uncertainty.
Kiryu shook his head,"Just keep watching, you'll see."
"You announce that you'll massacre the villagers that I bothered saving. I cannot imagine anything more offensive." Ains stated towards the religious man.
"Offensive?! Big words, magic caster." Nigun shouted at the masked man,"So, what will you do about it?" he asked afterwards.
Ains lifted his hands as he answered his pathetic question, "Offer your life to me without resistance." He offered the mere human,"If you do so, there will be no pain."
"So Ains Ooal Gown is a villain then? ." Gran Torino chipped in.
Kiryu nodded his head,"Technically Ains only cares about strengthening Nazarik, his group."
"But to be told to offer your life like that..." Aoyoma muttered.
"However," Ains declared and he clenched his open hand,"If you refuse, you will die painfully and in despair for your foolishness." Ains promised towards the blue eyed man across the battlefield.
The man stared at Ains, calculating his next move."Have the angels attack!" He ordered the angelic monsters as they charged towards Ains.
However Ains didn't move even one bit as the two angels charged at him swords at the ready to stab him, and they did just that as their light swords pierced through the masked man with ease.
The group gasped as the angels stabbed the robbed man. Fearing that they saw a man murdered on screen, unlike last time when it was only implied.
However, before they could voice their opinion, Kiryu raised his hand telling them to be silent and wait.
"How pathetic." Nigun said with a grin,"This is what happens when you make stupid bluffs." He continued before seeing that the two angels that pierced Ains were struggling to remove their swords.
Ains had both his hands firmly planted on the angels heads as the struggled to to get away,"Didn't I tell you?" Ains reminded the human,"Offer your life to me with without resistance," Ains quoted himself as he previously remember telling Nigun to do this, but sadly he didn't heed his warning.
"HOW IS HE ALIVE?" half of the students yelled out.
"He did get stabbed right!?" Mina questioned loudly.
"There are swords in him! He should be dead!" Mineta screeched.
Izuku was furiously writing in his notebook as to figure out what Ains is power is, to be stabbed and not be killed raised some questions for the green teen, until he came to the conclusion, "You can't kill what's immortal or dead..." he whispered.
'Seems like several of them figured it out' Kiryu thought as he eyed the old man, Nezu, Katsuki, Izuku, Iida, Momo, Aizawa, Endeavor and Shoto.
"Kiryu," Nezu spoke for the first time in awhile,"This Ains Ooal Gown... he is already dead isn't he?" the rodent deduced.
The group stared at the god, and then the screen with wide eyes. Kiryu nodded, "That is correct, similar to RPG's, Ains Ooal Gown is similar to an elder lich." Kiryu calmly explained as the group went back to watching the current universe.
"Don't you know it's important to listen to the warnings of others?" Ains advised Nigun.
"Impossible!" One of the grunts said in disbelief.
"It must be some kind of trick!"Another grunt added as he believed the angels to be invincible.
"High Tiered Physical Nullification," Ains recalled,"It's a passive scale that completely nullifies the physical attacks of low leveled-weapons and monsters." Ains explained as Nigun looked shock at the being before him.
Ains then slammed both angels into the grass with enough force to cause the dust around him to be blown away. The angels who were slammed into the ground, glowed and dissipated into the air.
"So if those angels are low leveled monsters... how strong is Ains..." Shoji wondered as he watched Ains destroy two monsters just by slamming their heads into the ground.
"Probably as strong as the previous Universes." Shoto answered the multi-armed man.
Kiryu nodded at Shoto's deduction, "Ains is definitely as strong as the others, but he is a spell caster, not a warrior and as such he needs items to be able to cast large spells faster but he has a trick up his sleeve but all in all he would most likely best kaneki."
Everyone nodded at that statement as another member asked a question,"What kind of items does he use!" The resident machine builder asked.
"I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't interested" Power Loader added as he too was interested in these items. Kiryu motioned for them to come towards him, As they got up from their seats and approached the god,Power Loader asked a question, "So you're going to let us see it?"
Kiryu nodded as snapped his fingers and a crystal-like object appeared in his hands, "He used something like this once to activate super-tiered magic." Kiryu handed the hourglass figure to the pro hero, "Study it if you want, but I have low expectations that you two could produce the same effect it has on magic than on quirks."
Power Loader and Hatsume looked at the god with burning desire in their eyes before Hatsume spoke, "A challenge huh? well I bet we can make a similar effect."
"H-Hatsume!" Power Loader stuttered at his students determination but would be lying if he wasn't overjoyed with her.
Kiryu looked at her before letting out a mechanical laugh,"Deal if you lose you have to do one thing for me."
The dreadlocked girl smiled, "And if I win I want a schematic of you."
The group looked in shock at Hatsume end of the deal before Kiryu nodded at her, "Deal" he smirked, even if she won she didn't specifically say what model so it was a win win anyways.
The two inventors left the room and went into the work shop that the god made for them previously.
"Well then if you may back to the universe." Kiryu said, dismissing any questions they had about the deal he just made. The audience were about to argue back but decided against it and held their questions for the end.
"So they really are the Archangel Flames form Yggdrasil," The masked man said in shock," I want to know why you all can use the same magic and summons as Yggdrasil, but I'll put that aside for now." as he looked back towards his is enemy.
"It's my turn now." Ains said without hesitation as he declared to end his enemy right then and there, "Here I come! This is a massacre." He announced as he prepared to attack.
Nigun face full of worry gave his forces an order,"Have all the angels attack at once! Hurry!" he ordered and panic as he just saw Ains take out two angels with no damage whatsoever.
As all the Angels converge towards Ains to attack, Ains without worry or fear faced them,"Albedo, stand back." he ordered his companion.
"Yes." Albedo complied as she speed a great distance away from her master, the Overlord.
"Negative Burst!" Suddenly a dark wave off energy surrounded Ains in a dome-like structure and suddenly expanding as all the angels gotten closer. The Burst expanded even larger, killing all the angels and causing them to dissipate while the dust picked up from the attack.
"Im-Impossible..." Denki stuttered as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"B-but we just saw it happen right infront of us..." Jiro reminded him, she couldn't believe it as well, now she understood why Ains could best Kaneki.
"All of them in an instant..." Tsuyu commented.
"Wha-?! Impossible..." Nigun muttered as his eyes had widen at the spectacle he saw. No way did he expect a 'mere magic caster' to eliminate all his angels.
"There is someone stronger than I in that village." Those words shot back into Niguns' mind from his opponent who had gotten away due to Ains interferences.
"--Wha--?!" one yelled in fear.
"M-Monster!" another exclaimed as he looked towards Ains.
"Holy Ray!"
"Rain Fire!"
"Charge of Stalagmite!"
"Open Wounds!
"Word of Curse!"
"That's a lot of spells!" Izuku yelled out as he wrote them all down in his notebook,"It's ineffective though, probably due to the nullification spell."
"And all against one person as well." Katsuki added, changing his face into one of thought, "But I do doubt that it will work on then Skeleton."
"Same." Shoto added.
"You guys too?" Iida questioned.
"Frankly its obvious. Ains did say he had High Tiered Nullification, so they might not even reach him much less damage him" Momo explained.
The rest of the students thanked the vice rep for explaining why the spells wouldn't affect the magic caster.
As all of Ains had enemy spells charged at him and make contact with his person, they had no effect due to his High Tiered Physical Nullification spell. However, Ains was interested in the magic that they were using. "As I thought, these are all spells from Yggdrasil." He said nonchalantly as he was continuously pelted by spells.As one spell caused smoke to rise up, Ains came from the grey air. "Who taught you that magic?!" he demanded.
One grunt shaken by fear launched a rock from his slingshot gauntlet. However, the black armored woman charged and deflected the bullet, send it right back at him decapitating the magician.
"W-What the..." Shinso said wide eyes, "What happened?" with the rest of the students just as confused as him
Even the Heroes was at a loss of what happened until the tired hero spoke up,"She must of ricocheted the bullet back towards the shooter with more force than when it was fired." he deduced.
"Correct Aizawa." Kiryu congratulated the tired pro hero, "I did warn you that this was a dark universe."
The heroes and trainees nodded as they were prepared this time for something like this unlike last time.
"What happened?" Nigun questioned as he saw his headless warrior bleed out over the ground, when a mere second ago he was attacking along everyone else.
"Albedo. you should know that such aerial weapons would do me no harm." Ains said towards Albedo who was still in the stance she was when she deflected the bullet. Ains also said that as he reminded Albedo of his greatness,"There was no need for you to use your strength."
"Please wait, Lord Ains," She addressed her lord as she turned her body towards the great being,"There is a bare minimum that must be met to fight with you, Supreme One. To throw such a small and insignificant pebble at you..." Albedo pleaded towards Ains.
"If you say that, these insects themselves fail to pass, "Ains told his subordinate, "Right?" he said towards the leader of the Sunlight Scripture who flinched.
"Principality of Observation! Attack!" the man said towards an angel that was embodied in armor with a long robe covering up its legs. It wielded a round shield with an image of the sun on its left arm and sported four wings.
"That angel looks different from the other ones that got destroyed." Shinso said aloud.
"Maybe its a different rank or species of angel?" Tooru guessed, throwing her option of what the principality of Observation was.
"I don't think angels have species or rank." Ochako answered.
"Well technically it is a different rank of angel." Kiryu answered.
"HA! I was right!" Tooru cheered.
The angel put his right hand over left as if holding a weapon and summoned a huge mace as his red visor glowed. Principality moved towards Ains and struck him with his mace, which Ains, in all his glory, caught the weapon with his left hand as a shockwave kicked up the dust around them.
"My, my. I guess I should fight back." Ains mocked before lifting his right hand with his index finger pointed towards the angel,"Hell Flame." he said as a small reddish, black fire, that came from Ains index finger, slowly floated towards the higher ranking angel.
As the flame got closer to the angel it expanded upon impact, swallowing Principality completely and destroying it.
Ains enemy was left speechless as the higher ranked angel was destroyed by a single spell.
The group sat in silence at the huge display of power that Ains displayed.One spell was all it took to destroy a high ranked angel.
After seeing some powerful universes it still shocked them to see one after another. Of course they couldn't themselves get that strong but the fire in their eyes proved that they would pushed themselves to the limit to get stronger.
"One hit?" Nigun said in disbelief,"That's impossible!" he shouted with irritation," there is no way a high-level Angel could be destroyed with one spell!" he said in denial as he believed it wasn't possible to destroy principality but the one hit."
"Captain Nigun! What should we do?" a grunt asked with the worry, fear took over them as they severely underestimated their opponent and now they're paying the price.
The leader snapped himself out of his sputter and smirked as he rummaged his robe and with his left hand, pulled out a blue crystal that was bigger than his hand,"We will summon the highest level angel!" He said with pure confidence as he stretched his hand with the crystal out fully.
"That's..."Ains said under his breath.
'Based on how it glows, that's a sealing crystal that can seal any magic than top tier spells.' Ains recalled in his head, remembering the weak device that the leader was holding as if it was their only hope.'So they even have Yggdrasil items.'
"Albedo, use your skills to protect me." Ains ordered his subordinate.
"Yes!" She quickly replied as she protectively shifted herself in front of her master, and began to twirl her axe rapidly multiple times before clutching it tightly.
"Look, the shining form of the highest angels!" Nigun said as the crystal in his hand started glowing brightly, "Dominion Authority!" he shouted as the crystal shined brighter, lighting the landscape.
"Another angel?!" Jiro yelled in utter shock.
"How many do they have!" Mineta wondered aloud.
"Dominion Authority? Is that a higher rank angel, Kiryu?" Mina asked the metallic god.
Kiryu once again nodded, "It is." he simply answered the small teenager.
Two white wings spreaded out with two orb like objects on them, it had a light blue color scheme and many wings. It bathed in divine light while holding a mace-like weapon, its face and body was unclear due to the intense light and its many feathers. In the front of its head was a glowing divine magic circle.
The grunts shouted in awe as they saw Dominion Authority and its blue-whitish light. Ains looked at the creature.
"This angel is your strongest trump card?" Ains questioned the leader.
"That's right." he answered with a shit-eating smile,"I have determined that you are worthy enough to use this item." the rat confessed towards the magic caster.
Ains face-palmed as he spoke,"I'm speechless."
"Are you afraid? It cannot be helped." Nigun said.
"This is stupid." Ains bluntly said towards the leader.
"What?!" he said in surprise at Ains choice of words. He expected his enemy to be begging in fear and grovelling.
"Ains doesn't see THAT as a threat!" Denki said pointing towards the screen, "How powerful is he!"
"I'm pretty sure Ains is stronger than Kaneki like Kiryu said earlier, Ribbit." Tsuyu reminded."I'm getting used to seeing stronger people than All Might now."
"Are all the universes fighting one's, Kiryu?" Aizawa asked the god.
Kiryu took a full turn to look at the tired hero in the eyes, "No, most of them are though, some are sad ones, while some are like these ones." Kiryu explained before adding more to his explanation, "Midoriya wanted a heroic one for the first one, Since then I've been having the machine search randomly for the next one. If you want a specific one please let me know."
The tired hero nodded before asking, "What will the next one be?"
Kiryu swinged his tail a bit to the side,"The machine searches randomly, as I said, I will not know the next one until it finds one and alerts me, this usually happens after the one you are watching ends." Kiryu explained towards the audience.
"So until you get alerted, you don't know what's next after this one?" Mina asked the god.
"That would be correct Ashido." Kiryu replied
The pink haired girl looked at Kiryu before nodding at him and paying back towards the screen.
"I was on guard against such child's play?" Ains questioned himself at such a stupid move on his part. He belittled himself for such a dumb move.
"Child's play? What are you saying?" Nigun said with confusion. He swallowed his fear,"I-It can't be... No, it's impossible!" he shouted,"In front of an existence which mankind cannot defeat...You're bluffing!" he ranted towards the Supreme ruler."Use Holy Smite!" he told the angel.
The angels mace-like object broke apart into small yellow chunks, that began to circle around the beings body.
"Woah!" Denki said in awe,"Its like an interchangeable weapon!"
"I didn't know you knew large words, Jammingwhey." Jiro snickered at the electric teen.
Denki had a look of pain that loomed over his eyes at the jab,"I'm not that dumb." he said softly before shaking off the sad feelings.
"But that is a very interesting weapon." Mirio commented with a smile as Eri napped next to him,"A weapon that can change into another is remarkable."
"Pretty sure Hatsume might make one that can change into twenty- no maybe thirty different forms including a toilet." Shinso joked.
Izuku looked the brainwasher in the eyes, "She actually did once, it exploded while transforming into a toilet from an axe." the greenette explained towards Shinso.
The group looked in shock before Izuku added more, "To be fair it did only have five option modes, Axe, Sword, Spear, Staff and toilet. When I asked why a toilet she just said "Why rush to the bathroom when you can just have a portable one in your hands.""
The group went silent at Izuku words, they couldn't understand why anyone would want a portable toilet in their hands. What about the waste? where will it go? These question plagued their minds as they continued to watch the universe.
"This is seventh tier magic that no man can go against." Nigun explained towards Ains, who already knew,"Taste the power that annihilates demons, the judgement of God!"
Dominion Authority magic circle glowed brightly as a blue and white light wave shot down from the sky and onto Ains, firing continuously and kicking up dust.Nigun smiled as he watch Ains be consumed by Holy Smite until he heard a haunting laughter coming from the beam of light."He...He...Hahahahahahaha." Ains laughed but not at the attack,no, but at something else, "So this is what it feels to take damage! This is pain!" Ains said as he looked at his hand as he now felt pain for the first time in this world.
"He-Hes laughing..." Kirishima stuttered, "Thats so manly though!" he resolved.
"But to take a hit like that and barely take any damage..." Denki added.
"But he has High Tiered Nullification right? So how is he getting damaged?" Tooru reminded the group.
Momo thought a bit before coming to a conclusion,"Maybe there is a limit to how much it can nullify. But maybe Ains has other spells deployed minimizing the damage done to him."
Nigun looked shocked that Ains barely took any damage from seventh tier magic, his eyes widen and his mouth fell open.
Albedo started to shake with rage as she saw he beloved being hurt,"Y-Y-You lower life forms!" She yelled as she fired some kind of aura into the air and her eyes glowed yellow causing Nigun to back up in fear. "Lord Ains! To the one I-I love so deeply! To cause him pain! Know your place, you piece of trash!" She yelled while moving strangely.
The audience looked at the black armored women in shock, she was in love with lord Ains.
"So is she a Yandere?" Mineta questioned aloud, resulting in multipule stares being directed towards the purplette, "What?" he questioned everyone before he was slapped by Tsuyu's tongue.
"Mineta aside, it deeply seems that Albedo loves Ains a lot." Midnight proclaimed.
"Seems so, but it's almost like she's obsessed with Ains?" Endeavor said scratching his chin.
"Obsessed?" All Might questioned.
Endeavor nodded,"Like she would do anything for Ains maybe even more but on the surface she's madly in love with him." the flame hero continued, "But she also called humans 'trash' so she must be similar to Ains in someway, maybe a demon of sorts."
Kiryu nodded, "Albedo is a succubus and she is in love with Ains Ooal Gown that's all."
Ains placed a hand on Albedo's that calmed her down a little,"It's fine, Albedo." he said to her attempting to calm her down.
"B-But Lord Ains." she pleaded towards him.
"It's fine." He reassured his subordinate. "Aside from the surprising weakness of the angels, everything is going as planned."Ains stepped forward as it was his turn. "It's my turn now. Know Despair!" he shouted as a red dot glowed within his blue lenses. He raised a single and towards the angel. "Black Hole!" He called out as for a split second everything turned negative until it became black and white as a black hole swallowed the angel and turned the blue sky into a starry night.
An errie silence filled the battle field as once again, Ains defeated the angel with one attack. "A power that surpasses demons. Who in the world are you?" He asked the masked man once again.
"Ains Ooal Gown," Ains repeated towards his opponent,"In the past, there was no one who did not know this name." Suddenly out of nowhere the sky cracked like glass and shattered.
"T-The sky shattered!" Sato yelled out, how could the sky be shattered.
"Magic, maybe?" Shoji guessed as that question also ran through his mind.
"But what kind of magic though?" Izuku wondered.
"Wh-What was that?" Nigun wondered as he didn't know why the sky cracked.
"It seems someone was watching you from afar, using Information Magic." Ains brilliantly answered with his vast knowledge of magic. "My counter-attacking defense barrier activated, so they must not have seen much."
"My country was watching me?" Nigun said with surprise as he didn't expect his own country to watch him.
"Enough playing around." Ains said getting towards the massacre.
"W-W-W-Wait a second!" Nigun stuttered as he pleaded for his life, "Sir Ains Ooal Gown. No, Lord! All of us... No, I alone am enough! If you spare my life, I will give you whatever r-reward you wish!" he pleaded for his life even though he was prepared to slaughter an entire village.
"Scum!" Katsuki growled out as the man was begging for his life after everything he planned to do to innocent people.
"Truly the darkness controls this one." Tokoyami muttered as he glared at the screen.
The pro heroes were also mad at the display that the man showed, first showing no mercy at killing innocent lives but then begging for his after being defeated.
"How pathetic." Eraserhead grumbled. How could someone beg for their live after trying to take others lives.
"I wish I could say this was rare." Present mic added as he came across people causing destruction only to beg not to be sent to tartarus.
"You are mistaken." Albedo told the pathetic man causing him to look up in confusion. "Lower life forms such as humans should bow their heads and wait and be thankful when their lives are taken."
"Lower life forms?!" he whispered shouted as he didn't expect this.
Ains reached for his mask and slowly took it off revealing his skeleton face with red dots in his eye sockets, "If I remember correctly... 'Stop this futile resistance and fall quietly. As an act of mercy, I will make sure your death is painless.' he repeated the words that the pathetic man said towards his previous enemy.
"That's it?" Katsuki wondered as the screen went dark. He was expecting more, maybe Ains beating up the groveling man."Tch"
"Well at least it was interesting right!" Sero commented as he really liked the universe, it was kinda like watching anime.
"That robe was cool though, I would like to get one if possible." Ojiro added even though it wouldn't work with his martial arts, It was cool.
As the group added on, Izuku continued to write in his notebook about Ains Ooal Gown and Albedo after seeing them fight he also ranked them higher than All Might."I wonder what Universe is next though?" He wondered.
"Yeah me too!" Tooru added as she jumped up from her seat in wonder.
Kiryu nodded, "Well I'll go find out, maybe it would be a normal one or not... that's what makes this fun." he muttered the the final part before he disappeared to where ever he goes.
I... Hate... Life... But this was one I planned to do but work and stuff kept me soooo busy and I also need to catch up on anime and fanfic soo idk when the next update will be but i had to write this one three times before saying fuck it and listening to music while finishing it up all today which is April 2rd then check it real quick before doing other things.
Once again this is a hobby not my life so please don't be mad if i cant update all the time.
Thanks and hopefully you like this chapter.