Chapter 6: The Calm Before the Storm Part 1

Remnant, Beacon Academy, April 4, 2558

POV: Qrow Branwen

The morning shine of Remnant's sun beamed over the colossal tower of Beacon Academy. It's brightness and warmth gave a sign of hope and prosperity to the people of Vale, and the huntsmen of Remnant.

A Beacon dropship landed at the docks, near the edge of the Emerald Forest. Out stepped a young man with messy raven black hair, and red eyes. He wore a white shirt with cuffed sleeves, black pants, and a torn red cape. On his back, was some sort of weapon.

"Good old Beacon, haven't seen it in years." he said. He turned his head and noticed another ship landing nearby. This ship had a different design, and flags adorning it with the Atlas coat of arms on it, meaning it was part of the Atlesian Military. Once on the ground, a group of individuals exited the craft. Most of them were Atlesian Knights, the only human was a young woman with platinum blonde hair, and blue eyes. She wore a white, Atlesian female officers uniform, on her hip was a rapier sword.

'Oh great. What she doing here?' the man thought to himself. He decided to walk up to her.

"Sup Ice Queen." he said sarcastically to her. The woman turn to him and frowned.

"Qrow! What are you doing here?" she asked

"Ozpin called me back to Beacon about something important. Something to do with my niece." he explained, "Why are you here Winter?"

Winter turned to the Knights, "Leave us." and the robotic soldiers returned to the ship.

"Classified." she said, "But if you must know General Ironwood request my presence here as well."

"Alright then lead the way." Qrow said gesturing her go first, which she decided to do. The duo made their way into Beacon's complex, where they noticed something off. The place looked abandoned, almost like a ghost town. There were no students, or staff to see.

"Where is everyone?" Winter asked

"I've got no idea." Qrow replied as he looked around the complex, "Whatever Oz is doing must be important."

The duo made their way to an elevator that led to Ozpin's office, and took it to the top floor. Upon arriving at Ozpin's office, they found Oz himself, Glynda, and Ironwood. There were also two other individuals, the first one was a young man with messy green hair, and a pair of large comedic glasses. He wore a wrinkled dress shirt, tan pants, and a yellow tie that was not on properly. The second individual was an older man with light gray hair, and an extremely large mustache. He wore a red uniform, and black pants.

"Qrow, thank goodness you've arrived." Ozpin said relieved, "I was beginning to get worried."

"Thanks Oz." Qrow said, quite surprised.

Winter then stood at attention upon seeing Ironwood. "General." she saluted him.

"At ease Winter." Ironwood smiled, he then turned to Ozpin who spoke.

"I believe you two already know Port and Oobleck." the headmaster said gesturing to the two gentlemen.

"Hey guys." Qrow said nonchalantly.

"Still wearing skirts Qrow?" Port asked, causing Oobleck to laugh, and Ozpin to chuckle.

"Very funny." Qrow replied, unamused, "Alright Oz, why did you call me back here so soon?"

"Because Qrow, Salem is no longer out top priority." Ozpin replied seriously.

Qrow's eyes widened with fear, "OZ! WHAT ABOUT...THEM!?" he shouted pointing to Port Oobleck, and Winter.

"Relax Qrow." Glynda spoke up, "We've already informed them about everything."

Qrow pinched his brow and looked at Winter, Port, and Oobleck, "Ugh...and how do you three feel about all of this?" he asked them

"I was quite surprised at first. But I did find it quite strange that Ozpin has a huge influence on the huntsmen academies, and all of Remnant." Port replied, "Besides, I get to go back into the fray! Perhaps even tell stories of my new adventures."

Both Qrow and Oobleck groaned at that, "...Right." said Qrow, "What about you?" he asked Oobleck

"Why, I find this fascinating!" Oobleck announced, "I am making history! And I finally have a good life outside of the classroom!"

Qrow then looked at Winter, "And you?"

"Ironwood told me, and I was shocked to hear the story. But I do trust Ironwood and his peers." she replied

Qrow smirked, "...and again I ask. Why are you here hear?"

"Qrow!" Glynda hissed

"Alright, alright." Qrow muttered, "I'm just joking. So why is Salem no longer a problem?" he asked

"She still is." Ironwood replied, "But not a pressing one. You've heard the stories about those UFOs in the Emerald Forest?"

"Yeah I did." Qrow replied, "You know they're all a bunch of bullshit Jimmy. Just some stunt made by some idiots."

"Actually Qrow, they are real. Yesterday I sent your two nieces, their team, and Team JNPR into the Emerald Forest." Ozpin explained, "Only Ms. Xiao-Long, Ms. Belladonna, Mr. Ren, and Ms. Valkyrie returned. Ms. Rose and Ms. Schnee didn't."

Both Qrow and Winter tensed up, "What happened to them?" Winter asked, concerned.

"Explosion." a voice said, "I managed to save Yang and her friends. Your relatives and the other two got stuck with my friends."

Qrow and Winter looked around to find the source of the voice. Their eyes fell upon a a tall, blue android. He was leaning against a pillar of the observation deck in Ozpin's office.

"Is that an Atlesian Knight?" Winter asked

"I'm not a robot." the man said, "Why does everyone assume that?"

Ozpin then spoke up, "Qrow, Winter this is Gabriel Thorne. A super-soldier who saved the other members of Teams RWBY and JNPR."

Qrow tried to say something before Thorne interrupted him.

"Before you ask, I can assure you two that both your niece and sister are in good hands." he said as he took his helmet. Revealing his short hair, pale skin, and brown eyes.

Qrow looked Ozpin for answers, "You trust this guy?" he asked

Ozpin nodded, "I do."

Both Qrow and Winter relaxed a bit, "Name's Qrow. Qrow Branwen."

"Winter Schnee, Atlesian Specialist." Winter stated confidently

"Spartan Gabriel Thorne, UNSC." Thorne replied

"I assume Oz told you everything about our mission?" Qrow asked

"Yes he did." Thorne replied, "It was quite surprising at first. But given what I've been through, It seem plausible."

Qrow looked back at Ozpin, "Again I ask, for safety, you trust this guy?" he asked Ozpin again

"I do." Ozpin replied, "There is something here on Remnant that Thorne and his people are looking for. There are dark forces also looking for it, they call themselves the Covenant. If they find whatever secret that is here on this world. Humanity, both Remnant, and beyond Remnant will be destroyed."

Qrow raised an eyebrow at Ozpin's statement, "Wait, Throne isn't from Remnant? Like for real?"

"That's right." Thorne replied

"Well I have a great many questions ask, but I'll leave them for later." Qrow said, as he took a sip from his flask.

"I've already put the Atlesian Military on high alert. Though I told them of a Grimm incursion." Ironwood spoke up, "I also moved Amber to Atlas for safety."

"Alright, so what now?" Oobleck asked

"We have two objectives." Glynda spoke up, "We are to escort Mr. Thorne back to his people. Once we make contact, Thorne will arrange a meeting with his superiors."

"And the other mission?" Winter asked

"Last night I manged to partially fix my radio, and this morning I picked up a reading on a UNSC frequency." Thorne explained, "A UNSC taskforce is heading to an island you people call Patch. Your niece and Ms. Schnee are acting as guides."

"Patch." Qrow repeated, "That's where Ruby and Yang live."

Ozpin them looked at both Qrow and Winter, "You two are to find your respected family members, and make contact with the taskforce. There must be something there that is important."

Thorne then spoke up again, "Be in mind, the taskforce is being lead by a super-soldier like me. He's called the Master Chief, tell them, that Spartan Thorne sent you."

"Understood." Winter saluted

"Alright, lead the way Ice Queen." Qrow gestured for Winter to head for the door, who complied, but groaned at the drunk huntsman's statement. The two then left, leaving the other in Ozpin's office.

"Port, I'm leaving you in charge while we're gone." Ozpin said to Port, "Do not let anyone off of the campus."

"Understood Ozpin." Port happily replied

"Very well, we should get going. But first lets get the rest of RWBY and JNPR."

POV Change: Gabriel Thorne

Remnant, Beacon Academy, April 4, 2558

Thorne walked through the halls of Beacon with Ozpin and the rest of the Beacon staff, aside from Port. His mind was bouncing up and down, he was going to see his fireteam again. But on top of that was the secret Ozpin told him prior to meeting Qrow and Winter. The Great War, Salem, the relics, the two brothers, etc. Granted, it wasn't the tallest tale he heard, as he knows what ultimate power the Forerunners possessed prior to the Halo array.

He was cut from his thoughts when the group arrived at what had to be Beacon's library. Inside were dozens of students, either in their respected combat gear, or in school uniforms. As he walked through the library he heard whispers from most of the students.

"Who is that?"

"Oh my gosh."

"He's huge!"

Ozpin chuckled, "Seems you have some fans."

"I'm used to it." Thorne replied, "after walking past civilians on war-torn planets, you tend to like the attention."

"I see." Ozpin muttered. Thorne's eyes then fell on boy in dark grey armor, similar to one the blonde boy worn yesterday. Instead, this guy had addtional armor on his forearms, and lower legs, and the symbol a bird was on the front chestplate. The boy had dark blue eyes, and dark brown hair that was spiked. He had sneer on his face as he held a girl by her...bunny ears?

Thorne rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Sure enough, he wasn't, then it hit him. That girl is a Faunus, which was basically a human with a distinct, physical trait, from another animal. Since this girl had bunny ears, she was a rabbit Faunus. Seeing that boy pull on them without caring to stop made his blood boil, and he wanted nothing more than to beat the boy to the bone. Luckily, both Ozpin and Glynda took note of this.

"Not again." Glynda muttered furiously, she began to walk towards the boy until Ozpin stopped her.

"Hold on, I believe our new friend here should handle the situation." Ozpin siad as he noticed Thorne glaring at the boy. "Go Thorne." he said to the Spartan.

Thorne walked towards the boy, who was still failing to see the Spartan heading in his direction. His friends however noticed.

"Uh...Cardin?" one of them said

The boy, now known as Cardin turned to him, "What is it Sky?" he asked rather annoyed, "Can't you I'm busy!"

"Is there a problem here?" someone asked sarcastically, Cardin and Sky turned around to see Thorne towering over them with his arms crossed. Glynda was with him as well, with a scorn on her face.

Cardin just smirked, "Why nothing is wrong here! I'm just playing with this little fella here!" he pulled the Faunus girl towards him.

"Please...stop." the girl muttered

"Really?" Thorne asked, still talking to Cardin, "Cause from the looks of this. You're terrorizing this girl over her ears." Thorne then looked at Glynda and smiled, "Is that right?" Granted, he knew it wasn't right, but why not have a little fun every now and then.

Cardin frowned, and shoved the Faunus girl away, and looked straight at Thorne.

"Listen here you Atlas piece for junk! This ain't your problem! She's a freak of nature! An animal!" Cardin was then slapped across the face by Glynda with her riding crop.

"That is enough Mr. Winchester! I have had enough of your reckless behavior!" Glynda hissed

"Reckless!?" Cardin shot back, "I'm showing this animal her place! Right guys!

"Guys?" Cardin asked again as he turned around, only to see that his own team had ditched him. He then turned around to face both Thorne and Glynda.

"Oh shit." he muttered, right before Thorne knocked him out with one small punch to the head. Thorne it felt like he only gave the kid a love tap, due to his augmentations.

"Everyone back to your business." Glynda said to the students who watched Thorne knock out perhaps the racist student in Beacon. Every student went back immediately back to their daily lives but were whispering about what just happened. Thorne then approached the Faunus girl.

"You alright kid?" he asked

"Y-Yes. Thank you." she stammered, a little nervous, "I'm Velvet."

Thorne smiled, "Thorne. Pleasure to meet you." he replied, and that was when Ozpin stepped up.

"Excuse me Ms. Scarletenia." he said to Velvet, "But I need to speak with Mr. Thorne."

"Of course." and Velvet left

Thorne then turned to Ozpin, "Sorry about that." he said, "I didn't mean to hurt the guy."

"That's alright." Ozpin replied, "It was about time Mr. Whinchester had a taste of his own medicine. Now, lets go find Ms. Xiao-Long."

As the two adults turned around, Nora was instantly in Thorne's face.

"That was amazing!" the Valkyerie shouted

"Nora. Calm down." Ren said to her as he approached the the adults. Both Blake and Yang in tow.

"I guess you're here to tell us about…'you know what'?" Yang jokingly asked

"Yes we are." replied Glynda, "You four will be accompanying us, as we bring Thorne back to his people."

"Oh sweet!" Yang shouted as she pumped her fists together, "Now we can find Ruby."

"Actually Ms. Xiao-Long. Your Uncle Qrow will be looking for your sister." Ozpin spoke up, "Apparently, she's guiding a task force on Patch."

"Oh." Yang muttered, a little depressed, "But if Qrow is looking for her, I'm fine with it."

"Good. We should get going." said Ironwood, "I have a feeling something bad is going to happen in the near future." With that last comment, the group left Beacon for the UNSC base.

POV Change: The Master Chief

Palieka, Concord Base, April 4, 2558

Multiple thoughts were running through Chief head as he walked through Concord Base. This planet, his team, Throne, Cortana, these kids-wait. These kids?

That's right, John-117, the Master Chief, the Demon, feared by the Covenant, loved by Humanity. Was currently...babysitting. He didn't hate it, it was just weird having to be seen escorting four teenagers around the base, when everyone sees you as a god-like being. He did however have DeMarco to help him. The latter was currently keeping the kids company, all except for a particular red-hooded girl with silver eyes.

Chief couldn't even make out what Ruby wanted. Actually, she didn't want anything from him. But she seemed 'curious' about him. To him however, she looked slightly familiar, almost baring a resemblance to an old friend of his.

"...So…" Ruby said to him, as she, her friends, Chief, and DeMarco traveled to the base's shooting range, "What's your name?"

Chief was slient for a second, no one other than his team, Dr. Halsey, and Cortana knew his name. He also was so used to being called 'Chief' he wasn't fan of his original one anymore.

"Master Chief." he replied simply, but how dare he think he could just walk away from this. This was Ruby Rose he was talking to.

"Not your rank silly. Your real name." she said smiling

Chief sighed quietly, 'Should've seen that one coming.' he thought to himself

"I uh, don't know my real name." he lied to her, "It's classified."

"Oh." said Ruby, "That kinda sucks. Not knowing your real name."

Chief said nothing, not because he didn't want to talk to her. But because he just didn't know what to say to her. Chief never had a lot of interaction with any kids, let alone civilians. Hell, he rarely even spoke to marines, other than the occasional order or two. He was always the strong and silent type. It just fit his personality, and since Cortana's death, he wanted to keep that trait.

Speaking of Cortana, Ruby noticed the dog tag around Chief's neck. She wanted to say something about it, but decided not to.

The group then arrived at the shooting range, a large field with several stations, and targets. In the back were various crates filled with ammo, grenades, and of course weapons. Several marines were there, including Blue Team. As they approached the range, the Spartan-ll's took notice.

"Babysitting today Chief?" one of them jokingly asked, her voice had an accent that made Ruby think of her friend Velvet.

Chief looked at her, "Kelly." he sighed

The Spartan known as Kelly then walked up to them, "So these are the huntsmen?"

"That's right." Chief replied, "Lasky put me in charge."

"Hey, I'm standing right here." DeMarco spoke up, "He ordered me to."

Fred then spoke to Chief, "You? Huh, that seems a little strange."

Chief just glared at him through his helmet.

"So…" Weiss spoke up, "I'm guessing you know the Chief?"

"That's right." Kelly replied, "Spartan Kelly-087."

Weiss wanted to ask what she meant by '087', but she had enough revelations today.

That's when Fred spoke up, "Captain Lasky ordered us to give you all your weapons back. Oh I'm Fred by the way."

Linda then came up, and handed everyone their respective weapons. Jaune, Pyrrha, and Weiss took them with ease. Ruby on the other hand, snatched it from the Spartan's hands like it was her only love.

"Jesus." Fred muttered, "Someone like weapons."

"Hey, I made this weapon myself." Ruby explained

"You made that scythe yourself?" Fred asked, quite surprised

"I did." Ruby replied, "Took me a while, based on my Uncle's weapon."

"Impressive." Fred muttered

DeMarco turned away slightly to receive a message. That message turned out to be from Lasky, who wanted the Chief.

"Hey Chief." DeMarco said to the green behemoth, "Lasky needs you."

Chief looked at everyone before heading back to Concord Base's conference room. Lasky was there waiting for him.

"Sir." Chief said to him

"At ease Chief." Lasky replied, "Sorry to interrupt your babysitting job, but I have a mission for you. There's an island just off the coast, according to Glassman the locals call it Patch. I'm sending you and several marines to investigate the area for any Forerunner structures."

"Understood." Chief replied, "I'll get my team ready."

Chief started to walk away before Lasky stopped him again.

"Oh and Chief." Lasky said to him, "Ask one of the huntsmen if they know their way around the island."

"Yes sir." Chief replied before leaving

Chief returned to the group, catching Blue Team's attention.

"Chief you're back." Fred said to him, "We were just gonna head to the mess hall."

"You can eat an MRE Fred." Chief replied, "Lasky has a mission for us."

"Seriously?" Fred groaned, "Why us? They're other Spartan fireteams."

"Other teams are out in the forest driving out the Grimm, on Patrol, or looking for Thorne." Chief explained, "The other team here is Majestic, but they're a man down."

"He's right." DeMarco muttered

"You heard him Fred." Kelly spoke up, "Let's move."

"There's one more thing." Chief said before looking at the huntsmen, "Our destination is an island off the coast called Patch. Do any of you know your way around it?"

"I do." Ruby answered, "I grew up there with my sister."

"We're going to need a guide." Chief said to her

"Then I'll go." Ruby replied

"Hold up." Weiss cut in, "If she's going, then I'm going."

"Fine by me." Chief nodded before looking at Jaune and Pyrrha, "Will you two be alright?"

"We'll be fine." Jaune replied

"I'll look after them." DeMarco spoke up, "Arbiter too, he's around here somewhere."

"Good." Chief replied, "Follow me."

Chief led his team, Ruby, and Weiss over to two pelicans and one phantom nearby. Two squads of marines were waiting for them along with a band of Elites.

"Ready sir?" a marine asked the Chief as he approached

Chief only nodded in response and the marine turned to his human and Elite companions.

"Alright, everyone up and ready." he said, "Let's get evil."

Every marine boarded their phantom, while the marines boarded the pelicans. The marine leader however noticed Ruby and Weiss.

"They're with us." Fred said to the marine, "They're our guides."

"Fine by me." the marine responded, "Welcome aboard ladies."

The three aircraft then lifted off the ground and departed for the island of Patch.