Note: this story was written like the star wars saga (chapter 4 was written first) so now I have the first 2 parts down too and I am going to post them in order. I hope you enjoy and as always please feel free to leave a comment on likes and dislikes - it encourages me to write more.

Post rooftop scene

"How are you going to resign when I don't accept it?" Tony asks while they are standing on the rooftop. Tony has his hands on her lower back while Pepper's hands are resting on the metallic chest of the Iron man suit. Tony leans in and kisses her again. Afterward, they turn towards the edges of the roof and look over the nightlight from the city. Pepper can feel Tony's hand on her hip. She never thought it would feel so good being so close to her boss. The man she has secretly been having feelings for, for a while, but she has been telling her self that he would never see her as more than his assistant. And he could never be a man for her. He was too much of a playboy. She could never imagine them standing together like this looking over the city and just enjoying each others company like this.

"The view is so beautiful." Pepper says while admiring the night view of the city. "yeah." Tony says, almost dreamy. His voice is so soft and sweet. Pepper looks up at him and sees he isn't even looking at the city but just at her. It makes her laugh shyly, and she can feel a blush on have cheeks.

"Tony, you are not even looking at the view."

"No, you are more beautiful," Tony says and kisses her again.

Pepper turns to face Tony again with a more serious look. "how are we going to get down from here, Tony?"

"The same way we got up here," Tony says without a hint of sarcasm. Pepper look at him in disbelieve.

"You know I have an intense fear of heights. I am not gonna fly with you…. Not in that suit. That is crazy… I… I can't…" "Hey, Pep…," Tony says, cutting her rambling off. His eyes are so soft and sweet.

"Look into my eyes." He demands, and she looks into his warm brown sweet loving eyes. She sees something in his eyes she has never noticed before. It is so much love.

"do you trust me?" That question surprises her.

"well yeah, of course, I do Tony." She says. She never meant to make him feel like she didn't.

"Pep…" He pulls her closer to him. His arms are around her lower back, and she has her arms around his neck and pulls his lips closer to her and kisses him. While they are kissing Tony gently lifts them just a few inches of the ground. Pepper doesn't notice until they break the kiss. "Tony…" she says almost panicked and holds on tighter to him.

"Hey, look into my eyes. Trust me," Tony says in a calm voice, and that makes Pepper a bit more relaxed but she is still holding on to him for dear life.

"I am going to fly gently nice and slow. Just look into my eyes. If you don't feel safe just tell me and I will land us. But I will fly us back to my house in Malibu." Tony explains. The fact that he is being so thoughtful and considerate of her fear is so sweet. "thanks."

Tony gently steer them over the edge of the roof, and he can feel Pepper holding on tighter to him, and it makes him smile. He never thought it would feel so good to have her so close to him. Even though his Ironman armor is between them. They have been in the air for about 5 minutes when Pepper starts to relax a bit more and enjoy it. "I can really see why you enjoy flying over the city, Tony. This is so amazing."

"yeah, I should make you a suit so you can fly with me," Tony says with a smile.

Pepper looks up at him with a look of disbelieve.

"no, thank you."

"Nah, you are right. You have already proofed that you don't need a suit of armor to be a hero." Tony says, looking past her. One of Tony's weaknesses is that he doesn't like to look at people when he says something sweet and romantic and let his emotions out. Tony deflects eye contact and look past Pepper Pepper smiles and kisses him softly on the cheek. It makes Tony smile even though he still doesn't look at her.

"I'm no hero Tony," Pepper says.

"Are you kidding? You have kept up with me for years now. Only someone with superpowers can do that."

It makes Pepper blush. She never really thought Tony appreciated her as much as he apparently doesn't.

The flight is about 20 minutes back to Tonys Malibu mansion. Tony stops midair once they have a full view of the mansion. Pepper has never seen his place in this view.

"Wow, Tony, it really looks amazing."

"you want to reconsider that suit. Not for being a superhero and fighting bad guys but for flying with me?" Tony asks, looking into her eyes. Pepper look into his eyes and see the loving, sweet smile in his brown puppy dog eyes.

"you are sweet, but no thanks."

"It is alright. We can still take a flight together. This way, it is more romantic. How often do I get a chance to have you this close without you protesting?"

"Have you ever done this before?" Pepper asks once they are back on the ground. They land on his rooftop. Tony look confused at her.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean. Have you ever taken anyone else flying over the city before? In your suit." Pepper asks, looking down at the ground, not sure why she would ask a question that would make her sound jealous.

"no, I haven't." Tony says honestly. "it is something exceptional only for you."

Pepper is feeling a bit guilty that she asked, but considering his history with dating many women, she does have a good reason to ask. Tony walks closer to Pepper and takes her hand. He is making sure she is looking into his eyes before he speaks.

"you are not like all the others. You are very special to me. But… I do understand why you feel the need to ask. I don't blame you for that." That makes Peppers guilt go away, and the romantic mood between them is back.

"could you take off the suit?" Pepper asks after they break a kiss for air. Tony looks at her with a seductive look. "it is not very huggable or cuddling." Pepper explains reasonably, but Tonys smile still makes her blush and look away from him.

"sure." He says with a big smile and takes her hand. They walk inside.

"light," Tony commands his AI, and the light turns on.

"Welcome home, sir." Jarvis greets. "welcome back, Miss Potts."

Tony lets go of Peppers' hand and press a button on his suit. The front of his suit opens up, and Tony steps up. "Jarvis put it in the basement."

"yes, sir. Should I arrange the bed in miss Potts room, sir?"

"yes, thank you…" Pepper look confused at Tony. Why would he ask Jarvis to arrange her bed in the guestroom? Tony noticed her confused look but doesn't say anything to her. He walks towards the kitchen while he continues talking to his AI. "And Jarvis…" "yes, sir" "When you are done with that. Lockdown for the rest of the night."

"yes, sir. Have a good night, sir."

Jarvis is out. Tony has left Pepper alone in the living room while he is in the kitchen. He comes back to the living room with two glasses and a bottle of wine. Pepper is standing by the big windows looking out over the ocean. Tony places the bottle and the glasses on the table and walks over to her. He wraps his arms around her from behind and kisses her neck before he rests his chin on her shoulder. She looks down on him and smiles. She never thought she would actually feel comfortable with Tony standing so close to her.

"You okay?" he asks. His voice so filled with sincerity. She smiles and turns around in his arms.

"Yeah, Tony. This is perfect."

A big smile spreads on Tonys face, but Pepper also notices a slight sign of insecurity. Something she never thought she would see with Tony.

They sit down on the floor next to the glass coffee table and places the glasses on the table. Pepper takes off her high heels. They have been killing her for the past few hours. Pepper notice how Tony is observing her every movement. It is making her very selfconscious. The rest of the evening is romantic and relaxed. Not as sexual as Pepper had expected with the playboy, Tony. She has known Tony for many years and she is probably the one person who knows him the best and yet as their conversation pleasantly moves along it turns out they still have a lot to talk about that isn't work-related. Tony is very sweet and observant of her. Tony is more open to her about not really being good at longterm serious relationships, something that Pepper is very well aware of but she appreciates that he is being open and vulnerable about it to her. he is asking Pepper about her favorite things to in relationships and she tells him about how she loves snuggling up on the couch and reading a book or watch a movie. Or sometimes she just likes to snuggle into someone and just enjoy the moment and listen to the heartbeat. It makes her calm and relaxed. Tony knows Pepper has had 2 boyfriends over the course of the time she has worked for him. he as an employer hasn't exactly offered her a lot of personal time to work on her personal relationships. Something that Tony hasn't really thought about before but now that he is thinking about it… He feels kind of bad but at the same time, he feels good. Because if she had had time to date… she probably would have been married by now and definitely not to him. she would be married to the perfect supportive man. that thought freaks Tony out a little bit. But then Tony thinks of how incredibly lucky he is to have her with him right now. And how much he really needs to focus on not screwing this up. The odds of him being in a happy relationship with miss Pepper potts aren't exactly in his favor. Pepper notice as she speaks that Tony seems generally interested in what she is saying. Something that she isn't quite used to from Tony but she also notices as a sneaky smile on his lips. Pepper look over at him and with a silent question asks what he is thinking. Tony just smiles at her and shakes his head to tell her in silence it was nothing.

At around midnight Pepper is starting to be tired and getting cold. Tony reaches for a cozy blanket on the couch and wraps it around her. As he is wrapping the blanket comfortably around her shoulder she leans her head against his chest.

"That is probably not very comfortable." He says suddenly he is very self-aware. Pepper sits up and looks at Tony with a questioned look. He knocks on his arc reactor with 2 fingers, to explain.

"I'm not exactly the typical guy that is comfortable snuggle into." He says with an almost apologetic look on his face. Pepper hadn't realized what she said earlier about snuggle into someone and listen to the heartbeat could hurt Tony. He has the art reactor around his heart to protect it. so she will never be able to snuggle into him and listen to his heartbeat like that.

"Tony," Pepper says and places her hand on his face. His eyes are so sweet and he has the vulnerable look in his eyes that makes her heart melt. She leans over and kisses him. It is soft and sweet but it quickly grows more heated and soon after they are laying down on the floor where Tony is on top of her. Her hands are in his hair. His hands are roaming over her shirt. Once Tony feel her hands sneaking under his shirt he pulls back and sits up. Pepper look confused at him. Tony takes a sip of his glass of wine without looking at her. it seems odd to her that Tony is pulling away from her like that. First, he asks Jarvis to make the bed in the guestroom where she normally sleeps when she stays over late to work and now he pulls away from her in a heated moment. A bad nagging feeling starts to sneak into Pepper's head that she really doesn't like. She knows Tony is a player and he normally brings women home just to sleep with them and then he sneaks out on them the next morning before they wake up, but… tonight he shows absolutely no effort in bringing her to his bedroom or to sleep with her. the questioning look on Pepper's face doesn't go unnoticed by Tony.

"Are you okay honey?" he asks and leans in and gives her a quick kiss. He has a sweet smile on his face when he is looking at her.

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

Tony stands up and in a true gentleman style reaches out his hand to help her to her feet. It makes Pepper smile as she takes his hand and stands up. She places the blanket on the couch. Tony grabs it and wraps it around her again. Then he takes her hand and they walk up the stairs together.

"lights off," Tony commands as they walk up the stairs. His hand is resting on the lower part of her back as he gently leads her up the stairs. Once they are at the top of the staircase Pepper can feel Tony leading her to the guestroom instead of his own bedroom. She just follows along, not sure what he is up to. He leads her to the door into her room, where she usually stays and he stops in front of the door. She waits to see what he is doing. He isn't doing anything.

"Tony what are you up to?" she finally asks.

"I am walking you to your room." He simply answers. She looks confused. He suddenly looks shy and blushes. he looks down at his hand that is holding hers. There is an awkward silence. Tony finally gives her a quick kiss and then leaves with a quick goodnight. Pepper is left alone and completely shocked by his behavior. She doesn't even know what to do or how to respond to his behavior. She thought they had a great evening. Something was finally happening between them and then he behaves like this. Her head is spinning with doubt as she gets ready for bed. She cant figure out why Tony would leave like that. She thought something was happening between them. The only explanation she can think of, for why he would do that is that he is not really into her. he just wanted to prove to his ego that he could get her to like him. she hates her self for thinking like that. She doesn't want to think of Tony like that even though she knows that it isn't unlikely that Tony Stark could actually do that. He has used his charm for his own ego purposes before, but never against her.