Wow, I am seriously humbled and surprised by how much you all like the first chapter. Thank you tremendously. I hope that this puts a smile on your face. Thank you to my amazing beta, Sunflower Fran, and to my wonderful prereaders, Pandoras Box Is Heavy and Mommy of Kahlan. No copyright infringement. All mistakes are mine.

Chapter 2

Bella stayed in bed for the remainder of the weekend to nurse her emotional wounds. Then she considered lying there for the duration of the coming week. Once you've had your heart smashed and shattered, did it really matter if or when a person got out of bed?

The sheets were hanging halfway off the mattress, and the lights were off. She hadn't turned them on since returning temperature hovered around seventy, due to the air conditioner.

Yet she was shivering, so sleep either eluded or consumed Bella, along with her incessant counting. Tissues, the torn pieces of their engagement announcement, and petals were among the last items she'd gone over in her mind.

While she'd overlooked her need to eat, Bella kept hearing her stomach growl. The noise was persistent and annoying, and a reminder of how she had ignored her deeper thirst for living.

The last time she ate was Friday, before she learned of his infidelity. Acid rolled in her stomach when she thought of that moment and stopped in the doorway. Perhaps that was how she was going to view her life now, before and after Alex ruined her it.

His name was cringe-worthy; thank God she didn't know the name of whoever he slept with. While she wanted to never hear his again, her brain kept rubbing over it metaphorically.

Maybe eating would keep her mind on the present.

Bella didn't want to cook, so she pulled down a box of tasteless crackers and made a face when she bit into one. Then she started counting the number of times she swallowed.

'Maybe I'll choke on these stupid things. Ha! Wouldn't that make a great introduction on the news? 'Everyone's favorite meteorologist is found dead with a cracker in her mouth.'

She wanted to laugh at herself, really, but she imagined Alex and whoever he was screwing were getting a chuckle at her expense. And how long had they been laughing behind her back?

'Neither of them is worth a damn, and there isn't enough liquor in the state of Oklahoma for me to drink.'

Bella considered getting drunk at some point. Was there an app for ordering whiskey? If there ever was an occasion to drink, well, she couldn't think of a better one.

But she never ordered anything for fear the delivery person would recognize her. That little bit of notoriety that came with her position could be a pain sometimes. Instead, a swig of wine from a half-empty bottle in the fridge had to do the job.

Out of the corner of her eye, Bella saw her phone light up with a notification. Since returning home, she hadn't paid it any attention, but now she wanted to know what was waiting.

The only text was from the pharmacy; in desperation, Bella pulled up her personal email, RoutineQueen09. There wasn't anything from Alex, and he sure as hell stayed away from her professional Facebook account.

He had a callous streak that had always made her feel uncomfortable. During the winter, when she couldn't shake off a virus, Alex responded with a few sad emojis in a message, instead of asking if there was anything he could do. His communication skills left a lot to be desired; it was one of the hallmarks that damaged their relationship.

But he'd sealed the nail in the casket Friday.

'No more rose colored glasses for this girl. Good Lord, what on earth kept me from seeing what was going on?'

A question without an answer was pointless, and sitting around, feeling sorry for herself, wasn't motivating Bella. It left an unsatisfying feeling in her gut. Negative thoughts wouldn't bring about any positive changes.

There was a mirror above the credenza where she left her phone. Bella hadn't realized the impact of her self-imposed holiday from hygiene, until she took a hard look at her reflection. Her skin was similar to the models in the before and after skin care advertisements, except she saw herself in the first category.

Aching, bloodsho- red eyes peered back at her. Did she have anything for them in the bathroom?

What exactly was going on with her hair?Dry didn't describe it well. Bella ran her fingers through the coarse strands that begged for conditioner.

In her heart, she knew that letting herself go wasn't right, even if it was for a short is the way she reacted to disappointments; by hiding and ignoring circumstances. Solving problems by ignoring them, for the most part, occasionally worked, but how long would she allow this to continue?

Bella couldn't sustain a life in this manner. Eventually, she'd have to leave the house, go to work, and interact with others. While it may not be easy at first, becoming a hermit really wasn't in her plans.

Living well was supposed to be the best revenge; the clarity of those thoughts pulled her out of the ridiculous pity party.

She knew what needed to be done.


Phil Dwyer was a man who thought he was clever, and in his mind, this idea was his best yet. The only hitch was that he hadn't told anyone about the plan.

But once the members of the storm hunting team knew the details, they would be on board. The pieces would fall into place. No problems would arise.

He wasn't about to bet against himself, and he was on his fourth cup of lukewarm coffee, which wasn't helping his anxiety.

The General Manager at KOCO Channel 5 News, Aro, and Phil were the ones responsible for bringing in a meteorologist to shadow the team. It would be a win-win for both parties. Aro wanted their ratings to increase over the summer. He wanted Bella Swan to take the job. Oklahoma City was in love with her; in their eyes, she could do no wrong. Thus, the station would have something the other stations didn't - a unique, real-life adventure with a storm chaser.

On the other side of the deal, Phil would have the benefit of free advertisement for Masen Research. In his mind, he pictured agreements from major scientific research corporations and universities, if this assignment went well.

Eventually, he would finally become wealthy, which was his ultimate ambition besides notoriety. The gold ring of the carousel was within his grasp.

Phil was waiting on Aro's phone call, though. Any minute now, he'd confirm the name of the person taking on the assignment, and knowing that would make all the difference.

Then Lauren walked into the office, her shoes making a loud click-clack noise. He hated that sound, especially now."Morning Phil. How are you doing this lovely morning? Are you alright?" Lauren had genuine concern for her boss.

"I'm fine, right as rain like I should be." He took a sip while thinking of how to change the topic. "We're starting the week off with a meeting. Would you make sure the team comes on back here?"

"Yes sir. You've gotten something up your sleeve, don't you?"

"Maybe," he responded rapidly. "But until they arrive, I'm not saying another word."

Lauren took that as her cue to get down to work, while Phil waited on some form of communication.


It was official. Bella had lost her mind. She was waiting to tell Aro she wanted the assignment to shadow a storm chaser. This was where her life would start over.

Ever since looking in the mirror, Bella's thoughts about herself and her life were not the same.

It wasn't exactly a small voice that was whispering, too.

Alex was most certainly getting on with his life, because he wasn't making any effort to contact her. What would be the point in waiting around for him?

Bella wanted to make changes, perhaps throw a little caution to the wind. A little more seizing of the day and a lot less routine. Being predictable may have led her to this point, but it sure as hell wasn't going to control her future.

This morning, the clothes in her closet, at least most of them, didn't have the same appeal. Beige wasn't in her new color scheme, and from the back, she found a fitted red shirt that suited her mood. Surprisingly, it brightened her face, brought out the warmth of her eyes, which was an unexpected joy. It was more than enough, and there would be time later to update her wardrobe.

While Aro was used to seeing her come by in the morning, he was taken back by seeing Bella waiting in his office. This was a bit unusual since she had always been predictable.

"How good it is to see you." Bella thought he was a little over dramatic with his entrance as he stared at her face. "How is life treating you these days? What can I do for you?"

She crossed her legs and sat straight.

"Aro, I need a break from the usual business...of my job, of this place," she motioned her hands. He almost looked frightened, and Bella saw his expression. "No, I don't want to quit, if that's what you're thinking."

"Honestly, yes, that thought crossed my mind, but what would you like? You know that anything you ask is yours, Bella. Everyone around here holds you in high regard."

She set her hands on the smooth edge of the desk and met his eyes. "I'm flattered by your compliments. It's good, no, it's wonderful to know that you all have my back. Has anyone approached you about the shadowing position?"
Aro actually smiled in response. "Funny that you should mention that, but are you...serious? This isn't a cupcake assignment. I need a person who isn't afraid to put themselves out there, in the middle of a possibly dangerous situation. I'm not trying to deter you, but I want you to know what you're getting into -"

"Aro, pardon the interruption, but I don't want a 'cupcake assignment.'"

He stopped talking and closed his mouth.

"Covering the sunny days in the dog park won't cut it anymore. I'm more than a pretty face, or a woman who is used to make KOCO look good. I want something more, and I thought you needed someone who was up for the job."

He was taken back by her assertiveness, but no one else had approached him. This assignment wasn't her typical job. Bella was the one he wanted originally; his part of the bargain would be fulfilled. Aro thought she would be the eye candy that would draw in the audience. Perhaps this would bring out her hidden talents, ones they could use in the future, to their advantage.

"Yes, you are so right, and I promise, no more fluff for you, Bella. It's time you to stretch your wings, so to speak, and fly. The viewers would love to see something in depth from your perspective."

Her eyes widened when she smiled. "When do I start? I need details, Aro. Tell me when and where I need to go."

"Let me make one phone call, and then you will have all of the details you need."


Edward was not especially content with Phil's assignment, or the fact that he damn well knew there was an ulterior man was predictable, right down to how his left hand would slightly twitch if he was under stress. Edward had seen this more times than he could count.

"I need your support for this to go well," Phil stated. "We'll all benefit from the exposure to the media. And think about it, guys, there's no way we can't increase our cash flow."
"So this is all for your not-so-deep pockets?" Jasper was opinionated and not one to hide it.

Phil huffed. That smart ass question got under his skin, and he didn't think twice about responding in the same way.

"In the cool, gray dawn of the morning, Jasper, yeah, I considered that I was nothing more than a gold digger, someone only looking out for himself. A real money hungry bastard, if you will." From across the room, Emmett and Seth laughed heartily. "But for reasons unknown, I decided to share the wealth with everyone, so consider yourself fortunate."

"Thanks," Jasper was not in the mood for Phil's sarcasm. A knock on the door interrupted them before the conversation could continue.

Lauren stuck her head in to announce that their new team member had arrived; she ushered Bella into the room.

"Gentlemen, please welcome Miss Swan to our, um, family." she stammered with all eyes on their guest.

Seth and Emmett were the first to greet Bella with awkward, but enthusiastic, handshakes.

Then she gave Jasper a bright smile, one that she'd used time after time. From the back of the room, Edward watched them.

Phil interrupted the group."If you don't mind, I need for these three to come with me for a few minutes."

"Oh, come on, boss, we were just getting to know Bella," Seth responded before giving her a quick hug.

"I've been assured that we'll have time to get to know each other," Bella said before they left the room. She turned around and nearly jumped when she noticed how close Edward was.

"Please tell me what kind of deal you made in order to shadow us? I'm curious to know what prompted everyone's favorite meteorologist to do this." He couldn't help but notice how attractive her features were, especially her eyes. Television certainly didn't do her any justice.

"Well, I don't think it's fair that you know who I am, but I don't even know your name."

"Edward Cullen," he replied and took her hand; for a second, they stared at each other. Then he tried to look away while reluctantly taking his hand back.

Yeah, he knew this wouldn't be easy and hoped someone else could work with her. 'Why did Phil have to bring in this woman? She's going to distract me every damn minute.'

"It's a bit of a long story, but basically, I need to do something other than fluff, if you know what I mean. I think I'm up to the challenge." She paused. "How tall are you?" The corners of her mouth turned upward and she tilted her head. Bella liked flirting with Edward. He almost flustered.

"Huh? Seriously? This isn't a day at the beach." He stretched out his long arms for effect. "Being in the middle of chasing a fucking tornado isn't easy or safe. You can get hurt, you know, like Seth did last week, and I had to drive him to the freakin' hospital for stitches."Edward looked directly into her eyes. "And for your information, I'm six foot one. Any other questions?"

He ran his fingers through unruly, dark auburn hair and silently cursed his previous words."Hey, I'm sorry if I come off rude, Bella. It's just that I wasn't expecting you, and…" Edward was at a loss for words. They could only stare at each other and wait. He didn't know how she was going to react.

"Then we'll start over at the beginning. Hello, I'm Bella, and I want to experience the life of a storm chaser."

She impressed him with how she changed the mood of the conversation. In his mind, Edward pictured her becoming angry, walking away, and quitting. How would he explain that to Phil? Then it would have been his fault and one more fucked up situation. 'Don't go there, not this time,' his brain screamed. 'Things have to change, and it's starting now.'

He took her small hand in his. "It's a pleasure, Bella, and I'm Edward."

There was an authentic smile on his face, albeit slightly crooked; she hoped to it see throughout the week.

I hope you all are enjoying this story, and thank you for the reviews. Much love always.