Her body begins to tremble and hands immediately grip onto arms. They begin to slide up and down in attempt to warm up her own body. Something tickles at her nose, tempting her to sneeze. She comes to a halt as she does, sniffling afterwards.

A soft sigh escapes Shiori when she realizes her sweater had been left on the other side of the mansion. Going around without it had been fine at first, but she forgot just how cold this old building could get.

"I wish we could fix this place up…" She breathes out, swearing she could almost see her breath.

As hands still focus on warming herself, her gaze finds it's way to a certain door in the hallway. The one leading to Suga's room. Light shines in her eyes, a smile gracing her face even with her chattering teeth.

Legs begin to move once again, a little faster than her earlier stride. She doesn't bother knocking on the door and pushes it open.


After that creaking sound, the room was revealed to be without its owner. She thought he would have been here, but maybe he had gone downstairs just before her arrival here. That still doesn't stop her from stepping in further, eyes wandering around this familiar room.

Another shiver runs through her body and she is forced to grab herself once more, even hunching over slightly. If only she could curl up on his bed- taking one of the blankets sounded very tempting right now.

That's when her eyes fall onto something black thrown onto his bed. Too small to be a blanket and not plump enough to be a pillow. A hand reaches out grab it, pulling it off he bed.

"Oh! It's his."

In her hands she held a long sleeved sweater- Suga's iconic attire. Fingers gently rub against the fabric, feeling how soft and warm this was in her grasp. She stares at it, a thought circling in her mind.

"He won't mind…right?"

Without another moment, she starts to pull that black sweater over her head and then down onto herself. The sweater is longer on her as it manages to cover her shorts completely. The sleeves even dangle a bit from her hands. She decides to keep them that way, happy that even her hands can be warmed from this.

"Still hard to believe he's grown this much," she says to herself, quietly, a little laugh following. Now, if only she could find something to cover her legs.

Shiori's thoughts are interrupted when a loud thunk is heard from behind. She jumps to the sound, instantly turning on her feet. The girl finds a red faced Suga at the door with a couple of books and fallen papers a his feet.

"Suga!" She gasps before heading over to help gather his fallen items.

Meanwhile, the boy is trying to cover his heated face while grabbing some of the papers to put in order. Together, they had placed the fallen books and papers on the side of his bed. With that out of the way, Suga takes out one of his usual memos to write on.

'Why are you wearing that?'

"Hm? This?" She tugs at the sweater near her waist. He nods. "Your clothes are warm and it's freezing in here. I hope it's alright."

She wears a smile while he falls silent. He takes another look at her, cheeks still heated to the thought of her wearing something of his. Finally, he manages to scribble his response down.

'I'll invest in something for heat. You can wear that for now.'

"Thank you, Suga!"

Shiori pulls him into a hug, forgetting about the cold now that he's here with her.