Hi there. As most of you know by now, the show's been canceled again. It won't get a season 4, and this time, it's for good. I don't know what you all thought of season 3, but I personally loved it and was very sad to see it canceled again. I cannot say I am super surprised though, as it's suffered major production problems from the beginning. I was also quite surprised at the very negative comments some people made about season 3, especially on Facebook or Twitter. It probably went too far from the original idea, and it lost a lot of viewers on the way.

Anyway, it didn't prevent me from having ideas, and this is why I am publishing this continuation of what was supposedly a one shot. I got many reviews on the first chapter, and I want to thank every one of you for commenting and liking and following this. Now that the show is over, the frenzy in the fandom is probably gone, but know that if you are still reading, I loved every like and comment you added to my story.

Enjoy this chapter, thanks for reading!

She walks into that bar on G street, just a couple of blocks away from the White House. He didn't say anything, but she knows he is here. It's where he goes when something bothers him and he wants to drown his sorrows. In the years they've worked together, she got used to this. He doesn't often come to this bar alone, but when he does, she knows it's because something is going on. And when she saw him leaving the arena earlier that night, she knew it was where he was going. She could see on his face that something was on his mind. He was wearing that fake smile that only people who knew him could recognize. Truth be told, she wasn't completely surprised by his need to drown his sorrows. Isabel had just ended things with him for good, a few hours before his unprecedented win.

So when she sees Troy, Aaron's security detail, discreetly waiting at the entrance of the bar, she knows that she is right. She nods at the guy and he smiles, showing him where Aaron is sitting. It's way past 2 a.m. and he is the only one left in the bar. He took his tie off and looks disheveled. It's true, the past few days have been tough for everybody, but especially for both of them. With Emily losing her mother, Aaron had been constantly checking on her, not caring one moment for his own health. And it was just one of the numerous things in his mind. With the campaign and his role of National Security Adviser and the constant tension between him and Isabel, Aaron was more lonely than ever. The only person he could lean on was the person he had cheated with, and he knew how awkward that was, both of them ignoring the elephant in the room.

"Mr. Vice-President?" she calls him as she is standing beside him.

Aaron chuckles. It should be the best night of his life, he should be celebrating with his friends, his girlfriend, his family. But here he is, in this bar, drinking a glass by himself. It's when he walked on stage earlier that night, that the loneliness struck him. He saw Tom Kirkman, with Penny and Sasha, and he realized that the President would have done anything to have Alex by his side. And Aaron, he didn't do anything to have Isabel by his. He let her go, he let her leave him and he didn't fight for her. Worse, he did what no one could ever forget: he cheated on her.

And yet, when she broke up with him, she told him it wasn't the infidelity the problem. It was just their relationship in itself. He knows she is right, but he cannot accept it. He cannot accept that he has been the greatest asshole in the world with her, that he never truly accepted her for who she is. She's the one who made him accept his roots, who made him realize who he really is, and helped him be proud of his past. It's because of her that he ran, that he accepted to be Kirkman's running mate. But instead of celebrating the best night of his life with the love of his life, he seats at a table in this bar, alone, and drinks his regular scotch, thinking about the changes that are about to come in his life. He feels dizzy, but the alcohol has not gotten to his head quite yet.

"Em…" he smiles softly as he hears her voice.

"So, how does it feel, to be the second most powerful man in this world?" she asks, sitting across from him at the table.

"Surreal. I cannot believe it. I don't realize it yet… It is quite amazing how everything can change in such a short time…"

"And this is why you are seating at a table here, after what is supposed to be a great night for you and an unprecedented victory?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

Aaron sighs, depressed with Emily's statement.

"Isi left me… For good." he suddenly says, drinking his glass in one go.

"I know. I crossed path with her at the party, she told me…" she states, a compassionate smile on her face. "I'm sorry"

"And the worst? It's that I know why she did it, and she totally deserves better than me, but I cannot help myself but think that I should have done better. I should have been a better boyfriend to her…"

Emily wants to comfort him, say something that would ease his pain, but she doesn't know. They all lost themselves a little bit in this battle for the presidency. She too, did questionnable things, everybody did, and everybody changed. And as much as she knows he is a good man, she also knows that he is right, when he says he should have been a better boyfriend to Isabel. Emily, for her part, should have been a better daughter to her mother. She raises her hand and asks for a glass of scotch. She needs it too. The past three days have been the worst she could ever imagine. In such a short timeframe, she lost her mother, discovered that Lorraine was part of a huge conspiracy, and was betrayed by Tom Kirkman, the man she valued the most in her life. She almost wants to take the first flight for a deserted island where she can lay low for the rest of her life. But she looks at Aaron, and she knows he needs her. And she knows she cannot leave, she'll always be here for him.

"Unfortunately, you cannot change what you did. It's too late. We all did things we are not proud of, but it does not mean you should punish yourself by drinking that scotch alone at almost three in the morning when the bar manager wants to close but does not dare because he recognized you as the future Vice-President of the United States." she says, tilting her head toward the guy.

"Hey, it's not everyday the Vice-President walks into your bar… He can wait…" Aaron chuckles.


"Ok, fine. We're leaving…" Aaron said, standing up from his table. "Oh shit…" he suddenly says, holding to the table.

"Dizzy? How many?" Emily asks, allowing him to hold on to her.

"Two, maybe three… No more, I promise." he lies.

"Yeah, sure…"

He clearly drank more than three glasses, but she doesn't want to lecture him. It's useless anyway, he won't remember anything tomorrow. Emily makes a sign to Troy to help Aaron get out of the bar, and while she walks by the manager, paying Aaron's bill, she tells to him to keep his mouth shut. The guy knows, they are regulars at his bar, but Emily prefers to make sure of this. It's different now, Aaron is VP, and she cannot quite realize it either.

"Em… You comin'?" Aaron calls as Troy helps him in the car.

Emily quickly follows and gets in the car with him. She doesn't even really know why she follows him, Troy is here and could help him out of the car and into his apartment, but she knows that Aaron needs her right now. Just a few nights ago, she was the one needing him, and he came to her place, without having to ask anything. And she knows she has to do the same for him. She knows she has to be there for him, even if he isn't asking anything.

So when they arrive at his place, they are driven to the backdoor to avoid any journalist and she helps him out of the car and into the elevator.

"I'm not that drunk, you know…" Aaron chuckles as he tries to get out of her grasp.

"Sure, you look terribly sober right now…" Emily laughs as he stumbles and holds himself to the wall of the elevator.

The alcohol got to his head in the time it took to get home and he is feeling worse than ever.

"Fuck… Why am I doing that? I should be celebrating my victory right now…"

"Let's just say you are, in your own way…" Emily chuckles as she helps him out of the elevator.

Aaron fumbles in his pocket and finds the key to his apartment after what seems a very long minute searching for it. Emily helps him open the door, and as soon as they are inside, he crashes on the couch.

"It's in your bed that you should be, not on the couch…" Emily comments.

"Whatever… I want another glass first." Aaron states as he tries to stand up from the couch.

"Huh, huh… Not gonna happen." Emily answers, holding him and pulling him toward the bedroom.

"Em… Don't be such a mood killer… Please…" Aaron groans.

"You know I will…"

She pushes him on the bed and forces him to lie down. He wants to resist, but the alcohol is burning inside of him and he struggles to get up. Emily sits by his side and puts her hand on his.

"I don't want to sleep, Em…" he mumbles.

"You have to, Aaron. It's late, you're drunk and you're tired. Everything's gonna be alright…"

"But she left me. For good…"

"And I'm sure you'll get over it, it will take time, but you will."

"She's the love of my life… I would never be VP without her… how can I do this, if she is not here to support me? Huh? Tell me?"

"You'll do alright because you are a strong man, you'll get over it. You don't need anyone to be VP Aaron, you just need to believe in yourself. Tom Kirkman didn't pick you for VP because of Isabel, he picked you for who you are, what you believe in, and what you did."

"I don't even know anymore, if I ran for me, or for her… or for anything else… She just wanted it so much, she was so proud that I would become the first latino VP of the country… Bullshit. I don't want to be that…"

"Well, Aaron. It's too late now. You are the first latino VP of the country. And you are still drunk, you should really sleep now…"

Emily tries to stand up, ready to leave him to sleep, but Aaron holds Emily's hand.

"Em, don't leave. I need you. Please…." he begs.

"You know it's the alcohol talking, right?" she answers, smiling softly.

"Whatever, stay with me… please…"

He is pulling her toward him and she has to fight not to fall in his arms. She knows he is sad and drunk, she doesn't want him to do any other mistake he could regret later on.

"Please, Emily… I don't want to be alone tonight, I need you."

"Ok, fine. I'll stay. But you have to sleep."

Emily gives up. She knows he is right, she knows he needs her. He finally releases his grip around her hand and she stands up, walking toward the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" he asks, his voice hoarse.

"Getting you a glass of water and some pills for tomorrow morning…"

Aaron grumbles something she doesn't understand, and before she can come back to the bedroom, she can hear him already snore. She chuckles and shakes her head, wondering if she should leave or stay with him. But yet again, he stayed with her a few nights ago, and she wants to be here for him too. She contemplates what to do, and steals one of Aaron's shirts to change. Aaron still wears his shirt and his trousers and she thinks she should have helped him undress, but since that night when they slept together, she knows things are awkward between the two of them, no matter what they both tell themselves. There is this giant elephant in the room that they have to address one day, and they cannot find the time to talk about it.

Walking around the bed, she sits next to Aaron and starts thinking about everything. Everything starts colliding in her head, Tom Kirkman's reelection and betrayal, Aaron's Vice-Presidency, Lorraine's arrest, her mother's death. It's too much and she starts sobbing. It's soft sobs, the kind of sobs that no one can really hear, the ones that make tears roll down one's cheeks. Looking at Aaron, she suddenly thinks she should have drunk too. It would have been easier, she would have been sleeping peacefully, just like Aaron is now. Turning off the light, she lies on the bed next to him, almost uncomfortable, and crawls as far from him as possible, turning her back to him. But suddenly, Aaron rolls over and puts his arm around her, snuggling against her. She can smell his alcohol-infused scent and still, it comforts her. They are here for each other, and it feels good to be able to count on one another at all time. Closing her eyes, she feels herself drinking into sleep when she hear him murmur.

"Thank you for staying."