Hello, lovely readers! Well, it has been a fun and wild ride these past few weeks. Thank you to everyone who has followed this story, and thank you to everyone who left comments. You are all amazing!
I hope you enjoy the last chapter of "Chat for a Day". Now, I'm off to go work on my other fics!
I cross-post on AO3 and on Tumblr.
Tumblr: gryffindorcls (I will be posting my fics to the "Princess In Training" blog. Also, come talk to me over there! I would love to discuss my stories and the Miraculous fandom with y'all!)
AO3: clslovegood47
When Adrien kissed his girlfriend after dinner and told her that he would see her later at patrol, he sprung into action. He only had a few hours between leaving Marinette's house and the start of what he hoped would be a very romantic evening.
He hopped into the car and waved as the vehicle pulled away from the Dupain-Cheng's bakery. When the car stopped behind the gates of the Agreste Mansion, Adrien vaulted out of the backseat and sprinted into his house. He ran up the stairs and into his room. Once there, he slammed the door behind him and began tearing through his closet. After a few minutes of digging, he finally found the box he had been looking for.
"Kid," Plagg began, "what exactly do you think you are doing right now?"
Adrien looked up at his Kwami with a playful glint in his eyes. "Do you remember the time I set up the rooftop date for Ladybug?"
"You mean the time you ditched your friends...one of which was Ladybug herself...to set up a rooftop date after she told you she was busy? I do, but what does that have to do with that box?
"These are the candles from that date. I'm going to give her the romantic evening we missed out on last time."
"Why would you want to relive that memory?"
"No, Plagg...we're not going to relive it. Don't you see? Knowing each other's identities gives us a second chance. I can still remember the look on Marinette's face when I took her to see the rooftop after Ladybug didn't show up...she thought it was beautiful. Now, I finally get to show her how much she means to me. We've both messed up before, and now we get to hit the reset button. Besides, now I know that she likes snickerdoodles and Disney, so that's a bonus."
"Seems like you've got this all sorted out, Romeo. However, I'm guessing you're going to need my help to pull this off?"
Adrien scratched behind one of Plagg's ears. "I promise there's extra cheese in your future."
"Fine," Plagg crossed his arms, "but only because the fate of Paris hinges on this relationship working out."
"Is that why you texted me using Marinette's phone earlier today? Because...as I said before...please don't ever do that again. It's weird."
"You and Marinette are stronger together. You'll start to see it soon. Kid, you're young, and you've barely begun to scratch the surface of what you are capable of doing with your Miraculous."
"So, now that Marinette and I are together, we'll get more powers?"
"Something like that. It has to do with the bond of trust between the two of you. Your growth as a hero requires balance. You were broken without each other, and now you are whole."
"No...I understand. I think I can feel that. It's like something was missing before, and now I feel...complete? I don't know if that's the right word. Do you know what I mean?"
"Yeah kid I do," Plagg turned away from Adrien and mumbled his next statement. "And it's nice to see you happy for a change."
Adrien put his hand up to his ear and grinned. "I'm sorry. Could you say that again? I didn't quite catch what you just said."
Plagg rolled his eyes. "Ugh...I said that it's nice to see you happy for a change. Jeez."
"You do care!"
"Of course I care! You're the best chosen I've ever had. No one else has given me as much cheese as you do."
"I love you, too, Plagg," Adrien responded, reaching out to cup the Kwami in his hands, "Thanks for looking out for me."
The tiny being nuzzled his chosen's hand. "Anytime, kid."
"Are you ready to go?"
"Just say the words."
When Adrien kissed her goodbye when he left after dinner, Marinette felt like she was floating on air. She would have been disappointed to see him leave, but she smiled knowing that they would see each other again in a few hours.
After waving goodbye, she returned to her room and collapsed onto her chaise in a squealing heap. She grabbed a pillow and held it close to her body as she blissfully recalled the past few hours.
"You look happy, Marinette," Tikki noted, zipping over to her chosen.
"I'm more than happy. I don't know if there are any words to really describe how I feel right now. I guess...complete might be the closest word. Adrien makes me feel whole. I don't know. Am I making any sense?" She sighed contentedly and sunk further into her chaise.
"I wasn't lying when I told you that you and Adrien were soulmates. He probably feels the same way right now. By fully trusting each other, you two can now start to unlock more of your powers and become better heroes. You and Chat Noir were always meant to be equal partners, but you had two had to figure all of this out on your own. It's part of the process."
Marinette scrunched her face in confusion. "Wait...if we were supposed to figure it out on our own, then why did you and Plagg text Adrien using my phone while I was asleep? Don't think I didn't see those messages. Only you two could have sent them."
Tikki looked down. "I'm sorry, Marinette. I didn't mean to invade your privacy. Yes, you did need to come to your own conclusions, but sometimes a little divine intervention is necessary. Hawkmoth is getting stronger...especially now that he has Mayura. I was even going to suggest that you two reveal yourselves soon."
"Wait...I'm confused. How would having you tell me what to do have helped us become equals?"
"I wouldn't have told you to do anything. You would have had the power to make the final decision...not me. We Kwamis can't make our holders do anything. Our holders actually have a lot of power over us, and that's why it was so important to find the right people to wield the Miraculouses."
"Is that why Hawkmoth's Kwami can't get away?"
"Yes, and poor Nooroo is stuck until we can save him. However, now that you and Chat Noir are equals, we are that much closer to defeating Hawkmoth."
"Were you ever trapped by an evil wielder?"
"Unfortunately, yes. Many of the Kwamis have fallen into the wrong hands before. Luckily, I have a pretty amazing Ladybug this time!" Tikki proclaimed with a smile.
Marinette reached out to cup the tiny red being in her hands. "I love you, Tikki."
"I love you, too, Marinette!"
"Do you want to watch Tangled until we have to go out for patrol?"
"Yes, please!"
When Chat Noir touched down at their usual meeting spot Ladybug was already waiting for him. She looked up and smiled.
"Hello, kitty." She held out her arms and beckoned him over for a hug.
Chat happily obliged and walked into her embrace. "Good evening, my lady."
They held each other for a moment before backing away. Ladybug traced the outlines of his suit's pockets and nodded with approval. "I like the new detailing."
"You didn't notice? There's green piping around your pockets. It looks good...it matches your eyes."
Chat looked down and scrutinized the new additions to his suit.
"I guess I didn't," he shrugged.
"Then I suppose that means you didn't see my little makeover." She backed away and did a quick spin in front of him.
Chat smiled as he watched his girlfriend show off her new look. Her suit was no longer a solid pattern of red with black polka dots. Instead, she now had what appeared to be black boots and gloves.
"Very stylish, Bugaboo," he commented, offering her a toothy grin.
She playfully swatted at his arm. "You're such a flirt."
He crossed his arms. "But I'm your flirt."
"Yeah, you are." She moved her face closer to his and placed a small peck on his cheek.
Chat wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. "As cool as these new additions to our suits are...what do you think they mean? Plagg told me that the change in our relationship would cause us to become more powerful."
Ladybug moved her hands to the back of his head and started playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. "Tikki told me pretty much the same thing. So, maybe? Who can say? All I know is that I feel like I'm ready for anything as long as I'm with you. Hawkmoth doesn't stand a chance now."
He rested his forehead against hers. "I couldn't have said it better myself, my lady."
"I'm so happy it was you," she whispered into his ear.
Chat felt a rumbling start in his larynx and spread throughout his body. He nuzzled his head in the crook of her neck, and she giggled in response.
"I knew you could purr!" she exclaimed.
"Only when I'm with you," he cooed, "I have a surprise for you."
"Oh, really?" She raised an eyebrow.
The purring stopped as he backed away. "Yup! Follow me, Bugaboo!"
He unsheathed his baton and vaulted into the Parisian night. The familiar zing of Ladybug's yoyo sounded behind him. In less than a minute, he touched down on a beautifully decorated rooftop. Just like his previous attempt, the space was lined with candles and rose petals; however, unlike before a box full of cookies and a computer sat on a blanket.
"Chaton...it's beautiful." She moved her hands to cover her mouth.
He waved his arm in a flourish. "I thought we could try this again. Also, this time I have snickerdoodles and Beauty and the Beast."
"I think a do-over is a wonderful idea. It's beautiful, kitty."
"Not as beautiful as you, my lady."
He led her to the blanket, and they sat down together. Chat Noir pulled her close and wrapped an arm around her torso. She cuddled against his chest and looked up at his face.
"Thank you, Chat. I could stay here forever with you."
"That's exactly what I thought while I was eating dinner at your house tonight."
"Ugh...dinner. I'm sorry. My parents love embarrassing me."
He laughed. "Your mom made you turn so red! What did she whisper in your ear to make you blush like that?"
She sighed and dropped her head. "She said that she couldn't wait to help me pick out a wedding dress one day."
"Well, I'm sure that whatever you two pick out will be gorgeous...just like you." He used his index finger to lightly tap her on the nose.
Ladybug shook her head. "We're only 15."
"So? I didn't say I was going to marry you today. Just you wait! In a few years, we'll look back on this moment, and I'll be able to say 'I told you so'...kind of like how I can say it now that you're dating me. I always knew that Ladybug would fall in love with Chat Noir."
"How long are you going to hold that one over my head?"
"Hmmmm….let's see. How about forever? As long as you don't mind me sticking around that long."
She put her hand on the side of his face. "Forever sounds nice, but I do believe you're slipping, Chat Noir. You seem to have missed out on the purr-fect opportunity for a pun."
He grinned. "Please, enlighten me."
"I think you meant to say that we would be together fur-ever."
"Be still, my heart! You really are my soulmate!"
Ladybug laughed, turned her head, and kissed him on the lips. "And you're my other half."
Chat Noir rubbed his cheek on her hair. "This was the best day of my life."
"It only gets better from here, Chaton."
They once again closed the space between them and kissed.
Alya sat on her bed clacking away on her laptop's keyboard. Nino quietly hummed a song while scrolling through his phone as he lounged next to her.
She released an exasperated sigh, and Nino looked up from his device. He placed a hand on her knee and gave her a concerned look.
"What's wrong, babe? That's the second time today I've seen you this frustrated. Does it have something to do with Marinette again?" he asked.
"Actually, yeah, it does," she responded, "There's something she said today that isn't sitting well with me."
"What is it?"
"She called Adrien 'kitty'."
Nino rubbed his chin. "Well, maybe it's just a nickname she made up for him. Adrien called her 'Princess' when we were talking to him in class."
"I know, but there was something about the way she said it that felt familiar." Suddenly, her eyes brightened with recognition. "OH. MY. GOD."
"I'm going to kill her Nino! And then I'm going to take out Sunshine!"
"What are you talking about?"
Alya pulled up a video of Ladybug and Chat Noir on her computer and turned the screen towards her confused boyfriend. She hit play.
"Now's not the time for games, kitty! We need to get that Akuma!" Ladybug shouted in the clip.
"Babe, you're not telling me that you think Marinette is Ladybug just because she called her boyfriend 'kitty', right?" Nino moved his hand to her shoulder.
"Nino, that's exactly what I'm saying." Alya could feel the fire in her eyes.
"What makes you so sure?"
"Marinette dressed like Ladybug today, and she totally freaked when I made the comparison. She always disappears during Akuma attacks, and she's constantly making the lamest excuses. One time she told me that she had to give her neighbor's fish a bath. Like...what? I've always had a theory that Adrien was Chat Noir, and now she's calling him 'kitty'...just like Ladybug."
Alya's phone went off. She tapped on the screen to see that someone had anonymously sent her a clip of Ladybug and Chat Noir snuggling on a roof near the Dupain-Cheng's bakery. She turned her phone to show Nino the video.
"See? What are the odds that both Adrien and Marinette AND Ladybug and Chat Noir start relationships on the same day? Our Parisian superheroes have always been close, but they've never snuggled on a candlelit rooftop."
"Are you sure it's them?"
Alya grabbed Nino by the shoulders. "Think about it. Who else would have picked us to be Rena Rouge and Carapace? It has to be them."
Nino paused to contemplate the situation. Then, eyes grew wide. "Ohmygod...you're right! But what are we supposed to do now? Like, should we tell them that we know?"
Alya rubbed her hands together. "Oh, don't worry. We'll tell them eventually, but we're gonna mess with them first."