Welcome to Country Nights! I haven't written in awhile and this story has been floating around in my head for a bit. At the heart of me I'm a country girl roots deep and I want to share a little me of me with you.

Disclaimer: All Twilight characters belong to Stephanie Meyer

Chapter 1: Welcome To The South

It is universally known that life is different in the south. Most people associate it with rednecks, trucks, guns, and sweet tea, but I'm from a different south. While the stereotypes still apply, the culture in my part of the south is unique to Florida.

My name is Bella Swan and I'm a 23 year old country girl from Silver Springs, Florida. I drive a big truck, I hunt, I fish, I drink, and I have a mouth that makes a sailor look like a saint. I spend my weekdays working hard and my weekends playing harder. Spring and summer find me on the water or in the mud, fall finds me in a tree stand, and winter simply doesn't exist here. But, no matter what the time of year nights find me around a bonfire with friends, family, and copious amounts of alcohol.

I'm no party girl, but I'm no virgin either. I've had my fair share of dates and one nighters. I'm not ready to settle down, but then again, I haven't met "the one" yet. If you would have told me that I'd meet my redneck Romeo sooner than I thought, I would have laughed at you and told you to "Shut your face." But, little did I know, that would soon change