Hey everyone! Welcome to my newest fic. This one is for fluff week! I actually have all of the chapters done. (Yay!) It's going to be a short but hope you enjoy the ride. ;)

It was actually really hard for me to get this written. I've had the storyline in my mind for a while now but I just couldn't seem to get the words right and the only reason I feel like I can get this out now is because of my awesome beta, EmberStork. So, a big thank you.

Disclaimer: Story is mine but TodoMomo and the rest of the characters of Boku no Hero are not...


"A little more to the left."

"Yeah, you almost got it!"

"No! Go slower idiot!"

Momo's black eyes sparkled as they darted around the arcade. Machines sat on top of one another. Each filled with different souvenirs ranging from cute stuffed animals to hero paraphernalia. It was all so new and she was having a hard time containing her excitement as her feet slowly pulled her towards the back of the shop where some of the class 1-A high school boys had gathered around one of the machines, shouting encouragements or advice to a boy with messy green hair.

Momo took a spot on the side.

Midoriya Izuku's face was set in a line of deep concentration as he focused on lowering a silver claw into a pile of All Might figurines.

It missed.

Midoriya put another coin in, his scarred hands resuming their position on the controls. Momo's eyes darkened at the sight, a pang resounding in her stomach. Unlike her, Midoriya hadn't gotten into U.A. on recommendations. He had worked for every accomplishment and every win. He was even moving up in grades. Ever since he had rescued Eri in their first year he had been excelling faster than she could comprehend.

Momo's eyes darkened. She shouldn't be here when exams were so close. She needed to maintain her top spot. She didn't have the strength or fighting abilities of Midoriya or the other members of the Big Three that would guarantee her a spot as a hero once she graduated.

Momo swallowed. If she let her grades slip, if she lost her position people would start to question why she was even in the hero course. She bite her bottom lip and took a half step back when a deep voice stopped her.

"Yaoyorozu, are you alright?" Momo jumped turning to face the class' top student, Todoroki Shouto.

Todoroki was a recommended student like herself and one of the Big Three. He had been her seatmate for the last three years and the person she looked up to most.

Momo tilted her head back to meet Todoroki's heterochromatic gaze.

He was noticeably taller and more muscled than back then. When she had first met the red and white haired boy he had only been a few centimeters taller than herself but now he stood tall enough that if she stepped forward her head would rest comfortably under his chin.

It wasn't all that had changed. Although he hadn't lost his stoic personality, there was something different about him now. He had grown warmer, less arrogant. He cared more about his friends and classmates and it showed in these little gestures.

Todoroki's blue and gray eyes searched her face and her stomach fluttered.

"Yaoyorozu?" he asked again.

Momo felt warmth spread through her. He always seemed to know when she was being silly and letting her anxiety get to her. She could already hear him chastising her for her thoughts, reminding her that her worth wasn't tied to her grades.

He was going to be a great hero.

Momo smiled and shook her head. Her worries disappearing as swiftly as snow melting into spring. "I'm alright Todoroki-san."

She meant it.

This was her first time in an arcade and she should be relaxing and enjoying the experience. Besides, being with her classmates, cheering each other on, even if it was only to win a figurine, was part of being a hero too.

Todoroki stared at her for another moment.

The claw clamped down onto a prize and Momo turned her attention back to the arcade game, joining in with the excited 'ohs' and 'ahs' of her other classmates.

Ever so slowly the claw dragged a figurine out of the pile of toys and then, the cheers died and a hushed silence descended on the students as it became apparent that something was wrong.

All Might's signature yellow hair had broken off leaving him with a crew cut.

For a full breath the students stared stunned. Then, like the popping of a balloon, the moment broke.

"Midoriya, you're the only one who'd get a broken toy!" Mineta snickered as he and the other boys broke out into wild laughter. Midoriya hiccupped as his eyes began to water.

"Just think of it as if All Might got a haircut," said Todoroki. His low, even voice the only one not laughing.

Momo hid a giggle behind her hand at his deadpan comment before looking up as she felt Todoroki's blue and gray eyes slid to the side to look down at her. Immediately, a different kind of feeling overwhelmed her. Momo felt her breath hitch and her heart skip a beat as he gave her a small, lopsided smile.

She tore her gaze away. Hiding behind her long, black hair that was out of its usual high ponytail, she tried to process the sudden feeling that had overcome her but she was finding it difficult to think over the pounding of her heart.

She was acutely aware when Todoroki's eyes peeled away and he turned to go comfort Midoriya.

Momo let out a silent sigh, placing a hand on her chest. What had that been? She had always prided herself as having a good head on her shoulders but recently she seemed to be getting more and more flustered around her seatmate. Which didn't make sense but she didn't get to reflect as another presence appeared on her other side and Momo was met with her best friend's knowing smile.

Jirou Kyouka was a punk rocker with a short bob cut and a grungy style. She had been Momo's best friend since first year when they teamed up to fight the USJ villains and had instantly bonded, despite being polar opposites. "You were staring again," Jirou said, never missing a chance to make fun of Momo and the crush she wouldn't admit to.

"That's just because we are standing next to each other. It doesn't mean anything."

"Is that why you're blushing?"

"I was not," she said, feeling her face warm up at the accusation.

"Uh hum. Why don't you ask him to play something or take pictures at the puri puri booth?"

"No! That would be so awkward."

"No it wouldn't," Jirou said, looking past Momo's shoulder at Todoroki helping Midoriya get more money. "Want me to ask him for you?" she offered.

"No…please don't." Momo said. She could feel herself bursting into flames just at the thought. Even if she did like him, which she wasn't admitting to, Todoroki had never shown any interest in her.

She could count on her two hands the number of times they had interacted outside of class and dorm life. Almost all of their interactions were school related. For instance, during class, Todoroki always seemed to forget his textbooks and it wouldn't be practical to share with Shoji. He was too big to sit next to comfortably, which made her the only option. And when he helped her with class rep duties it was only because he just happened to be around when she needed an extra pair of hands.

Then during practical exercises they would team up because they balanced each other out. That's also why he had asked her to help train his ice quirk, not because of any hidden feelings.

Besides, there had only been two occasions in which his actions could be remotely perceived as intimate. The first was the Ennichi festival, but that had just been Todoroki being considerate. And the second was when he finally refined his ice quirk enough to create an object, but that had just been training related. Besides, she thought with increased embarrassment, she had a tendency to overthink and ramble as much as Midoriya. There was no possible way the class' hottest guy (as he was dubbed by Ashido and Tooru) would like someone as awkward as her.

"Okay, okay. I'm just kidding," Jirou said. "Anyways, they have an old Street Fighter game. Kaminari asked if we want to play with him and Mineta?"

"Street Fighter?"

"It's a player verses player fighting game. I can't believe you've never heard of it."

"Mother says I shouldn't waste my time on frivolous activities."

"Well, she's not here, is she? Come on, I'll show you how to play," she said before taking a quick look around them before dropping into a whisper. "That's unless you were waiting for your turn to win an All Might figurine?"

"No! I'll play" Momo said, feeling defeated.

"Good. I'll get the boys before these kids take all the good games," she said throwing her thumb over her shoulder to indicate a group of young kids, probably too young to even be learning how to control their quirks yet, dragging their parents into the arcade.


They got to the arcade machine without hassle and, after basic instructions from Jirou and Kaminari and two rounds of crushing defeats; Momo was close to giving up. The old arcade game was difficult and she kept getting the buttons confused.

"You have to push B and then the left to block," said a deep voice behind her and Momo jumped, her cheeks flushing as Todoroki looked over her shoulder.

"As expected of Todoroki," Momo said, pushing the buttons as instructed to block an attack from Mineta's ninja.

"Ey! When did you get to be such an expert?" asked Kaminari looking over Mineta's head at the red and white haired boy standing behind Momo.

"I watch Midoriya play sometimes," Todoroki said, "now press A and up."

"Hey! No cheating!" Mineta whined, before defeating Momo's fan woman.

Momo sighed, stepping away from the machine as Jirou patted her shoulder and took her place as she prepared to fight Kaminari again. "Maybe I should start with something easier?"

Todoroki shrugged. "I thought you were getting it."

Momo smiled, tucking her bangs behind her ear. Should I ask Todoroki-san to play another game? He was her friend after all and it was normal to play games with your friends. It was a simple thing and yet why was her heartbeat speeding up and mouth going dry? She clenched a hand in front of her chest as she tried to summon the courage to ask what should be a simple question but before she could get the words out a group of young boys pushed past them in excitement and she stumbled forward.

"Yaoyorozu are you o-," Todoroki reached out to steady her but his breath caught in his throat and his eyes widened. Yaoyorozu was gone and staring up at him from a pile of girl's clothing were two large dark eyes.


So I hope you liked the first chapter! Please let me know what you think! The next update will be out tomorrow. :)