Ok, so I originally wanted to finish chapter five again with some improvements and at the end, I was going to announce something and ask a few questions. Then I decided against that. I already want to get to the end. So here's the announcement. I am going to rewrite this whole fanfic. Some of you might be asking (Which is probably no one) why am I going to rewrite my fanfic? Well, I've always wanted to rewrite this fanfic ever since I published chapter 2. When I reread my fanfic, I noticed a lot of flaws like grammar errors and paragraphs that don't make sense, but I knew there was something more. Then I finally saw criticism for my fanfic over at Wattpad and took note of what they said. I told them that everything they said was true and I'm going to improve. So, since I'm now done talking about that, I will say that I'm going to have a new writing style and have more creativity in it instead of a copy and paste of MKDM and OPM. Now that I'm done talking about the announcements, let's get to the next section. The questions

So, you might be asking, what kind of questions am I going to talk about? Well the questions I'm going to be asking are for the story. Questions I can't make myself since I'm a fucking overthinking idoit. Alright, first question, do you guys want Genos to stay in this fanfic? I ask this because Tohru and Genos are similar in ways if you think about it. There both obsessed with Saitama (Though Tohru's resean is Lust or Love, while Genos's resean is to study him.) and Genos is sort of like a maid which is Tohru's job. Now, the second question, should Tohru join the Hero Association? You may already might know why I ask this so I'm not going to explain. And now for the last question, should Shouta and Saikawa be included? Not going to explain again. So yeah, that's all I wanted to ask.

Now this is the last thing I'll say before I go. I'll be this fanfic up for 2 days, so I hope you guys enjoy them while it lasts. That is all from me.