Disclaimer. I do not own Torchwood, Dr Who, Sarah Jane Adventures or any other Whoinverse related programme. BBC Wales, Russel T Davies own all. No copyright infringement is intended nor should be inferred. If I owned anything Ianto would be alive and Torchwood on the television still. Follows on from my previous Torchwood stories. Please read Last Woman Standing - it'll explain how Donna ended up in Cardiff, how Ianto is alive and how Jack ended up confessing he is Gwen's dad!

Good Cardiff Boy

It was a usual Sunday morning in Cardiff as Donna Nobel made her way to work. She had loved the city she had moved to since she had stopped travelling with the Doctor. The welsh capital was vibrant, always something to see or do. Like London but in her opinion warmer, friendlier. Even some of the welsh road signs were beginning to make sense to her. She carried her bag and coffee in one hand, glad that she had decided to walk to the Hub.

"Donna!" She turned to see the mild mannered welsh man walk towards her. She smiled at the besuited man with a gift for making the best coffee in this half of the Galaxy.


"What have I told you about take away coffee? Expensive, bad the environment. Full of sugar and calories."

"I need it today."

"Big night."

"Weavels in the local Ann Summers shop, yeah busy Saturday night in the city." She rolled her eyes as he laughed. "Cmon. You know what he is like when we're are late."

"You are late. Not me. I just popped out." Ianto watched as her jaw dropped open.



"Bugger." She headed into the small tourist information booth knowing that - like the TARDIS it was bigger on the inside.


"Good morning BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE" Jack yelled as Gwen raised an eyebrow. He was always a morning person - something she had not inherited from her biological father. Gwen Cooper had never liked being woken up. Never did well with little sleep. She had been blessed that her daughter and husband were both good sleepers - she had no idea how she would cope if she lived with insomniacs.

"What has gotten into you?"

"Love, Sunshine, Hope, fresh Cardiff Bay air!"

"Ok." Gwen turned back to her computer trying not to laugh.

"Gwen, be happy for me."

"You caught a Weavel and sent it back through the Rift. I am happy for you." She focused on her computer screen reading the latest conspiracy theories that just could, maybe have something in them. Jack laughed.

"Yeah, but she wanted to go home. I think being in Wales has corrupted her. I mean, did you see that lipstick?"

"A Weavle in lippy. Yeah, that was new." Gwen smiled slightly.

"I asked Ianto to marry me. After you all went home last night."

Gwen spun her chair to look at him. Jack smiled, looking nervous he rocked back on his heels as Gwen stood up.

"Ianto Jones."



"Last night. We dropped you home with Rhys and then took Donna back to Canton. To her flat."


"And we were hyper and I was going to wait. You know, our anniversary."

"Yeah, you said." Gwen had known that Jack had a plan. The fact he had deviated from it didn't really surprise her.

"So. I kinda let it slip."


"And I said yes." Ianto stated as he walked into the Hub with Donna. Myfanwy squawked somewhere in the distance. Donna squealed, hugging Ianto tightly. Gwen smiled as Jack looked genuinely relieved.

"C'm ere." She hugged him. "Congratulations Da." Jack closed his eyes, hugging her tightly. He had no idea that she was ever going to call him that. Her step father had been her Dad as long as she had lived, losing him had devastated her. She felt him hug her back before dropping her on her feet.

"Thanks." Ianto blushed furiously. "Only thing to do now is tell my family."

Donna smiled. "I think you already have."


a/n do I go on? Please review