(A/N) Takes place after chapter 1. What happens after Vers communes with the SI?
Tags: #Memory Loss #Memory Manipulations #Dark #Controlling Relationships
She didn't remember anything.
Her childhood. Her years at the academy. Her heroics as a warrior of Starforce. Their courtship. Their marriage. Nothing. Her memory was a blank slate. All that she knew was that she had been involved in a Skrull attack, that it had robbed her of her past, and that Yon-Rogg and his team had saved her.
It was necessary to cleanse her mind of all manipulations, the Supreme Intelligence had told him. I'm surprised that you aren't happier, Commander. You have your wife back alive and safe. Is that not what you wanted?
She remembers nothing, he had explained quietly. Not her past. Not the Kree way of life. Not her time with me. She doesn't even know that she's my wife.
Are you questioning me? The foundations for betrayal of the empire runs deep within your wife. It took root long before you even knew that she existed. What was done was necessary. If your love is as strong as you believe then you'll be able to overcome it, won't you?
Yon-Rogg had never felt disdain for their leader until that moment, rage battering against his control, tensing his body and clenching his fists. This was not what he had wanted for Vers. She didn't deserve this. This couldn't be the solution.
The thought was gone as quickly as it came, shame at doubting their leader prickling his skin. Who was he but a mortal man to judge an eternal being? If this was the decision that the Supreme Intelligence had made then it was the right one. He had sworn an oath of faith and unquestioning loyalty. This ordeal was a test of those vows. The cost of mercy for his wife.
She was alive, that was all that mattered.
He felt weak with unease, seeing Vers standing by the door to their apartment. Her eyes scanned their home warily, her arms wound tightly around her. She looked small and unsure, her confidence dwindled. With her memories gone everything was strange to her.
"Welcome home, Vers," Yon-Rogg said.
Vers said nothing as she timidly entered their home, staying close to the door. She looked like she wanted nothing more than to run away.
"You're safe here," Yon-Rogg assured her softly. "I promise, I won't let anything hurt you."
Never again. He had failed her once, he would not fail her twice.
Vers remained silent.
Yon-Rogg tried not to let it upset him, trying not to mourn the easy banter they used to have or how comfortable they were around one another.
"Let me reacquaint you with the apartment. The kitchen's in there. Washer room to the right. Our bedroom is over there-" Vers flinched at that and he quickly added, "-and the spare bedroom is beside it, which is where I'll be staying."
Vers nodded, her gaze firmly on the window.
Yon-Rogg rubbed the back of his neck and headed over to the kitchen. "How about some dinner? Ricel mushroom soup was your favourite."
Vers crept closer to the kitchen, watching him by the doorway. He busied himself rustling up the ingredients and switching on the cooker hobs. Vers always brightened up after a well-cooked meal.
"I'm not very hungry," Vers whispered. "I'd rather just go to bed."
Yon-Rogg nodded, watching Vers's retreating form. It was only when the door to the bedroom swooshed close that he allowed himself to release the breath that he had been holding. He leaned back against the kitchen wall, his head lightly thudding against it.
He knew none of this would be easy. It would take time to adjust. Time to build their life anew. He had to be patient and strong, giving Vers all the support that she needed. To her, they were nothing but strangers. He would have to begin their relationship fresh.
He would be her mentor, helping her body remember the warrior engrained within her bones. He would be her guide, recovering the knowledge of the Kree that flowed within her veins. He would be her friend, the bond between them buried in the very fabric of their souls, undeniable as the beat of their hearts.
"How did we meet?" Vers asked timidly.
It is a two weeks since Vers had returned home to him. They have not spoken much, Vers staying holed up in her room, seldom leaving unless on his insistence that she needed to eat. Today, he has practically dragged her out of the apartment, taking her to the bi-weekly Luna-sa market - one of her favourite places.
The streets are lined with colourful tented stalls selling all manner of produce, the vendors luring in people with free samples and silver tongues promising bargains. Each stall has a heavy and unique aroma and Yon-Rogg can see Vers appreciating each and every smell. Her gaze does not linger on one place too long, curious at all the sights to see.
"How did we meet?" Yon-Rogg hummed thoughtfully, as if the memory was still not as vibrant as the day it had happened. "You shot me."
Vers looks at him, unfazed. "Did you deserve it?"
"That's the first thing you ask?" Yon-Rogg questioned. He gave her a somewhat amused scowl. He is pleased to see the twinkle of mirth in her eyes. "I had been asked to do a routine inspection of the recruits at the Starforce Academy. You were there conducting a training exercise with new blasters."
Vers pointedly looked him up and down. His heart aches as he hears wisps of that teasing tone she used to use. "Clearly, they weren't very effective blasters."
"Debatable," Yon-Rogg quipped dryly.
His shoulder tingled with the throbbing memory of the pain from that blaster shot. He had been knocked unconscious for three days and it had left heavy scarring. Upon his fellow Commander's recommendation after seeing it knock out his colleague, the weapons had been brought into the military immediantly.
"Why wasn't I kicked out for that?" Vers asked, frowning. "Surely shooting a Commander warrants expulsion?"
"It wasn't exactly your fault," Yon-Rogg drawls, though he secretly suspects that she was aiming for him that day to give him and the other Commander a scare. "Your aiming back then left much to be desired but you had fired at the viewing glass which should have been able to endure the shot. Unfortunately, the new blasters were more powerful than initially believed. It should have been expected, considering who made them."
Vers picked up on the disdain in his voice, her gaze becoming shrewd. "Who made them?"
"No one of consequence now." Yon-Rogg couldn't bring himself to say the traitor's name even if he wanted to. It was like poison on his tongue.
He placed a delicate hand on Vers's back, steering her to the freshly baked goods stall. He bought a bag of steamy hot buns and passed one to Vers. Curiously, she took it, examining it between her hands as they made their way over to a bench, sheltered by fanned out tree branches. Small birds chirped above them, rustling the leaves. They sat a respectable distance away from one another, watching the flows of crowds move by.
"So... we first meet after I shot you. How did that lead to us being married?" Vers asked, taking a generous bite of her food. "Please tell me it wasn't love at first shot?"
Yon-Rogg chuckled. "No. We didn't interact after that incident, but I noticed you whenever I went to the academy. I try to keep a sharp eye on people who fire at me."
"That must be difficult keeping an eye on so many people."
"I see your humour is still intact." Yon-Rogg shook his head in exasperation, nudging her lightly with his shoulder. She tensed a little, but relaxed quickly, which he took as a good sign. "Regardless, I noticed you more and after seeing your capabilities and skills I decided I wanted you on my team. We became close friends and eventually fell in love."
"I'm surprised they let married couples be on the same Starforce unit," Vers commented.
"We are Kree. There is no species that knows how to control their emotions better than us. Even despite our connections to other Kree, we know that the mission comes first," Yon-Rogg explained.
He tried not to think about the disappointment on the Supreme Intelligences's face when he had done exactly the opposite and had dared to plead for Vers's life. He had been emotional. Weak. He had lost control of his emotions. He had been thoroughly stripped down after that, his sins laid bare before him, seeing every time he had put Vers before the mission, before the good of all Kree. He had never before felt such shame. Yet even then, he did not regret it.
They spent several more hours at the market, trying different foods and purchasing groceries for their apartment. By midday, the market had become overcrowded and Yon-Rogg out of instinct had taken Vers hand. So we don't get separated, he had told her, desperate for any physical contact with her, to reassure himself that she was here.
They took the tube back home. Yon-Rogg held onto the hanging support ties while Vers leaned against the wall. The carriage was empty bar one or two others.
"I'm sorry that I can't remember anything," Vers mumbled, looking out the window.
"It isn't your fault, Vers."
It was his, for failing to protect her. It was Mar-Vell's, for misleading her.
"I know that you're trying to help me remember... but what if I never do?"
Yon-Rogg saw how desolate she looked and he wished for nothing more than to enfold her in his arms. He took a step closer, placing both of his hands on her shoulders. She turned to look at him, nothing hiding the sorrow that she felt for her lost memories.
"Vers, I want you to remember your past - our past - but I need you to be ready to accept that it may never come back." The Supreme Intelligence would never return them, of that he was certain. They had to be kept from her to prevent her ever succumbing to Skrull manipulations again. "I don't want the past to hold you back. Sometimes, you have to look to the future and forget what has been."
Vers nodded. He didn't know if she took his words to heart, but for both of their sakes, he hoped that she did. It would be easier if she accepted the past was lost and moved on, so she could begin her life anew. So they could begin it anew.
They travelled the rest of the way home in silence.
It was a week later when he discovered the nightmares that Vers was having.
He had been having trouble sleeping, an old injury flaring up on his upper leg and causing him pain. He had left the spare bedroom to retrieve a painkiller tab when he had heard noises of distress coming from the master bedroom.
"Vers! Vers, are you alright?" Yon-Rogg shouted, chapping on the bedroom door.
When he received no answer, he dialled in the access code and charged into the room.
Vers was in bed, thrashing wildly. He hurried over, placing his hands on her shoulders and shaking her as he called out her name. She awoke with a start, gasping for air. Tears were running down her face, her cheeks flushed red.
"Vers, it was just a nightmare. You're alright," Yon-Rogg said calmly.
Vers nodded, swallowing hard. She hid her face in the palms of her hands, letting out an exhausted sigh.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," Vers mumbled, her voice muffled. "They aren't usually that bad."
Yon-Rogg frowned, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "How long have you been having these nightmares?"
"Every night."
"You should have told me."
"Why?" Vers asked, lowering her hands to look at him.
"I'm your husband and friend, that's what we do. We help each other. We're a team, Vers."
"But we're not. I don't remember us being friends or lovers... or... or getting married! I don't remember anything!"
It hurt him hearing that but she was right. It wasn't fair on either of them for him to expect things to be the way that they were or to ever return to them. There was no trust, friendship or love between them now, it was all one-sided.
He removed his hands from her shoulders.
"I know... that you and I were meant to be husband and wife but...I don't know you. This apartment feels like someone else's home. This world feels like an alien planet to me. I feel like I'm being forced to live a strangers life," Vers said, her voice cracking. "I can't... I can't do this."
Yon-Rogg felt like his world was splintering around the edges, like everything was about to crash down upon him. His heart ached and he found it difficult to swallow.
"Alright," Yon-Rogg let out a slow breath. "If you're not comfortable here, I can arrange other living accommodations for you. The Supreme Intelligence assigned me to re-train you so that you can rejoin Starforce once you're ready. But... if you prefer I can have someone else assigned to that position."
"And you'd be okay with that?" Vers asked.
It wasn't what he wanted to happen, but if this was what Vers needed he would do it. He would do anything for her. Even if it killed him.
"If that's what would make you happy or at the very least more comfortable, then yes. I don't want you to feel trapped, Vers. I want you to be happy and safe."
"I don't mind you teaching me, not just with the training but also Kree culture," Vers said softly, as if trying to lessen the blow. "But I would prefer to live somewhere else for now. I need space of my own."
"I'll arrange it first thing in the morning."
"Thank you," Vers whispered.
He left Vers and returned to his room, immediately making the arrangments for new accommodations for her. He made sure that her new apartment was near a large park, as he knew how much she loved green scenery. It would be a good place for her to go on her morning runs if she took them up again.
Once he was finished, he threw himself down onto his bed.
He didn't sleep again that night.
The following months, Yon-Rogg and Vers fell into an easy pattern. Each morning they would meet by the park gates to go for a morning jog. Afterwards, they would go to the local gym and spar for a few hours. The rest of the day Vers was free to do as she pleased. Yon-Rogg had other responsibilities back at Starforce headquarters to attend to and though he wanted to spend more time with Vers, he knew that she needed her space.
She had long since moved into her new apartment and settled in with ease. She was happier with her own space, a pressure that he hadn't realised had been weighing her down relieved.
To his pleasure, Vers had grown more comfortable around him. She teased him more, enjoying trying to push him out of his controlled demeanour. She never asked about their past history, but she was eager to learn more about the Kree way of life. More often, she requested his company for outings around the city.
It remained him of how they used to be, before they had become lovers.
Eventually, he decided that it was time to re-introduce her to his team. The Supreme Intelligence wanted her back on Starforce, and within a few short weeks, Yon-Rogg felt that it would be possible. First, he wanted Vers to feel comfortable around her teammates.
Unfortunately, the day that they had arranged to go out for a group dinner, was the day that they received a new mission. They had been on their way to the dinner when they received the transmission.
Vers insisted on seeing them off to their ship.
It has been a week since Yon-Rogg has last seen Vers. When the Helion enters Hala's atmosphere he readies to send a message to her, requesting that she meet them at the docks. Just as he is about to send it, he received a message from the Hala Planetary Patrol Forces.
Vers is being held in one of their cells.
He and his team immediantly head to Hala's third moon, where HPPF base is located. His team wait on the Helion, watching as their leader is taken into the depths of the base.
Yon-Rogg is led to a large containment room, filled with various sized opaque blue orbs. Each orb is a prison cell, the walls a forcefield capable of giving a powerful electric shock, strong enough to render the occupants immobile for five hours if they touch it. There is no furniture in the cells, prisoners are given a futon and nothing else.
The guard activates a small opening in one of the cells, allowing him access. It closes behind him, leaving him and Vers alone. She is sitting on the futon, legs crossed, elbow leaning on her leg and her chin resting in her hand. She looked bored and is not surprised to see him.
"How nice of you to visit," Vers drawls.
"Vers," Yon-Rogg says, his voice like steel. "What were you trying to accomplish by leaving Hala?"
"I didn't realise I was a prisoner here."
"You aren't a prisoner."
Vers gestured around her confinement. "Sure feels like it."
"You were told that you aren't allowed to leave Hala unaccompanied."
"If I am not a prisoner then why am I not allowed to leave Hala?"
"You're still recovering from the attack and are in no condition to go gallivanting in space on a whim by yourself," Yon-Rogg said, trying to bite back his anger that she has needless endangered herself. "That is why you were intercepted upon your departure. It's for your own safety."
"By elite Starforce operatives?" Vers challenged.
"You're a trained warrior. Precautions had to be taken. A normal patrol guard would not have been able to contain you."
Vers scoffed, crossing her arms. She didn't believe him, he could see it in her defiance.
"Where were you going? If you want to go somewhere all you had to do was ask and I would have happily made the time to-"
"Escort me around like a prison guard, yeah, no thanks."
Yon-Rogg narrowed his eyes at her scathing tone.
He didn't understand why she was acting like this. Why it was she was suddenly so eager to leave Hala or where this resistance had come from. Vers had never been shy of challenging his orders in the past, but there was always a reason for it. What had riled her up?
"Come on, " Yon-Ross said, moving towards where the exit would form. "We can discuss it on Hala and then you can commune with the Supreme Intelligence."
"What?" Vers asked, startled. Her eyes snapped up to him. "Why do I have to commune with the Supreme Intelligence?"
"It's nothing to worry about," Yon-Rogg said, his voice taking on a softer edge at the alarm in her voice. "It's to make sure that you're alright."
"No," she looked panicked, like a frightened animal being backed into a corner. "I don't need to speak to them. I'm fine. I just wanted to explore a little, there's nothing wrong with that."
"You tried to leave the planet, Vers."
"You were told that you weren't allowed to for the present time. You disobeyed a direct order."
"Then I won't attempt it again," Vers cut in.
"Vers," Yon-Rogg gently placed his hands on her upper arms. "The Supreme Intelligence won't hurt you. I promise."
"I don't want to go," Vers insisted.
Vers had an all too familiar stubborn look on her face, one that told him that she wasn't going to budge.
"Can't you just trust me when I say that I don't need to commune with the Intelligence? Please."
"Trust goes both ways, Vers. You need to tell me why."
Vers shook her head, letting out an exasperated cry. "I don't know! I just don't want to go. I feel like something bad will happen if I do."
Yon-Rogg took her hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly. "Nothing bad will happen, I promise."
"I don't believe you," Vers whispered.
Yon-Rogg returned Vers to her apartment. She was unconscious, nestled in his arms. He didn't want to let her go, it had been too long since he had last held her in his arms. Every time she left him, something terrible seemed to happen. Today was another fine example.
The Supreme Intelligence had erased more of her memories. The previous week was now gone. Something had triggered a negative reaction in the previous days, making Vers question everything and everyone around her. It was why she had tried to escape Hala, why she being so defiant with him in the cell.
The Supreme Intelligence had instructed him to take Vers home and told him where the answers lied.
Yon-Rogg reluctantly placed Vers on her bed, throwing the quilts over her. He tucked a strand of her golden hair behind her ear, his fingers trailing down her cheek.
He turned his attention to the bedside cabinet and pulled open the drawer. Just as the Supreme Intelligence had said, there lay a small black datapad.
It was a diary, Vers having been recording each day down in detail. She was afraid that she would lose her memeories again and wanted a way to remember everything through her own eyes. Yon-Rogg switched it on, using the code that the Supreme Intelligence had given him.
He wanted to look through it all, to find out exactly what Vers was feeling and how she was coping with everything. He restrained himself, not wanting to violate her privacy any more than he was already going to. As her Commander, he needed to know why Vers had suddenly become wary of the Intelligence and why she had attempted to leave the planet. Rather than tell him, the Supreme Intelligence wanted him to read it for himself. He flipped to the last entries on the datapad.
It was seeing the Helion that had triggered something in Vers head. Yon-Rogg cursed. He had chased her and Mar-Vell down on C-53 in the Helion, it was only natural that it was a potential trigger.
He skimmed through a few of the previous entries, unable to find out where her wariness of the Supreme Intelligence came from. He couldn't help but wonder if it was just an instinctive distrust that had always been there. Vers had never enjoyed communing with the Intelligence, she had once confided in him that she found the communications invasive.
Vers shuffled around to face him in her sleep, mumbling nonsense.
It would not be long before she woke up.
He quickly tampered with the datapads code, scrambling the data contained in the last week worth of entries. When Vers awoke and tried to remember the previous week through her diary, she would find only unintelligible gibberish, suggesting an error. Yon-Rogg was about to switch the datapad off, but his fingers skimmed it, flipping the screen to a random entry. His entry being froze as he read the words at the end of the passage.
Yon-Rogg wants me to trust him, but how can I, when he is the one that I see in my nightmares?