A Birthday

The mother didn't have a way to track the date but it didn't matter, Magic knew and it told her. It was their birthday, its and its boy's, every year on this day as the mortals reckoned. And on this day, whether in the deepest frigidity of a winter storm or in sparkling sunshine dancing through the glass of ice, Magic seeped out exploring the humble dwelling, warming limbs and lightening hearts, making the fire glow more splendidly. It exulted when the boy became old enough to play with it, recreating animal forms in the flames for his mother's and his own enjoyment.

Magic had never had a birthday until he came. It had existed from the beginning and dimly awaited his coming, knowing that the moment of prophecy would come to pass and it would be as momentous as everything else normally was...it was magic after all. But this being, this soul, this boy brought a new kind of magic.

As Magic grew more and more entwined with its boy, his good cheer and wonder allowed Magic to look at the life of the world through new eyes. Mortal humans were actually strange and miraculous things, operating on different motivations in such random ways. If only the boy didn't so ardently desire their approval and companionship. For, as much as the boy loved the mortals, the mortals did not love him. Sadness became a concept.

A bright curiosity and gentle mischievousness permeated the boy which showed Magic fun. It was not the jaded caprice of Ma'ab's fairies or the crafty practices of the Sidhe, but lighthearted, beautiful, shining fun. When the boy regularly declared it was her birthday and brought his mother wilted flowers, Magic trickled into them and they bloomed to new freshness in his hand. Her happiness increased the boy's own and Magic learned joy.

The boy lived and grew and so did Magic. Kindness and loyalty became important. No longer entirely self protective, Magic looked outside itself as it grew to cherish it's vessel, the boy, who seemed to have little concern for himself and mostly lived for others.

When its boy met his other half, Magic flared brightly in the fire of prophecy and jumped readily to Merlin's untrained bidding, stretching the young man's capacity and teaching him magic's own eternal rules. Dark times lay on the horizon and greatness also. Magic stood ready and watchful as its boy encountered danger after danger, and Destiny rent his tender soul in sacrifice. The boy needed Magic now to soothe him.

"Merlin, what's got you so happy today?" the young woman asked interrupting the contented humming of the young man as he worked.

Magic quite liked this one. She had been one of the first to show kindness and friendship to its boy in this dark and forbidding land of Destiny.

"It's my birthday!" replied Merlin with a happy smile.

"Really? How do you know?" she asked curiously.

"Dunno," he replied easily. "I just do. I always do. Today feels amazing."

Magic glowed fondly, housed within its first and greatest birthday gift. The sun shone and the glittering, wintery world celebrated. Happy Birthday to you, Emrys. Happy Birthday to us.