Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or any of the characters. Danny Phantom is the sole property of Butch Hartman, Nickelodeon and Viacom International.
Chapter 26: Aftermath
It is Monday in Amity Park and two days have passed since Danny and Star managed to return home from their latest adventure that has yet again helped change the course of their relationship as well as the relationship between Star and her mother Stella, who were still in a somewhat rocky place but at the very least, were trying to fix their relationship, which was already a step in the relationship.
It's also the day after the first official date between Danny and Star, who are now in an official romantic relationship, much to their joy, especially the joy of the young blonde girl, who woke up in her bed, feeling a sense of bliss as she awoke.
"Danny..."Was the first thing she woke, before smiling and blushing, still feeling happy.
Last night was their first date. They had gone to a nice little bistro, and then went to see a movie together, before enjoying a nice, moonlight walk...and other stuff. She could still remember every detail about it.
Star and Danny were now sitting across from each other at a quaint little Bistro called Sergio's. Star is wearing her favorite orange dress and Danny was actually wearing his Sunday best clothes since the place is rather classy.
"They had just been seated and just ordered some appetizers and were now talking and holding hands, and Star felt like she was part of a dream right now.
"So Star...how things have been going lately since...yesterday?...'Danny asked and Star still had her smile.
"Well, it's been actually okay...this morning me and mom had brunch together and she brought Pierre with her and even better, no Colette and Jean Puke..."Star said with a smirk and Danny chuckled at that rather accurate nickname of the man.
"Really?..."Danny said with interest.
"Yeah, mom has finally accepted that me and Colette being near each other isn't the best scenario...it also helps that they were still freaking out over the fact that ghosts are actually real.."Star said with a chuckle.
"What a couple of wimps, you were a lot tougher than the two of them when you faced against the Monster of Specter Island and the ghost that they were whimpering about was just the Box Ghost..."Danny said, while Star smiled proudly at that.
"Speaking of which.. how...was your day, in that department?...'Star asked, being careful with their wording, even if they were in a rather private corner and there were few people.
She was sworn to secrecy after all...
Danny smiled, happy that he finally had a girl whom he liked whom he can finally be honest with about that part of his life.
"Nothing I couldn't handle...I had to deal with the Box Ghost and Klemper this morning, as well as the Lunch Lady...you know..the one who is all about the meat but that's about it...no hairy beasts, big travels or bone head hunters..."Danny whispered and Star was smiling at him when she heard this.
The two soon enjoyed nibbling on the bruschetta they had ordered to share together, as they continued to talk and connect with each other in a much deeper level than before.
No more lies, no more secrets, no more mysteries, no more misunderstandings and no more insecurities.
They can finally just talk to each other, be honest with each other about who they really are and be happy to know that the other has accepted them for that too.
"I still can't believe this is happening...'Star thought with a flush on her face as the waiters brought their main course.
After dinner, Danny took Star to see a movie, which ironically was a survival movie about a pair of people being stuck together on an island. They decided to watch it for the irony of it, sort of a private, personal joke between them.
"I CAN'T TAKE THIS! I WANT TO GET OFF OF THIS STUPID ISLAND!..." The actress, who is called Mallory in this movie screamed at the top of her lungs after she got shipwrecked.
'Was I that whiny when we were on the island?...'Star asked and Danny almost chocked on the popcorn at what was being asked.
He knew that he wanted to be honest with her but...
"Uh..."Danny paused and Star sighed.
"If you like me, don't answer that..."Star said with a sigh, already guessing the answer.
Danny smirked at that, before adding his two scents.
"If it's any consolation, you snapped out of it a lot quicker than this girl is...plus, I'd like to see her face against an overgrown hairy beast THREE times and then some..." Danny said and Star smiled.
"And, just so you, you were a lot better at survival than this David guy...not to mention cuter..."Star said and Danny blushed at that.
Danny smiled as he placed his hand and hers, which Star noticed and smiled as the two continued to view the film and share the popcorn between them.
After the movie
After the movie was done, it was much later and the moon was now out, and the two have decided to take a stroll through the park before having to return home for their curfews.
They were now walking together, side by side, they haven't let go of each other's hands since the movie theater.
"It's such a beautiful moon..."Star commented.
"Really...I couldn't help but notice that the Stars are looking rather beautiful tonight too...'Danny said suavely and Star blushed at that.
"Corny...but cute...'Star said as was admiring the rather romantic scenery, when Danny suddenly got an idea.
"Wanna get a closer look?..."Danny suggested.
'What do you mean? Of the moon?..'Star asked and then realize what he is suggesting.
"Are you sure?.."She asked.
"Hey, you finally know my secret..so...what's wrong with having a little fun with it? Come on...ever had a moonlit flight around Amity Park?..."Danny said and Star thought about it, before smiling.
After all of the danger that they have faced together, maybe it would be okay to just try that. She has admitted to herself that she loves Danny and she fully accepts his powers, and to be honest, flying when not being in the middle of life threatening danger actually sounds pretty cool but...
"What if someone sees us?...'Star asked, concern, while Danny just changed forms in front of her.
"Simple..we'll just say that I was just rescuing a pretty girl and flying her to safety..."Danny said and Star smirked at that.
"So, what? Does that make me your damsel in distress?..."Star asked in a rather joking matter and Danny just smiled.
"A damsel that can be pretty heroic when she gets the chance to be...so what do you say?...'Danny said.
"I'm in..."Star said.
Danny soon picked her up bridal style and was now in the air, soaring. Star felt the grin form in her face as she looked down to the earth and then the starry night sky, feeling a sense of awe right now.
Danny soon flew above the clouds and Star hung onto him tightly, feeling nervous...until she looked at Danny and felt that nervousness melt away.
She no longer felt the need to be scared, since she knew that he was here and she knew that she trusts him, just like he trusts her. She also noticed how he looked in moonlight right now and felt her heart skip a beat. Danny noticed her staring and ended up looking in her eyes as well.
Neither said nothing, they just kept scaring before they closed the gap between them, ending it in a kiss.
End of Flashback
Star's face was still burning red and she was giggling a bit as she got out of bed, with a spring in her step as she did her morning routine of getting ready for her day, her mind still thinking about the dark black hair, dreamy blue eyes and the adorable dimples that belong only to Danny Fenton.
"La la la..."Star actually sang a bit as she got dressed and did her hair, still smiling like the lovesick school girl that she is.
Once she was done, she went downstairs, only to bump into her father, who had just been on his way for breakfast. Star smiled and giggled.
"Morning dad...'Star said as she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, which caused his father to chuckle.
"Someone is in a good mood this morning..."Johnathan commented as he took his seat, and Star took hers as Georgie served them their breakfast.
"Why shouldn't I be?..."Star asked.
"Because it's Monday and you usually hate it when the weekend is over..."Johnathan couldn't help but point out and Star shrugged.
"Maybe things are different...maybe there are some things in my life that I'm happy about right now.."Star said.
"Like that new boyfriend of yours, Danny Fenton...'Johnathan said and Star blinked, feeling a little embarrassed by her father's attempts to tease her/pry into her business.
"Dad, we've only been out on one real date...so I wouldn't call him my boyfriend yet..."Star said.
"Well, he is a boy and he is your friend..."Johnathan said and Star rolled her eyes.
"Lucky for you, I like the kid, he seems like a nice boy and a much better choice than those bad influences you used to waste your time on...'Johnathan said and Star sighed.
"So...any plans for today?...'Johnathan asked as Georgia poured his cup of black coffee.
Star blushed, as her dad sent her a teasing look and she sighed.
"Danny and I were planning on getting smoothies together and then hang out at the mall...'Star said, before her expression became dreamy, as she thought about her new man.
Johnathan notice the lovestruck look on his daughter's face and sighed, feeling both happy for her and worried as a parent.
"This is going to take some getting used to..." Johnathan thought as noticed the day dreamy look on his child's face before continuing.
"Well, just be sure to be back home on time and don't forget that you still have your ballet lessons, which I still expect you to go to..."Johnathan said.
Just because he has mellowed out a bit lately doesn't mean that he still didn't have his expectations.
"Right..pass the syrup...'Star said as her father handed her the syrup for her waffles as they enjoyed their father-daughter time and awaited for a certain guest to arrive to join them.
A little later
Danny Fenton was walking to Star's house, with a large, dreamy grin on his face, as he thought about the new woman in his life and the amazing time they had together last night.
"Oh Star, I wonder how she is right now..."Danny thought, feeling happy.
He was going to walk with her to school today and he promised to pick her up. He soon arrived to Platinum Lane, Star's neighborhood and soon made it to her house.
However, to his dismay, he saw two people were there that he didn't have the desire or patience to deal with right now come out of the house, neither looking too happy right now.
"Oh! A quoi pense ma femme?..." Jean-Luc was saying as he slammed the door shut, speaking in his native tongue.
"Papa..." Colette whined, apparently upset about whatever happened inside that house, much to the irritation of her father.
"Not now!..." He snapped while his bratty daughter still didn't look too happy.
Danny groaned when he saw those two and that they noticed him.
"Danny!..."Colette said happily, while Jean Luc sent him a snobby glare.
"What are they doing here?!..."Danny thought in dismay, before he smirked, as an idea formed in his mind that he decided to test out.
"He, kion vi faras du snobojn ĉi tie?..."Danny said, speaking in fluent Esperanto.
Colette and even Jean Luc looked baffled as it is obvious that neither speaks that language. Danny smirked in satisfaction since he managed to say "Hey, what are you two snobs doing here?" right to their faces and they didn't even notice.
"How does that feel, being dissed in another language, you snob?...' Danny thought smugly in particular towards Jean Luc who blinked and then settled to giving him more dirty looks while Colette had a sly smile as she took a step closer to him.
"So, Danny...It iz so good to see you again..."Colette said in a seductive tone, much to her father's disapproval.
"Colette!..." Jean-Luc shouted... "Ne perdu vian tempon kun ĉi tiu neniu!..."He continued to speak in his native tongue, while his daughter just rolled her eyes.
"Calme-toi papa..."Colette said in French to her father, before returning her attentions to the teenage boy.
"So Danny, what brings you here at this hour?...'Colette asked in a suggestive tone and Danny rolled his eyes.
"If you must know, I came to see Star...what are you two doing here?..."Danny asked and soon saw Colette's flirty look become sour for some reason.
"Estelle has made Mama become zee crazy... She wants to return to America, instead of our cozy home back in France..." Colette said in dismay and Danny's eyes widen.
"Really?...'Danny said in surprise.
He knew that after what happened, that Mrs. Bevier was going to try to be a better mother to Star but he honestly didn't expect this.
"And the worse part is that she is making us come with her too..."Colette said and Danny's eyes widened.
"WHAT?!...'Danny shouted, but Colette misunderstood his reaction and just continued with her gripping.
"And if that is not bad enough, she wants me to actually attend zis public school called...Casper High...ew..."Colette said with a shutter, apparently not liking the idea of being in a public school.
"What? But why?! I mean, I can get that she wants to be closer to Star again but why do you have to come to our school?!...'Danny exclaimed and then Colette raised a brow at that.
"Since most of our money comes from our family's vineyard and since papa can easily run it from any place in the world, she spent all of last night convincing papa to relocate to America, at least for one year while she tries to...fix things with Estelle...but she still wants to be with me and papa and Pierre, so she insisted..."Colette muttered, until an interested look formed on her face.
"Did you say that you actually attend zis school?..."Colette asked and Danny groaned over what he just let slip out.
"Yeah...'Danny said, knowing that the damage is already done, while Colette smiled for some reason.
"I zee...then perhaps there iz the bright side to zis..."Colette said and Danny rolled his eyes.
"Will you please let me go inside, I came here to walk with Star to school and I don't want to be late..."Danny said impatiently as he even pressed the doorbell since Jean Luc and Colette refused to move.
Soon, Star's housekeeper Georgia let him in and Danny didn't say anything to Colette and Jean Luc as he just went inside, ignoring the looks that they were sending him.
"I don't like zhat boy..."Jean Luc said, while his daughter ignored him, just looking at the dark haired retreating figure in a mixture of dreaminess and determination.
"Oh... zis will be less boring than I thought..."Colette thought to herself, not planning on letting her father, Danny's disinterest and especially her step sister get in the way of her pursuit.
Unknown to them, Cujo the Ghost dog was at the end of the block, having come to search for his friends to pay them a visit, but soon got distracted by the sight of a fire hydrant. Cujo then heard a cat meowing and his canine instincts made him become his ghostly beast form to go after it, not noticing that he ended up trampling on said fire hydrant and caused the water to be released and unintentionally ended up soaking Colette and Jean Luc, who had heard the commotion but were too busy being soaked to see the ghostly dog.
"MY HAIR! NOT AGAIN!..."Colette shouted as her hair and clothes were ruined by the water.
"I HATE ZIS TOWN!..."Jean Luc shouted in English.
Georgia had allowed Danny inside and Danny was impressed with that he saw. He knew that Star's family is rich and this is the first time he was in her house like this.
"Star and her family will be with you in a moment, just wait here..."Georgia said as Danny was inside/
"Thank you..."Danny said politely as he waited.
Thankfully, it wasn't a long wait, since Star's dad, Johnathan, had come in.
"Oh, good morning, Danny..."Johnathan said as he greeted the boy.
"Good morning, Mr. Strong...is Star ready?...'Danny asked.
"She's in the living room with her mother right now...I'll take you there..."Johnathan said as he lead the boy within their home.
Since it is a rather big house, it was quite a walk, so Johnathan began to speak to him.
"So, Danny...how are your folks?..."Johnathan asked, trying to be sociable.
"They are fine...thanks...My dad is actually making an extra ghost bazooka for you, even though it was just a joke..."Danny said.
"I wasn't joking..."Johnathan said, surprising Danny.
"You'll understand when you become a father some day...anyway, before we continue...let me say that I know about the relationship you have with my daughter and Star's happiness is the most important thing in the world for me...You seem like a nice boy and you've actually been a good influence on her, so for that, I am okay with you dating her...'Johnathan said, no longer mincing words.D
Danny was surprised by this, having not expected the inevitable "you are dating my daughter" talk to go like this.
"Thank you, sir..."Danny said, only for Johnathan to get serious now.
"Though I am going to tell you what I told Stella the other day, I am giving you a chance...don't make me regret giving it to you, do you understand?..."Johnathan said in a stern voice.
Danny gulped, actually finding himself intimidated by the man right now.
"Got it...'Danny said.
Johnathan heard this and soon smiled.
"Good...now come along, Star is waiting...'Johnathan said in a rather pleased voice and Danny was almost stunned by his semi mood swing.
They soon arrived to the living room and Danny saw Star and her mother there, with Star's baby half brother Pierre sleeping in the former's lap.
"He really is cute when he's not crying..." Star admitted as she held her sleeping baby brother.
"Heck, I don't see anything of Jean-Luc in him...'She said to her mother.
"He's certainly has gotten most of his good looks from me..." Stella said proudly..."Though the doctors did say that his eyes may change from green to brown like Jean Luc's in time..."Stella said.
"I'll definitely avoid staring contests with him..." Star joked.
Danny smiled at this, seeing Star and her mother talking so casually. It was a stark contrast to how they had been around each other a few days ago at the most.
Star saw him and smiled.
"We got company..."Johnathan said.
"Hey Star...ready for school?...'Danny asked and the young blonde girl smiled.
"Uh huh...I got to go mom..."Star said.
"Of course, we can't have you two be late...are you sure that you would not like a ride?..."Stella offered.
"Thanks but we'll walk, school's not that far away from here...'Danny said.
"Besides, it's a really nice day.."Star said and her mother got an idea on why they wanted to walk to school and giggled.
"I suppose so...well, have fun you two...'Stella said.
"And be careful..."Johnathan said, happy that he managed to take a later shift today to spend more time with Star, even if he had that share that time with his ex.
"See ya..."Star said as she left with Danny, hand and hand, which Georgia noticed and giggles.
"Aw, young love..."The housekeeper said, which her employer and his ex noticed.
"Uh...I'll go bring some tea for your guests, Mr. Strong..."Georgia said.
"Please do, Georgia..."Johnathan said, as his house keeper went to do that task.
Only to realize too late that he was left in the same room as his ex wife and her still sleeping infant son. It was a moment of awkwardness for the two former lovers as they tried to avoid eye contact.
"So...You really are moving back to Amity Park?..."Johnathan said and Stella nodded.
"Yes, I already talked about it with Jean Luc last night and this morning...I think it will be for the best...Est-...Star won't be a young lady forever and if I want to have a real relationship with her again, I just think we have to be in the same continent to do so..."Stella explained.
"I...see...'Johnathan said, still feeling awkward, just as Stella.
'Well...Thank you for your hospitality, Johnathan but I guess we'll go now..."Stella said.
"Okay..."Johnathan said.
Stella was halfway out the room when Jonathan spoke up again.
"You know... our housekeeper has a younger sister who does babysitting... in case you need one and Star's either preoccupied or Colette... can't..."Johnathan said, being careful with his wording.
He knew Colette is too spoiled to be trusted with the life of a child but saying that out loud might cause more problems that he was trying to avoid with his ex...
Stella heard this and smiled.
"I'll keep that in mind..." Stella said.
No sooner than she said that, Colette and Jean Luc came in the room, both soaking wet and angry.
"What on Earth happened to you?..."Johnathan said and Stella was stunned.
"Shut up..."Jean Luc muttered in English for once, while Colette was still whining over her hair being ruined.
At Casper High
Danny Fenton and Star Strong, walked into Casper High, hand in hand, both with large, dreamy grins on their faces.
Once they made it to Danny's locker, they still were holding hands.
"So, are we still on for after school?..."Danny asked.
"Absolutely...'Star said with a smile.
"Anyway Danny...I'm gonna go to the ladies room for a sec, be right back..."Star said before giving him a quick kiss, before leaving to that place.
Danny just stood there, with that stupid, lovesick look on his face, even as his friends arrived and saw it...
"Had fun last night?..."Tucker asked.
"With...Star..."Sam said in a grudging tone, just barely concealing her fury.
Danny didn't notice it as jealous, just annoyance and he shrugged it off.
"Well...to be honest...it was great!..."Danny said with that silly look on his face, while Sam rolled her eyes.
"I still can't believe you are doing this Danny, it's Valerie all over again..."Sam muttered under her breath but Danny caught.
"No it's not...Sam, the reason me and Valerie broke up is because of my secret but Star knows it and she accepts me as I am, so there is no downside..."Danny said.
"Of course, why would there be when she gets to Danny Phantom..."Sam spat under breath and Danny heard that.
"Excuse me...what's that suppose to mean?...'Danny said.
"Oh please, Danny...Star isn't all that different from Paulina..how do you know-
"Because I actually took the time to get to know her Sam...Star isn't like that...just to let you know, before I told her my secret, I, as Danny Phantom told her that I liked her but she turned me down..because she likes Danny Fenton...what more proof do you need that she likes me for me?..."Danny said and Sam almost looked surprised.
"Wait? She did?..."Tucker said, actually looking surprised which sort of annoyed Danny a bit.
"Yes, she did...geez, why do you both have trouble accepting that I like her and she likes me...there is no downside...'Danny said, while Sam still looked stunned.
"Wait...Star got asked out by Danny Phantom and said no...because she wants Danny Fenton?..."Sam thought, and before she could voice her comments on that, the person they were talking about showed up.
Star had arrived, hugging Danny from behind as she has been doing a lot lately.
"I'm back, Cutie~...'Star greeted before kissing him on the cheek.
"And I'm glad about that, milady..."Danny said as he hugged her back.
Once they separated, Star saw the annoyed/jealous looks from both Tucker and Sam.
"Good morning Foley...Manson..."Star said, just for the sake of being civil with her man's friends, even if she still didn't see them as her friends.
"Hi Star...'Tucker said in a flat tone while Sam's blood was boiling at how close she was to Danny.
Before Sam could do or say anything, Paulina had appeared and saw how close Star and Danny were.
"Ew...what's that smell? It's smells like loser love is in the air...'Paulina joked and the other A-Lister girls laughed with her.
"Wow, Paulina how many hours did it take for you to come up with that one?...'Star muttered as she rolled her eyes, still not letting go of Danny.
She doesn't want to.
Paulina rolled her eyes.
"I had a feeling you were falling for this loser, Star but I almost hoped-
"He's not a loser...Danny is way cooler than anyone you'll ever date..."Star said wit conviction.
Paulina actually scoffed at that.
"Keep telling yourself that and maybe it will come true...you're the one stuck with the loser boyfriend while me and the ghost boy are destined for each other...'Paulina said and Danny cringed a bit at that.
"Oh please, he's is way too good for you, anyway...why would someone like him waste his time with you?...'Star said, getting attention but she didn't care.
No one disses her boyfriend or unknowingly fantasize about him while she is around!
" I'm the most beautiful girl in Amity Park! Why wouldn't he love me?...'Paulina said, insulted by what Star was insinuating.
"Hmm...maybe, I don't know...because, he has better taste than some girl who is all looks, but can't even bother to even refer to him by his actual name..."Star said.
"Excuse me?!..."Paulina shouted.
"You're always just calling him "The Ghost Boy", do you even know his name?..."Star accused.
"Of course I do, it's Danny Phantom but people call him the ghost boy all of the time..."Paulina pointed out.
"Regardless, Paulina...what I have with Danny is more real than what you think you have with Phantom...I mean, if you guys are really a couple, then why not tell us about how he asked you out or took you both out on your first date..oh wait, you can't do that since it didn't happen and it's not going to...'Star said and she enjoyed watching the angry, upset and even disbelieving look on her face, before Paulina settled on glaring at her.
"Oh, I don't have to stand here and prove anything to you! One day me and the ghost boy will be flying by, literally looking down on you while you are still going to be stuck with this guy..."Paulina shouted as she even pointed to Danny, who remained silent, having enjoyed watching Star stick it to the uppity Latina.
"I doubt you'll be flying with Phantom, but still being with Danny is something I intend to do..."Star said as she snuggled closer to Danny.
Paulina screamed before angrily marching away, ignoring her followers who were still trying to be on her good graces even during her foul mood.
"Witch..."Star muttered.
"What did I ever even see in her, anyway?.."Danny muttered.
"You were blinded by her beauty, I was blinded by her popularity...but at least we are smarter now.."Star said.
"You were awesome there..."Danny said proudly and Star smiled.
"Does this moment of awesomeness have a reward?...'Star said as she fluttered her eyelashes.
"Maybe it does...'Danny said as he kissed her on the cheek since it was a rather crowded area but Star still enjoyed it.
Neither noticed that Sam had watched the entire thing and was still glaring daggers at the blonde girl, who right now, she actually hated more than Paulina.
During lunch time
It was lunch time and Star has joined Danny at his table, which also has Sam and Tucker there. Star didn't speak to them unless spoken to, she knew that her presence was unwanted by anyone but Danny.
And it's only Danny's opinion who matters to her now.
"I still can't believe that those jerks are moving here..."Danny muttered and Star sighed.
"As much as I hate it, mom still loves Jean Luc and Colette but at the very least, she has agreed to my conditions..."Star said.
"Which are what again?...'Danny asked.
"If she wants mother daughter time with me...it just has to be just her and me..and maybe Pierre since no matter what, he is my little brother..."Star said and Danny smiled.
Suddenly,Danny's ghost sense activated and the others noticed.
"Oh man, who is it this time?...'Star asked, stunning Danny's friends until they remembered that she technically is in that loop now.
"Not sure yet, I better check...you guys watch my lunch for me..."Danny said.
'Are you sure that you don't need any help?...'Star asked in concern, while Sam rolled her eyes at that.
"I'll call if I need some, but for all I know, it's probably The Box Ghost for this ten millionth attempt to bug me..."Danny said as he soon left to go find a hiding place to go change and deal with whatever ghost is out to cause trouble around here.
Star looked concern..
"Please be careful, Danny...'Star whispered.
Once he was out of sight, she saw the angry looks from his friends and she sighed, knowing that right now was probably as good of a time as any to address them.
"Look... I get you guys don't like me and never have...'Star said to the two.
"That's not true..." Tucker defended..."I liked you. At least from a distance, and not seeing anyone..."He muttered, while Star resisted the urge to roll her eyes at that.
"What are you getting at?..." Sam snapped.
"Look, I'm not going to mince words here, you guys don't like me and quite frankly, it's kind of mutual, but for Danny's sake, I'm willing to try and get along...We don't all have to be friends but I don't want to be enemies either...so truce?...'Star suggested.
Tucker looked unsure of that, but Sam remained glaring.
"Oh please... you may have Danny fooled but I'm on to you..."Sam said.
"Are you serious? I quit the A-Listers and I defended Danny when he got dissed...exactly what am I up to?.."Star asked rhetorically and Sam glared...
"That doesn't make everything you've done to us since middle school go away...'Sam said..."I know you and as soon as you get the chance, you'll-"
"I'll what? Manson? Date Danny and then marry him and have a loving family with him while you're still pining for him outside our window?..." Star asked, getting annoyed. "Look, it's obvious to everyone, except Danny, that you like him but you never made a move. You had your chance, but now it's my turn and unlike you, I'm not letting him slip through my fingers...Normally, no sane girl would let someone like you near their boyfriend but since you're still Danny's best friend, I'll let you guys hang but don't try anything Manson or else..."Star said in a warning tone, while Sam got angrier and Tucker gulped and was considering running away while the girls continued their argument.
He just knew that it was about to get very dangerous around here, and not from a possible ghost attack.
"You may have Danny fooled, but not me!..."Sam said furiously.
"You just you can't accept I genuinely care for Danny and that he chose me? News flash... I fell for him before..." She looked around and recognized it isn't very safe to say it outright. ...he told me his secret and I'm telling anyone unless he says I can...'Star said, while Sam still looked peeved.
Tucker looked surprised by this.
"She didn't outright say it..." Tucker whispered to her. "Maybe we should give her a chance to see that she is sincere..."Tucker suggested, only for Sam to elbow him.
Star noticed and she was not amused.
"She's hopeless...'Star thought, while Sam was still giving her hate filled eyes.
Before they could continue with the girl fight, students started running and screaming and that got their attention.
They soon saw wha was causing all of the chaos. it's a large, ghostly iguana and they saw Danny, in his ghost form, was fighting it.
"Oh man, look at the size of that thing...'Star said, feeling worried for Danny.
"Don't worry, he's face way worse than this without even breaking a sweat...'Tucker said confidently.
No sooner than he said that, Danny crashed to the ground, while the large ghostly iguana roared loudly and continued his attempts to destroy the school.
"Are you okay?...'Star asked, feeling it was safe since most of the school has evacuated the area to get to safety.
"I'm fine...just got to deal with Scaly..."Danny said while he flew back into the air, to face the ghostly beast.
"ROAR!..."The ghostly iguana roared.
"Alright Scaly, time to make some boots out of you..."Danny said as he sent several ghostly and ice blasts towards the beast, actually managing to land a hit and make it crash to the ground.
"Awesome...'Danny thought, only to hear a loud, feminine and familiar scream.
He turned around and saw that Star was still in the area, having refused to leave out of concern for Danny, even after Tucker and Sam left to go find an extra thermos and weapons in case they were needed.
"STAR!...'Danny shouted as he flew fast, took Star, literally sweeping her off her feet, managing to save her from being crushed by the ghostly iguana.
"Are you okay?..."He asked.
"I am now...Thanks, Danny..."Star said, more relieved that he is okay than anything else.
Danny soon heard the ghostly iguana roaring again and continuing his rampage and he sighed.
"I'll leave you some place safe and then I'll deal with this kaiju creep..."Danny said, while Star looked baffled by that word.
"Kaiju?..."She questioned.
"Kaiju...it's a giant monster...You know, like Godzilla? Uh... I'll explain later..."He said as he looked around for a safe place to leave her.
He soon went to the front lawn, ignoring the crowds there since that is where everyone went after the ghost attack. He just placed Star there.
"Is that Danny Phantom?!..." Dash shouted in shock.
"WITH THAT TRAITOR?!..." Paulina shouted, also in shock.
Danny nodded once Star was down and safe, so he went off to face the ghost.
Tucker and Sam soon arrived, only to see the large crowds and also Star.
"Where's Danny?...'Tucker asked.
"Winning..."Star said as she pointed up and Tucker and Sam soon saw that he finally managed to beat the ghostly iguana into the ground, finally knocking it down.
"Finally!.."Danny shouted as he soon sucked the ghostly iguana in the thermos he had, no longer needing any assistance.
Once he was done, he realized that he was still in his ghost form, and he also saw Star several yards away, smiling at him like she was the proudest girlfriend in the world.
It made Danny smile and he had an idea.
The ghostly boy soon floated to the area, ignoring the gasps and gawking of the crowds and he landed next to Star.
"Excuse me..miss...but are you alright? That ghost didn't end up harming you, did he?..'Danny asked, in his hero voice, while Star just smiled.
"No, I am safe now...thank you...Danny Phantom...'Star said, having an idea that he is pretending not to know her and she is playing along.
"Good to hear that...'Danny said, before he smiled suavely and tried hard not to chuckle at what he is about to do.
"If you don't mind my saying, but I think you're just about the prettiest girl I've ever rescued..."Danny said as he took her hand, and knew that everyone was looking at them.
Everyone, especially Paulina, could not believe what they were witnessing. Tucker shook his head and then gulped as he saw how much angrier Sam is getting and scooted away, not wanting to get caught in a crossfire.
Star giggled
"Oh, go on...'Star said, trying hard to resist the urge to giggle here.
"I mean...you're really pretty, Ms...what did you say your name was again?...'Danny asked, playing dumb.
"Star Strong..."She said.
"So...Star...got any plans for after school? Maybe we can catch a movie, get some dinner and maybe we could have a nice, moonlight flight of Amity Park together?...'Danny said, knowing how much irony he was using, referring to their first date.
"Thanks but I'm seeing someone..."Star said, and really tried hard not to laugh out loud when she saw how low Paulina's jaw was dropping.
Danny then snapped his fingers in the "Oh, well" sort of way but continued to play this little game.
"Well, then he's a really lucky guy...'Danny said.
"WAIT?! WAIT!..."Paulina shouted after she snapped out of her shock and ran between them.
"You're actually turning the ghost boy down for Fenton?!..."Paulina exclaimed.
"Yeah, because I happen to like him..."Star said seriously and silently enjoyed watching Paulina's expressions turn from shock, to insulted and then to her surprise, hopeful.
Paulina then turned to Danny Phantom.
"Forget about her ghost boy...go out with me! You know that I'm the one meant to be with you..."Paulina said.
"I'm sorry but...do I know you?..."Danny said, playing dumb while Star snickered when she saw the look on Paulina's face.
"I'm Paulina...you saved me so many times..."Paulina said and Danny pretended to be deep in thought.
"Eh, I save a lot of people, it's hard to keep track of all of them...anyway ladies..I best be off, got a big day ahead of fighting ghosts, saving people and just upholding justice and all of that...'Danny said as he took to the skies.
"WAIT! DON'T LEAVE! COME BACK GHOST BOY! YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO LOVE ME!...'Paulina shouted as she literally ran after him on foot, while Danny just flew away, making it seems like he was leaving the school dramatically.
"Man, she is so pathetic...'Star muttered in disgust while she ignored everyone who was asking her questions and being amazed that Danny Phantom had asked her out.
Once Star managed to get away from them, she hid under the bleachers, while Danny, who quickly became invisible, landed there as well and changed forms.
"Geez, that Paulina...I still can't believe that there was a time I was actually kind of flattered by her crush on my ghost half...but now..no thanks...'Danny said.
"Anyway, I am pretty sure that I just made you the most envied girl at Casper High today...'Danny said.
"I was already the most envied girl at school..."Star said.
"Why is that?...'Danny asked.
"Because if anyone knew just how wonderful you were, everyone would envy me for having a guy like you...'Star said in a sweet tone as she wrapped her arms around.
"Well, in the words of Danny Phantom, I'm a very lucky guy..."Danny said as he pulled her closer and Star sent him a coy look.
"Oh yeah...how lucky?...'Star said before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
Once she parted, this was Danny's answer.
"The luckiest guy in the world...'Danny said in a dreamy voice as Star smiled.
The two shared another kiss under the bleachers, while the entire school was too busy witnessing Paulina throw an even bigger tantrum than usual.
Neither noticed that Sam had seen the kiss in a mixture of anger, envy and maybe even some heartbreak and longing. The goth girl then ran from the area, ignoring Tucker who was trying to check on her.
Once she found a private area to go sulk, this came to her mind.
"Danny...how could you choose her?..."Sam thought, feeling so bitter right now.
While Sam was busy dealing with her bitter feelings, Danny and Star remained in each other's arms until the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and the start of next period.
"Shall we, Milady?...'Danny said as he offered his hand to her.
"We shall..."Star said as she took his hand.
The two love birds soon left to class together hand in hand, both feeling happy that one chapter of their lives is over and a new one is starting.
They knew that this is not an ending but a new, much better beginning.
They are together now, happy and in love and they fully trust each other and Star didn't care if she had to deal with ghost attacks, making up cover stories, Paulina's annoying fangirlism or actual rivals in both Sam and Colette.
All that matters to her right now is that she is finally with Danny and he trusts her and returns her feelings. She finally has his heart and no matter what, she would be there for him, not only as the girlfriend of Danny Fenton but his ally and partner as Danny Phantom.
Sure, she has to deal with the fact that Colette and Jean Luc will be here for a while while her mom tries to reconnect with her, but Star has faced snakes, harsh elements, storms, ghostly beast, maniac hunters and also egotistical ghosts with lousy fashion sense and delusions of grandeur...
As long as she has Danny by her side, there is nothing she can't handle.
Yes, it was a rather touching end to a rather long, perilous tale of a journey but as stated, it was not over.
It is only a new beginning.
The End...For now...
And done :)
I would like to personally give a shout out to my totally awesome reviewers for sticking by me since this fic started.
Let's give some love for: 61394, Arkham Spider, Arytec13, Batguy01, Biginferno, Cg0367, Chessmasteroftheuniverse, CMR Rosa, CyberActor15, DJ, DaniFan3000, Halobyrd98, DaniMason, Davidscrazy234, Digi Phantom, Devilxknight86, Epickend, FatCatJohn, Frost Hunter, Funkatron, GothGhostQueen, Guest(1), Guest(2), Guest(3), Halobyr98, HolidayTomorrow, Invader Johnny, Iywe, JusteCamille, Kane Barton, Kilikani-Ebbets, Kimcat, Kombatant88, LordGriffin1000, Lost, Lunar Eclipse1000, Mazamba, Mikeala2015, NeoMark, Nitewolf423, Noah Gilden, P. Andrew, Phantom Fan 21, qazse, Sanid096, Sebas12, Sguimba, SigmaDanny, ShadowKingLegette, Shardas, SofiPhan29, Sound Venom, Sparkz Reborn and Wiseguy2415
Thank you all, you guys are part of the reason I love doing what I do :)
Once again, thank you NeoMark for helping me write some scenes. You are amazing, my good friend ;)
"Oh! A quoi pense ma femme?..." means "What is my wife thinking?" in French.
"He, kion vi faras du snobojn ĉi tie?" means "Hey, what are you two snobs doing here?" in Esperanto.
"Colette! Ne perdu vian tempon kun ĉi tiu neniu!...means "Colette! Do not waste your time with this nobody!" in French.
"Calme-toi papa...means "Calm down, Papa" in French.
I hope that this helps...
Be on the looking out for the next installation to this story, called "Stuck".
Stuck: Star Strong and Sam Manson are two very different girls. They have nothing in common except one thing. They are both in love with Danny Fenton. When circumstances separate them from Danny and leave them stuck together, it's an all our war for survival. Will the two girls finally learn to get along or will they destroy each other before the ghosts get to? Sequel to "Lost".
For old time's sakes here are some REPLIES to my loyal and totally awesome reviewers:
Qazse: I know, right...
Wiseguy2415: How's this?
Sigmadanny: I think I've heard of it once but it's been a long time since then...
Devilxknight86: Uh huh...
Biginferno: Thank you :)
Shardas: Thank you :)
Kombatant88: Mmmhmmm...
SofiPhan29: Thank you :)
Davidscrazy234: Thank you :)
Invader Johnny: Uh huh...
Guest(1): You could say that again...
Chessmasteroftheuniverse: How's this, Daisy?
FatCatJohn: LOL!
ShadowKingLegette: LOL!
cg037: Thank you :)
Guest(2): To be honest, I haven't really decided yet since this story is suppose to focus on Star's IMMEDIATE family relationships..so it's undecided. I hope that this chapter is up to standards...
Halobyr98: No, I've decided to continue but I can't say when...I'm going to take a break after this one before I post the next story.
:) It's been a blast, everybody :)