A/N: We have finally reached the epilogue. I'm kind of sad about parting with this story since I had so much fun writing a sexually frustrated Harry's POV. You know how I mentioned the song Miss Independent by Ne-yo in the last chapter? Well, this entire story was inspired by that especially the departmental meeting scene that reminds me of a specific part in the music video.

I really love reading your reviews and thank you for the follows and the faves. For those of you who wish this story to be longer, well, I can only suggest you read Blind No More as well as its restricted scenes because the Harry of that story shares a few similarities with this story's sexually frustrated Harry. If you already read that well, maybe I would feel like writing another Harmony Rom-com someday but I do want to focus on my other on-going story.


By: tweety-src-clt9


As soon as they entered Hermione's apartment, the prim and proper Madam Granger all but pounced on him which given that he was a horny bastard, he just smirked and snogged her senseless. Merlin! This woman is gonna be the death of me!

"Harry, take me to your bedroom", she huskily whispered in his ear as his hands continued to grope her delectable curves while he grinds his raging erection to her stomach.

"But, you have a comfortable -"

"You have a bigger bed, love", she insisted in that sexy voice of hers. And since she never called him love or any other endearments before, well, how could he deny her. Using his lord's ring, he port keyed them to his bedroom at Potter Manor and as soon as they landed, Hermione grabbed the end of his tie and pulled him to the direction of his king-sized bed.

"Harry! I can't take it anymore! I want it now! I want you inside me!", she whispered into his ear as she straddled his lap while he was sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Oh, love! I promised you that we'll honor your promise to your grandmother. And in as much as I want you, hell, you could feel how hard my cock is right now just like it's always been when you're with me like this, I intend to fulfill that promise. Besides, your brain is just cloudy with lust right now and I don't want you to regret this." Merlin! I can't believe I'm actually saying all these things when she just gave me the go signal to finally fuck that tight virgin pussy of hers that I've been drooling about for so long…

"But I thought you loved me?", she pouted.

"Nice try, love", he pecked her lips.

"Now I know how you must have felt like sexually frustrated all those years ago", she pouted.

"If you can wait until tomorrow morning, we can have a quick ceremony with the minister and then I'll fuck you so hard as soon as my wedding ring is on your finger. That way, you keep your promise, and you'll only be sexually frustrated for less than one whole day", he negotiated.

"But I want my parents and our friends at the ceremony", she still had that cute pout on her face but he could see she was torn.

"Oh love, we could always have a bigger ceremony so that you can have the wedding of your dreams. The quick one tomorrow is just so that it can finally be legal for me to pound my aching cock into your tight virgin cunt just like I've always fantasized about", he said suggestively and she gasped. He knew that Hermione absolutely loved his dirty talk even if she pretends to be offended which even makes it hotter and more amusing at the same time.

"You Lord Potter are brilliant!", she pecked him on the lips and then she gave him a contemplative look. Her eyes lit up and she had a knowing grin on her lips.

"Harry, is this your clever plan all along? Keep me so hot and bothered for you so that I'll eventually consent to just marrying you like you obviously wanted given that you've been hinting about it ever since that day we made that wager?", she raised an eyebrow and he blushed. Oh, Potter you are so busted!

"Of course, not! Madam Granger how could you think of such a thing! I would never stoop so low as to seducing you to marry me!", he denied.

"Yeah, right!", she scoffed. He was getting more aroused as the bloody vixen on his lap started to slowly grind on top of him as she moved about to remove her sandals.

"Love, stop!", he whispered as he gave her collarbone a playful bite.

"What? I'm just removing my sandals!", she said in all innocence.

"You know what your grinding does to me!", he growled.

"Where's your wand?", she asked.

"Secret pocket", he said huskily.

"Well get it out and tell the minister that we're getting married tomorrow morning!", she said bossily. He fumbled all over his jacket to take out his wand and focused on his love for the temptress straddling him, as he muttered expecto patronum.

"Hey, Prongs! Tell Minister Kingsley to come here at Potter Manor at ten in the morning. I have to marry Madam Granger before she kills me", the solid looking silver stag gave him and Hermione a curious look before floating away to follow his command. Since Hermione's eyes were following Prongs, he tackled her so she ended up laying on his bed with him on top, trapped between his arms.

"Hello, Madam Granger!", he playfully whispered as he silently and wandlessly vanished all her clothes so she was exposed in her naked glory just dressed in diamonds.

"It's funny how you show-off your powers when you're getting me naked in your bed", she snorted.

"I know how my extraordinary feats of magic always amazes you. Have to keep you crazy about me after all!", he winked.

"You know you have too many clothes on, Lord Potter. Hardly seems fair", her hands were playfully tugging on his tie to bring him closer to her. Since he was too eager to feel her naked body on his own anyway, he vanished his own clothes and kissed her with all the love he feels for her. Just a few more hours and you'll officially be my Lady Potter…

Harry woke up early the next day with his arms wrapped around a sleeping naked Hermione with her legs tangled with his own. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head and slowly removed himself from the comfort of her warmth. He went to his bathroom to have a quick shower before he headed down stairs to cook breakfast and prepare for the wedding. It was six in the morning and he had less than four hours to have everything set-up.

"Kreacher?", he called out inside the kitchen.

"Yes, Master Harry, how can Kreacher be of service?", the elf popped in.

"I'm getting married today Kreacher. I need your help in setting the library up. Just make sure it's clean and a carpet ready at the center. I'll cook breakfast for today so that you and Winky could set up for the wedding", he explained kindly.

"It's an honor to assist master on his wedding day", the elf bowed and disappeared."


"Good morning, Master Harry!", the female elf greeted with excitement.

"I need your help. First, I need you to visit Hermione's apartment and take that beautiful red dress she has from her closet and bring it here. You know that dress she's wearing in her picture in my room?", he paused to make sure the elf understood.

"Yes, master. Winky knows which dress of Miss Mione's", the elf said happily.

"Right! Great! After that, I need you to buy lots of red, white, and blue roses for me. Have them decorated in the center of the library for the wedding. And then arrange for a bouquet for Hermione with the same flowers as well. Oh, and so that you and Kreacher can witness the ceremony, please do buy some food from Diagon Alley for lunch after the wedding. That way you don't have to be busy with cooking and cleaning", he added.

"Winky will do right away, master!", the elf popped away happily. With that all arranged, he then busied himself with cooking breakfast for his beloved. He was whistling a happy tune as he cooked when he felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around his waist. He quickly turned around and saw the love of his life standing there with hair all wild from sleep and their activities last night, dressed in nothing but the black dress shirt that he wore to the reunion.

"See something you like, Lord Potter?", she teased.

"Most definitely. But in as much as I want to have my wicked way with you here on this kitchen counter, we have a wedding to prepare for at ten this morning", he gave her a peck on the lips and continued cooking.

"A woman could get use to this treatment!", she said happily as she sat on one of the stools.

"What treatment, love?"

"You know, a big strong man that cook meals for her, treats her like a queen, and -"

"And ravishes her like a rogue?", he teased.

"Well that too", she chuckled.

"See? I told you that you should move in here and just marry me", he said with playful exasperation.

"I know, I know", she giggled.

"Why don't you enjoy the bath love and you come down here, we'll have breakfast together. I've got everything set up for the wedding so you don't have to worry that pretty little head of yours", he gave her a smile before returning his focus on cooking. Hermione pecked him on the lips before she left the kitchen to enjoy a bath just like he suggested.

Hermione was in awe as she entered the library. There was a red carpet that paved her way towards the center where Harry and Minister Kingsley were waiting. On each side of the carpet, a parade of one-meter tall Doric pillars with an arrangement of red, white, and blue roses were placed beautifully on top of it. As she walked towards the center, her eyes were locked on the gorgeous man waiting for her, Harry James Potter, her best friend in the whole wide world who also turned out to be her very own version of a Mr. Darcy - the one man who could truly make her happy. As she reached the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with, she handed Winky her bouquet and held hands with Harry as they waited for the ceremony to begin.

"Well since it's just us and your very efficient elves for this ceremony, let's keep this short and informal. After all, you will be having a bigger ceremony in the future. Alright, so Harry, why don't we start with you. Any words for your beautiful bride?", the minister started.

"When I was eleven and I first rode the Hogwarts Express to an unknown world, this bushy-haired, bossy, know-it-all girl came into the compartment and asked if we saw a toad. This girl amazed me yet intimidated me with her brilliance. She pointed her wand at me and fixed my glasses. That annoying little girl has been helping me in all the ways that she possibly could ever since then. She has been the best friend anyone could ever ask for ever since I met her. The problem with this girl is that every day she grew even more beautiful than the last time I saw her which caused me to get all tongue-tied and bothered. How could someone so smart, kind, brave, and loyal then become even more special by being more and more beautiful each day? Well long story short, I fell in love with her. I was already in the middle of being in love when her and I didn't even realize when it all began. Maybe, I always did love her from the very first moment I saw her. And today, I thank my lucky stars for bringing you into my life. I thank whatever higher power is out there for bringing you to me. You are the light of my life, Hermione. You are my anchor. You, the first person I could remember to ever hug me, the first person to ever kiss me on the cheek, the first person to ever really see me for me and not the boy who lived. I love you Hermione Jean Granger so much. I promise to spend the rest of my days making you happy and loving you with all that I am until I draw my last breath", he was teary-eyed as he poured his love for her in words and he could see that her eyes were glistening with happy tears as well.

"Hermione?", the minister prodded.

"Well, what can I say? That was hard to top", Hermione wiped a stray tear with one hand and Harry rolled his eyes at her competitiveness. Trust Hermione to even be competitive about wedding vows…

"I can't even understand why I stand here today as bride of the most eligible bachelor of the wizarding world. You have way too many titles Harry but when I see you, I know that it was always meant to be for us to spend the rest of our days together. I have always seen just Harry, the little boy with the round glasses and the emerald green eyes that reflect all the sorrows of his soul. When you saved my life from that troll all those years ago, I promised to be the best friend I could ever be to you. It then became my mission to help you with your classes and most of all, to keep you safe. And I guess, I did succeed. You defeated all the horrors that life has thrown at you and I am so proud of that little boy who grew up to be a fine man. I have loved you as my best friend and then like a brother until one day you confessed to being in love with me and everything shifted. I am in love with you Harry James because you have always been family to me. I love you for your sweet gentle nature. I love you for your saving people thing. I love you for your kindness and resilience. And I love the way you love me for me. You have always supported me, respected me, and cared for me ever since then. I cannot wait to build my life with you here and I promise that you will never be alone again. I love you Harry and I want to thank you for being patient enough to wait for me", she looked at him with a fond smile that made his heart skip a beat, just like he always did even when they were younger.

"Do you, Harry James Potter, take Hermione Jean Granger to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, to have, and to hold, for all the days of your life until death do you part?"

"Yes, I do", Harry gave Hermione a playfully wink and she rolled her eyes.

"Do you, Hermione Jean Granger, take Harry James Potter to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, to have, and to hold, for all the days of your life until death do you part?"

"I do", she said with a bright smile on her face.

"With those vows, you may now exchange rings", the minister instructed and Harry pulled out a box from his pocket. He took the smaller and daintier gold band and slipped it on Hermione's finger. She then took out the larger one and slipped it on his own finger.

"Please raise your wands and touch each other's tip", the minister said and they complied.

"Quid magia nata sit, non per commixtionem malorum homo semper", a golden thread bound their hands and their wands and wedding rings glowed.

"The ceremony has been concluded. Harry, you may now kiss your bride!", the minister ended with a smile. Harry gave his wife a chaste peck on the lips and then hugged her tight. This is the happiest day of my life indeed…

After a quick lunch with the minister, Harry looked at his new wife with a fond smile as they left the library. He took her hand in his and led her into their chambers. It was weird that after all the naughty things he and Hermione did with each other, he was feeling nervous now. As they stood in front of the door to the master bedroom, Hermione yelped and then giggled as he lifted her up in a bridal carry and opened the door. They stepped inside and he closed the door with a light kick. He carefully laid her on the bed with his body hovering on top of hers and he just looked at her. Merlin! How did I ever get so lucky?

"Harry? Are you alright?", Hermione cupped his face and then pulled him closer.

"I'm more than alright! I just, well, I can't believe you finally married me you know", he said with a smile.

"Well you better believe it!", she smiled before pecking his lips.

"Thank you, Hermione", he said with emotion.

"It's I who should be thanking you Harry. Thank you for not giving up on me", she pecked his lips again.

"Of course. You are all worth the wait. What is a decade of blue balls compared to the happiness I'm feeling right now?", he half-joked and she laughed.

"So?", she raised an eyebrow in that bossy attitude of hers.

"So, what, love?", he asked in confusion.

"Don't you want to finally put an end to a decade of blue balls, Lord Potter?", she teased.

"Right you are, Lady Potter! You have a lot to make up for after all, are you sure you could take it?", he was now leering at her and she just giggled.

"Big words, Lord Potter", she said while her eyes were shining with laughter. The laughter turned into moans when he captured her lips and vanished all their clothes. Their tongues melded as his hands explored her body focusing on the parts that he knew would make her squirm with pleasure. He was now kissing her neck and moving to the valley of her breasts while his other hand was caressing her clit before he inserted a finger into her. He sucked hard on her left nipple as he fondled her right breast and continued to thrust a finger in and out of her wetness.

"Harry! Make love to me!", she gently lifted his head from its place on her breast and then he pulled himself up to kiss her on the lips. He spread her legs even wider, and slowly entered her for the very first time. Merlin! This feels like coming home… He closed his eyes to savor the feeling of her inner walls surrounding him and he entwined both of their hands on each side of her head. He didn't move because he knew she needed time to adjust to him. He opened his eyes and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Are you alright, love?", he said with worry since he could see her face contort with a look of pain.

"Yes, I'm alright. It feels wonderful having you inside me but it hurts a little. Just stay still for a bit, okay?", she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and he lowered his lips to capture hers in a kiss that poured out his love for her.

"You can move now, love", she whispered after a few minutes of him just being sheathed deep within her. He started moving slowly, still mindful to not hurt her. As her moans became louder with each thrust, he decided to just let go and make love to her the way he always wanted to.

"Faster, Harry! Faster!", she screamed as he felt her inner walls grip his cock tighter than what he thought was possible. He thrusted harder and faster just like she asked and when she screamed his name in ecstasy, he immediately followed by releasing his load deep within her. As he came down from his high, he slowly moved to pull out of her, but she locked his hips in place.

"Stay like this for a while", she whispered and he nodded. He settled his chin in the valley of her breasts and looked into the chocolate brown eyes that was staring into his emerald green orbs.

"I love you Hermione Potter", he said sincerely.

"I love you Harry Potter", she replied.

"Are you sure you're alright, love? I didn't hurt you or anything?", he wanted to make sure.

"No, you didn't hurt me. It was so wonderful. You were wonderful", she sighed as she caressed his messy and sweaty hair.

"Love, you keep doing that and I'm going to be ready for round two. So, if you don't want to be sore in the morning, you better stop that", he kissed the valley of her breasts before looking into her eyes again.

"Maybe I want another round", she said playfully.

"I always knew you were a little minx!", he growled as he slowly moved inside her again.

Hermione Potter woke up to a dark room with her husband's arm possessively draped across her waist and one hand groping her left breast in his sleep. This bloke really is so horny that he even molests me while sleeping, she carefully removed his arms and hands around her as she stood up from the bed to go pee.

"Hermione!", he moaned in his sleep as his hands fumbled around the area of the bed she vacated. When his hand touched her pillow, he pulled it to his face, smelled it, and smiled in his sleep. It was adorable the way her scent just calms him down. She walked naked towards the en-suite bathroom to relieve herself. She was about to return to bed, when she heard a sound in the darkness.


"Who are you? And what are you doing here?", she threatened. She wandlessly summoned her wand and it flew into her hand. Good thing that I mastered this piece of wandless magic!

"I won't harm you dear", the masculine voice, reassured her.

"Where are you?", she asked.

"Portraits on the wall. The one at the center." She casted a lumos to light the way and saw that there were indeed portraits on the walls. It was weird that she can't seem to recall any portraits ever being here before. She focused on the center portrait and saw a handsome young man sitting on an elaborate chair with Harry's messy hair but with dark brown eyes.

"Mr. James Potter?", she asked.

"Hi, dear! Yes, it's me. Harry's father. Do you mind putting some clothes on? This seems awkward enough", the portrait chuckled. Hermione yelped and used her wand to non-verbally summon Harry's dress shirt and quickly put it on.

"Hermione? Are you alright, love?", Harry's sleepy voice startled her as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"You should best put clothes on too, son. Proud as I am of your manly bits which you got from me, I really don't want this talk with my daughter-in-law to be more awkward than it already is", James Potter's portrait said mischievously. Hermione felt Harry raise a hand and the covers automatically flew into his hand which he quickly wrapped around his waist.

"Right, now that you're both partially covered, welcome to the Potter family, Lady Hermione Jean Potter. Really dear, I am so happy that you finally agreed to marry this poor son of mine. It gets tiresome to hear him groaning your name as he pleasures himself and pining after you for all these years just because he's too much of a coward to confess his feelings for you", the portrait chuckled.

"Dad!", Harry whined like an embarrassed little boy which made Hermione laugh.

"Mr. Potter, how is it that I can only see your portrait now? I mean, I've been in this room many times before?", she said in curiosity.

"Call me, James, dear. Well, the reason for that is Potter family magic. Only members of the family can see the portraits. Just like only the Lady Potter and Potter children can enter the room of the lord's chamber", the portrait explained.

"But I've always been able to enter Harry's chamber even before marrying him", she stated with confusion.

"Oh well that's because he's always seen you as his Lady Potter in his heart dear. Potter family magic is very supportive of her current lord's love life and all that. Genius magic if you ask me. Don't you think so?"

"Dad! Merlin! You're embarrassing me!", Harry whined and Hermione laughed even more.

"Hey, Prongslet! Don't you use that tone with me! I'm helping you score brownie points with your lovely wife here by telling her stories about how head over heels in love with her you always are", the portrait insisted.

"I'm telling mum on you!", Harry threatened.

"Oh, no you don't!", James the portrait actually looked scared. Amazing piece of magic, Hermione thought.

"Mum! Dad's up to his crazy schemes again!", Harry called out. Hermione was surprised to see a beautiful woman with Harry's emerald green eyes and flaming red hair, appear next to the portrait of James Potter. The woman slapped the man behind the head before turning to face them.

"So, what's dad up to this time, Harry? Oh, hello, Hermione dear! Welcome to the family!", Lily Potter greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Lily", Hermione replied with a smile. It is so amazing to finally meet Harry's parents even if they were just portraits.

"Dad's embarrassing me mum!", Harry reported which made the portrait James snort.

"James Potter! How dare you make a poor first impression on our daughter-in-law?", the fiery red-head screamed at the man beside her.

"Nice to meet you Hermione. Enjoy your honeymoon, son! Gotta run!", and with that James Potter vanished from the frame with a fuming Lily Potter to disappear a few seconds later.

"You didn't tell me your parents had portraits, Harry", she started.

"I guess it's part of the family magic that I can't circumvent, love. They know all about you though because I keep talking about you to them especially when they saw one of your pictures on my night stand", he sheepishly admitted.

"What picture? There's nothing on your night stand!"

"Well, I glamor it so only I can see it. Hehe! I hide it when you're here". She just rolled her eyes at his antics.

"The floo just activated. Someone's at the receiving area. I'll check on it first, yeah", Harry pecked her on the lips before he transfigured the covers on his hips into trousers with just a gesture of a finger. Merlin! It just finally synced into my system that I married the most powerful wizard alive.

Hermione has been lounging on the bed for fifteen minutes before she got bored and decided to follow Harry downstairs. She just made sure that all the buttons on his shirt were closed and walked out of the room. She heard a commotion as she was nearing the receiving area.

"You can't leave the kids here, I'm busy!", Harry argued.

"Busy about what?", she heard Ron's voice.

"Hi guys! What's the matter?", she greeted.

"Hermione, what are you wearing!", Ron yelped. Harry's eyes went to her outfit and with a gesture of a finger, changed the shirt into a long black dress.

"Good job, Potter! Now I see why you're busy!", Draco Malfoy said making Neville Longbottom chuckle.

"Hey Hermione!", Luna and Ginny greeted with a mischievous glint in their eyes.

"Hello everyone! What seems to be the problem here?", she addressed the room.

"Hermione, can you please convince Harry to allow us to leave all our kids here for two nights starting tomorrow?", Ron pleaded.

"But why?"

"Well Luna and Neville, Me and Susan, and Draco and Ginny were all invited to attend a series of soirees in France starting tomorrow until Wednesday afternoon. It's for a wizarding research on effective parenting. Please Hermione, you know us poor couples barely have time for ourselves", Ron explained.

"Well, alright then. I love having all your children around!", she smiled and the couples grinned.

"No! I won't allow it!", Harry argued.

"Harry, you love those children. Most of them are our godchildren after all!", she insisted.

"Hermione, we're talking about five kids here for two whole nights. And it's our honeymoon!", he rebutted.

"Honeymoon!", their guests all yelled in shock.

"Oops!", she heard her husband mutter.

Ginny and Luna ran towards Hermione and wrapped her in a hug. When they dragged her towards one of the couches she winced.

"What's the matter, Hermione?", her friends asked and she blushed.

"Oohhh… You're sore, aren't you? Mr. Potter finally got a home run then?", Ginny Malfoy said suggestively. Her friends knew about her promise to her grandmother after all, and seeing as she already married Harry, it doesn't take a genius to understand the situation.

"Ginny!", Harry was outraged and the men laughed.

"I'm so proud of you mate! Finally got one on our Hermione here", Ron clapped Harry on the back while Draco and Neville were snickering.

"That's it! Everybody out! You're just bothering us!", Hermione knew that Harry was seriously annoyed now.

"So rude!", Draco scoffed and then burst out laughing again.

"We should just go guys. We all know how long Harry has waited for this", Luna Longbottom addressed their friends.

"Yeah, after all, Hermione has a lot of kneeling to make up for lost time to do!", Ginny added which made them laugh.

"What kneeling? And why?", she asked her red-haired friend.

"You mean, you haven't kneeled before?", Ginny was surprised.

"Of course, I kneel when I pray and what not or when I pick something up", she was confused.

"She means kneel in front of Potter, Hermione!", Draco added and the rest of the men were rolling on the floor in laughter now. Hermione looked at Harry and he seemed flustered and angry. Got to stop the teasing or Mr. Man-who-killed-Voldemort might just appear!

"And why should I do that? He's not a god!", she was bewildered now.

"Hermione, you should kneel in front of Harry because it strengthens the marriage. That's one of the reasons why my relationship with Neville and I'm sure Ginny's to Draco is all happy", Luna added.

"Harry, what's this kneeling all about?", she asked her husband.

"I'll show you later", his eyes flashed with lust before he concealed it and then addressed their visitors.

"Alright that's it! Off to your own homes now! I'm blocking the floo from you all until our honeymoon's over!", Harry said with his arms crossed.

Ginny and Luna kissed her on the cheek to say goodbye and they stood up to head towards the floo. Luna and Ginny each held a hand on their husband's arms and Ron followed suit.

"Congratulations, Harry and Hermione!", Ron said before flooing out. The rest of their visitors said their best wishes and left in the same manner they arrived in. She saw Harry pointed a finger to the floo and it glowed for a bit.

"Love, are you alright?", she slowly walked towards her husband.

"Our friends are so annoying!", he said grumpily and she pecked his lips which then made him smile. She took his hand and led him to the kitchen so they can have dinner together. As they eat their meal, Hermione just had a question to ask.

"Harry? Is kneeling really a thing I should do?", she asked and he choked a bit on the water he was drinking. After calming himself down, he looked at her with lust-filled eyes and she got even more confused.

"Only if you want to, love."

"So, I just kneel and then what?", things are just not making sense.

"You kneel and then take my cock in your mouth. That's what they were talking about", he explained while his eyes were darkening in desire.


"Like I said, only if you want to, Hermione."

"Do you want me to?", she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes", he said in a husky voice.

"Okay then, might as well try if Luna and Ginny say it makes their husbands happy", she shrugged. Hermione yelped in surprise as Harry took her hand and port keyed them into the master bedroom.

September 3, 2019 - Minister of Magic's Office

"Hi, Love!", Harry Potter entered the office of his wife, Hermione Jean Potter, the Minister of Magic.

"Hello, Love! Time for lunch?", she pecked him on the cheek.

"Yes, it is. Oh, and we have a letter from Jamie this morning!", he said excitedly as he shook an envelope. They walked hand-in-hand towards the ministry cafeteria and they were greeted by lots of people along the way. Harry and Hermione sat on an empty table after ordering their food and he excitedly opened their eldest son's letter and read it aloud.

September 2, 2019

Dear Mum and Dad!

Hogwarts is as amazing as your stories! I rode the Hogwarts Express all alone in an empty compartment since I'm too shy to go with all my cousins because they're all older than me. Who would want to be sitting with an 'ickle firstie as Uncle George says? Anyway, I was sitting there and then a girl holding a heavy looking tome knocked on my compartment. She looked so lonely so I asked her to sit with me and we started chatting. She reminds me so much of you mum since she loves to read and seems super smart. She is muggleborn too and she says that she is a big fan of yours. I told her that you can meet up with her for Christmas break, you will come fetch me with dad, right mum? Her name is Clarisse Ann Rivers and she's the first friend I made at Hogwarts.

Anyway, I got sorted into Gryffindor and Clarisse is a Ravenclaw. I asked her to sit with me at breakfast though and she agreed. She seems really cool. My older cousins are annoying me, saying that the Potter curse strikes again. Even Headmistress McGonagall and some of the teachers have this knowing smile when they saw me and Clarisse eat breakfast together. What's that all about?

Do you mind sending me a signed copy of your chocolate frog cards, mum and dad? I reckon Clarisse will like it. She really is a big fan of yours, especially mum.

Can't wait to see you for Christmas break. Give my love to Lizzie!

With love,

Your Son, James Fitzwilliam Potter

"Well, it seems that our son just met his future Lady Potter, love", Harry chuckled.

"It does seem so, dear", Hermione agreed.

"Although, I have to salute little Jamie for being so much smoother than I ever was", Harry laughed.

"Yes, well, at least the Potter charm gets better as more muggleborn blood gets added in the gene pool", she teased.

"I sure hope our future daughter-in-law wouldn't be as oblivious like some women I know", he retorted and she giggled.


A'N: The latin sentence used at the wedding scene means, "Whatever is bound by magic let no man ever sever".