Yo, I guess you already know what time it is, but just in case you somehow don't, then it's time for chapter 3. Now, in the other chapters I've tried my best to hit around 8000 words each chapter, Because It's a good length that will help the story grow faster, but I'd love to do 10000 words, but I am simply not that creative, I would love to be, but I simply can't find anything to fill in, and if I force some stuff in, then the chapter just sucks lol. Anyway, that's all for me.

NOTE #1: As I do in my other stories, I would like to ask a question each chapter at the end, to involve you, people, out there, so if you could take some time to answer it, I would be thrilled!

NOTE #2: I know I've said I wanted to update my stories; Legend of Lightning and Demon Fox of The Mist like, maybe weekly, but the two BETAs I used to work with, got a lot on their minds at the moment, and have somewhat left me alone, lol, no offense meant at all, it's fine and good, but it's not really the same working on these things alone, hence why I am probably taking somewhat of a break writing them.

Alright, that's enough rambling from my side, please go ahead and enjoy my chapter 2 for this story!

Pairing: Naruto x Mikoto


"Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder!" - Techniques.

"Naruto..." - Person Talking.

"Naruto..." - Person Thinking.

"Naruto..." - Demonic Voice/Bijuu/Boss Summon/God Talking.

"Naruto..." - Demonic Voice/Bijuu/Boss Summon/God Thinking.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto, if I did a shit ton of stuff would be different you can count on that.

CHAPTER 3 - Don't. Get. Caught.

Naruto yawned loudly, he stretched his body while still laying under the covers. He suddenly started to wonder why everything was so dark when he suddenly remembered that he had stayed up last night reading with a flashlight after Kakashi and he had returned.

He reached up and took a hold of the book on his face, and put in his bookmark and placed it on his nightstand. He looked over to see Kakashi's bed empty, while Jiraiya was still snoring like a bear on his bed while clutching onto his pillow. "Mhmm, Tsunade please, just a little peak… heh, heh…" The pervert mumbled in his sleep with a stupid look on his face while drooling on the pillow, making Naruto groan slightly while narrowing his eyes.

He hated to admit it, but Jiraiya's books weren't half bad, or at least this one he got from Kakashi wasn't so far, he had to guess the only reason the females of their village hated them was because of the way he got his, inspiration, to write these books, because they weren't even bad.

Kakashi had been right last night, after they returned he read like one fourth of the book, and was quite surprised, but in a good way, he found the book very entertaining, and his dreams hadn't been about Sasuke, but rather, other stuff, which made him blush at the memory, damn books corrupted his mind already.

The damn books were so damn detailed, it was hard not to imagine the exact things happening on each page, and when he was finally asleep, well, his brain decided to give him a nudge in the side and show him it in pictures while sleeping as well.

Double checking his bookmark was placed right, he accidentally started to read the start of the next page within himself, 'As he put down his drink, while turning his head slightly his jaw dropped as the most beautiful being he had ever seen, entered through the doorframe, her short white dress along with the smooth long raven black hair going down her back-'

Naruto slammed the book shut with a huge blush on his face, while an image of a certain ravenette entered his mind, winking at him as he smacked the book into his face with a groan. 'Damn you pervy sage…' Naruto glared over at the snoring and drooling sage, while he tucked the book into his shuriken pouch, to carry it in a similar fashion as his silver-haired teacher.

Getting up from his bed, Naruto quickly ditched his sleepwear and got dressed into his pants and a black sleeveless shirt, as usual, he was about to grab his orange jacket but his hand passed through a hole in the sleeve. "Guess I need to get some new clothes…" Naruto pouted slightly, he had stuck with this outfit for some years now, felt kind of weird that he needed something new now.

Giving a shrug he tossed the jacket into the trash can that was placed in the corner and tied the headband around his forehead while he put his shuriken pouch and kunai holster in their place and a few seconds after, he slipped into his sandals and exited the hotel room.

Putting first his right foot outside the hotel entrance and then his left, he took a deep breath and released it with a peaceful sigh, it was early morning giving the temperature a bit of a chill, so you could still see a minor mist leaving his mouth along with the sigh, while he watched the light in the distance, indicating that the sun was about to rise.

"Morning Naruto, I see you took my advice to you last night." A voice called from his side, Naruto turned to look when he found nothing he raised a brow and looked up to see his Jounin sensei sitting on a branch while leaning against the tree trunk up in a tree, a few meters from him.

"Ehm yeah, I couldn't really sleep, so I could at least try those books you gave me." Naruto shrugged and scratched the back of his head, while he reached behind him and stuck a hand inside his shuriken pouch and pulled the orange book out of the pouch while he lifted it up while grinning.

Kakashi looked up from his own book while humming, and chuckled, "Judging from the bookmark you have there, you have already read what, about half of the book already?" The Jounin asked with an eye-smile, while Naruto gave an embarrassed chuckle with a bit of color coming onto his face.

"Well, I can't say that it's bad, because it is actually really entertaining, but it's just so weird because there is a lot of, uhm, stuff in here that I haven't really encountered or thought of before…" Naruto scratched his cheek slightly, and snuck the book back into his pouch while Kakashi just gave a few chuckles while shaking his head, he had suspected what Naruto was saying already.

"You are still growing up, it's pretty normal to be flustered about this stuff. It would actually be a bit weird if you weren't actually." Kakashi said scratching his chin slightly through the mask, before returning to his own book, making Naruto sweatdrop slightly as a thought crossed his mind. Did Kakashi ever not read one of these books? How were there even enough of them for him to be reading them all the time?

"Yeah, whatever you say Kakashi-sensei, anyway what's the plan for today, got some new exercises for me to work on while you and the perverted sage go out for some more peaking on women trips?" Naruto questioned while crossing his arms over his chest, as he leaned against the tree Kakashi was sitting in as the Jounin turned a page in his book.

"We are going to do some training of the mind today, as you already know Naruto you are really, impatient, boisterous, exuberant, obnoxious, and unorthodox as a person," Kakashi stated bluntly after a few seconds, and then turned a page afterward while Naruto grit his teeth together at his sensei's bluntness.

"So to work on this, we are going to make a lot of patience exercising, since your problem causing all of this trades in your personality is that you are never slowing down in life Naruto, do you ever sit in a tree to simply listen to the wind or feel the rays of sunlight escaping through the thick roof of leaves above?" Kakashi questioned, and when Naruto shook his head slowly, Kakashi closed his eyes and hummed.

"Thought so. So to do some much-needed work in this area, we are going to slow down your training to calm your mind, there will, of course, be a huge change to your personality as well from this, you will be calmer and collected in battle and laid back and relaxed when off duty." Kakashi told Naruto who nodded at that, it was a nice change though, not having to stress around all the time.

"I see you are starting to tell him the schedule for today, I must say I am surprised that he didn't fly at you with an intent to kill you after mentioning his so-called flaws." A voice chuckled, making the two turn to notice the recently awoken Jiraiya rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, Pervy Sage! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Naruto's forehead grew more than a few tick marks while his brows twitch dangerously as he glared at the tall pervert, making the man flinched slightly at the mood change that would put middle-aged women to shame in a heartbeat.

"You just had to ruin the moment Lord Jiraiya, didn't you?" Kakashi sighed, he finally had some calm talking with his blonde student, and the old man just had to come and open some of the bad traits up right now, didn't he?

"My bad, I thought we were making progress already, but I guess I was wrong because monkey ass down here isn't calmer at all yet," Jiraiya said flicking Naruto's forehead making the blonde ground in annoyance as he rubbed his forehead while glaring at the pervert tiredly.

The three stood in tense silence for a few seconds before Jiraiya scratched the back of his head with a sigh, and finally decided to speak up, "Well, no reason to stand around here all day, let's go down the deep forest at the end of the road, I got an exercise in mind." Naruto quickly got in line beside Jiraiya as he started walking, and joined by Kakashi a second later.

Kakashi flipped his book open, while Naruto quickly got reminded of Kakashi's advice yesterday and too decided to reach into his shuriken pouch confusing Jiraiya so that the sannin rose an eyebrow staring at Naruto, but his eyes widened immensely when a very familiar orange book entered his line of sight.

Flipping his own book open to where he had left his bookmark, Naruto grabbed the piece of paper he used as his bookmark and tucked into his pocket, while he quickly found which of the two pages he had ended up, and was about to start reading when his head was suddenly trapped inside a headlock

"Oh hooo! I knew you were a man of culture all along, NARUTO!",Jiraiya yelled, while Naruto just struggled to get free but couldn't help but grin a little while Jiraiya smiled almost, no, definitely, proudly at him while his head was locked under the old man's arm.

"Oh come on Pervy Sage, let go of me already! I was getting to some good parts, and you are interrupting me!" Naruto whined with a grin, and Jiraiya in an instant released him almost apologizing formally to him like he was a royal afterward until the Sannin got a glint in his eyes.

"Screw the exercise, for now, we can do that after lunch, for now, my student! I have the perfect technique to teach you!" Jiraiya almost roared, surprising all people out and about in the morning around them, while the two others in the company of the sannin sweatdropped slightly.

"You sure this will work?"

Jiraiya gave a flashy grin and thumbs up to his young student, while Naruto sighed and started to go through a couple of hand seals, "Transparency Jutsu…" Naruto cringed as he sighed the name out, and soon his body started to blend in with his surroundings leaving no visible trace of his body, only the trace of his chakra.

"Oh ho ho! It actually worked, you picked this up like a sponge and water! It only took half an hour!" Jiraiya exclaimed excitedly while Kakashi just stood with a raised eyebrow, what was this supposed to do good for? Any experienced shinobi would be able to catch his chakra trace unless he was taught the more advanced version of this jutsu.

Naruto released the technique and faded into view again as he released the ram seal he used to break the jutsu, and sighed. "And what exactly is this supposed to do good for again? I mean cool and all, but really, what do I have to use this for?" Naruto asked confused, while Jiraiya just quickly pulled a notebook out.

"Oh, no, no, NO! Never! Ah ah! Forget it, Pervy Sage, I am not going into some hot spring or bathhouse, or even some kind of changing room for women, to do your research for your books, forget it!" Naruto waved his arms around, sweating like crazy while Jiraiya just picked him by the collar and threw him up on the bathhouse roof beside an open window with a notebook in his hand now.

"No more books for Naruto, unless you do some favors for me! Heh heh, just think about this, you will have all the volumes you want, also the ones I have yet to publish, and also them I have yet to write!" Jiraiya said slowly, while Naruto just groaned as Kakashi almost looked jealous.

"Fiiine..!" Naruto sighed with a gulp. He started doing the hand signs again, and soon faded into his surroundings on the roof.

Nothing happened for the first few seconds, but then it was as if the slightly open window on the roof was open by some invisible force when in reality, it was just a certain blonde Uzumaki sneaking inside the bathhouse.

"This will actually also work for his training, not only did we teach him a very useful jutsu, so when he masters the second stage of it he will be almost untraceable, but also this will increase his skills in, espionage, infiltration, sneakiness and one of the most important things for guys in our business. Patience." Jiraiya grinned proudly, while Kakashi chuckled happily if Naruto succeeded he would get even more reading material very soon!

Dropping down from the ceiling Naruto landed with a quiet sound on the tiles below and was met with some hot steam making him narrow his eyes as tried to glimpse through the sudden thick layer of mist clouding his vision.

When his eyes had adjusted under the layer of his jutsu, his cheeks turned tomato-red as his eyes saw the things he had been reading about all along inside Jiraiya's books, but it was just in person this time instead! Everywhere he glimpsed there were naked female bodies, making him feel hotter and hotter as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

Pulling out a notebook with a shaking hand, Naruto gulped and started to scribble down all kind of notes Jiraiya would want from this situation, all from their character traits like hair, height, and their breast size and form, and of course their butts. In the end, Naruto's nose started to drip blood onto the tiles he was standing on, leaving small red drops stained on the tiles.

Naruto was busy scribbling down the notes of a dark-haired woman's body when she suddenly turned in his direction and pointed to the blood making his face turn deadly pale. "Hey, what's that over there? I think its blood, that's so disgusting! Is anyone on their period while in here?" She called back and walked over to the marks, making Naruto gulp as he quietly stepped behind some chairs and away.

Hiding behind the chairs with his heart about to escape his throat, as it pumped loudly as he swayed dangerously while sweating, Naruto looked up to the window he entered from to see a familiar white mop of hair sticking out, making him grin evilly as he hummed a few times before speaking in the girliest voice he could. "Up there! Someone's peaking on us!"

All the women inside the bathhouse started to look around for the voice, as their gaze suddenly met the horrified eyes of the owner that had the white hair in the window, "THE PERVERT'S UP THERE!" A blonde woman with quite the bust roared, while a dark-skinned one started to search around for something sharp and pointy.

'Take that Pervy Sage! That's for putting me in this situation, you stupid old pervert!' Naruto chuckled evilly, as all the women started to rush out to the changing rooms, giving Naruto quite the show of bouncing breasts and butts as they made their way out of the water with their wet bodies, some even took their time to bend down to pick up their towels, giving him quite the show.

As the last female left the premise, Naruto's hands he had been holding over his nose wasn't enough to hold the blood back anymore, so he flew through the room with a jet of blood escaping his nostrils, into the pool of bathwater at the end of the room with a loud splashing sound as water flew up on the back wall and the tiles surrounding it.

`So, this is how the old man, Iruka-sensei and that pervert Ebisu felt, damn, I am almost feel bad for them now. Almost.' Naruto mentally chuckled as he sat up with the jutsu fading inside the water, which is now a little more red from the recent jet of a nosebleed, and his clothes were drenched from the water inside the pool that was recently filled with naked women.

Hearing the door slide open Naruto gulped and took a deep breath, and pinched his nose with his index and thumb before he threw his body back under the water. Hearing the giggling of a group of what sounded to be teenage girls, Naruto's face turned blood red again as he saw the naked legs ascending into the water he was hiding in.

'Oh, no, no, no, NO! What do I do now?!' The blonde panicked as he suddenly found himself surrounded while he was almost out of oxygen under the water, going through the hand signs under the water he released the breath he was holding as he mumbled out the technique as his body vanished.

The girls looked at the middle of the pool and noticed small bobbles escaping making them raise a brow as they duck their heads under the water. And relievingly found nothing. At the end of the pool, no one of them managed to spot the wet spots making their way over to the wall under the window in the roof.

Releasing a breath he had been holding Naruto released the Jutsu on top of the roof, and started to breathe heavily, "Damn that was way too close for comfort, but it was fun I got to admit that it almost felt like one of those spy movies the guy at the orphanage would watch every Friday when I still lived there." Naruto scowled a bit at the mention of the orphanage but shook it off.

Looking around to see if there was anyone, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt which was heavy since it was drenched with water, and pulled it over his head and threw it on the roof beside him as he sighed pleasurably from the hot sun rays warming and drying his body.

"ROAST THE PIG OVER THE FIRE!" A loud voice screeched around the corner so Naruto dropped to his stomach, and quietly snuck over the edge to see the towel-clad horde of women carrying a big white-haired man with his hands and feet tied to a pole.

'Damn, now I am actually sorry for you Pervy Sage…' Naruto sighed, and watched as they turned the other corner with Jiraiya sulking and crying about not being the one that was peeping on them at all, but all he got back from that was cuts and bruises all over his body from the angry women horde.

Grabbing his shirt Naruto dropped from the roof and onto the dirt in front of the bathhouse and quickly started to sprint around the corner in his drenched pants to follow the horde carrying Jiraiya, intending to free the pervert from these evil female creatures abducting him, for kami knows what.

For the second time on this training trip, the trio was once again standing in a clearing they will use as their training ground for the time being, after being hunted by evil mad female species hunting them all around the town they are staying in. They had quickly checked out of their hotel room before this and made their way out of the town with their luggage and equipment. They had also stocked up on food and water, and camping equipment, since they were going to travel a long stretch next time they hit the road to get to their next location.

"So brat, it's time for some training, and even though you were the one managing to get me caught by these women, I got to thank you for pulling that smoke bomb on them when you did, we saved ourselves a week in the hospital this time." Jiraiya shrugged and groaned at the same time, while Naruto just smirked at his successful rescue.

"I want to, first of all, tell you the true purpose of what I made you do in there, of course, it was some quality research you came back with, but you also trained yourself in the arts of espionage, infiltration, and also extraction from the scene. And the key point here was patience, so you wouldn't get caught, so good job, it was a successful first try, but don't think the other times will be just as easy, there might be kunoichi in there next time." Jiraiya said with an evil glint in his eyes, making the young blonde shiver with a nervous laugh.

Kakashi took this as his moment to step in and chuckled, "Now, now, let's get some work done while we still have some hours of daylight to burn. As I said earlier, Naruto, we got to work on your patience, but we are going to wait to do that later, since it at times requires stuff that takes time where you have to be calm and still. But don't worry, I have another plan for the time being." Kakashi eye-smiled and walked inside the start of the forest around them, and over to a circle marked with kunai in the dirt.

Inside the circle was a tree, and a few bushes while Kakashi motioned for Naruto to get inside the marked area, "Alright, we are going to teach you how to use your surroundings to your advantage." Kakashi said simply, as Naruto stood inside the circle and looked around taking in the few things he had to work with.

"So, the exercise now will be that you will have to evade Shuriken and Kunai thrown from all your angles, and the rules are simple, no ninjutsu, you can't leave the circle marked with kunai knives sticking out of the ground, you can only use stuff you find inside this marked area to defend yourself, which means you can't use your own Shuriken or Kunai for defense, got it?" Kakashi finished, and Naruto gulped but nodded, this was going to end badly, he just knew it.

He looked around outside the circle, he was surrounded by forest, which means Kakashi had tons of blind spots to hit him from, hopefully, it is dulled shuriken and not sharp ones… He gulped at the thought, this could really end badly if he didn't use all of his senses to avoid these deadly projectiles.

Kakashi walked over and took Naruto's shuriken pouch away along with his kunai holster while making sure Naruto didn't have anything else and even went as far as to remove the blonde's headband. This had to be all survival from stuff he had in that spot, it was a way to learn how to fight your way out of tight situations without any weapons of your own.

Shunshining away Kakashi chuckled darkly, "You ready, Naruto?" He asked, but it sounded like the voice was coming from all over the forest now, just like that time with Zabuza on that stupid bridge, in the mission they had to Wave Country!

"Uhm, no not really." Naruto gulped and sighed as he looked at the grass below, ready or not, Kakashi was going to send the projectiles flying from everywhere at any moment now. Why couldn't this be some normal training like anyone else would do? He just had to get the two sadistic trainers, oh well, it could have been worse, he could have been trained by Guy…

He heard a whizzing through the air and ducked with a gasp, a Shuriken was now stuck inside the tree in front of him, "What the hell?! Kakashi-sensei, there has to be some mistake! These things aren't dull at all!" Naruto whined and hear more stuff moving through the air and made his way up into the tree and saw three kunai sticking into the ground where he had just stood.

"There is no mistake Naruto, you got to learn how to fight for your life, the hard way!" Kakashi's voice echoed while Naruto growled with a twitching eyebrow, damn that stupid pervert all the way to the deepest pit of yaoi hell!

The sound of flesh getting torn apart woke him up from his cursing, and he shivered as he felt some blood trail down his cheek from the cut, the damn pervert actually meant that shit?! Leaping onto the ground Naruto avoided another set of projectiles, but had to duck onto the ground quickly after, followed by a side roll since the projectiles came from everywhere now!

"OH COME ON! This is way too insane even for you sensei!" Naruto screamed into the forest as he raced around the circle, running like a chicken without a head to avoid all the damn shuriken and kunai, until the point that there was simply too many coming from all the direction for him to run anymore.

'What the hell, how am I supposed to avoid this?!' Then Kakashi's words came back to him, he needed to fight for his life, he couldn't just run for his life, he had to fight to beat this stupid exercise, but what could he fight with? Use a damn bush as some sort of shield? He couldn't use any ninjutsu after all, so what options did he have?

`We are going to teach you how to use your surroundings to your advantage…' Naruto mumbled the meaning of the exercise within his mind as he sat down on the ground with his back to the tree to avoid a kunai that flew into the tree above him.

But as he looked forward a shuriken was coming toward him and he gulped, and his hand found a rock and threw it at the shuriken, stopping in mid-air as the stone and weapon fell onto the forest floor. "That's it!" Naruto whispered in realization, he could use the rocks inside the circle to deflect the weapons as long as he didn't miss of course.

Running out from the shade of the tree to dodge a handful of flying kunai, Naruto started to pick rocks up from the grass and threw at the shuriken to deflect them, but as he made his way around into the tree crown he started to realize that he was running out of rocks big enough to actually do something against these heavy projectiles.

Jumping around in the crown of the tree Naruto slipped on one of the branches and fell down on the ground clutching onto it, and as another knife came flying he used the stick to slam the metal weapon away. 'I guess this can also be used, but I got to be careful if I don't hit the shuriken or kunai's flat sides there won't be much stick back to use after a couple of them are deflected…' The blonde hummed to himself as he started to use his surroundings more and more to his advantage.

He ran around and dodged the ones he could, used sticks to slam the metal projectiles away, and when some came close enough he would toss one of the stones he had left. He continued this pattern for around two hours until he was starting to get really sweaty and tired. He spun around and slammed the last Shuriken he could away with the leftovers of his stick of choice and panted hard as he looked around searching for more incoming weapons, but he found none.

He heard the sound of something appearing behind him and he turned around slamming the stick in the direction, only to be met with the sight of Kakashi that calmly lifted his gloved hand to shield himself, and as the stick made contact with the backside of the Jounin's hand it shattered to splinters. "S-So, how did I d-do?" Naruto panted with his palms on his thighs, but still with a grin.

"I got to say, I didn't think you would actually find so many ways to defend yourself in your first try, of course, there was the stone one I expected you would find, but you always managed to figure out how to use the branches as make-shift wooden swords, I need to say that I am impressed," Kakashi said proudly with an eye-smile toward the tired blonde.

Slumping down on the grass Naruto relaxed in the shade of the trees he had used as his defense for the last two hours and chuckled as he took in all the weapons stuck all over the place while a clone of Kakashi was going around collecting them while occasionally sealing them inside a scroll to save space.

The real Kakashi sat down beside Naruto and took in a breath of air, before he released it slowly, "I got to say, I hadn't seen this come." Kakashi trailed off, confusing the blonde genin as he gazed up at the Jounin sitting beside him.

Naruto gave a few quiet pants before he breathed out, "What do you mean? What didn't you see come, Kakashi-sensei?" He questioned confused while Kakashi kept quiet for a few seconds before he too turned his gaze to the one beside him.

"That you would grow so quickly actually, we've only been increasing training slightly, and you've managed to find your way through the Sharingan Shuriken exercise we taught you, then also this now and Jiraiya taught you a camouflage jutsu earlier, if we keep this up then we will see a powerhouse of a man in a few years," Kakashi said softly while eye-smiling.

"That depends really.." Naruto sighed and closed his eyes, confusing Kakashi greatly.

"Pervy Sage might actually get me killed before we even get finished here, I mean, he did threaten me earlier about throwing me into a bathhouse filled with Kunoichi next time he wanted me to do his research for him…" Naruto shivered as Kakashi started to give a few dry chuckles in response.

"Oh well, let's get on with the training then, we can't have you dying on us too soon, just because we slacked a bit at the beginning," Kakashi said jumping back to his feet, while the blonde followed slowly behind him groaning as his sore muscles begged for him to just rest for a few minutes more.

"Okay Naruto, since you've been through some major physical training the last two hours, in the form of constant running to avoid the projectiles, you also did use your legs and arms a lot to either jump or pull yourself out of harm's way, while also using a stick as a sword to defend yourself, I am going to say we skip the psychical training schedule we planned last time. And instead, we will move onto some ninjutsu training." Kakashi finished, and suddenly all fatigue was gone from Naruto's body as he sat still and listened on a rock listening intensely.

Kakashi stood still and kept quiet for a few minutes to observe the blonde, and found himself pleasantly surprised at the quietness in the clearing. Kakashi took a moment to look around and see if he could spot Jiraiya somewhere but found the place empty. So while sighing he sat down and crossed his legs in front of the rock Naruto was sitting on.

"Remember I told you about a jutsu I wanted to teach you so that you could beat… You know." Kakashi said and Naruto just nodded with a dark look on his face, if he had been stronger and smarter in that situation… Then…

"Now, now. No reason to dwell on the past Naruto, let's see here, as you know I want to teach you something able to beat the Chidori, and not just cancel it out like a Rasengan. What I want to teach you, is of the lightning element so we got to work with this today." Kakashi said pulling out two pieces of paper along with a light bulb.

"Sorry sensei but I don't follow, how are a piece of paper and a light bulb going to get my training of the lightning element started?" Naruto questioned skeptically with a raised eyebrow as he stared at the objects laying before him.

Kakashi hummed and took one of two pieces of paper and started to explain, "This isn't just some ordinary paper Naruto, this paper is called Chakra Induction Paper. This is a type of paper from a special type of tree that is grown and fed with chakra. When this so-called Chakra Induction Paper is exposed to even the slightest hint of chakra, it reacts according to the chakra's latent element." Kakashi explained while Naruto nodded his head getting what Kakashi meant so far.

"So, if you channel some chakra into this piece of paper, like how you channeled chakra to your feet to stick to a tree in wave-country, just with your hands instead this time. Then it will react to the chakra it's exposed to, and then show you which elements you possess at the moment. So, if you have a fire affinity, then the paper burns, if you have water, then it gets soaked, if its wind, then it gets cut in half, if you like me have lightning, then it will wrinkle, and at last if you have earth, then it will crumble away, makes sense?" Kakashi questioned, and Naruto nodded with narrowed eyes, stuff was getting too technical and complicated for his likings.

"As I said." Kakashi stopped and pushed chakra between the fingers he held the paper with and showed Naruto that it wrinkled, while the blonde nodded in understanding, his sensei had an affinity for lightning.

"Shinobi have an easier time learning to create and control a chakra nature that matches their affinity, although even then it may take a number of years. Shinobi are not limited to the nature they have an affinity for, and it is, in fact, common for Jounin level Shinobi to have mastered two natures or maybe even three. Although it is technically possible to master all five natures, it is very rare because of how much training is involved; Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Orochimaru, for example, is the only known Shinobi coming from the leaf that has ever managed to do it.".Kakashi finished his little history session, and was met with an awestruck gaze from Naruto, the old man he had always looked up to before he died just became even cooler now!

Shaking his head to get rid of the face he was making, Naruto against got a skeptical look on his face as he pointed at the light bulb, "Then what's that for, I do get what we need to paper for, like I need to find my element and all, but what do we need a light bulb for, it broad daylight."

After the blonde finished and Kakashi chuckled, and picked up the light bulb and soon out of nowhere it lit up. The blonde's face was filled with surprise, this didn't have any logic attached to it at all, the light bulb was lightening up without any power source, or wait a second. "Are you by any chance powering that thing up, with your chakra?"

Kakashi nodded slowly, "To be more specific, I am powering it up with my lightning chakra, using it as a form of electricity to light up the bulb, but this requires some precision as well, since if you push too little chakra into it, then it won't light up enough, and if you push too much…" Naruto watched as Kakashi pushed more chakra into the light bulb so that you could actually see a minor lightning chakra escaping the jounin's fingertips.

As he stared intensely at the light bulb, it exploded sending a bit of lightning crackling around before it disappeared. "Then it explodes." Kakashi finished with an eye-smile while he pulled out a sealing scroll from his shuriken pouch, and unsealed a plastic bag with light bulbs inside of it.

"As you already know, you have a lot of chakra within you, even more than I do. So it will be really hard to control that amount of chakra, especially since that when you have managed to light it fully up, then we move to stage two where you need to hold it fully lit up for an hour, which requires a good amount of control of your chakra. So don't feel bad if you don't get it first try, that's why we've brought some extra bulbs after all, so there is room to take it easy and for mistakes this time. No need to rush." Kakashi reassured Naruto, who just shrugged, he was going to master this in no time anyway, no matter what.

"Well, since I have explained most of the theory behind all of this, go ahead and grab the chakra paper and find out what affinity or affinities you have. You might be lucky to have more than one." Kakashi said eye-smiling, while Naruto grabbed the paper between his fingers and closed his eyes, and soon started to channel his chakra from the pits of his gut and all the way to his fingertips.

The sound of paper tearing apart made his eyes open, the paper had been cut in half. Kakashi was about to speak when the two pieces of paper still stuck between the blonde's fingers started to wrinkle. "Wait, does this mean what I think it means?" Naruto asked and Kakashi nodded at him.

"Yep. You got an affinity for wind, and an affinity for lightning as well. That's actually quite surprising, not only did you get two which most don't, but lightning is weak against the wind one, wouldn't have guessed that for a second affinity of yours." Kakashi said confused, while Naruto smirked in triumph, he was actually kind of special!

Kakashi reached into the plastic bag and threw a light bulb over to Naruto, that hastily caught in between his hands and grabbed the bottom of it and lifted it slightly. "Alright, so how do we do this?" He questioned and Kakashi sighed and explained.

"You got two affinities, your wind affinity is like blades so you gotta imagine it like blades to make it appear, lighting is different where you need to vibrate it and imagine the form of the electrical currents," Kakashi explained and Naruto tried his best to imagine these currents, and vibrate his chakra as he released it as Kakashi said, but nothing happened.

"Before you run amok yelling about it not working, this isn't genin level stuff, your teammate didn't even manage to do it until after a week or maybe two, but remember, you have a trump card with your Shadow Clones to speed things up, with your chakra capacity you could probably after getting the right control of your chakra cut decades worth of training down to a few years, maybe even a few months at best." There was a moment of silence before the blonde questioned stunned.

"Trump card with clones? C-Cut down d-decades worth of training?"

"I didn't know it was possible to have so many headaches gathered in one place." Jiraiya who had just returned grunted, his gaze was focusing on more than just a few mops of blonde hair sticking up everywhere on the clearing, along with the not so deep voices regularly complaining.

"Well, it certainly did become possible when I explained one of the two things that made the Shadow Clone technique get labeled as a forbidden technique. And it wasn't the chakra cost one, but more the one about the user being able to suffer brain damage from memory transfer overload from the clones." Kakashi said from the branch up in a tree, as he flipped a page in his new book.

"So, the brat actually didn't know that secret, I guess that he was intercepted before he could read as far as that. That or he was too impatient to read the entire page before trying it out…" Jiraiya sighed, this kid really did lack brain cells back then, but what was part of there job right now, was to ensure that he came back smarter than ever, so that a certain 'secret program' could be set in motion.

"No, he didn't, I was actually a bit surprised as well, but he was happily surprised after I mentioned the amounts of training time he could cut down to basically none when compared to the original estimated time. At this rate, he might actually figure out how to use his lightning affinity before lunch tomorrow, and also master stage two before dinner as well." Kakashi eye-smiled proudly, while Jiraiya couldn't help but smirk while snorting, the brat was full of surprises.

"I guess we did find a diamond in the rough. With his capacity for chakra, he can make thousands of clones to do this stuff for him, he can basically make his clones do his ninjutsu training, while he only has to focus on his psychical training and taijutsu. Plus, brat doesn't have a lot of brain cells to lose yet, so he can afford to make a few..." Jiraiya laughed, making the Jounin in the tree sweatdrop.

"I don't think it's healthy to advise that, but I do indeed think he is a diamond in the rough, he will grow quickly, I am more than positive that he will master the technique I have in mind for him within a month if not less. Actually, to be honest, the problem I am seeing is us running out of stuff to teach him." Kakashi chuckled dryly while scratching his cheek with his index finger.

"Well, I always have the sage training for him in case we get finished before time, he can't use his clones in that because of certain circumstances regarding the training, but I could always request some training regiments for Naruto to run through, perhaps some including medical training and first aid, if we do get so lucky and finish before time." Jiraiya shrugged, while Kakashi raised an eyebrow at that.

"Wouldn't it be wiser to return home before time? I know it's not the plan, but wouldn't it be less risky having him safe within the walls after we are done, instead of running around waving him like a flag as we do now?" Kakashi questioned and turned around to sit so his legs were hanging from the branch, as he closed his book.

"That would be a good idea, but as long as we keep our moves quiet out here we should be good, plus I can first return after around three years time, since we got business to attend to around the earth country border, so we got to move quietly up there to stay under The Hidden Stone's radar, so that will definitely take some time. There will also always be more stuff to teach him, the art of the shinobi is like a bottomless pit, it is just a question about whether we make it interesting enough for him to learn." Jiraiya said pointing his thumb toward the blonde struggling in the clearing.

"I guess that's true, I just hope we have managed to calm the blonde student of ours before we do enter their territory. I'd rather not explain our business there, or what we are doing around their border because a certain someone couldn't keep their outburst to themselves in the middle of hostile territory, especially considering who his father is." Kakashi said, dragging certain words out to hint a meaning behind them.

Jiraiya already knew that much and rolled his eyes, "Yeah just my thoughts Kakashi, since the Stone and the Cloud are allies, it won't be long before they realize that two certain headaches of their's got together and created an even bigger headache for the next generation to enjoy." Jiraiya snorted and shook his head.

"Oh come on Lord Jiraiya, you don't mean that our obnoxious 'kill-me' orange wearing student isn't adorable when he burst out all of his thoughts along with a touch of spit?" Jiraiya rolled his eyes at the sarcastic question, well knowing that it was exactly that. Sarcastic.

"Let's just hope that the three to four years coming, is enough to actually fix those problems of his, while we also make him stronger. I don't doubt our ability to make him a force to be reckoned with, but I have to say I am curious to whether or not we will be able to fix the flaws within his mindset, it isn't easy to fix it now." Jiraiya sighed along with Kakashi.

"True, especially since his parents weren't here to teach him manners in his childhood. I know The Third tried his best, but with the biggest and strongest village to run, along with the efforts put into our recent alliance with The Sand, then there wasn't much time left to teach orphan kids manners." Kakashi finished, while Jiraiya couldn't agree more to that.

"I guess we got to see where the road of life leads us, don't you agree, Lord Jiraiya?" Kakashi eyes-smiled making the white-haired Sannin short and playfully punch the Jounin's shoulder as he entered the area Naruto was training in.

So as stated before I got a question for you guys. Since my A/N's are filled with rambling this time, I will put this first, so you can decide whether you want to skip the rambling or not. QUESTION: What do you think this "secret program" is? Give me your best guess! There are no bad guesses!

SO, THAT'S CHAPTER THREE, YOU GUYS. I know, I know, I know. I have used A LOT of time on the training so far, but no worries it has come to an end now, I merely wanted to give an example of training while also really wanting to make a lot of bonding between this trio. Kakashi and Jiraiya are probably my two favorite characters along with Hiruzen and Mikoto in the show, so I really, really, really! Wanted to show off their bonding, especially the family bond they were developing with Kakashi as a surrogate father and Naruto and Kakashi being the surrogate sons/brothers.

I don't know if I will make so many chapters about future events, but I felt that this was way more important than any pairing or mission I could write about, but his training and bonds with people that are important is really something important to me, because his entire "Nindo" is located around them after he met Haku and Zabuza.

To be clear it is still cannon Naruto I am evolving in my way, that I would have liked, hence why I decided to let him keep his wind affinity, BUT, at the same time decided to add another affinity from his father's side, which I found on Minato's wiki. I try my best to keep some Naruto within him, but I would like to keep him calmer which is why there is a lot of patience practice thrown into the mix.