A different life A/U A look at a different version of Tea Gardner.
Disclaimer; I do not own Yu Gi Oh, or any of the characters in this story. If you do not recognize then, then they are mine. I am not making any money off of this story. And feedback IS appreciated!

Greetings. I am the Watcher. I am similar to the one that you know from the Marvel Universe, except that I watch and observe events in this universe. Like my counterpart, I only watch, I do not interfere. This day, we take a look at Tea Gardner. She is a good friend to both Yugi Moto, Tristan Taylor, the Kaiba brothers, and Mai Valentine. She is more support than a duelist. She is also the person who has kept this group balanced. She has planned to be a dancer, and had done her part to have a good grade average at the school. But, there are other realms, other worlds. Today, we shall see one of those worlds.
On this world, we shall see what happened to Tea, if things took a different track than what we think of today. The turning event for all of this, is the time that Tea was being threatened by a stalker. In our universe, The Pharaoh intervened, saving Tea from this crook. But, in the world that we will be observing, things took a different turn.

In this world, Tea backed away, as the stalker/burglar produced a knife. "Well, little girl, since you won't give me the cash from the safe, I'll just take my pleasure from your body. Now, STRIP!" he ordered her.

Tea had no choice in the matter. It was either take her clothes off, or risk being harmed by the burglar. So, Tea chose to take off her clothes for the crook. She wasn't happy about it, but it was a no win situation for her.

The crook took a good, long look at Tea. While not very large in the chest, she had a good shape, and strong, lean legs. Nodding his head, he came to a decsion: He was going to RAPE this woman! He knew that even if she talked, it would not be a good description of him, and with such a large city as this, it would be hard to find him. With that, he did what he promised himself he would do. And in doing so, not only did he harm her physically, he also harmed her menatlly, forcing her to go into a dark corner of her mind that would take a great deal of work to get her out of, and even then, there would still be a lingering darkness to her psyche. Also, Tea would find that the assault wold cause her problems in her plans to be a dancer.

Finally, after several hours. the assailant left, leaving Tea curled up in a ball, unconsious. That was the state that her manager found her in, in the morning when he opened up the store. The first thing he did was to make sure the sign for the store was still set for off, then he called the police to have Tea taken to the hospital.