In no way do I make any manner of profit from this fan fiction. Nor do I claim ownership of any of the characters of the Fake/ Fake: Second universe. On that note, it's Fake: Second when I'll be setting this so we can have our heroes as an established relationship.

All I claim ownership for are FBI agent Declan O'Rourke and the as of yet unnamed killer.

Given the general content of the Fake series, all the murders and such, this story if going to be rated M. Oh, and hope you guys have strong stomachs, I've pulled on what I've learned from CSI and Criminal Minds for this.

Fake: The Streets Run Red

Ch I

Rain. A cop's worst enemy. It washed away evidence, ruined crime scenes, and generally made the setting more miserable than it already was. The alleys of New York weren't exactly happy-go-lucky spots to begin with.

It was raining that night; when they found the first body. God, what a mess.

Homicide detectives Randy "Ryo" Maclean and Dee Laytner stood just outside the alley, umbrellas deployed to try and keep the torrent off of them. Not that they were having much luck with the wind bringing it in at an angle. Down the alley, on the other side of the crime tape, they could see the flash lights of the CSU crew as they gathered what little they could. Dee plucked the sodden cigarette from his lips and flicked it away. "Damn rain," he grumbled, slicking back his dripping hair from his face.

"You shouldn't be smoking at a crime scene, anyway," Ryo chided. He loved the man, but sometimes his more unprofessional habits got on his nerves. There was a reason the chief was always riding him and the others.

Dee opened his mouth to no doubt make a smart ass comment, but the CSU techs emerging from the alley stopped him. "It's a bad one, detectives," one of them said, looking a little green. "Hope you had a light dinner."

Dee and Ryo shared an uneasy look before ducking under the tape and heading down the alley to get their first look at the beginning of a long and terrible nightmare. When they arrived at the body, flashlights dancing over the corpse, Ryo had to fight down said light dinner. Even Dee looked pale at the sight.

Before them lay the victim of a horrible crime, though they couldn't identify the gender of the victim at this time. In fact, it wouldn't be until they got the coroner's report that they'd find out the victim was female. The reason they couldn't identify the gender was because the body had been completely skinned from head to toe. That wasn't the detectives were almost sick, though. The cause of that was the "clothing" the body had been placed it. At first glance, it looked like a pale leather jacket and matching pants. But upon closer inspection, it became evident that the "suit" was in fact made from human skin.

Ryo crouched down once he'd regained his composure and took a closer look at the body. Taking a pen out of his pocket and reaching over, he used the end of his pen to open the flap of the "jacket" a bit to see if was attached to the corpse somehow. "I don't think this skin belongs to the victim. I know skin can get a bit stretched when it gets tanned for leathering, but this seems a few sizes too big for this body."

Dee was panning his flashlight around the dump site. "Doesn't look like any ID was left behind, unless the CSU techs found and bagged one for evidence." He glanced back at the body with a scowl. "We've got one sick fuck on our hands."

At the end of the alley, the flashing emergency lights of an ambulance could be seen waiting to take the body to the morgue. Ryo stood up and looked towards the far end of the alley, thinking. "Here's a good question, where are the other body and this one's skin?"

Dee was giving one last sweep with his flashlight when he spotted something sitting next to a trash bag. In the dark and the rain, the CSU must have overlooked it. Good thing he hadn't. "I think I found half of it," he said. He stepped closer and nudged the object into the light from Ryo's flashlight. It was a purse, made from the same material as the suit.

Back at the 52nd precinct where the boys had been transferred to since they'd joined the Special Crimes Investigation Unit (SCIU), Dee collapsed into his chair and reached across the table top to grab a smoke from the pack of cigarettes he'd left there. One that hadn't been drenched through completely by rain. That was the problem with the rain in New York. It always managed to drench you and everything you had on you no matter what you did to stop it. He lit a cigarette and leaned back in his chair, blowing a stream of smoke at the ceiling.

"Rough day at the office, hun?" Drake asked as he and Ted looked up from their own work.

Dee merely scowled and flipped the other detective off so Ryo answered for him. "We got a pretty grim case on our hands, could probably use your help on it if you have the time." He passed his preliminary notes over to Drake that he'd written down on the way here.

Drake looked over the notes, Ted reading over his shoulder. As they read, their faces grew paler and paler. "Jesus..." Ted managed to say after they'd finished and returned the notes to Ryo.

"Our sentiments exactly," Dee said. "Got a real sicko on our hands this time." He reached down to the sodden paper bag at his feet and pulled out the purse they'd placed in an evidence bag, tossing it onto the table to emphasize his point.

"There's something else we need to take into account," Ryo added. "If I'm right and the uhhh... skin suit is not made from the victim's skin, then we have another body out there somewhere. And even though it's way too early to consider this yet, but is it possible we're looking at the start of another serial killer?

No one said anything, all of them praying this was just some fucked up isolated case. The notion of another serial killer on the streets was not one they wanted to contemplate at the moment. From the door of his office, FBI agent Rikka Kaito, who headed the SCIU, watched silently.

A black gloved hand finished drawing a red X over a pair of photos before tacking them up on a corkboard. On a nearby table, several more photos lay waiting. Each photo showed either a man or a woman and looked as though the photos had been torn down the middle, meaning that these were most likely pictures of couples.

As the mysterious figure spread out the pictures on the table to better examine them, they also picked up a scalpel from the table and ran a gloved thumb over the blade. They watched at the glove's split open slightly from the sharpness. Perfection.

Dee sat at the small table in Ryo's kitchen, silently reading the newspaper while his lover cooked them both a little something to eat. Not that either of them had much of an appetite right now. But, they were going to need all their strength to tackle this latest hell that had come their way.

"Here we go," Ryo said, placing two bowls of hot tomato soup and two grilled cheese sandwiches on the table. It was a simple meal, but a good choice for cold, wet nights like this.

Setting aside the paper, Dee took a bite of his sandwich. Damn, Ryo could cook. The cheese was melted just right and the bread had just the right amount of burn. It went a long way too taking his mind off the case for the night. The real challenge was going to be getting Ryo's mind off of it. That boy could be so obsessive when it came to work.

For now, the pair ate in a somewhat awkward silence, both lost in thought. While Ryo was indeed going over the scant details of the case in his head, trying already to see if there was something they'd overlooked, Dee was trying to think of ways to get his boyfriend to relax for a few hours. Burning one's brain out so early into a case wouldn't do anyone any good.

When Ryo got up to collect their dishes, Dee grabbed his tie and yanked. "Dee?! What are you - mph!" The chestnut haired detective's question was cut off by being pulled down for a kiss. Dee's tongue quickly invaded his mouth, and Ryo couldn't help but offer a little moan in response.

Letting Ryo come up for air after a moment, Dee licked his lips, though he kept his grip on Ryo's tie. "Is Bikky home tonight?" he asked.

A blush crept over Ryo's cheeks as he realized what Dee was getting at. "N-no. He's staying at a friend's house."

The grin on Dee's face confirmed Ryo's suspicions. He looked like the cat that ate the canary right now. "Good. Because now I know exactly what I'm having for dessert."

Author's Note: An oldie but a goodie folks. Who doesn't love reading a good FAKE story? Though to be honest, I've never read a single fanfic from this manga. Read the manga, which helped me realize I was bi, so I felt it was time I gave these boys a shot at being a work of mine. So instead of standard reviews this time around, what manga/anime/etc has helped you discover something about yourself?

Now, I will warn you, and you've probably already guessed, this story is going to be effed up. I've had to put a lot of thought into the killer, came up with almost his full profile like what you'd hear on Criminal Minds. Way too much thought on this, trust me. But it'll be worth it.