Day by day it has been hard for Michael to keep his and Mallory's relationship quiet, not with his aunt and uncle trying to introduce him to women from high society of maritable age. Sending letters upon letters of whom they think may caught his fancy. Inviting him to lavish parties full of beautiful expensive "flowers" that he can choose from.
He refused them though, telling them that he is busy to meet the women of their choosing. He wants to tell them that he is in a happy relationship with Mallory, but he knows he can't, if he does that, he knows that they will immediately try to take her away, they may even use the fact that Coco had found her and take her under their wing, just to end their relationship. Even if they accepted their relationship, at best they would think of Mallory as just his past time or worst his mistress.
As happy as he is, he does keeps secrets from Mallory. Michael had Mallory's aunt and uncle captured, imprisoned, and then executed them himself for the things that they have done and planned to do to his beloved. Michael found out that the two tried to contact Mallory, luckily Cordelia was able to intercept it. His Mallie doesn't have the slightest idea about it, but they were going to harass or guilt her into getting more money for them, either out of her salary or by coaxing her in stealing from the manor.
Michael particularly liked cutting the old man's lower "parts" into pieces while he was still alive, watching him in pain and agony was bliss especially when the man taunted him by asking if the girl tasted wonderful like he imagined and that it was too bad she ran away before he could ever try her himself.
Michael could only see red from anger and blood. When their kind is angry and vengeful, they will stop at nothing until the source of their anger is dead, just like his grandmother who avenged her mother. Their death is the only secret he will take to the grave, he will never let his beloved Mallie be scared again, not of him or anybody else.
He wanted to give Mallory back her house as a gift after he gets it fixed, but when she voiced that the house no longer matters, he didn't really know what to do with it so he just left it alone.
However, there is another secret that he has been keeping from Mallory recently, this one was told to him by his grandmother.
About a week ago Michael had received a message from her grandmother to meet her the following night. Michael had assumed that it was due to his request. So he set off without informing Mallory about it.
As soon as he sees his grandmother, he sees her face in a worried frown and he wondered why. The old woman dragged Michael to a tight embrace then cupping his face, "Michael, thank goodness you are here!".
Michael held his grandmother's hand worried for her, "What is the matter grandmother, has something happened"
"Oh dear child, I need to know, have you and your girl have been having dreams, the sort that you or our kind are leaving this world?"
He knitted his eyebrows together, thinking carefully, "I'm not sure about Mallory, but yes, I've had those".
Constance nodded in affirmation, "Our true home is calling us, we have overstayed our welcome child, this world is starting to reject our kind, before all is lost we will need to go home soon."
Michael felt her words were true, there was something, he doesn't quite able to put his finger on it before, like a feeling, like a longing or sadness for something he does not know.
Constance read the confused expression on Michael's face, so she proceeds to tell him what she knows. "There is one special child of our kind, she has a song that has been passed on to her by her kin, if she sings it in her true form, the gates of Tir na nog will open for us to go home."
Constance then gave a knowing look to his grandson. Then realization hit him, "Are you implying that child is Mallory?"
"Yes, she is", the older woman paused and gave a hesitant smile at her grandson, "her mother had hidden herself and her child because she didn't want to leave her human husband, but now, things are different, our kind is dying off, going home is the only way for us to survive. But you and your girl are halflings, you can decide where you want to stay, if i take your coats then you can stay here and be truly human, however, once the gates are closed then you both cannot cross and you will die a mortal life here."
Michael wasn't sure what to say to his grandmother. "I'll talk to her" was the only thing he said before he headed back to his house. That has been a week and he still doesn't know how to tell this to Mallory.
Michael had called Mallory into his study where the two could be alone, usually under the guise of Michael ordering Mallory to helping him with his work, which involves them in the couch, in each other's embrace while talking about everything but also nothing. This time however, Michael was visibly nervous, he was tapping the armrest of the couch while waiting for his Mallie.
When Mallory entered the study, she gave Michael a big smile, however, it quickly turned into a frown, when the baron did not return the smile and looked very troubled.
Mallory assumed her usual spot beside Michael, as soon as she sat, the baron wrapped his arm around her lithe frame, resting his hands on her hips.
Mallory took Michael's hand and gave it a little peck,"Do you want to tell me what's been bothering you Michael?"
Michael pulled Mallory closer to him and kissed the back of her head, he wordlessly nodded then proceeded to tell her what occurred a week before. By the time he was finished Mallory was staring at their intertwined hands. "You want to go don't you?", she asked.
Michael shook his head and responded "I want to stay wherever you are, I'll follow you to the end of the world if necessary. If you want to go, then I'll go too, but if you want to stay here then I'll stay too", then he tightened his embrace on her.
Mallory then pulled away and looked at him and caressed his face, "Michael, I want to stay where you are too, In here, we can't be together, can't we?", the baron could not answer her truthfully.
Mallory knew his silence was an affirmation, "Then I want to go home so I can be with you".
Michael took Mallory's hands and kissed them, "Then I'll prepare for everything".
After another week, both lovers took one last look of the manor and set off to the sea where their kind awaits for them.
When the night took over the world, Mallory wore her coat and sang her song, a bright light grew from the horizon in the sea as if the sun had risen, the gates to Tir na nog opens. Above the skies, the "others", like a veil of light converged in the gates, it was a beautiful sight to behold as they journey home.
As Michael and Mallory follows their brethren home, Cordelia reads the last letter of the baron while looking at the magnificence of the night veil. Michael states that he found his belonging and home with Mallory, that the two chose to leave this world with their own kind. The inheritance of the manor and everything belonging to his family has been arranged, he had chosen his cousin Coco to inherit everything, that it is up to them if they so choose to serve her.
As morning came, nothing seems to have changed, the memory of the "others" starts to fade away as the last of the light from the gates of Tir na nog disappears.
As soon as Michael and Mallory entered the gates of Tir na nog, all they see is more of their kind, happy and welcoming them home. When they turned to their humanoid form, they press their foreheads together. Mallory whispered "Welcome home" and Michael responded "You are my home", and they sealed their love with a kiss.