The next day is New Year's Eve. Anna awakens early and rolls over in her sleep looking for Robert and she encounters cold. She awakens and realizes he went to work today. He has been home so much lately that she was getting very, very used to it. She sighs and then gets up to go to the bathroom. When she comes out she sees a note on her night stand.
"Love you with all my heart. I'll miss you today. Can't wait for tonight and I can't wait to spend another glorious year with you and our beautiful rapidly expanding family. Forever yours, Robert." She chuckles through her tears.
"Mom?" Robin says coming in through the open door.
"Hey, what are you doing up so early?" Anna says.
"I don't know, I couldn't sleep. I heard Dad leave early this morning and I've been up since then. Can I sleep with you for a little while?"
Anna smiles. "Of course you can until your brother wakes up. I think we have another hour though. You're more alert than me. I never heard Dad leave." Anna says and they both get under the covers. Robin lays her head on Anna's shoulder.
"What were you reading just now?"
"A note from your father."
"Can I see it?" Anna hands it to her smiling.
"Wow he's really getting sappy in his old age." Robin says. "But it's really so sweet." She adds and Anna laughs.
"He really is, isn't he?" Anna says.
"You have him wrapped around your finger ya know." Robin says, and Anna really laughs at that.
"Why would you say that?" Anna asks.
"Because Its true. Before you guys got remarried, he used to be so, I don't know, disagreeable and closed off. I mean he was always loving to me and so much fun and everything, but to others he was different. Now he's like. I don't know it's hard to describe. He's happy all the time, I mean really happy." Robin says. "And you're the same way. You are so happy all the time now, before you married dad you were not."
Anna thinks, and she knows it's true. "That's what happens when you're in love, Robin and when you have everything you ever dreamed of. I'm lucky, we all are." Anna says wistfully caressing her daughter's head.
"I hope that happens for me." Robin says. "It will Robin, trust me it will." Anna says.
"I didn't expect you here tonight, I thought you would be back in the city." The man says trying to hide his uneasiness.
"I didnt expect nor want to be here either, but you've disappointed me." Frank says as he looks out over the water.
"I know. I have put the pressure on and I mean serious pressure to get this ob done one way or the other. I guarantee you by February, they will be out of the way." The man responds.
"I don't understand, whats the issue?" Franks asks.
"Not unexpected. Scorpio is just not responsive to my team's usual tactics. Frank we knew he wasn't going to easy, but we do have a plan in motion that I guarantee will solve our problems." The man says hoping to get himself off the hook. He knows Frank would have no qualms about eliminating him and bringing someone else in to take over.
"Tell me the plan." Frank says. The man is surprised because Frank never wants to know the details. He explains to Frank what he has arranged and what is in motion based on inside information. Frank is impressed and is confident it will work despite the fact that he knows who they are dealing with.
"Get it done. Don't fail me. I need this operation set up by no later than April. This is your last chance." Frank says and walks away. The man watched him walk away and sighs.
Anna and Robin arrive at the Outback and its pretty full. They see Mac right away and they all hug and kiss. Anna looks stunning in a black t-length dress and Robin is dressed in a gorgeous green dress. They both had their hair and make-up done this afternoon and Anna is wearing her hair up and Robin's is all curled down. Mac brings them over to the table where All their friends are all sitting. They all stand and give Anna congratulations on hearing the news about the twins.
Anna looks at Felicia. "Sorry was it a secret?" She asks.
"No of course not its ok." Anna says laughing.
"Where's your partner in crime?" Luke asks.
"He's working, he's going to join us later."
"So twins, you guys don't seem to be wasting anytime. Umm, so next year, are we going for triplets?" Frisco asks. They all laugh.
"Very funny and absolutely not." Anna says.
The music starts, and people get up to dance. Anna looks at her watch.
"Don't worry Mom, Dad will be here soon." Robin says smiling.
"I know. That's not why I was looking at my watch."
"Yeah right."
"Shut up." Anna says nudging her and smiling. Mac comes over to Robin and asks her to dance and she happily agrees. Sean and Tiffany feel bad because Anna is sitting alone now and the table.
"Maybe we should keep her company until Robert shows up." Tiffany says. Just then she sees Barbra Miller comes over to Anna at the table. Anna is surprised to see her at the club.
"Hello Anna, how are you? I'm surprised to see you alone. Where's Robert?" She asks. Anna looks up with that look of irritation on her face.
"Hi, I'm good thank you. My husband is working he should be here soon. Where's Kirk?" She says With a rasied eyebrow.
"Oh, he's around somewhere, probably by the bar."
Tiffany can see Anna's face from the dance floor. "Let's go." She says to Sean.
"Hello Barbra." Tiffany says.
"Hello Tiffany, nice to see you again, Sean. Well Anna it's nice to see you again and I'm happy the girls have patched things up." Barbra says.
"Same here, have a good night." Anna says dismissively.
"What was that all about? I can see the steam coming out of your ears." Tiffany asks.
"Oh, its nothing really. She's just a little much." Anna says but Tiffany's not buying it. "I'm going to get another drink." Tiffany says going to the bar But not before she looks at Sean. "Come on Anna lets dance." He says to her. She smiles at him and takes his hand.
"So, twins. How are you guys handling that?" Seans asks as they begin to dance. Anna laughs, "Actually very well. We are really happy about it now that the shock has wore off." She says chuckling.
"I'm so happy for you too, you deserve this happiness." Sean says looking at her.
"Thank you and you deserve happiness too, Sean. What's past is past ok? We are all where we are meant to be." She says and they hug tightly.
They continue dancing and then Anna sees Robert walk in and she smiles. He looks amazing in his tux. She watches him, as he talks to his brother and greets everyone as he comes down the stairs. Then she notices Barbra Miller go right up to him and kiss him on his cheek. She obviously has been drinking. Robert seems a little taken back and steps away and moves on to greeting everyone else. Sean watches all of Anna's reactions.
"What's the deal there?" He asks already knowing the answer.
"She apparently has the hots for my husband."
Sean starts laughing."That's interesting."
"Yeah isn't it?" She says smirking. Sean watches her as she watches Robert work the room and say hello to everyone. Robin sees him and gives him a big hug and then he is obviously searching for Anna. Then he sees her and they smile at each other.
"Let's go say hello." Sean says seeing the looks they exchange. They walk up to Robert at the bar and Sean gives him a hug congratulating him. "Thanks mate." He says. "I'm going to join my wife. See you at the table." Sean says walking away smiling.
"Hi, you look amazing." He says looking at her adoringly.
"Thank you, so do you, but you don't sound good. You got his cold." Anna says looking into his eyes with her hand on his chest. He smiles and takes her hand.
"What do you expect when my son snots all over me." He says and she laughs.
"Missed you today." He says Looking deeply into her eyes wanting to take her in his arms and kiss her deeply.
"Hmmm, me too." She says as she sees that look as they inch closer and closer to each other.
"How's Part 2?" He asks as he trails his hand gently up her bare arm. She loves when he says that, it makes her laugh.
"He's actually pretty good, the congestion came back, but its not as bad today and he wasn't as cranky."
"Good and how are you and parts 3 and 4?" He asks, and she laughs out loud at that. "We are all fine." She stays through her laughter. She goes to kiss him, and he pulls back a little. "You'll get my cold." He says smiling. "I'll take my chances. Plus, I think I already have it anyway." She says smiling and kisses him tenderly.
"Come on let me go say hello to everyone and then we can dance." He says as they link their hands together and they head to the table.
"Look who it is, he's no longer just superman folks, he's supersperm." Luke says and everyone bursts out laughing and Anna covers her face with her hands. Laura hits Luke in the stomach.
"Luke, You're an idiot." She says laughing still. Robert is laughing but embarrassed.
"Yes Laura, he is an idiot." Robert says as he holds out Anna's chair for her and then sits down next to him and Luke wraps his arm around him.
"Congratulations man. Great news." Luke says. "Thanks, moron." He says and Luke laughs. After a few minutes of everyone talking about their news, Robert turns to Anna. "Wanna dance?" He says. "I thought you would never ask." She says smiling at him. He takes her by the hand to the dance floor and takes her in his arms.
He kisses her on the cheek and the neck. "Hmmm, you smell so good." He says. "Thank you." She says smiling. They dance for a while just looking at each other and kissing every so often.
"Its been an amazing year hasn't it?" She asks as she caresses his hair.
"The best year of my life. It started off as the worst year of my life. But look at us now." He says spinning her around.
"I know, we have a lot to be thankful for, that's for sure. It really has has been the best year of my life Robert. Although the year before is a close second." She says smiling at him.
"Hmmm yeah that was definitely a close second now 1993 will give us four kids." He says laughing. She laughs along with him.
"When you say it like that you make me very, very tired." She says caressing his lower lip with her finger.
"Sorry. How's This? I can't wait to get you home and have my way with you. This dress makes me want to take you right here, right now." He says.
"Robert." She says on an exhale.
"Yeah." He responds looking into her eyes.
"We have to make it until midnight at least." She says and wraps her arms around his neck bringing them closer together.
"I don't know if I can." He says smiling are her. "Delayed gratification." She says against his lips. "Hmmm. We are very good at that aren't we?" He says to her. "Oh yes we are." He kisses her while bringing his hands to her hips.
"Robert, please." She says. "Please what?" He says knowing exactly what he's doing to her. They dance very close together for the next couple of songs just reveling being together and so happy.
Felicia and Frisco return to the table and notice Tiffany looking at someone very intently.
"Whats going on?" Felicia says taking a sip of her drink.
"I don't really know, but I think someone is stalking Robert." Tiffany says. "Who, who?" Felicia asks. "At 10 o clock." She says. Felicia looks in that direction and sees Barbra Miller watching Robert and Anna very intently.
"Isn't that the neighbor across the street. Robin's friends mother?" Felicia asks.
"Yeah that's the one." Tiffany asks. "Oh this is too funny." Frisco says.
"Does Anna know?" Laura asks. "Oh yeah she knows, she thinks its funny too." Tiffany says.
"I don't think she thinks its funny anymore." Sean says.
"Look at the way she's looking at them. That's not good." Luke says. They all watch her drinking her drink at the bar watching them very intently.
"Doesn't she have a husband? Where is he?" Felicia asks.
"He's over there hitting on another woman." Tiffany says. "One man's family." Sean says. "Oh, oh she's on the move. Tiff lets go." Sean says and they immediately go to the dance floor next to Robert and Anna.
"Hey you two, having a good time?" Sean asks as he takes Tiffany in his arms.
"Yes we are. How about you guys?" Anna asks smiling.
"Its been a great night. Just a half hour to the new year. Its been a helluva year." Sean says. "Yeah it has." Robert says. "Hey, buddy do you mind if I dance with your wife, some PI business to discuss." Sean says.
"Sure thing, come on Tiff, lets show them how its done." Robert says and kisses Anna sweetly.
Sean takes Anna in his arms. "Hey listen, there is something not right about that neighbor of yours." He says.
"Oh Sean, she's just a harmless twit looking to score because she's bored in her marriage."
"I don't know. She's a very attractive woman, who seems to have the major hots for Robert. She looks like trouble to me."
"She really is harmless Sean. Plus I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize Robin and Jodi's friendship." She says dismissively but then notices her looking at Robert and Tiffany dancing.
"Hey listen I have something to tell you. I'm telling you this because I know how oblivious you can be with this kind of stuff." Tiffany says.
"Ok, you have my attention." Robert says smiling.
"That neighbor of yours across the street. Robin's friends' mother, she has the major hots for you and she seems to be zeroed in on you like a missile." Tiffany says. "What? Are you kidding me?" Robert says laughing.
"I wish I was. Look I've seen that look on many a crazed women before in my line of work and she has that look." Tiffany says. "Oh come on." He says.
"Ok, look at 2 o'clock, but do it causally and tell me what you see?" Tiffany says. Robert turns Tiffany around so that he can see. He looks unobtrusively in that direction and then he sees her at the bar looking directly at him. She makes eye contact with him and raises her martini glass at him.
"See?" Tiffany says. Robert smiles at Tiffany. "Yeah I see and now she's coming this way." Robert says. "Crap." Tiffany says.
"Tiffany may I cut in?" Barbra asks. Before Tiffany answers, Robert says, "Actually Barbra, I was just going to dance with my wife. Maybe another time." He says.
"Oh Robert just one dance, it looks like Anna is fine." She says as she puts her hand on his chest. Anna is watching the entire scene and immediately tenses.
"Barbra, maybe another time." Robert says more forcefully and walks away and goes to Sean and Anna. Sean also witnessed the exchange but couldn't hear what was said. Robert immediately takes Anna into his arms and she put her arms around his neck and he kisses her. Sean goes to Tiffany and takes her in his arms and does the same thing. Barbra is left standing there alone until she walks off and grabs her husband by the bar to dance.
"What are we going to do about this?" Robert asks. Anna laughs "Nothing. What's to do?" She says smiling, not really wanting to reveal that she is now becoming concerned about this women. She is not concerned about Robert, she is concerned about what she thinks is becoming an obsession. She knows her husband and knows if she indicates that she is worried, he will feed off of that.
"True, but its weird. Now I feel uncomfortable, I mean we live across the street from these people and she's our daughter's best friend." Robert says.
"Darling, its New Years Eve. We just had the best year of our lives and another amazing year is about to dawn for us. Just focus on me, our daughter, our son and the two new children we created." Anna says. Robert smiles at her. "That is very easy to do." He says and kisses her sensuously. They get swept away as they continue to dance. He breaks the kiss. "God, I Love you." He says against her lips. "And I Love you." She replies with tears in her eyes. They look into each oterhs eyes as they dance closely.
"Where's our daughter, I haven't seen her all night." He asks.
"She's hanging out with Jodi and Lucky. She seems to be having a good time." Anna says. Its now 2 minutes to midnight and everyone begins to fill the dance floor as Mac cuts the music. Robin finds her way to her parents and they hug. Mac finds his way over to them as well. The four of them stand together along with their friends and join in the countdown. At midnight they all say Happy New Years.
Robert takes Anna in his arms. "Happy New year Love." "Happy New Year Sweetheart" They kiss for long moments as Robert twirls her around. "I love you." He says. "Love you more." They go to their daughter and they both hug and kiss her. "We love you baby." Anna says. "Happy New Year." Mac comes over and kisses Anna, hugs his brother and hugs his niece. Robert, Anna and Robin dance together as they sing Auld Lang Syne.
When its over Robert says "Ya know that's a terrible song." Anna laughs. "It really is." They all hug and kiss all their friends as well. "I know we couldn't, but I wish William was here." Anna says. "I know me too." Robin says.
"Robert why don't we go home?" Anna says really wanting to her her baby and for just the four of them to be together.
"Whatever my girls want. Robin, do you want to go?" He asks.
"Can we wait for like a half hour? Uncle Mac says he was going to play real dance music now." Robert looks at Anna and she nods yes. "Ok, We'll wait. Come on hot stuff lets go back to the table." Robert takes Anna's hand and ;eads her back to the table pulling out her chair for her. The others are still on the dance floor so they take the opportunity to sit closely together and talk.
"I can't wait to get you home." He says and proceeds to whisper in her ear what he wants to be doing right at this moment. It is having the desired affect.
"Robert, stop talking like that or Ill take you in the back to Mac's apartment." She says smiling at him and caressing his face. "Let's go right now." He says. "Robert we can't, you really have to work on your delayed gratification patience thing." Anna says chuckling. "You know I have zero where you are concerned." He says. "Have you checked in at home?" He asks trying to calm himself.
"Yes, everything is fine. Olin said William was very good and he seems better. He went to sleep at 10." She said. "Hmmm, nice and late. Maybe we can sleep in tomorrow." He says sitting very close to her. "Hmmm, that sounds very nice." She says right before he kisses her.
"So Robert can I have that dance now?" They both look up and see Barbra standing there and she is obviously drunk. Robert and Anna look at each other and sigh. Anna has reached her limit.
"I don't think so Barbra." Robert says.
"Oh just one dance, I'm sure Anna wouldn't mind." She says.
"Actually Barbra, I would. Why don't you go find your own husband and dance with him." Anna says.
"I don't want to dance with him." She says looking at Robert and going for his hand which he moves. Anna has had enough and Robert can feel the tension radiating off of her. She is about to stand and Robert takes a hold of her hand and stands.
"Actually Barbra, this is a special night for us, so if you don't mind, we would like to be alone." Robert says with a dark tone. She looks at him and has a scowl on her face. "Ok then, have a good night. You dont know what you're missing" She adds for only Robert to hear.
"Actually I do and I won't miss it because I dont need it or want it. I have everything I'll ever need right here."Robert says. He says it a mocking tone and with a smirk. Barbra is stunned and actually so is Anna because Robert never gets this rude to woman. Barbra then gives Anna a look and Anna responds with her own smirk and a raised eyebrow. They both both watch as she walks away in a huff.
Robert turns back to Anna and sits. They look at each other and both start laughing. He kisses her sweetly. "I guess we do have to move now." She says and he laughs against her lips. "I love you. Happy New Year Love. Thank you for another wonderful" Robert says caressing her her cheek. "I love you too. Happy New Year, sweetheart. And thank you. Ya know, we are so lucky to have each other." She says and kisses him tenderly
Everyone comes back to the table and Felicia and Tiffany both sit next to Anna. Robert excuses himself and goes to the bar with Luke and Sean to get another drink. Anna looks at Tiffany and Felicia as they sit really close to her. She starts chuckling, "Whats going on?" She asks.
"Well we got the low down on this neighbor of yours." Felicia says. "What do you mean?" Anna asks. "Well apparently she is pretty well known in your neighborhood and country club." Tiffany says.
"We don't belong to that country club and we never will." Anna says laughing.
"That's good to know, but we think you should know she has made quite a reputation for herself." Tiffany says.
"Would you guys just say it already." Anna says laughing at them.
"Ok well there is no delicate way of saying it, so here it goes. She has boffed every man within a 15 mile radius of her house and she has boffed every high-ranking political official in this town and as you know resulted in a rash of political resignations." Felicia says. Anna's eyebrows raise. "Oh really, why am I not surprised? So this woman is the cause of all of that?" She asks.
"Yes believe or not. And it gets worse, for those who reject her and there were not many, she becomes quite persistent to the point of harassment to the guy and to the family. She has quite a history." Tiffany says.
"What about her husband?" Anna asks. "He is a fall down drunk and he is always out of town on business, except nobody knows what he does." Tiffany says.
"How did you find out all this?" Anna asks. "Well we overheard a few of the women talking here and they were commenting that she has another prey in her sights and they were laughing about it saying they hope it doesn't turn out like the latest two. She has broken up quite a few marriages. So then I made a phone call to the station and they already had all this dirt on her." Tiffany says.
"I guess we really do have to move." Anna says sighing. "I don't think moving is going to help." Felicia says. "Ugh, why do these things always happen to us. We mind our business and we have another stalker. We just got rid of two stalkers and now we have another one." Anna laughs.
"Well at least your laughing about it." Felicia says. "How can I not, this is just so ridiculous." She says as she watches Barbra make a bee-line for Robert at the bar and they all obeserve him basically run away back to the table. All 3 women are laughing watching the spectacle. He quickly comes and sits next Anna. "Hi, can we go now?" He asks exasperated and they all burst out laughing. Anna grabs his face and kisses him soundly. "Yes we can, Ill go get Robin." She gets up and walks away. "What are you guys laughing about?" He asks. "Your wife will tell you later." Felicia says
Anna approaches Robin on the dance floor. "Robin its time to go." She says.
"Mom, we are having such a good time, can't we stay a little later?" Robin says. "I know sweetheart but its very late now." Anna says. "Mom Jodi asked her mom and she said its ok if I sleep over there tonight." Robin asks. Anna sighs and pulls Robin aside, "Robin, I'm saying no. Please understand. So lets go and I don't want to hear another word about it. Understand?" She says and Robin know that tone means business.
Robin huffs and says good-bye to Jodi and comes back to the table with Anna. Robert sees the look on his daughter's face. "What's the matter?" He asks. "Mom wont let me sleep over at Jodi's." Robert is about to ask why not but then sees Anna face and thinks better of it. "Robin its late and we're tired, lets just go home." He says. They all say good-bye to everyone and head out. Tiffany and Felicia watch as Barbra watches them leave. "She is really going to be trouble." Felicia says. "Definitely." Tiffany replies.