Hi guys. First off, I changed my name from RandomFanAuthor to 8Ball3, so that's fun. But I actually want to be serious here for a minute.

I posted this story over a year ago but the amount of favorites and follows is absolutely staggering. It's one of my most popular stories, in terms of favorites and follows. However, I'm not sure if I will be able to finish it for a few reasons.

1) I just can't finish it.

2) I have no drive to write more for it nor do I even remember what my original idea for it was.

3) I have too much on my hands to write multi-chapter fics.

Those three reasons all made me realize something. This would be better off in someone else's hands, which is why I am now putting it up for adoption. I will follow and favorite it, I just ask that whoever adopts it keeps the main point there, Percy meeting the Avengers. You can change it however you want, hell, you can completely change the goal, I don't care.

But yeah. This is now up for adoption. PM if you're interested.
