Authors notes: This story is a rewrite of Naruto and Demon Clans. Though I do plan on keeping the majority of the plot from the Demon Clans, though many of the small details will be changed to better form the world I'm trying to craft.
The once peaceful serenity of the forest was disturbed as a young blond boy used them to try and escape those who were hunting him.
Though no matter how fast Naruto ran, the mob of furious villagers were still right behind him.
As he was running a dozen streaks of grey shot towards him and though most missed, some found homes within his body.
Not long after he was struck by the weapons, the boy came crashing down towards the forest ground. Looking back towards the mob, he watched as two Ninja seperated from the rest of the villagers.
Tears streamed down the blond boy's face as he couldnt understand why those who were supposed to protect the children of the village were trying to kill him.
As they neared him, the boy could hear them speak.
"Looks like we caught our prey brother!" A cold feminine voice spoke out.
Though a moment after this voice was finished another one joined them. "It sure looks that way." A deep male voice replied.
With each step the Ninja took, the wounded boy grew more fearful until eventually he broke. "Why are you doing this to me?" The boy cried as he tried and failed to crawl away from them.
The male Ninja knelt down in front of his prey and as he did, he grasped the boy's face in his hand.
"I take no pleasure in this but orders are orders." The older male told the boy though he wasnt quite finished. "We have been ordered to end your life in hopes that your death will be the much needed spark that our master needs in setting off their war."
With that said the Ninja madr a sign towards the rest of the mob which quickly rushed over to the boy and lifted him into the air and tied to a nearby tree. Shortly after, each member of the mob started to beat the boy until his body was broken.
This caused so much pain to flood through his body that it eventually caused him to fall into unconsciousness.
He awoke in a sewer like structure and as he fully came too he saw red eyes staring back at him through a gate on the opposite side of the sewer.
"Come here child. I have waited long enough to meet you." A deep demonic voice growled out.
Though the boy was scared he still made his way towards the red eyes. "Where am I and who are you?" The boy questioned and as he finsihed his words the boy had already reached the gate and what he saw didnt make any sense to him.
Behind the bars stood a giant fox with nine tails swaying behind him.
"You are inside your mind, when you lost conciousness I guided you here so that we could finally speak. To answer your second question I am no other than the Nine Tailed Fox." The demonic voice answered back.
Hearing this only caused the young boy to become confused as he thought that the Demon Fox had been killed five years prior when he attacked the Leaf Village.
"The Third killed you, so how could you be in my mind?" The boy retorted back.
"Well young Naruto, the Hokage was unable to find a way to kill me and as such he did the only thing he could think of which was to seal me in the body of a new born infant; which happens to be you." the demon fox answered though his words didn't stop there "I am sorry for the pain that my being here has caused you..."
From seeing the pained expression that grew across the demon's face, Naruto knew that he was sincere in his apology. "There is no need to apologize, just because you did some bad things does not give them the right to act the same way." Naruto spoke out, finding a wisdom that he should not yet have at his age.
Upon hearing this the Nine Tails became speechless as he didnt know what to say to the boy, though he hoped that he would be able to help the child before it was too late. With this in mind the demon fox began to speak once more.
"Naruto, I need you to wipe your blood on the seal that keeps this gate shut. When that is done I will be able to heal your wounds as well as get you away from this village." the demon told the boy.
Seeing nothing wrong with the request, Naruto did as he was told. Sinking his canine teeth, which have always been longer than most other children into his thumb. As the blood slithered out, Naruto made his way over to the gate and slid his bleeding appendage over the seal. As this was done, the demon fox was released from his prison.
Outside Konoha
The broken and beaten body of Naruto pulsed a dark crimson red, causing those in the mob to become uneasy. Just as quickly as the glow appeared it vanished and in its place was an extremely angry demon.
"How dare you harm this child! I will end you!" The demon roared as he started to swing his massive claws at the little humans standing before him.
Within seconds of the Nine Tails attack, the mob was decimated, though the fox allowed one member of the mob to live so she could spread the word that Naruto was under the protection of the great Nine Tails.
Once this was done, the demon fox started to shrink and instead of the massive demonic creature that was just standing there, there now stood a young man with spiky crimson hair and snow white skin.
Grabbing one of the kunai that littered the forest floor, the demon now turned young man cut Naruto down from the tree that was holding him in place and as Naruto fell towards the ground the young man caught him. Now with Naruto safe for the time being, the demon fox walked off into the forest.
The Hokage's Tower
"Hokage! We have a problem, your son was chased out of the village by a mob of angry villagers." an Anbu that was wearing a dog mask stated.
This caused the Hokage who was having a peaceful afternoon to jump from his chair. "Send out a team and find my son!" the Hokage roared at the Anbu, who was quick to vanish in a swirl of leaves to do just that. "When i find out who is responsible for this, there will be blood!" the Hokage growled as he stared out the window of his office and at the village that could be responsible for his son's possible harm.
With Naruto and the Nine Tails
The wounds to Naruto's body had been healed by the time that the two traveling companions had reached the outskirts of the Leaf Villages territory. Even at this time, Naruto was still being held within the demons arms.
"I hope this gate is still open..." the fox thought to himself as he crushed plant life under his bare feet.
"Where are we?" a small voice asked.
Hearing the voice, the demon looked down towards the blond boy that he held in his arms.
Giving Naruto a small smile, the fox replied. "We have left your village. I don't trust those who live there and until you are able to defend yourself I am taking you to the only place that I believe is safe, my home the Demon Realm." the Nine Tails explained to Naruto.
Though they traveled for hours the demon fox continued to hold Naruto, though as they came upon a cave embedded within a rocky incline; the fox placed Naruto back onto his own two feet.
Making their way into the cave, the pair came upon a smooth wall with an outline of a door though for the life of Naruto he couldn't find one. Though it wasn't long after they reached the dead end that Naruto heard the elder male speak. "Aperire Ostium."
Just as if it was magic a slight glow started to shine on the way and pretty soon there was a glowing vortex where there was once a wall. Before Naruto could object to entering into the vortex, the demon fox grasped him by his hand and pulled him through.
Authors Notes: Here is the first chapter of my story Naruto and the Demon, which has been rewritten and is now known as The Demons of Konoha. As always review and comment on your likes, dislikes and other general comments for the chapter.