*blows the dust off the story* there we go. Hello, my darlings! How is quarantine treating you? All of you better be safe at home. Welcome to the last chapter of season 1 my dears! Don't worry season 2 will be a separate book and will come, when? I don't know but it will come and I'll let you know when the first chapter comes!

I've made you wait long enough so here is the last chapter! The review answers will be at the end regardless of the amount.

Enjoy my darlings!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Shun asked me recently when Kusuo's birthday day was, so it became my chance to nip that at the bud then he asked me when my birthday was. That's when I realized that the birthday of this body is next week. In my past life, I didn't have a birthday but there was one day of the year where the beatings and the emotional abuse were more extreme than the other days. I started to assume it was the day I was born or how they called it; the day I ruined their lives.

The real Ena's birthday being next week, yesterday's call from my parents makes sense now. They asked me what I wanted for next week. Since it's been a while from the last time they came to visit, I said I wanted to see them which almost brought mom to tears. Shun has been acting a bit weird, weirder than usual, since that day along with everyone else, hell even Teruhashi is acting weird.

"What's going on?"

I could be paranoid or give them the benefit of the doubt and wait until everything is back to normal to find out. I choose the latter; I want to live a stress-free life so if they want to tell me, they can. Otherwise, I'm not wasting my time trying to find out what they are up to.

On Sunday Kusuo and I decided to go to the park and relax with a picnic. At the park, I decided to make us some sandwiches for lunch and buy some coffee jelly for dessert. We set up our picnic in a secluded area of the park. In this area, Kusuo is free to use his powers as he pleases and there's a nice breeze. This is essentially our first official date!

After lunch, something dawned on me.

"Kusuo?" I look at the boy who decided to lay his head on my lap after eating.

He opens his eyes.

"My parents want to meet you," I say, slowly running my fingers through his hair.

"You told them about me?"

"Well they know I had a crush on you, that you are in my class, and that you are very handsome," I see a small blush appear on his cheeks at the last thing.

"When would I meet them?"

"I don't know, they are busy with work and live far away," I chuckle, "Dad wanted to come immediately when he found out."

He takes my hand intertwining his fingers with mine.

"Tell me more about you."

I tell him my likes, dislikes, and my many hobbies.

"Why so many hobbies?"

I take a deep breath, "To keep my mind from thinking of my past life."

He gives my hand a squeeze.

I tell him how my situation was back then, how I died, and that I fear I'll wake up one day back to that dark room that was considered my room. What gave me comfort was spending time at the school's library. Kusuo suddenly sits up letting go of my hand and turns to me. I look at him in confusion.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He pulls me into his arms.

"I'll never let that happen."

He cups my face, and I look up at him as tears threaten to fall. He caresses my cheeks with his thumbs.

"You belong here," he whispers, "With me."

I let out a teary laugh. He wipes away my tears.

"Thank you," I whisper with a smile and hold his hands.

He brings my face closer to his and gives me a deep kiss. One of those kisses that makes your mind go blank and leaves you breathless and with the need for more. After letting all that out I feel much better. I had an amazing time with him. We did some cloud watching, I kept bugs away from him, he took a nap while I read, and he showed off a little with his psychic powers.

It was late afternoon when we decided it was time to go home. Like the gentleman that Kusuo is he walks me home. In front of my house, a red car pulled up and out came two people.

"They look familiar."

The woman turns in our direction and smiles.


She runs to us and proceeds to squish me into her chest like the first time they showed up at my door. That's right my parents arrived.

"Oh, my little snowflake I've missed you so much!" she squeals squishing me more.

From the corner of my eye, I see Kusuo smirk at the mention of my nickname.

"Not a word."

"Dear let her breathe," my dad chuckles.

Mom lets me go and I take a deep breath.

"Ah this must be Kusuo," mom notices Kusuo.

Dad tenses up. Kusuo bows politely.

"He's so cute!" mom squeals.

"Is she always like this?"

"Yes, yes she is."

When I see Dad standing in front of Kusuo I notice the big difference in heights. Dad is probably as tall as Nendo.

"What are you doing here?" I tilt my head to the side.

"We came to see you silly," Mom giggles.

"Oh," I feel a blush creep up my face.

"Come on in Kusuo, stay for dinner," she looks at Kusuo who is looking up at Dad unimpressed.

Kusuo looks at her and nods.

He stayed for dinner much to Dad's pouting. I tried to help Mom with dinner, but she refused to let me in the kitchen. While she cooked I made sure Dad didn't try anything stupid.

"Kusuo Saiki," Dad starts.

We looked at him.

"Take care of our precious treasure, you seem like a decent kid. I've seen how happy you make her," he says, and then gives Kusuo a slight glare, "Don't break her heart or I'll break you."

Kusuo took my hand lacing his fingers with mine.

"I love Ena far too much to break her heart," he declared, looking at me with a smile.

My face combusted and Dad's eyes widened.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," Mom says coming out of the kitchen, "I approve."

We ate dinner after that. Mom asked if I could bring my friends over tomorrow. A little confused on that but said sure either way. After dinner Kusuo had to leave. At the door, he pulled me into a kiss that sent Mom into a squealing fit.

Today I still felt my face get hot whenever my mind wandered to Kusuo's declaration.

"Oh, my heart."

True to my word I told Shun, Aren, Chiyo, and Nendo to come to my house. I would have invited Hairo but I had no bloody clue where he went.

I welcomed them into my home, we were greeted by Mom.

"Mom, this is Shun, Aren, Chiyo, and Nendo," I said, gesturing to them as I named them off.

She smiled, "Oh my, you are all so cute."

Shun and Aren blushed, Chiyo giggled, and Nendo puffed up his chest in pride. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and when I came back they were all acting weird.

"What the hell are they hiding?"

I looked at mom. She had that familiar smile on her face.

"That smile...I saw it when we played poker, she's hiding something big."

The next day after school, Chiyo drags me to a nearby mall the moment the bell rings.

"This is weird."

While looking through some books at the bookstore, her phone goes off. I look at her. It's a text.

"Ena, did you find anything good?" she asks.

I look back at the book I'm holding and shake my head.

"It's interesting but not my style," I tell her.

"In that case, let's go," she grins, taking my wrist and once again dragging me off to somewhere.

After a while, I noticed the familiar street.

"We are near my house."

We stop in front of my house.

"Close your eyes," she orders.

I raise an eyebrow but nonetheless I do as she says.

"The faster I comply the faster I can get it over with."

I hear the door and she slowly pushes me inside.

"It's dark."



"Open your eyes," I hear Chiyo say.

I open my eyes the moment the lights turn on and out comes everyone along with party poppers!

"SURPRISE!" They yell.

In shock I look around, there are birthday banners on the walls, everyone is laughing wearing a party hat, Mom and Dad come up to me holding a big birthday cake while singing happy birthday. Soon everyone joins in. Aren places a party hat on my head. I feel tears build up in the corner of my eyes.

"Make a wish darling," Dad says smiling.

I look at the candles.

"Do I have a wish?"

I look at Kusuo the person I can proudly call my boyfriend, then at Shun my first friend in this world, followed by Nendo who I bonded with thanks to ramen, Aren who I look up to like a big brother, and lastly my parents who, despite being busy with work they still check up on me.

A teary smile spreads across my face.

"I have all I've ever wished for, I don't want, nor need anything else."

I blow out the candles. Everyone claps as more party poppers go off. I laugh, wiping away my tears. As the cake slices go around, I notice that Hairo and Teruhashi are here.

"Hairo, I'm not surprised, now Teruhashi that's unexpected."

Kusuo comes to stand next to me and hands me a cake slice.

"She came with Yumehara."


"Thank you, Ku," I smile at him taking the plate of cake.

After eating my slice, Mom drags me to a neat pile of gifts.


I stare at it with wide eyes.

"All that is for me?"


"Go ahead my little snowflake, open them," Mom giggles at my shocked face.

Little by little I open the gifts. Hairo got me a tennis racket along with some tennis balls (I would definitely use it), surprisingly Teruhashi got me a reservation for a spa day, I got flower-shaped cookie cutters from Chiyo, Nendo got me coupons for my favorite ramen place, Aren and Shun got together to gift me a set of books (Shun was blushing the entire time which led me to assume they were erotic books), and lastly my parents got me a new set of art brushes.

"I'll give you mine in private."

"Ah alright."

Some time passed and while everyone was talking among themselves, Kusuo pulled me aside towards the hall leading to my room.

He takes a deep breath.

"I won't hide our relationship and I want you to have this."

He shows me a silver key necklace.

I gasp softly," It's beautiful."

He helps me put it on.

I smile and giggle, "Does it open anything?" I ask teasingly

He blushes slightly, looking away he shows me a matching silver heart necklace with a small lock in the middle around his neck. It hit me what he was trying to say. I wrap my arms around him in an embrace. He does the same, tucking my head under his chin.

"Who knew the great Kusuo Saiki was so cheesy," I whisper teasingly.

"Oh be quiet."

He squeezes me a little.

"Kusuo?" I look up at him after a moment.

He looks at me curiously.

"I love you," I whisper blushing so much that my face is probably the color of Hairo's hair.

He smiles softly leaning forward and whispers, "I know," then kisses me.

Yep, I definitely have everything I've ever wanted. Best birthday ever!

Don't be afraid to review I don't bite unless ya are into that ;)

YaoiLovinKitsune: Indeed my dear, as well as people, having different reactions to the situation.

DarkRain4Eternity: Thank you, darling! I thought it would be a nice change since Ena doesn't like when her friends get upset and gave me an excuse to put Saiki in a costume :3

Gothgirl4800: Ah thank you although I can't take all the credit for my writing. Unicornphoenix helps me write and you guys give me the motivation to keep improving, so if anything I should be thanking you.

Yuki: I believe your question has been answered, a pouty dad and squealing mom.

Alaria von Ravencroft: Saiki stories with more than 5 chapters are quite rare, it's sad. I'm glad you like it. I enjoyed writing Saiki and Ena together, who knew Saiki was relatively easier than I thought.

SandwichFool: Indeed, someone dropped a jalapeño bomb into this ship because it's only going to get spicier with a side of fluff XD

FyreDraagyn12: Hehehe yes squeal for me!

Qwerion: I believe is in chapter 5, Kaido skims through her book.

dishour corgi: Yes, fluff is over 9000! That is a good idea for a chapter, thank you I might use part of it on season 2. Also no I won't have mercy :3

CrazyWolfQueenOfAnime: Oh honey, I'm just getting started :)

wolfiehalo15: Yes it would be interesting but I believe I mentioned it before. I'm not going into changing perspectives at the moment.