Absolute Anarchy
Yo what's up? It's your boi, BoredAndSleepy2000 also known as Pornhub IT or Comrade or Sexy Senor Hitler or That one guy who plays hentai games and Paradox games in his free time. So I had a seizure two week ago so I can't drive for a month and my screen time on my laptop and phone are halved so it might take long to upload these dumpster fires. I've had seizure for 7 years now so I'll recover soon and shit will be back to normal in about month. Love BoredAndSleepy2000
Izuku giggled as he walked the streets without his makeup or any such bizarre outfit. He dressed himself in his old middle school outfit as he came across the middle school where the cruelest memories appeared to him. The time Bakugo made a small explosion that scared him into falling down the stairs, the time when a few kids dunked his head into the toilet, and many other memories. Now he stood in front of it… barely standing and abandoned.
He smiled as he entered inside, "So many… good times."
He danced around until he had an idea, "Why not have early reunion… with a few people."
He then warped a teen with a really long neck who looked around in shock and disbelief. Izuku smiled as he taunted, "Hello there…"
The teen screamed as he started running which Izuku controlled the metal wiring to wrap his legs to stop him. Izuku sighed, "Your quirk is stupid to be honest. So, your neck is long, and you have a higher view than most of us."
The teen started begging, "Please! Let me go!"
Izuku laughed, "Why would I do such a thing?!"
Izuku started choking him, "Don't worry, you aren't the only one dying today. I'm going to collect your friends then the games will begin."
Bakugo's Location
The Anarchist looked out the window, "Well… This is definitely bad."
Izuuki shouted, "WELL NO SHIT!"
The Anarchist slapped him, "I don't need your shouting."
Knuckleduster chuckled a bit, "I kinda like him."
The green hair teen went over to Bakugo, "What the hell did you do?"
Bakugo growled, "I bullied him, his mom died, and few other things that happened on the same day."
The teen looked out the window, "Was I really close to becoming this… well shit, I'll be back in three days."
Crawler in shock, "What?!"
The Anarchist replied, "Look I need a plan, weapons, and assistance from the other Izukus from the multiverse. Look it's just three days, what's the worst that can happen."
As he jumped into a portal back to his home, Mirio looking confused, "Well I need to get back out there to help a many people as I can."
Mirio jumped out the window to get to work while Knuckleduster and Crawler noticed Pop Step was missing. Crawler asked, "Where is she?"
Izuku's Base
Kazuho was in a room with her arms and legs chopped off and used as an experiment by Mei and Scarecrow. Mei giggled as she was playing with some robotics while Scarecrow was experimenting with a new gas. Scarecrow replied, "Don't use any fire for a few seconds."
Mei nodded and Scarecrow then put the gas in a container, "I believe I might have done it."
He walked over to Kazuho to make her breathe the gas, as Kazuho breathed in the gas at first it was nothing. Then she started screaming at the top of her lungs, her eyes turned green, and her veins start to pop up then turn green. Mei then took the robotic arms and legs to attach them to Kazuho, "Our dear baby…"
Kazuho got on her feet and looked at them as the two spoke, "Kill Crawler and Knuckleduster."
Kazuho nodded and leaped out of the base with the intent to kill which Two Face flipped a coin as she passed by, "I will follow then."
He follows the metallic girl as she leaped faster and faster, but he could still easily catch up to her. He then asked himself, "Where is Deku?"
The School
Yagi woke up in an abandon school building, it wasn't UA because the build was destroyed according to the news. He looked at himself to find himself in his hero outfit and he could walk. Then Izuku in the corner of the room, "I see you are awake."
Yagi frowned at the origin of the voice which Izuku revealed himself, "Remember this outfit? I remember your outfit; I always imagine myself in it."
Yagi calmly asked, "What do you want now?"
Izuku shrugged, "Just a few games, I mean is it too much to ask? I mean you killed my dream and my father."
Yagi in shock, "What do you mean?"
Izuku laughing, "All for One, my father that couldn't be in my life because of you and then you kill him. I don't truly hold it over you, he had to die for the plan and ultimate goal."
Yagi in seriousness, "What kind of games are you playing?"
Izuku led him out the door, "No you are playing the games to save people like you love doing."
Yagi looked at him in anger as he looked at a teen Izuku's age standing on a plank over a pit full of pikes. Izuku in a calm voice, "Quirk… I don't really remember, it's useless and his hair covers his eyes. He was one of my many bullies that made life a living hell. He is blindfolded under his hair, his favorite thing to do is to trip me every time I enter the classroom. One time he tripped me in a way where head collided with the edge of my desk causing me to bleed."
The teen shouted, "I'M SORRY! I WANT TO GO HOME!"
Izuku laughing, "You'll go home if All Might wins this game."
The teen in joy, "All Might is here? Please save me!"
Yagi replied, "I'll be right there to save you."
The board cracked a bit which terrified the teen which Izuku smirked, "The rules are that he is allowed to move forward one step for every question you answer correctly. He asks the questions and you, All Might, answer them. But the board is quite weak, so you got to be fast."
The teen asked, "Why can't you just fly across to save me?"
Yagi replied sadly, "I'm too weak and can't use my quirk."
The teen got to step forward, "What is your quirk?"
Yagi sigh, "It's called One for All, it's a quirk that can be passed from one person to another and it get stronger as it gets passed on and trained."
The teen got to move, "That sounds cool but why can't you use it?"
Yagi replied sadly, "I passed it on to someone else, because my body is too weak now."
The teen asked, "Don't you have another quirk or something?"
All Might looked at teen in sadness, "I want born quirkless until my master gave me One for All."
The teen was in shock and as he was one step from safety, the board broke. Before the teen could fall to his death, Yagi caught the teen, but he was too weak to pull up. Yagi tried with all his might, but the teen was slipping and Izuku yawning, "Not even worth it, you are too weak and there are other you can try saving."
Yagi looked at the teen as he begged, "I WANT TO GO HOME!"
Yagi closed his eyes as the teen slipped from his hands and fell to his death as the pikes pierced through him. Izuku laughed at the body, "He got what he fucking deserved."
Yagi looked up at him, "Why are you doing this?"
Izuku smiled and got on his knees, "You see All Might, when you were given your quirk… you forgot about us."
Izuku pulled out a knife to cut his cheeks because his healing quirk annoyingly heal his cuts on his cheeks, "You forgot about the Quirkless and you became like him."
He pointed at the teen's body, "They don't care about us, but when we have quirks. We become everything to them."
He then got up, "Come on All Might, we still have a few more attempts to do."
Yagi looked at the teen then angerly followed Izuku to the next person to hopefully rescue them.
Uraraka was crying on Izuku's desk still handcuffed to it with her ass up and fully naked. She heard the door close which Toga appeared, "A new toy I see here."
She glided a blade across Uraraka's body, "You look… normal… and bland."
She threw the blade to the side away from the two and smirked, "I guess I will have my fun as well."
Yagi watched as another teen getting sawed in half which Izuku rolled his eyes, "Geez, 5 kills out of the 6 assholes I captured."
Yagi growled in anger which Izuku then peel his face off as they continued on to the last one. A girl appeared behind the door tied up to a desk but as Yagi got a closer look… her eyes where missing. Izuku teleported behind her stroking her twin tails and adjusting her glass, "She is definitely unexpected."
Yagi asked, "What did she do?"
Izuku warped behind him, "Absolutely nothing."
Yagi in shock and anger, "WHAT?!"
Izuku laughing, "I just needed another 6 former classmates and she fit the bill… I also took her eyes out for a snack."
Yagi was on the verge of killing him until Izuku revealed, "This is where it gets interesting, she is on the verge of dying. I'm going to let you take her and get her to a hospital."
Yagi in confusion, "W-What?"
Izuku pulled out his hand, "Well I want one small thing."
Yagi looked at him, "What do you want?"
Izuku stretched his arm out to him, "I want you to crush her dreams like you did to mind."
Yagi in horror, "No."
Izuku smiling, "How can she be an eye doctor without eyes to see? Death is horrible and all but destroyed dreams and spirit… is much worse than death."
He spun around to remove his middle school outfit and put on his green tux then looked at his peel off face, "Remember to smile when you do it."
He made his face smile as he stapled it back on to him, "Because of you, you created me… because of you, I took her eyes out and ate them like popcorn chicken."
Yagi turned to the girl to see she was crying blood which he turned back to Izuku who continued, "If you don't, then she dies from the barb wire that she tied up in."
Yagi turned to the wire around her was tightening up because it was hooked up to a machine. Yagi ran over to the machine but Izuku used a quirk to protect the machine and another quirk to pull Yagi back to him, "Come on, it's just a few words. You did to me… you showed it wasn't that hard. Why not do it again?"
Yagi watched as the girls screaming in pain until he spoked, "Ok… I'll say it."
Izuku stopped the machine and let him go to the girl. Yagi went up to the girl to say, "I'm sorry… but you can't be a doctor, hero, or anything in life."
The girl cried harder as the wire loosen and Izuku smiled as he walked away, "I might get some lunch, see you later."
Yagi then picked up the girl to take her to a hospital, "I'm sorry… I'm sorry that I caused this."
Meanwhile Izuku flew a few blocks to a hospital to kidnap a few babies and watch the city falling apart from the constant fighting of villains and heroes. Izuku ate a baby's arm off, "Damn… Asian babies do have a rice flavor to it… I wonder if a Mexican baby taste spicy or wait… does an American baby taste like diabetes?"
Then a voice behind him shout, "PUT DOWN THE BABIES!"
Izuku turned to see Mirio and Tamaki which he shrugs as he threw them off the ledge, "Choose your word carefully."
Mirio ran to jump off the ledge to save the babies while Tamaki looked at Izuku with hate, "Where is she?"
Izuku looked around, "Well she isn't here right now… who are we talking about again?"