Hey guys! I appreciate the concern and criticism that you have left. The reviews are questions I have predicted.


I know Vegito can one shot the titans on his own. That's nothing new.

That brings me to my next point. Will I nerf him?

Not exactly. In a way, yes he will. I won't say exactly because it will be shown in the chapters.

Also, Vegito being reverted to the age around 12 is done for a reason. I could have decided against it, but that would lead to a whole different path for Vegito.

With that out of the way, let's get into it.

"Dialogue" .Speech

'Thoughts' .Thoughts

-TFS- .Scene change

Chapter 2

State of Shock

"We're almost there, Vegito." Armin states as they approach the Jaeger household.

'I wonder why all these houses are so outdated. This must be a different version of earth or something similar. It would explain these strange walls and old fashioned houses.' Vegito thought to himself. 'Damn. I'm so tired.'

Mikasa opens the door and all three of them walk inside.

"Hey, Eren, Mika—" Carla begins to greet them when they saw a new child clearly being carried.

"Oh my gosh! What happened!" Carla begins to fret which causes Grisha Jaeger to come in from another room.

They lead Vegito to a nearby couch and sets him down in a seated position.

"Eren, what happened?" Grisha asks looking at him alongside his mother.

"This is Vegito and we just met him. He fought off those guys who were bullying Armin." Eren explains which surprises the older man.

"He fought them on his own? In his condition?" Grisha asks coming closer to the four.

Eren nods.

Vegito looks up at him and nods confirming Eren's story.

"Well, that was quite brave of you especially in your condition. Your clothing is quite strange though. Are you from the inner walls?" Grisha asks.

"He doesn't know about Wall Sina, dad. That's what he said at least." Eren answers for him.

"Really?" Grisha turns back to the strange clothed boy.

"Yeah. I don't know what that is." Vegito struggles to say still exhausted.

"You must be tired. Here, your clothes are pretty dirty. I can have my wife wash them and I can give you some of Eren's spare clothes." Grisha offers.

Eren is slightly annoyed that he has to share, but he stays quiet.

"Thanks. That's awfully nice of you." Vegito laughs quietly beginning to take of both shirts.

He hands both clothing to the doctor which the man then widens his eyes along with the rest of them.

Vegito quirks an eyebrow.

"What?" He asks.

"How are you so muscular? You about our age right?" Eren asks first just staring.

Mikasa blushes at the sight not able to tear her eyes away from Vegito.

Vegito looks down and can see that there isn't an inch of fat on him and his muscles are still all there, albeit a smaller scale than when he was an adult.

"I train." Vegito replies simply.

"Hmm. Well in any case you must be tired. I will ask about the training you do to be able to even shed all your baby fat that quickly. I'm not sure how you don't know what Wall Sina is, but that can be contributed to your exhausted. You look like your about to pass out any minute. Do you have any parents we can contact?" Grisha asks.

Vegito thinks back to his creators and both sets of parents are gone. Killed by Frieza.

"No. They're dead." He responds which shocks the group.

Mikasa sympathizes greatly with Vegito since she can also relate frowning in remembrance.

Grisha curses himself for bringing it up while Carla just gasps feeling incredibly upset about his parents passing.

"I'm sorry to bring that up. I'll let you sleep." Grisha smiles at the boy.

"Thanks." Vegito begins to lay down on the couch and the minute he closes his eyes he passes out.

"How is he able to survive without someone to look after him? Do you think he ran away from an orphanage?" Armin asks while the fusion sleeps.

"It's possible, Armin, but it could also be recent, although that's not what concerns me." Grisha brings a hand up to his chin studying the boy while his wife begins to clean the gi.

This causes the three to look up at the older man.

"Like what?" Eren asks.

"He seemed to have no feeling attached to the words he said about his parents. He's very young so he should have showed a reaction, even if it was small." Grisha points out.

"Right. Maybe it happened a long time ago?" Mikasa states.

"If that's the case, then he seems to be alone, but we won't know until he wakes up. Did he do anything else strange, or out of the ordinary? His body is very concerning since a child around your guys' age shouldn't be that muscular." Grisha asks the three.

"Well. He kinda appeared out of nowhere. One second he wasn't there, the next, he was, but I could just be focused on the three bullies at the time." Armin looks down still upset.

"And he was super awesome! He scared them away and even blocked a punch with a finger!" Eren giddily exclaims.

This greatly concerned Grisha.

"That shouldn't be possible especially since they're older kids. His finger should have snapped if he tried that, but ultimately, there's no use speculating since we can just ask him when he wakes up." Grisha concludes. "I'm going to do a regular checkup. Can you two boys remove his boots. We'll have him do his pants when he wakes up, privately. Mikasa you could help out Carla with the clothing."

"R-Right." Mikasa walks towards Carla with a fading blush sparing Vegito one last look.

"Sure." Eren begins to pull off one of Vegito's boots while Armin gets the other.

Grisha begins to check his heart rate. It's quite normal and slowing down to a more relaxed state. There is no immediate concern and his skin doesn't look clammy or pale, so he is just fine with no physical bruises or scrapes.

"Well. He checks out. Vegito just needs rest. I wonder what got him all worked up." Grisha asks to no one in particular.

Armin gets a blanket and covers Vegito as he rests for a while. Who knows when he'll be conscious. Anywhere from a few hours to a whole day. It's anyone's guess.


Six hours has passed and it's well into the night.

Vegito stirs on the couch as he opens one eye and wondering where he is.

He sits up noticing that he is on a small couch with a blanket on top of him. Vegito yawns and gets up noticing his gi is set next to where he just slept on a table.

Putting on both shirts, he begins to stretch finally realizing that those kids brought him here.

"I see that you're awake." Grisha calls out from the dining room table doing some work related business.

"Oh. I remember you. Grisha Jaeger, right?" Vegito asks.

"Right. You came in pretty exhausted and it seems that you slept it off. What got you so tired anyways?" Grisha asks.

This noise begins to alert the three kids and they listen in from their room. Armin decided to stay over for Vegito's sake.

"Haha. It has been quite a long day." Vegito laughs sheepishly.

"I can imagine so. Where are you from anyways?" Grisha starts to question the boy.

'Hmm. I'm from another world… nah that would be crazy and I'd probably be kicked out, but why should I even care? Maybe for those three kids? I could always play the amnesia card.' Vegito mentally debating with himself.

"Well.. That's pretty difficult to explain, but I've been dying to know. What's up with the walls anyways?" Vegito asks shocking the older man and three hidden eavesdroppers.

"Do you really not know? That's strange. There's no way anyone couldn't know. Well to put it simply, the walls were constructed to keep us safe from the titans." Grisha explains.

"Titans?" Vegito asks genuinely.

"You… can't be serious." Grisha stares at him with disbelief.

"I don't lie. I've never heard about these titans. Are they dangerous?" Vegito states somewhat coldly.

"Huh. Maybe you have some sort of amnesia, but you know, at least to my knowledge, parts of your past. They are huge beings that wander mindlessly eating humans. The titans have brought humanity to near extinction. We are all that's left within these walls." Grisha explains.

Vegito had a look of disgust from these creatures but then he raises an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? There are other humans out there." Vegito answers back.

"WHAT?!" Eren comes running in along with the other two.

"Aren't you three supposed to be in bed?" Grisha scolds.

Vegito just scoffs as he felt their presence for quite a while.

"What do you mean that there are other humans outside the walls? You didn't even know what titans were." Grisha asks in a slightly worried tone. 'Could this kid be from Marley? It could make sense since he doesn't know what the inner walls are, but he should know about titans. Is he lying?' He thought awaiting his answer.

"Yeah! There's no way people can live beyond the walls." Eren fires back.

"I can sense their energy far away, but they are there, and lots of humans." Vegito calmly answers.

Now Grisha is getting more nervous and confused.

"Energy? I don't follow." Grisha asks.

"All beings have energy and I learned how to sense them. The strongest here is Mikasa. She is significantly stronger than a normal person. Eren is stronger than Armin, and Grisha is a little.. strange." Vegito explains scratching his head.

"Well you could probably tell that even without your energy sensing thing, but I'm not really sold on that idea. What do you mean mine is strange." Grisha asks.

"It's like there's something else there. A power waiting to be released. I don't know how strong you'd be activating it, but it would be an incredible amount of power." Vegito answers the older man.

Grisha starts to panic internally. 'Okay, so there's no way he could know about my titan shifting abilities. That means his energy sensing must hold some merit.'

"Hmm. That's interesting, but I honestly don't feel it or even know about this power you speak of. I'm just a doctor." Grisha replies.

"How strong are you?" Mikasa asks out of nowhere.

"Um. I never really tried, but right now. I think I can take on those titans." Vegito responds.

"That can't be possible! You're just a kid like me! We should join the survey corps and do it where we have a chance! So we can get out of this cage." Eren retorts passionately.

"Survey corps?" Vegito asks.

"They're super awesome! They fight the titans and gives us hope that we will escape from these walls and live outside. I'm going to join when I can." Eren responds.

Mikasa frowns with Armin while Grisha looks indifferent. Still flabbergasted at this child. His claims are outrageous. 'Even if he has this energy sensing thing, let's just pretend that it's real, there's no way he can even take on 1 titan. It's suicide.' Grisha thought.

"Hmm. Well maybe I could join you." Vegito smiles at the boy.

'I mean. I don't really have to. There would be no point since I'm sure I could wipe out the titans, but there's something about this kid. His drive to wipe out the titans is similar to Goku and Vegeta wanting to get stronger. Maybe I'll hold off on it for now. I could make him my student and train him to be a protector of this world! I should ask him another time though.' Vegito thought.

"Really?! I'm glad someone else thinks that we have a chance!" Eren shouts.

"You should really keep it down. You're mother could wake up." Grisha scolds the boy once again.

"Too late. I"m up. What's going on? Oh! Hey, Vegito. Sleep well?" Carla asks kneeling down to Vegito luckily not hearing how her son is preaching about the survey corps.

"Y-Yeah. Just fine." Vegito responds somewhat embarrassed at how close she is.

"Well. I think this has gone on for long enough. We should all get to bed. Oh, before we do so. Vegito, how would you like to live with us? You said your parents are gone, and it wouldn't be right to just leave you out on the streets. What do you say?" Grisha asks.

"I also encourage you to stay." Carla smiles at the fusion.

Eren and Mikasa both nod.

"Well. How can I refuse? Thank you. I don't know why you're being so nice." Vegito accepts smiling.

'So much for sleeping outside, but this is better." Vegito thought.

"Eren do you think you could share your bed with Vegito tonight? Until we can get things sorted out?" Carla asks.

"Uh.. Sure, why not." Eren says without emotion.

Everyone heads to bed until it is just Grisha and Vegito.

"I would like to talk a bit more alone. There's some parts about you that you are leaving out. I'm not sure if it was for their sake, but I would like to know." Grisha smiles although he is quite serious about having this talk.

"Sure. I just don't think they would have taken what I really have to say seriously." Vegito laughs going off where the other kids went.

'There's something more to him than what he is showing. He didn't know of the inner walls. He can't be a marleyian. He also blocked a kid's punch with a single finger and is extremely exhausted to the point of unconsciousness. Who are you, Vegito?' Grisha put that final thought on hold as he went to his own sleeping quarters with his wife.


Vegito walks into the room where there's two beds and a small futon-like bed on the floor for Armin. He mentally sighs as he wouldn't have minded letting him sleep with Eren.

He crawls into bed feeling a bit weird in these clothes, but he's still grateful that they put in the thought.

"Just don't hog the blanket and we're good." Eren mumbles trying to get to sleep.

Vegito decides this is his shot.

"Hey, Eren?" Vegito asks.

"Yea." Eren desperately trying to sleep while Armin is in dreamland.

"Would you want to train with me?" Vegito asks causing Eren to turn towards Vegito.

"You mean I can get strong like you? I saw what you looked like and how you took care of those guys easily." Eren points out.

"Maybe, but it depends on how much effort you put in, but I can say that you will be able to take down a titan with your bare hands." Vegito responds causing Eren's eyes to widen.

"Then I accept! Goodnight Vegito." Eren exclaims in an excited whisper.

Mikasa's eyes are open and somewhat taken back from what she heard.

'Why wouldn't he ask me to train with him?' Mikasa quietly sighs closing her eyes to drift off to sleep.

'Don't worry. I won't leave you out, Mikasa.' Vegito smiles having heard her sigh and can guess what it was from.

'I hope I'm making the right choice in leaving the titans be for now. I mean the wall seems to be incredibly old so it had to be effective keeping them out. They can't possibly get in, can they?' Vegito finishes this thought.

The night goes on and the fusion falls asleep getting ready for a new day.

To train his new disciple, or maybe, disciples?

New chapter will be coming out soon where they begin training. It'll be fun.

You may not agree with my reasoning for Vegito not wanting to slay all the titans in a heart beat, but fuck it. I don't really care.

The story would be over in like 2 chapters. This will be much longer than that.

Thank you guys for the support.

P.S: The whole broly thing is a good idea, but nothing I can do about it now. Maybe a future story.


June 13, 2019.