Summary: In a small town in Washington named Forks, stumbled upon a lost soul who wants to live a life where the fight is not the only thing that they knew. Loosing everything after giving everything they had, they plan to travel to where the gods will not lay a hand on her, Alaska. Before she reaches no man's land, she decided to cross across the country, to provide more time to not only think and mull over her decision but also have a sense of freedom while sight-seeing. After being stranded in a small town in hopes of crossing the Canadian border, she was luckily enough to be provided shelter by a resident of Forks. If Persephone Jackson knew that Bella Swan attracted trouble just as much as she does, she would have thought more in entering the said girl beat-up truck that should have stayed at the junk yard for scraps.

(I do not own any characters of the Percy Jackson series or the Twilight series, only my OC's)

3rd POV

A greyhound bus screeched to a halt, the brakes whining terribly that it was obvious that it needed a change. An old, oversized bus driver gave out an exhausted sigh. Running a hand over his white mustache that was trimmed carefully on his top lip, he removed his hat after a long night drive. Shiny, bald head was exposed as the bus driver stood up to stretch his legs after sitting down for a long period of a time.

"Welcome to Forks, Washington," the bus driver stated, startling some of the passengers who were fast asleep.

At the very back of the bus, a young woman, who looked around to be in her late teens, maybe even barely reaching early 20's. Her sea-green eyes were wide open, dark circles plaster underneath them since she has been up for a while. Running her fingers through her raven black hair, she bit her bottom lip as she watched everybody slowly getting up on their feet.

Glancing one time at the window, showing nothing but the darkness of the night and raindrops gliding down the glass as thunders roared up in the dark clouds. Witnessing half of the people already making a rush towards the bus stop building, the young woman rose to her feet.

She gave out a small grunt when she felt her bones and joints pop here and there. A pair of tan and worn out hiking boots scraped against the bus floor as she smoothed out her jeans, the bottom of them rolled up to her ankles. Reaching up to the compartment above her, she quickly slid arms through her black hoodie. Rubbing her arms up and down to create some sort of friction, she easily grabbed her duffel bag and slung the strap across her chest.

Mentally preparing herself for another long journey ahead, the woman's eyes caught sight of another young lady, possibly a little bit older than herself, struggling to grab the bag above her. Stuffing her hands in her pockets, she took a couple steps forward, the struggling woman back facing her.

After a couple more seconds of witnessing the shorter woman struggling, she stepped closer, startling the woman by her near presence. She grabbed the backpack before tugging it out, offering the shorter woman a smile as she handed her the backpack.

Getting over her shock, the shorter woman turned around to thank her. She blinked back in surprise when she took notice an infant, most likely at the age of ten months old, staring wide-eyed back at her. Sea-green clashed against those innocent blue eyes.

"Thank you so much," the young mother thanked her as she grabbed her bag.

"No problem," she offered her a small smile, taking in the mother and the child.

The baby is comfortably placed in one of those baby sling. The baby girl, which she figured by the bright pink colors, is covered head to toe with winter outfit. With fluffy socks, a fleece onesie with the hood up showing a pair of bear ears, covering already her small head with a baby cap. A puffy white coat made her look even more adorable. Even her chubby hands were covered in mittens.

The baby gave out girly squeal when she stared at her, smiling wide which revealed only two teeth. The younger woman face softened, her heart melting at the sound. She wiggled her fingers in front of the child eyes, revealing another fit of giggles.

The child is a spitting image of her mother except for her eyes. She is 5'5, with brown hair in a messy bun. Her eyes were a dark brown and looked to be in her early 20's. She wore a black warm jacket, with grey sweatpants, and tennis shoes.

"Us girls have to stick together, am I right?" She winked at the baby before giving the young mother an encouraging smile.

The young mother chuckled quietly, her eyes showing nothing but adoration as she bounced a bit, placing a loving hand on top of her daughters head. The young woman waited patiently for the mother, even offering her help to carry some of the bags. With little to no effort at all, she carried two of her bags as the three of them began to descend out of the bus.

Politely thanking the bus driver for the transportation, the younger woman took in a harsh intake of breath as the cold weather slapped her across the face. The rain was no problem to her. But mixing with the temperature dropping to twenty-degrees, the water was not helping at all to stay warm.

The young mother hunched over slightly, hoping to cover her child from the rain. However, when she felt a set of raindrops hitting her, it stopped. Glancing up, she gaped when faced a black umbrella that did not belong to her. Glancing over her shoulder, she face the younger woman who was getting wet from rain, holding the umbrella for her sake.

The younger woman shot her a shy smile, shrugging her shoulders awkwardly and trying to stop her teeth from chattering from the cold.

Wordlessly, they journeyed inside the building. Embracing the warm heat, the younger woman closed her umbrella, tan fingers running through wet hair.

"You are just my hero tonight," the mother sighed, smiling thankfully.

The younger woman just shrugged her shoulders like it was nothing, rubbing the back of her neck as her slim cheeks turned red.

"Like I said, no problem."

"Either way, thank you so much," she took her hand out. "My name is Hope, Hope West. And this little creature is Carly West."

"Nice to meet you both," the younger woman shook her hand before tickling the baby underneath her chin. "I'm Per-Patty Johnson."

The mother shot the younger woman a small look at the slight stutter but other than that, she didn't question further of it. The younger woman tilted her head as she let the duo get in front of her in line. For a while, they stood in line, keeping small talk not only because of their manners but how the young mother easily found herself conversing with the woman.

When it was Hope turn in line, Patty stood at a distance but also still being able to hear her talk.

"-$200?! Just for a bus ticket to Seattle?!" Hope asked, astonished as she held her daughter's hand worriedly.

"Um, yes ma'am. This is the cost for two overnight seating and also with this weather, the next bus for Seattle will not be here till next week."

"What? Look, I only have $85 with me. Is there anything or any how for something, more my price range?"

Hearing everything, Patty took out her wallet that was inside the back pocket of her jeans. Biting the inside of her cheek, she stared at the last two hundred bills she had left. From that, she only had seven dollars. Debating in her head, she made up her mind when she caught glance in the way Hope shoulders tensed, as if the wight of world is crashing against her. That's not fun.

Taking in a deep breath, she stride forward before she slid the amount to the ticket manager behind the glass booth.

"Here you go," Patty smiled, feeling the mother gaping at the side of her face.

"Wh-what? No, Patty I can't accept this," Hope quickly declined, stopping her movements by grabbing her by the wrist.

Patty, being taller, glanced down at her with that same, nice smile.

"I insist," Patty reassured her. "Besides, I'm staying with a family friend here for a week. I just needed to know the price before my ride is here."

Patty was hoping she would not detect the lie.

Seeing Hope in a state of shock, Patty slid the money further to the worker. Giving them a look, they quickly type something through the computer before sliding the tickets, taking the money in the process. Giving them a grateful smile and a nod, she gave Hope a crooked smile, flashing the tickets in her face by the tips of her fingers.

"Non-refundable, I am afraid," Patty shrugged her shoulders.

Hope just gaped at her in astonishment.

"Why are you doing this?" Hope asked her, clearing her throat while narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "You don't even know me. Us."

Patty gently guided Hope to the side to let the person behind them take their turn.

"Call it naive, but I hope someone will do the same thing for me if I was in the same situation," Patty leaned closer until she was whispering in her ear this time. "Besides, the gods have heard your prayers."

By those words, Hope quickly took a step back, her hands tightly pulling her daughter closer to her.

"Wha-What do you mean by that?" Hope questioned her, eyes wide as she once again took in Patty's appearance.

Patty just smiled, softly shaking her wet hair. She bent her knees slightly, her hand touching the wet bags that Hope owned. Before Hope could ask her what she was doing, she watched in astonishment in what she did. By just the touch of her hands, the water disappeared until they were dry. As if they were not soaked in the first place.

Straightening up, Patty shot the baby a wink.

"Stay strong, Hope and Carly West," Patty gave them soft yet a sad smile.

Before Hope could ask her questions, that were definately going through her mind, Patty was already gone. There, laying on her dry bags, is two bus tickets and the mysterious girl umbrella.

After confirming that the next bus stop will not be here for a while and after bring crammed in a bus for a long periods of time, Patty has decided to stay in the small town to earn a bit of cash and rest. After that, she will be off again.

Waving good-bye to the mother and daughter, Patty flipped her hood up as she walked down the street in the rain. She shivered, her body shaking heavily from the cold. Getting directions to the closest motel, Patty didn't wast time before walking out.

Bag over her back, Patty kept her head up and straight. When the occasional car will appear out in this storm, she will flash out her thumb in hopes in getting a quick ride to the motel. By the six car, Patty began to grow a little irritated.

Kicking small rock, her eyes squinted when she heard a loud engine rumble coming in front of her. Shielding her eyes from the bright lights, she held her arm out.

Much to her gratefulness, the vehicle stopped right next to her. Wiping the water droplets stuck from her long eyelashes, she examined the car in front of her. The car is an old, beat-up, faded orange truck. It is big. Not big, like a monster truck, but big such as wide to look abnormal. Something that you will see in the late 20's. The truck was more like a tank than actual truck.

Shaking her head slightly, she quickly went to the passenger side. Patty knocked on the passenger window. Due to the rain, she couldn't see the driver. She watched as the driver leaned over and roll down the window.

Patty was shocked when she saw a teenage girl driving behind the wheel. She is pale with long brown hair and pretty brown eyes. She is beautiful, there was no doubt about it. But one look from her, it was obvious that she has gone through some serious hell. Face slim as if she hasn't eaten in days and very dark circles underneath her eyes, making Patty question herself if she has a cold or something.

"Before I get in, I have to ask, you are not a serial killer, right?!" Patty joked loudly through the pouring rain, not that all bothered that she is soaked to the bone.

The driver looked taken back by the question but a small, ghost smile hovered against her lips. Patty frowned, taking note that the girl looked like she hasn't smiled in years.

"I'm the daughter of Chief of police!"

Patty still gave her a look, not making any indication that she will get in the truck. The brunette rolled her eyes.

"No, I am not a serial killer!"

Patty smiled toothily.


With that, Patty quickly opened the door before in one go, tucked herself and her bag inside the truck. Rolling up the window, she took off her soaked hood before tucking strands of wet hair behind her ear.

"Thanks for the lift," Patty thanked her as she rubbed her arms up and down.

"Don't mention it," the driver said, turning her signal light to get back on the road. "If you don't mind me asking, why the hell are you walking in the middle of this storm?"

"It can't be an adventure without facing mother nature here and there," Patty joked softly, embracing the heat that was coming off from the vehicle.

"Yeah, because normal people like to get anomia," the girl snorted.

Patty smirked at her words.

"Just got off the bus stop and was heading to nearest motel. Why is a girl like you driving in this weather?"

This time, the brunette shrugged her shoulders, a hint of mirth behind those dull brown eyes.

"It can't be an adventure without facing mother nature here and there," she shot back.

Patty quickly chuckled.

"You've got spunk," Patty smiled. "What's your name?"

"Why would I tell you my name? You might be a serial killer?"

"Now, why would a serial killer get in the car with the Chief of police daughter?" Patty tested her.

"Touche," she responded. "I'm Bella, Bella Swan."

"Nice to meet you Bella Swan," Patty quickly introduced herself. "I'm Patty Johnson. Now, does anything exciting happen in a town named after a utensil?"

Now I know what you guys are thinking! Like, really Carla, you are writing another story when you still have not updated your other stories in what seem years!

Well, you see, I have a bad habit of starting something but then getting side-tracked into another project. But do not fret my fellow readers, I am not abandoning my other stories. I am just simply adding another story to my list of stories I am still writing.

I usually don't write author notes at the end of my stories but I am going to be more active here, since summer has started and I want to connect more on Wattpad. So if you guys have any questions or just want to talk about anything, don't be afraid to message me anytime.

With that being said, I just want to announce Happy Pride Month to everybody! Love is love man, don't let anybody take that away from you guys! Catch me at the San Antonio Pride festival this summer.