Mild SPOILERS for anime-only fans. Proceed at your own discretion.

After the fight with AfO, All Might has a long way in recovery. If recovery is even possible. Right now, two things worry him more than that: the public safety and not being able to see his daughter.

«Ikuko, please...»

«No. I won't let you drag her into this madness...»

«I almost died» he said.

The woman's voice stopped abruptly, then she recovered «All the more reasons to keep her away»

«He's gone. For good. The world is a safer place now and I just want to see my daughter, Ikuko. I went through several surgeries and there are probably more to come, but I'm not too horrible to look at. Usagi is stronger than you think and smarter than you give her credit for, she won't get scared»

«Even so, she will be upset. She'll think she can help you with her quirk and she'll be even more upset when she'll find out she can't. You can't ask her that, she's only nine»

He sighed - painfully. his lungs didn't answer him like they were supposed to any more - in defeat. There were no words to convince his ex-wife and he understood she was only trying to protect their daughter.

It hurt almost as much as his wounds. His wish to see his child, one that was so natural for any parent, sounded selfish on his side in her perspective.

He gave up and closed the call.

The collective worry about All Might's absence, one of the things that upset the still convalescent Toshinori to no end, eased suddenly after a famous newspaper released an article that recited:

"... according to All Might's secretarial office, our beloved Hero is currently engaged in a delicate underground operation in another Country. As the nature of the investigation is confidential, the agency is not allowed to disclose more, but it isn't the first time the aid of the Number One Hero is requested overseas..."

It was followed by a long string of his international interventions and recollections of captures and saves in the USA, where his career started.

It was a rather good article, but Sir Nighteye was fuming. The sidekick had spent most of the morning trying to figure out who in the secretarial office could have given the fake news to the press or if the paper invented it all on their own. It was only Gran Torino's intervention that prevented the younger Hero from ordering an immediate counterstatement.

«Fake or not it's helping» the old man said, and Toshinori couldn't but agree.

It kept his reputation solid, his last fight secret and stopped the panicked speculations related to the absence of the Symbol of Peace.

It was only the following day they found out who to thank for this.

He had had another argument with Nighteye. The idea of retiring, of picking a successor now, to wait for him or her to be ready while leaving the world hanging on a thread... Toshinori couldn't accept it.

So he had sent his sidekick out, enough respect was still there for the young man to accept his want of solitude.

Even if solitude wasn't exactly what he longed for.

He didn't even try to call Ikuko again. A whole week passed and she had not called back. In the meantime he had to undergo another surgery, this one to connect his esophagus to his recently repaired intestines given there was nothing to do for his lack of stomach.

To try to distract himself from the lingering pain and the future perspectives, he re-read the article, hoping to figure out something on his own, but it was unsigned and his ability to distinguish a writing style from another was next to nonexistent even when he was in high school and had to deal with literature on daily basis, let alone now.

Obviously, the press didn't want to jeopardize the career, if not the life, of any of its employees who may have a direct tie with active Heroes, it was normal nowadays.

The respite that came from it was not as good as he wished. If such a lie was necessary, things were already bad.

A light knock at the door made him put down the battered newspaper.

He expected a nurse or one of the doctors to come in. Instead, he was graced by a sight he didn't expect.

«Ikuko» he called.

Her hair was now a light purple instead of her natural bubblegum pink, but it was impossible to mistake her. She had not changed much from their last meeting.

Her face was neutral when she greeted and gently closed the door behind herself.

For a moment he wondered why the personnel let her pass, they weren't married anymore and legally she had no right nor obligation to be by his side, but then he guessed Gran Torino might have met her or the staff kept her profile from when she was there, nine years before, when Usagi was born in that very clinic.

He had been borderline paranoid about wanting to protect his wife and newborn child, back then, so he convinced Ikuko to go there three full weeks before the due date. A good thing since Usagi came a week and a half earlier than expected.

«I didn't think you'd visit» he admitted «Not after what you said»

«I have not changed my mind. Your world is too dangerous for Usagi. But she was worried» Ikuko said «Every day she comes back from school, her first question is if you called. After, she spends the whole day between the tv and the phone, she even refuses to go out to play or have ice-cream because she has to wait to hear from or about you. And when no call comes before her bedtime, she cries herself to sleep. I can't see her like that, she doesn't deserve to be this hurt. She even asked if you didn't call because you don't love her anymore»

«Ikuko, I...»

«I know you're not going to stop, no matter what, as long as you can stand, and this, you being wounded so badly but refusing to give up - don't give me that look, I know you - this puts her in even more danger. I was almost tempted to let her believe that...» she cut herself off, like the last part slipped from her tongue, a horrible thought she should have never uttered.

No, she shouldn't have. The heart rate monitor bipped loudly at the rapid change of pace, his blue eyes gleamed.

All Might snapped, equally hurt and angry: «I always did everything, everything for her to be safe. I stayed away when you asked. I let you have the custody and give her your last name instead of mine. I never came to Juuban if not in great secret. Not even my closest collaborators know of her. All of this because I love her and I couldn't bear the idea of her be hurt because of what I do. But she's still my daughter and the thought of cutting myself off her life completely is too much...»

A coughing fit rushed from him, blood cutting his voice and airways. It was a nightmare he had to get used to, according to his doctors, even if it didn't surpass the one of his beloved baby girl thinking he didn't love her.

When it subdued splatters of red were on his scarred hands. He looked up again, half sure to see the room empty, but Ikuko was still there.

Her face had softened, which took him aback.

She offered him a tissue and sighed «I know, Toshi. That's why I decided the truth is less horrible than that lie. I want to protect her, but keeping you two apart would only hurt her more, turn her bitter and angry at you, maybe even warp her idea of Heroes, and this is not something I wish for her. She's outside, if you want to see her»

«Are you even asking?»

«Clean up, then. I'm going to call her in»

As everybody knew, All Might was extremely reserved about his personal life, even if Nighteye had learned he lived mostly for his job, so "personal life" was a relative concept.

That said, Sir Nighteye didn't know All Might had a child. Or rather, he had caught wind of something on that regard and had some pretty solid arguments in favour of it, but it was mostly a theory on his part.

Until he got to meet the child.

Ironically, it was near the end of his collaboration with the Top Hero.

She was sitting in one of the hospital chairs in the corridor, little feet clad in white socks and shiny shoes hanging up and down. She couldn't have been older than eight or nine, her golden hair tied in twin buns on the sides of her head in an almost funny way and she wore a neat pink dress over her thin frame.

Nighteye approached the child. She wasn't likely to pose any danger, the clinic had some of the best security measures, but he couldn't but wonder what was a little girl doing alone in that corridor, so he asked.

«Hello. What are you doing here, miss?»

She looked up. She had big eyes, of an azure colour the young man found familiar. Too familiar.

«Hello, sir. I'm waiting» she answered, a little smile to substitute the pout of before.

«Patience is a rare virtue» he replied back, not quite sure what to say. He's never been good with children. Or people in general.

«I didn't have to wait this long in a hospital since my baby brother was born. He's three now. It's boring here» she complained, and she reprised juggling her feet.

«Your parents are Pro Heroes»

«Can't say, sorry» she answered immediately, an automatic reflex. She was taught not to boast her status then. A wise choice.

Although useless in the current predicament: «I wasn't asking. This clinic hosts only Heroes and affiliated»

The girl looked at him with more attention and tilted her head «Are you a Hero too?»

«Currently a sidekick, if we want to indulge in technicalities» he sat beside her «I'm Sir Nighteye»

«Nice to meet you! I'm Usagi» she introduced herself. No surname, he mused. He hoped he could get whose child she was from it, even if he didn't know the real names of every Pro Hero, but he had half a mind and only needed a confirmation.

«Are you ill? You don't look ill» she prodded, looking a little worried.

«I am not. I am here to assist, if possible»

Well, when possible. Between surgeries and if All Might listened to him, which was rare as of late.

«I'm here to visit my dad» the little girl revealed «He's very hurt and mama took me here to see him»

Nighteye followed the girl's gaze towards one of the doors and realized she was staring at All Might's door room.

The conversation didn't go any forward as that very door opened and a stern-looking, pretty woman came out of it, calling for the girl, who immediately jumped down the chair. The woman threw a side-glance at the man, she likely recognized him, but the girl took her attention on herself.

«Can I see papa now?»

So he guessed right. All Might had a child, a daughter.

The woman crouched down, folding her skirt under her knees «You can, but don't be a bother. No jumping, no screaming and absolutely no crying»

Usagi's face crunched «I can't help him if I don't cry»

Nighteye looked at her. It was a pretty big hint at her quirk, if one knew them well. He started to guess which type she could be, out of professional habit but also curiosity.

«The doctors are helping him already. What he needs now is your smile. If you can't do this, we go back home»

Well, didn't that sound like a threat? Of course, All Might had a policy for always smiling, but the condition he was in could reasonably upset a child. The woman was asking too much.

«No!» Usagi shouted «I'll be good, mama, I promise. I want to see papa»

Seeming satisfied, the mother got up «Let's go then»

«The doctors said no more than one person a time» Nighteye interfered, annoyed by the woman's attitude «I understand it's bothersome, but I'm certain Usagi-san will behave. Am I correct?» he looked down at the girl's eyes, who nodded eagerly, her face graced with a thankful smile that seemed to light up the room.

Definitively All Might's daughter.

Ikuko hesitated.

«You can ask confirmation from one of the doctors, if you want» he pushed. It wasn't a lie, after all.

«No, it won't be necessary» the woman replied, then turned back to warn her daughter «Don't misbehave»

Usagi nodded again and jumped happily towards the door, some kind of elated glee in her tiny frame. Nighteye held the door for her long enough to see All Might looking towards the entrance, happier than he'd been in a long while, almost as if he wasn't in a precarious health condition, the work of a lifetime in jeopardy and he had had more arguments in that very day.

The young man let the door close, letting the private moment be.

«Sir Nighteye, I suppose» the woman addressed him, never taking her eyes from the door her daughter just disappeared into.

There were small windows in the double doors, made so the doctors could check on the patients without bothering them. Discretely, Nighteye gazed towards those, not much of a strain since he was tall and close enough to peek inside without appear inopportune.

«And you must be All Might's former partner» he replied, coldly.

«Ex-wife» she corrected in a sort of professional tone, «I thought he told you about me. I managed the Agency for a short while»

«Tsukino Ikuko» he realized «Your name was on most the plans for the Might Tower. Your personal relationship with All Might was gossiped, but ultimately kept under secrecy. Not even I was put apart of that»

There were a lot of voices, including the one about her maternity leave, but most people knew her as secretary Yagi's partner, not All Might's wife. Obviously, knowing what he did, Nighteye put the pieces together a little better than most.

«It's mostly for Usagi's sake»

«I could guess that much»

It took incredibly stupid or horrifyingly wicked Villains to try and use a Hero's partner and children against them, and unfortunately, All Might faced both types. It was only natural that he took precautions to keep them safe.

Another voice approached, followed by the quiet thump of a cane «So was that article your doing, right?»

The two turned and saw Gran Torino limping towards them. He must have heard the conversation from behind the corner.

Ikuko bowed «Gran Torino-san...»

The old man cut her off «Don't even try, girl. I know you re-married with a journalist who works for that paper. So, was it your idea?»

She straightened her back and nodded «It was. People were panicking and you know as well as I do that Toshinori would have run out no matter his own condition if that happened»

«Was your concern for him, the people, or yourself?» the old man glared.

«For my daughter» she replied strong and cold as steel.

If Gran Torino was satisfied with the answer, he didn't show «You should have never given him a child and the illusion of a family if you weren't strong enough to stay by his side»

«I know you never approved of me. I put myself aside when I understood you were right from the beginning»

«I would have never approved any relationship of his. The things he had to do couldn't be accomplished with the worry of a family to hold him back. But he loves the child more than life itself. Maybe it gave him a reason not to die»

The arrival of a doctor stopped any further discussion.

The younger Hero had followed the conversation in absolute silence. There was so much going on beyond the words said, old things he wasn't apart of and he was in no position to know. He could make some educated guesses, but nothing more.

But he had to stay quiet at the end even more, since he knew what was going to follow in the future. The grim, painful, horrible death that awaited All Might in a few years, unless he changed his path.

Nighteye turned from the two people in front of him to the door, where he saw how the little girl was asked to leave the room - she had climbed on the bed at some point -, she hugged All Might's neck with her tiny arms and left with a wave of her hand and a lovely smile. His focus went to All Might's face, who had the most genuine smile of months and a new light in his eyes, like a bit of his strength and willpower had come back.

It was astonishing, especially taking in account how depressed he had been in the last weeks, stuck in the clinic and with no one else but doctors, nurses, Gran Torino and himself to speak with.

In the meantime, Usagi had left the room and cheerfully greeted Gran Torino, who grumbled at her and didn't quite reciprocate her hug if not with an awkward pat on her shoulder. She didn't seem to mind the stiffness of the old man.

Then, unexpectedly, she turned at Nighteye and hugged him too «Thank you for taking care of my papa»

Nighteye felt a strangle in his throat. Knowing what he did, he could only pat lightly on her head, careful not to mess her hair.

What bad could it do to give a peek into her future? Maybe she was the best candidate to receive One for All, maybe All Might would change his mind if his successor was his own daughter. It'd take even more time than with a student already enrolled, but maybe, if he focused on his child, All Might would relent and retire.

So Nighteye used his Foresight.

What he saw was... unexpected, to put it mildly.

Yes, she was in a Hero outfit, he saw several actually, most of them resembling a middle school uniform, but she was thin and lean, more apt to flexibility than power. Definitively, nothing that came from One for All was in her, much to his dismay.

And then light, blinding for the second needed for the scenery to change and Usagi was now a woman with silvery hair but still young-looking, a striking vision in a white dress - her wedding day, perhaps? - and a crown rested on her hair. The man beside her was out of focus, but he was dressed in white as well and held some sort of scepter.
The pair stood on a glass-like balcony and people were cheering.

It looked like a coronation.

The vision was bound to return in his mind several times in the future, puzzling him to no end since the implications of it were harder to identify that he wanted to admit.

Until that future came, more than ten years afar, he could only watch the bright little girl walk away with her mother, wondering what would be of her in the shorter period, the six years that separated them from his most horrible prediction.